See Editorial Page
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See today ... for details
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 51
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 4, 1972
Ten Cents Ten Pages
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Trotter House opens
If you've been holding your breath in anticipation of the
Trotter House grand opening, you've probably died by now. But
if you're still alive and mildly curious, you'll be pleased to know
the all-new Trotter House is opening its doors today to black
students interested in checking the place out. The new house,
located at 1443 Washtenaw, will serve as a center for black
social and cultural activities. It will also house satellite offices
of various black interest groups on campus. T. R. Harrison,
director of the house, says he's expecting lots of people to show
up, so don't disappoint him.
Proposals poll
Abortion reform seems doomed in the state, at least if you
care to trust the Detroit New;. A News poll yesterday shows 54
per cent of those questioned against Proposal B, 42 per cent in
favor, and four per cent undecided. Other things the state's
populace are expected to vote against include both tax proposals,
C and D on your ballot. This would do away with the property
tax as the main funding for public education, but would refuse
to lift a state ban on graduated income taxes. The closest race
appears to be the one on when to set your watches, as the News
reports 52 per cent in favor, of joining the rest of the country
with Daylight Savings Time and 45 per cent opposed, with three
per cent undecided.
'Stop the voting'?!
Two more people have drowned in the wake of the Watergate
affair. Richard Levy and Ann Reynis, both grad students, lost a
bid in court yesterday to have the presidential election here
halted until details of the Watergate affair are aired and charges
against the Republicans settled. The two claim they "couldn't
make an itelligent vote" Tuesday without further knowledge.
Even before U.S. District Judge Cornelia Kennedy denied the
attempt, the two said they wouldn't "bet a buck" on their
chances. Reynis and Levy are now looking for free legal help
to continue the case. "Just think if we did win," said Levy.
"After all, politics and the ridiculous do go together."
... A coalition of political groups is sponoring a peace rally
in Detroit, starting at 1 p.m. at Kennedy Square. The idea is to
support the Provisional Revolutionary Government's 16-month-old
seven point peace plan, which calls for the United States to set a
date for total withdrawal and end its support of the Thieu gpv-
ernment. Demonstrators plan to hold protests at the Federal
Bldg., the Free Press and the Detroit News. They say the two
papers have "ignored" the peace plan. . . . If you're into the
growing nostalgia trend, check out Forgotten Works, a sale of
clothes and articles spanning almost a century-"assorted wierd-
ness from the past," say their ads. Being held today and
tomorrow, 9-6, in Antique Village behind the Farmer's Market
... If all else fails you could go to the UGLI and study for your
Papoon for Pres.
ROCHESTER-George Washington Papoon, the National
Surrealist Light People's Party presidential candidate, made an
impressive campaign stop at the Rochester Institute of Tech-
nology yesterday, reports our woman in New York. Papoon,
wearing a pink carnation in his buttonhole, told the crowd "I
stand for honesty and integrity." He also said he favors a ten
per cent cut in all politician's salaries but the President's and
imprisonment for all children. "I say today's child is tomorrow's
thief. Lock them up before they steal." Papoon's platform also
includes a return to the horse and buggy and the U.S. leaving
Vietnam immediately and going "north, south, east, and west."
McGovern on Nixon peace
CHICAGO-Candidate .George McGovern charged last night
that President Nixon's peace promise is a trick to get votes in
next Tuesday's election.
In his toughest speech of the campaign, McGovern told a
nationwide television audience that Nixon has "created an
illusion of peace" and deceived the American people.
McGovern accused Nixon of "a cool political deception
during the period of negotiations with North Vietnam during the
past several weeks.
McGovern admitted that the language he was using was
blunt, but he said'he did not really care whether the blunt words
woud help him or hurt him in the election-since he said his
main goal is getting a peace in South Vietnam now.
On the insideI.
The Daily presents pre-election weekend rush of en-
dorsements on the Editorial Page, including our views on
the Circuit Court, State Supreme Court, county commis-
sioner and county prosecutor races . . . Daily sports writer
Mark Ronan sets the stage for the Wolverines' clash with
the Indiana Hoosiers today, and results of the team's first
hockey game this season are reported, both on Page 11 .. ,
Arts Editor Gloria Jane Smith reviews the Phil Ochs
concert on Page 3.
The weather picture
You can get an excellent forecast from yesterday's j
today, because today's report is for more of the same-
overcast skies with a 20 per cent chance of rain and winds
from the southeast at about 7 mph. Tomorrow's weather
can best be typified as "continued cruddy."
Con gress:
Daily News Analysis
One of the biggest questions to be resolv-
ed on Election Day will be the composition
of Congress. Richard Nixon has long com-
plained about the lack of cooperation he
has gotten from the current Democrat-
controlled legislature. With a GOP majority
he feels he can push through "meaningful
But even though a Nixon victory is ex-
pected, few observers predict that the Re-+
publicans will gain a Congressional ma-
The Republicans, however, have made
close battles out of a number of Southern
races. If the GOP can win most of these
contests, the battle for partisan control
of the House and Senate could be a close 7
The net result of a Republican majority
in Congress, however, is likely to reflect
little if any change in the actual voting
makeup of the legislature.
Most of the hotly-contested Southern
seats are now controlled by Dixiecrats,
whose votes generally coincide with the
wishes of the Nixon Administration al-
Such a majority would be of marginal
assistance to Nixon at best. More likely, the
ouster of several Southern "senior mem-
bers" of Congress would essentially mean
a realignment in Senate and House com-
mittee structure.
If the GOP won a Congressional ma-
jority and committees were revamped to
include more Republicans, the effect on
Nixon might in fact be damaging. Instead
of having conservative Democrats whose
Dems Il
votes he could count on, Nixon would be
faced with a new committee structure,
.headed primarily by the more senior, and
more liberal, Northern Republicans.
Nixon does not want to lose his influence
on Congressional committees. To assure
that he keeps it, the administration has
been taking quiet steps to aid the re-
election of some Southern Dems.
For example, Nixon has been tactily sup-
porting the campaign of Mississippi Sen.
James Eastland. Eastland, a Democrat,
serves as head of the Senate Judiciary
Committee - a position in which he gave
support to all of Nixon's Supreme Court
nominees and backed Nixon in the Interna-
tional Telephone and Telegraph antitrust
Nixon himself seems to assign little im-
See WILL, Page 7
President Nixon
Sen. Eastland
U.S. advisers
SGC eeions
to stay on
after pact
By AP, Reuters and UPI
The U n i t e d States has
drafted plans for a military
advisory group of American
3ivilians to remain in South
Vietnam after all U.S. troops
are withdrawn, Defense De-
partment sources said yester-
Only partial results have been returned for this week's
all-campus elections due to sticker and ballot numbers that
simply "don't match up" on computer cards, according to
Elections Director Victor Gutman.
Included in the initial returns are University Housing
Council, Public Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIR-
GIM), Board for Publications, and Rackham election results
along with results of most referenda. First page ballots re-
sults have been delayed by the new computer complications.
The problem which caused all the ballots to be rejected
by the North Campus computers, will be corrected when the
programmer checks the system sometime today.
"All this is something that could be expected in a new
---_ -------- - "-- program," s a y s Gutman..
St udents
pcket at
city school
150 local students, angered over
a new discipline code, picketed
Tappan Junior High School yester-
day morning. The code was adopt-
ed by the Ann Arbor Board of
Education Wednesday.
Heidi Lucken, a group spokes-
person, said they were striking
because "the policy was set up
The code outlines what the board
considers infractions of school reg-
ulations and punitive actions that
should be taken against offenders.
The policy is aimed at eliminat-
ing the violence, theft and dis-
ruptive school atmosphere that has
plagued the Ann Arbor school sys-
tem in past years, according to
the board.
The students, however, feel the
policy is repressive and was un-
fairly devised, since students werej
not consulted in the actual writing
of the document.
Leonard Sklar, one of the strike
leaders, called the policy "just
an all-out punitive attempt to keep
everyone in line."
He demanded that the present
policy be rejected and a new one
drawn up by a board composed of
50 per cent students, 25 per cent
faculty and administrators and 25'
per cent community residents.
See STUDENTS, Page 12
"There have been no prob-
lems in the last few years be-'
cause the program's been;
"This points to nothing more
than ironing out bugs," he added.
Results from the second page of t
the ballots were tabulated, how-
ever, for the following races:
COUNCIL: Roger Mason of the Jack Anderson, the Pulitzer Prize
Integrity (Int.) Party won presi- During his speech, Anderson atta
dency on the Council with 866 story, Page 12).
votes, defeating Responsible Alter- -
native Party (RAP) candidateH
Matthew Hoffman, with 551 votes. RENNER, HARRIS
District representatives' seats
went to Toni Broughton (Int.) for
South Quad, Pat Richardson (RA-
P) for Bursley, Candice Massey on ser
(Int.) for Markley, Lura Harri-
son (Int.) for East Quad, Mark
Share (RAP) for the Hill District,
Art Nishioka (Independent) for
the Campus District, Ian Modelski b
(RAP) for Married Student Hous-
ing, and Mat Dunaskiss (RAP) for
Baits. EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is]
-PIRIM BARD F DIEC- the first of two articles examining
-PIRGIM BOARD OF DIREC- the state representative race. To-
TORS: The five open seats went to day's story concerns the right end
Joan Anderson of the Action Re- of the spectrum-Republican Mike
search Coalition (ARC), Alan Sil- Renner and Conservative party
verman (ARC), Bill Myers (ARC), e
Dave Boyer (ARC), and Bowen [By CHRIS PARKS
Alpern (Int.) Daily News Analysis
-B 0 A R D FOR PUBLICA- If it wasn't for Alan Harris, Mike'
TIONS: Henry Younger (Int.) won Renner would likely be the front
the only open seat on the board. runner in this year's state repre-
-RACKHAM MEMBERS: Seats sentative race.
went to Horace Lee Jr. (Int.) for His neatly-packaged, well-financ-
Biological Science, Priscilla Smith ed campaign has been the product
(Int.) for Education, John Koza of a new GOP strategy for sur-
(Int.) for Physical Science and En- vival in this increasingly liberal
gineering. city.
Representatives for Social Sci- Over a year ago, local Republi-
ences and Humanities Depart- cans came to the realization that
ment, to be chosen from write-in the student vote had brought with
candidates, are still undetermined. it the necessity of a youth-oriented
-SGC G O V E R N M E N T face-lift and a more moderate line
See ALL-CAMPUS, Page 12 on issues students are supposed to
naret.UL t' Jut . abrtio " n "n t
Jack the giant killer
winning journalist, strikes a unique pose at Hill Aud. last night.
cked the Nixon administration and government secrecy. (See related
vative vote split
The proposed peace agreement,
negotiated but still unsigned by
Washington and Hanoi, calls for the
withdrawal of all U.S. forces from
Vietnam within 60 days of cease-
fire. There is no known provision
regarding U.S. civilians.
The scope of the program isn't
k n o w n, but informants said the
framework would be similar to that
in Laos, where the United States
has been fighting a so-called secret
war for 10 years while barred from
overt military participation by the
1962 Geneva agreements.
U.S. military sources said the
advisers would be employed by
civilian firms under contract either
to the U.S. defense or state depart-
ments. They would be on the order
of Air America, the charter air-
line that the U.S. Central Intelli-
gence Agency finances in Laos.
Meanwhile, in anticipation that
an agreement may be signed soon,
the Nixon administration is rush-
ing millions of dollars worth of
military equipment i n t o South
I Vietnam.
Taiwan, South Korea and Iran
are providing F-5 jet fighters as
part of the crash program to beef
up the Saigon government's mili-
tary position.
President Nixon, campaigning in
Illinois, yesterday repeated the
stand he outlined in a televised
speech Thursday night that am-
biguities must be eliminated from
the cease-fire draft to prevent a
breakdown of a peace settlement
and a resumption of the war.
Hanoi responded yesterday,
charging that Nixon's speech show-
ed "The U.S. government really
wants to sabotage the draft peace
rep ca ndidates
logical conservatives currently form and state financing of public
dominating the GOP's campus af- schools, in a pitch aimed at at-
filiate, College Republicans. tracting the votes of old-line con-
Rather than moving the party servative Republicans, anti-abor-
leftward, these new Republicans tion Catholics and Wallace Demo-
have been pushing it to the right. crats.
Many of them supported the chal- Some 20 precincts where past,
lenge of conservative congressman election returns have shown strong
John Ashbrook in the GOP presi- conservative sentiment have been
dential primary. selected by Harris workers for
In public appearances, literature
and advertisements, Harris has.
attacked Renner as basically no'
different from his Democratic and
Human Rights Party opponents.
He has hit Renner for supporting
marijuana legalization, abortion re-
special attention. A thorough door- agreement in order to prolongthe
to-door canvass has been carried war."
out, and a last minute blitz is in No additional talks are set, and
the works. it is likely that new talks will not
How well he can expect to do occur until after the Nov. 7 Pres-
remains, unclear. Estimates gen- idential election, Reuters reported
See HARRIS, Page 7 yesterday.
Four Circuit Court candidates
stress liberal stance on issues
Selling of the senators,
It is "Michigan's Muscle" ver-
sus "a man who will speak for
you" in the state race for U.S. Sen-
ate this year. At least, that is
what the media campaigns of Re-
publican Senator Robert Griffin
and his Democratic opponent Atty.
(Gen Frank Kellev wnuld have ynu
people may not like all of Grif-
fin's votes, but at least they know:
where he stands, whereas they are
not sure where Kelley stands on
the issues.
Kelley's advertising has attempt-
ed to emphasize his record as state
attorney general, along with such
issues as the war, national health
i Ca C UV~tut g6, uetuutta,
the environment.
The first good example of this,
new strategy came last spring with
the Renner-managed city council'
campaign of Tom Burnham.
Burnham was buried in the HRP
landslide, but Renner emerged as'
the GOP's fresh young face for the
state representative contest.
With the strong support of the!
local establishment and a $4,000I
bankroll from the state party,
Renner proceeded the same way
he had with Burnham, only better.
His campaign has been low key,
his emphasis on safe issues such
as imnroving the environment. re-
These non-partisan adjectives are
typically the campaign promises
of hopeful judicial candidates.
Instead the current field of can-
didates for Washtenaw County Cir-
cuit Court are pushing their liberal
images like their jobs depended
on it. And since students now form
the largest voting block in the
county, the candidates could be
Judges Patrick Conlin. Edward
A round-up of the various can- load more evenly among judges.
didates' positions on these issues Deake also pledges to hold man-
since the August primaries in- datory pretrial hearings in all
cludes: criminal cases, recommend the de-
-15th District Court Judge San- criminalization of minor traffic
dorf Elden, notorious for his con-; offenses, and work for the forma-
troversial decision to throw out :ion of a halfway house for juvenile
the local five dollar fine for mari- offenders.
juana possession, has made his -=14th District Court Judge Pat-
decision a major campaign issue. rick Conlin, the youngest candidate
In front of student audiences a in the race, has already instituted
week ago, Elden said he endorsed a bail-bonding program recom-
the abortion reform referendum. mended by the County Bar Asso-
Also. Elden said he favors over- I ciation. Conlin is opposed to vic-