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November 15, 1972 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-15

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Wednesday, November 15,'l 972

rage :~1x tHE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 1 5, 1 972

Unusual art, works
brighten, An gel1 Hall
By JUDY STASCHOVER taken before 1915. A third, thought
Harried students waiting in lines to have been taken in 1877, cap-
to make counseling appointments tures students relaxing near State
no longer face barren Angell Hall Street.
walls. The counseling wing has Another feature in the hall is a
undergone extensive remodeling lithograph "Lunar Constellation,"s
this term with money donated by designed by art Prof. Emil Wed-
the Class of 1946. dige.
The most unusual additions are In addition to the four art works,
the three wall size photographs walls, doors, radiators and pipesi
which depict early 20th century have been painted in bright colors.
University scenes. The . pictures, And if funds can be located, theI
chosen from a collection in Rack- area will be carpeted.
ham Hall, were enlarged from Pat Ludlow, president of the4
their original eight inch by 11 inch Class of 1946 and literary college
size to ten feet by ten feet and Dean Frank Rhodes are primarilyz
reproduced by a silk screen tech- responsible for the redecorationI
nique. effort. Ludlow, who wanted to pre-
The enlarged black and white sent something special to the Uni-1
photos were then embalmed to versity for the class' 25th anniver-s
wallpaper and coated with acrylic., sary, followed Rhodes' suggestion
One picture is a view of a bare to remodel the counseling area.
State Street taken in the Spring The project cost nearly $2,400 sot
of 1916. A second shows a man far, and Ludlow is still contactingz
sauntering down a shaded path. members of the class to contribute
The photograph was probably money.
Junior year in France:
It's not all hard work
By DEBBIE PASTORIA been working in conjunction with
Skiing in the French Alps, sail- the University of Wisconsin to
ing on the Mediterranean or just' send 25 students from both univer-
lolling on its beaches, touring the sities to Aix," explained Prof. Hans
French countryside, resting in a Fabian, assistant dean in charge
comfortable room for $20 a month of study abroad.
complete with weekly maid service. To qualify, students must fill the
No, this isn't an ad from your two year French requirement, have
local travel agency for "Summer a three point average or better,
in Europe." It's an offer to stu- good recommendations, and take a
dents interested in spending their written achievement test and per-
junior year in France at the Uni- sonal interview.
versity of Aix-en-Provence from There are many comparisons be-
the University Studies Abroad Of- tween Aix and the University.
fice. Credits are transferable, tuition is
"Since 1960, the University has , ust about the same- housinL is


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
409 E. Jefferson, before 2 p.m. of
the day preceding publication and
by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and
Sunday. Items appear once only;

Powers of Ten," UGLI Multipurpose,
Rm., 4 pm.
Student Lab Theatre: Hellman's "The
Little Foxes," Act III; Gurney's "The
Golden Fleece," Frieze Arena, 4:10 pm.
History of Art: C. Barnes, Oakland
Univ., "Medieval Construction & the
'Cult of Carts'," Aud. D. Angell Hall,
4:10 pm.

International LawSociety: S. Nelson
DAY CALENDAR & H. Russell, U. S. State Dept., "The
Two Germanys-Moving Toward Unity,
Psychiatry Lecture: D. W. Botaian. D. United Nation's Membership & Mutual
Gilmore. P. Hassen. M. Lampe, "Drug Force Reductions," Lawyers C 1 u b
Abuse in Washtenaw County: Com- Lounge, 6:45 pm.
munity Response," 'lPH Aud..10:15,

l uli X zN 1. 1; 1. .l , 1 .1
Commission for Women: Homer
Heath Lounge, Mi. Union, 11 am.
Anatomy Seminar: Y. Kim, Student,
4804 Med. Sci. II, 1:10 pmn.
Computing Ctr: G. Pirkola, "Hod to
Use the New File-sharing Capability in
MTS," Seminar Rm., Comp: Ctr., 3 pm.
Dental Sch. & Dental Res. Inst.: G.
Dass. Purdue, "Cellular Aspects of Re-
generation in the Developing Brain of
Mammals," 1033 Sch. of Dent., 4 pm.
Botany Seminar: D. Levin, Univ. of
Texas. "Genetic Heterozygosity & Pro-
tein Polymorphism in Oenothera Bien-,
nis," Botanical Gardens Aud., 4 pm.
Statistics Seminar: M. Perlman. Univ.-
of Minn., "Probability Inequalities for
Convex Symmetric Sets-Applications of
the Brumm-Minkowski Inequality to
Multivariate Analysis," 3227 Angell Hall,
4 pm.

Computing Ctr: Films: "Basic Use of
the IBM 029 Card Punch," 7 pm.; "Ad-
vanced Use of the IBM 029 Card
Punch," 7:30 pm.; "Use of the Tele-
type in MTS," 8 pm.; Aud. D, Angell
Computing Ctr: W. S. Gerstenberger.
"Advanced I/0 Usage in MTS," Semi-
narRm., Comp. Ctr., 7:30 pm.
ENACT Meeting: 2051 Nat. Sci., 7:30
Ctr. for Cont. Education for Women:
G. T.Parker, president, Bennington
College, "Feminisn & Romanticism:
You Are What You Read," Rackham
Amph., 8 pm.
Grad Coffee Hour: East Conference
Rm., Rackham, 8 pm.
School of Music: Japanese Music, W.
Malm, director, Rackham Aud., 8 pm.
University Players: Brecht's "Mother
Courage," Power Ctr., 8 pm.

------- - ----------
Erntest Ellis E
Hopwood Award Winner and Author of
"There Lies A Tale"
at 7:30 p.m.
THURSDAY, November 16
in the Ugli Multipurpose Room

downtown -
on the campus
in the parish
in the office
building bridges
working with
the young and old
spreading the
Christian spirit,

The Paulists are helping to build the earth.

American priests
on the move
North America.
For more information write:
Father Donald C. Campbell,
Room 101.



Psych. 171 Film Series: "American Rive Gauche: Slides on Spain, 1024
Time Capsule: Why Man Creates?: Hill St., 9 pm.


A star is
born: Out

j'Jb lU l LM blI, IU b g 1
provided, but divided between men
and women, and many American
students attend both. The major
difference is that at Aix, all lec-
tures are given in French.
Housing costs $20 a month pro-
viding everyone with a single
room. Food is supplied through four
university restaurants at a cost of
$.40 a meal (thanks to French
government subsidy). Apartments
are available, but to women only.

of sight

Some of the American students
(Reuters)-What did it mean? felt it was quite difficult to meet
The burst of energy, cataclysmic French students. The best way to
though it was, did not come in the meet French students, said Joseph
same league as a supernova-an Hansen, '74, another Aix student,
exploding star. is to get involved in activities. He
But could it be the birth throes joined folk dancing and was one
of a new star, a great thrashing of. four Americans who traveled
about of gases and particles try- with the dance group to Lyon, a
ing to find some sort of shape? large city near Paris, to give a
.itpaid performance.

aomewnere ouri m e cosmos,
near the edge of our own Milky
Way, a new star is in the making.
Or it might be dying. Or it may be
something entirely different.

The chance to travel is probably
one of the greatest assets of the
junior year in France. "I went to
Morocco, Scandinavia, Greece,

Whatever it may be, it is far out. Italy . . . I covered just about
Indeedout of sight. Only through the ad- every country in Western Europe,"
vance technology of a radio tele- recalled Hansen.
scope can it be sensed. But deep There is no semester break at
within all of us we know that Aix but the students get many
Cygnus X-3, its name, is there,!holidays off including Christmas,
even if it is 28,000 light yearsh ysg
away. Mardi Gras, Easter and other re-


For six years Cygnus X-3 was a
relative nothing, a source of rou-
tine energy waves. But then on
Sept. 2 it became of age.
And with it, a new star was

ligious holidays.
A two day ski trip to the French
Alps costs about $20-$25. Hansen
estimates that he spent $400 on
traveling, which includes sou-
veniers and food on the road.

Warm, Heavy,
Dry, Neat,
O f

49 O z Iwt h \AWITH -4 mI PC)N . 22U 0' wt. \AIITH crril lNcu -46 fl. oz. can u


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