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November 12, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-12

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H a wkeyeb,


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See Editorial Page



Ag I

High- r
See today . .. for details


Vol. LXXXIII, No. 58

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 12, 1972

Ten Cents Eight Pages

today... I
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY


Hij acked





Happenings .. .
...sup at a People's Buffet at the Rubaiyat today from 3 to
5 p.m. The cost is a dollar, and proceeds will go to the Free
People's Clinic . . . browse around at the University Press book
sale today and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Press is
located at 615 E. University . . . make room on your shelves for
the books you buy by donating used books and magazines to the
Project Outreach Book Drive. Call 764-9279 if you have some-
thing to give . . . listen to Lyn Marcus, chairman of the Na-
tional Caucus of Labor Committees speak on "Zero Growth: The
Political Economy of Fascism" tonight at 7:30 in the Union
Assembly Hall . . . tomorrow Ellen. Frankfort, author of "Va-
ginal Politics" will discuss her book at Border's Book Shop, from
3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Court rejects investigation
LANSING-The State Supreme Court has refused to investi-
gate the unprecedented and mysterious proceedings which kept
Detroit's voting precincts open until after 9:40 p.m. Tuesday. The
court rejected a motion by Justice Eugene Black that it call for
certified copies of the proceedings in Wayne Circuit Court and
the state's Court of Appeals-proceedings which resulted in poll
lines staying open past the legal 8 p.m. cutoff of newcomers, and
then ruling a reversal of that at 9:15 by a special appeals court
Vets protest
ALPENA-A small group of Vietnam war veterans yester-
day ended a two-day action protesting Tuesday's defeat of Pro-
posal E, which would have permitted the state to borrow $226
million to pay for bonuses for veterans. The veterans vowed
however to carry the demonstration to Lansing. The protest be-
gan Thursday night as veterans carried lighted candles and
draped their old uniforms and combat medals on utility poles.
O'Brien drops a hint?
WASHINGTON-Lawrence O'Brien, who twice served as
chairman of the Democratic party, said yesterday he might be
available for another term at the party helm, if chairwoman
Jean Westwood leaves the job. Westwood, Sen. George McGov-
ern's hand-picked head of the Democratic National Committee
has said flatly she intends to keep the post. O'Brien said he as-
sumes Westwood will seek a vote of confidence next month at the
meeting of the Democratic National Committee. Several long-
term party members, however, have already called for her
Report from Russia
MOSCOW-A clandestine group of amateur journalists who
compile the Chronicle of Currents Events have again defeated
a security police drive to suppress the publication. The Chronicle,
an underground report on the fate of Soviet political dissenters,
reached foreign correspondents this week. The latest issue, the
27th to appear since it was launched in 1968, says 12 political
trials have been held in the Ukraine in recent months. It also
updates its running list of political prisoners, records police
searches, and digests protest letters to authorities.
Pigeon control
PARIS-Birth control may be in the offing for the pigeons of
Paris. Officials said yesterday the city's 400,000 pigeons may
soon be fed a contraceptive diet of corn and an ovulation-prevent-
ing chemical in an effort to reduce problems of noise, hygiene
and dirt.
Mice, not men?
SACRAMENTO, Calif.-The Great Giftwrapped Mouse Caper
had California's Capitol in a tizzy Friday. Five women who
say they don't believe in women's liberation delivered live white
mice in ribbon-wrapped boxes to 28 state senators. "This is our
way of saying you're mice, not men" for voting to ratify the
equal rights amendment to the U.S. Constitution, said Gloria
Macklin. The all-male California Senate voted 28-9 on Thursday
to pass the amendment. State police took the women and as
many mouse boxes as they could find to headquarters and tried
to figure out what to do. The women were released after about
half an hour with no charges filed.

By the AP, UPI and Reuters
After 29 hours at the controls, an exhausted pilot safely
landed his crippled jetliner in Cuba early today with his co-
pilot wounded, possibly dead, and the three hijackers holding
their guns on the 30 persons aboard, authorities said.
A Federal Aviation Administration spokesman said the
Southern Airways DC9, several of its - tires shot out by FBI
marksmen as it left Orlando, Fla., and its oil situation "ex-
tremely critical," put down safely at Jose Marti Airport in
Havana for the second time in less than 12 hours, at 12:32
a.m. EST, in the latest act of an airborne drama that took
it from Alabama to Canada and a string of other cities since
the sky pirates took over Friday night.
Havana radio reported that passengers were being led
off, but not the hijackers.
The hijackers circled the Florida'

Keys late last night, demanding to
be hooked by radio with President
Nixon at his bayside retreat in Key
There was no reply from Nixon,
but Transportation Secretary John
Volpe was heard trying to reach
the hijackers on Nixon's behalf.
However, he was unable to es-
tablish radio contact.
At McCoy, John Meacham, di-
rector of aviation, said sparks flew

Bond to
speak at
Hill Aund.


Daly Photo by TERRY McCARTHY
SThe 'Du e'
Duke Ellington, famed composer, writer, and musician, performs last night before a crowd in Hill Aud. in a special benefit concert for
the University Musical Society.

from one of the plane's engines as Julian Bond, the controversial
it roared away. But Southern offi- young Georgia state legislator and
cials said the engine was still social activist, will speak at Hill
functioning. Aud. Tuesday at 8 p.m.
The plane had gone to Cuba ear- The University's Council for
lier in the day in one of its many Black Concerns is sponsoring Bond
stops, but the hijackers failed in as part of a series of guest speak-
negotiations to secure asylum ers, which has already included
from Cuban officials. black political comedian Dick
According to Reuter correspon- Gregory.
dents in Havana, Cuban President Bond first gained national prom-
Fidel Castro himself went to the inence in 1966, when he was denied
airport during the earlier visit at a seat in the Georgia House of
the demands of the hijackers. Representatives because of his
But Castro failed to speak to the statements on the Vietnam war.
hijackers because they demanded After winning a second election, he
that he go aboard the plane. was again denied admittance to the
The marathon hijack began at legislative body.
8:22 p.m. EST Friday night when Upon a third election, a unani-
the three fugitives from the law mous U.S. Supreme Court decision
took over the two-engine plane enabled Bond to finally take his
as it left Birmingham, Ala., forI seat.
Montgomery, Ala., and Florida. Before running for public office,
In the space of a little more than Bond was active in the Student
a day, the jetliner touched down Nonviolent Coordinating Commit-
in three countries and six U. S. ci- tee, which he helped to found in
ties; it circled two other American 1960. In this capacity he was a
cities. i ukey worker in civil rights drives
Itandin late Saturday and voter registration campaigns
afternoon, spent two hours on the 1throughout the South.
ground in Havana, then returned to In 1968, Bond became the first
the United States-still carrying black to be nominated at the
the hijackers, the 26 passengers Democratic National Convention in
and the original four crew mem- Chicago for the vice presidency of
bers, along with the undisclosed the United States.
amount of money and bullet-proof Tickets for Bond's speech are
vests placed aboard the jet at on sale at Hill Aud. and the Union
Chattanooga, Tenn. at $1.50 for students and $2.00 for
Landing twice in Florida, they non-students.
ordered the plane refueled and Bond has described the consti-
called for trans-Atlantic naviga- tuents of the "new politics" as
tional charts. urban militants, campus rebels,
The hijackers, who gave no rea- small farmers who refuse to pay
son for their actions, once threat- rents, welfare people, housewives
ened to bomb or crash the plane who are tired of rising prices and
into the Atomic Energy Commis- "high school students who want to
sion nuclear facility at Oak Ridge, wear their hair more than one inch
Tenn. long."





cease fire,


By the AP, UPI and Reuters
President Nugyen Van
Thieu told White House peace en-
voy Gen. Alexander Haig that Sai-
gon would not oppose any U.S.
move to win release of U.S. war
prisonerseven if it meant Wash-
ington had to sign a bilateral
cease-fire accord with Hanoi, Viet-
namese sources said yesterday.
The sources also said Haig de-
livered a letter to Thieu from
President Nixon containing assur-
ances. that the Hanoi-Washington
draft treaty does not impose a
coalition with the Communists on
South Vietnam.
The letter, according to the
sources, urged Thieu to "recognize
the trends of peace in the world."
Meanwhile the Paris newspaper
France-Soir, in a dispatch from
Saigon, said yesterday that South
Vietnam has agreed to sign the
cease-fire agreement with the com-

Duc Tho, is
future after

expected in the near ditional American military aid to southern panhandle int
a North Vietnamese Cambodia in advance of a cease- weeks that its northern
confirmed yesterday fire. has been off limits to

the three
U.S. air

^ nn rntiirn to TJ ric

Tio wouui soonIreturnit ais. A U.S. Embassy spokesman;
Meanwhile, Haig flew to Cam- characterized Haig's talks with'
bodia today for talks with Presi- Thieu as "cordial and construc-
dent Lon Nol. tive," but would not elaborate.
Haig made no statement to news-


strikes, U.S. military sources said
The White House today awaited
a letter from Saigon and a report
from its special envoy that might
indicate a resumption soon of ne-
gotiations leading to a cease-fire
in Vietnam.

On the inside..
ON the Editorial Page, read what makes Alan Harris,
defeated Conservative Party candidate for state rep, tick
a recent John Denver album is reviewed on the Arts
Page . . . the inimitable sports writers dissect Michigan's
triumph over Iowa on Page 7.
The weather picture
Weather watchers see clouds, clouds and more clouds
today and tomorrow, and worse yet, hint at rain tomor-
row. Temperatures may reach 45 or sink to 36 today. One
observer noted that the sun has not been seen since Tues-
day . .. could we be in for Four More Years?

The newspaper reported the sign-
ing would probably come sometime
before Nov. 20 and said Washing-
ton has placed before Thieu the
choice of waging the war alone or
signing the accord.
A new round of secret talks be-
tween President Nixon's special
adviser, Henry Kissinger, and top
North Vietnamese negotiator, Le

Pres. Thieu
Haig's unannounced trip to
Phnom Penh coincides with a dis-
closure by U.S. officials that the
proposed peace package has been'
broadened by the United States to;
include millions of dollars of ad-

While Haig was holding his meet-
ing with Thieu yesterday, U.S. of-
ficials disclosed that the United
States had begun a crash military
aid program to Cambodia, similar1
to the program for the South Viet-
namese armed forces.
Scores of U.S. military and com-
mercially chartered transports
poured into Saigon's Tan Son Nhut
air base and the Phnom Penh air
base carrying hundreds of tons of
war materials for the South Viet-
namese and Cambodians.
In the war, the North Vietnamese
shot down three Navy A7 bombers,
inflicting the heaviest 24-hour
planesloss in the north in three
months, the U.S. Command an-
nounced. Two pilots were reported
rescued and one was missing.
In South Vietnam, 35 rounds of
big 122mm rockets hit Bien Hoa
Air Base, 15 miles northwest of
Saigon. The base is one of the
major points of arrival for stepped
up shipments of supplies and
equipment in anticipation of a'
cease-fire agreement that would
restrict American military aid.
Casualties from the two rocket
barrages early today were reported
as three Vietnamese children kill-
ed, and seven Vietnamese air force
men and four civilian women
wounded. Military sources said
eight U.S. servicemen were injured
slightly in the scramble for bunk-
Field reports said.one South Viet-
namese F5 jet was destroyed, a
transport plane was damaged, and


WASHINGTON UP) - The 1972 election re-
sults, which gave new evidence of the
growth of the two-party system in the South,
have diminished further the power of Dixie
Democrats in the Senate.
The Southerners lost only one of their
Senate committee chairmanships as a result
of the voting. They will head eight of the 17
nanels in the new Congress including most of

Dems lose S
cratic spot on most panels and ready to take
over when the chairman died, retired or was
The ranks of the Southern Democrats were
thinned again last Tuesday with the elec-
tion of Republicans in Virginia and North
In Virginia, Rep. William Spong, after
serving only one term, lost to Rep. William

Wolverine Flying Club: Learn
to jet yourself anywhere

enate grip
For decades the custom in solidly Demo-
cratic South had been to send young men to
the Senate and keep them there so that they
rose to powerful positions through the sen-
iority route.
Northern Democrats, coming from highly
competitive states, found it hard to acquire
enough seniority to break into this system.
Some Democrats from western states pil-

Feel like flying to the Bahamas during spring
break? For $700 and 40 hours of practice, the
pleasure can be yours.
No, TWA hasn't tripled its fare. For that
cost, the Wolverine Flying Club offers a private
flying license and access to its four planes.
The $700 amounts to about half of what you

hours in the air to get a student license, which
allows you to fly solo."
To carry passengers, however, the, student
must receive a private license. This could take
from three to eight months, again depending on
personal drive.
Besides offering lessons and experience, the
club participates in frequent flying meets. Con-


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