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November 01, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-11-01

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to day,





See Editorial Page



For details, see today,..

Vol. LXXXlII, No. 48

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 1, 1972

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
The go's bookcase
What does a governor put on his bookshelf? If you're Gover-
nor William Milliken it's books on history, the State of Michi-
gan ,"The Sophisticated Poll Watchers Guide" by George Gal-
lup, "0 Congress" by Congressman Donald Riegle (R-Mich.)
and a biography on Huey Long. He also has three elephants scat-
tered around his office on the second floor of the capitol build-
ing. Milliken spread the elephant motif to a tie he wore during
a press conference with college editors from around the state
yesterday. Milliken urged passage of Proposition C to eliminate
the property tax as the base for school funding, but said he op-
posed Proposition D, which would lift the constitutional ban on
a graduated income tax. Milliken also expressed support for
Proposition B, the abortion reform referendum.
Finally finished
If you want to go to Chicago don't leave till Thursday. By
then the last 18 mile stretch of I-94 will be finally finished and
open to traffic. The completion will make the expressway a
straight non-stop, toll-free road saving motorists at least 25 min-
utes driving time, 10 miles, and $1.40 in road tolls. You can now
visit the fun city of Mayor Daley fast and for free.
Leary has a home (maybe)
LSD freak Timothy Leary still has a country to call his own-
for a while. The Swiss government was going to throw him out
yesterday but has kindly allowed him to stay for two more
months. During that time th Justice Ministry will rule on Leary's
appeal for permission to stay in Switzerland. The Swiss really
don't want him. The U.S. government however really does want
him. Leary still has a ten year jail term to finish.
Happenings .. .
Rev. William Sloane Coffin, just back from Hanoi, will
meet with students tomorrow at 12:15, Wesley Foundation, cor-
ner State and Huron (bring lunch) 3:00 at the Children's Psychia-
tric Hospital, and at 8:00 at the First Presbyterian Church at
1432 Washtenaw . . . Phil Ochs in a benefit for McGovern. 8:30
at the Power Center $2.00 . . . Want to go to law school? The
director of admissions for the University law school will talk
about admissions policy tomorrow night In Aud. B at 7:30 .. .
Dr. Johan Eliot of the Dept. of Public Health and the population
research center will speak on "Abortion: Why Proposal B" and
birth control, Wednesday, 7:30, Betsy Barbour Lounge.
Poli Sci notes
Your Poli Sci profs will have to do a little more work from
now on. All department members are expected to counsel un-
dergraduates. The counselors will be grouped in their fields
of specialty so students can choose a counselor who can give
them help in specific areas. Other changes in the department
include a new Honors Program. For more info call the Under-
graduate Political Science Association at 763-2227.
Election muck revisited
+ Yesterday we reported that someone called The Daily and
cancelled an HRP ad for Steve Burghardt. Well, the politically
motivated person had much more nerve than that. Our ad staff
reports that a short .woman with glasses and short dark hair
came in to The Daily with a forged receipt for $130. This woman
asked that the HRP ad be cancelled and the money be refunded
-to her. HRP is charging criminal fraud and has the cops inves-
On the inside . .
..*,.lots of goodies . .. A profile of composer-in-resi-
dence Ross Lee Finney onthe Arts Page . . . The Daily
endorses no one for Congress on the Editorial Page .
and on the Sports Page an in depth profile on Michigan's
Gil Chapman by sports staffer Marc-Feldman.
The weather picture
Stay in bed. It's going to be cloudy with a good chance
of drizzle or rain today. The high will only reach the mid
40's. During the night it will continue to rain and the tem-
perature will drop to the low 40's. The winds will be out
of the South-Southeast at about 10 mph.

Right wins
in Canada-
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Pro.-
gressive Conservative Party
leader Robert Stanfield last
night called for the resigna-
tion of Prime Minister Pierre
Trudeau to pave the way for
a Conservative government.
Stanfield's party held a one-seat
edge over Trudeau's Liberal Par-
ty after Monday's federal general
election for the 264-seat house of
Trudeau has so far given no in-
dication of his plans. He plans to
make a statement or hold a press
conference following a Cabinet
meeting today.
Stanfield told newsmen he was
prepared to form a government.
He said "Trudeau and his gov-
ernment have lost the confidence
of the people and he should re-
Stanfield's party won 109 seats,
the Liberals had 108, the New
Democrats 30, the Social Credit
Party 15 and Independents, includ-
ing the Speaker of the House of
Commons, two seats.,
Stanfield said the Conservative
program would involve tax cuts to
counter/ unemployment-one of the
major issues of the election cam-
paign - and to deal with rising
prices, particularly as they affect
old age pensioners.
The Conservative leader said he
had had no contact with Tru-
deau, or David Lewis, whose So-
cialist New Democratic Party now
holds the balance of power in the
House of Commons.
Asked what he thought of Tru-
deau and the Liberal leader's repu-
tation of a colorful personality, a
jocular Stanfield answered: "I've
t said many times I think Canada
needs an exciting leader of the
By precedent in Canada, Tru-
deau is not obligated to resign and
may attempt to form a govern-
ment with minority support.
But this has been the closest
election in Canadian history and it
is likely that whoever forms the
new government, new elections
will be held within a year.
The populous eastern Province
of Ontario proved to be the ful-
crum in Monday's election, with
the Conservatives gaining heavily
there at Liberal expense.
The Liberals picked up margin-
ally in the Conservative East coast
provinces, while the Conservatives
strengthened their hand in the ag-
ricultural Western provinces. The
Liberals maintained their tradition-
al strong position in the French-
Canadian Province of Quebec.
Four cabinet ministers went
down to defeat: Labor Minister

u calls


:es on



Deadline passes but
agreement not signed
By the AP and Reuters
SAIGON-U.S. B-52 bombers unloaded one of their heav-
iest attacks on North Vietnam yesterday as its deadline for
a peace agreement with Washington passed without any posi-
tive sign of a ceasefire.
Meanwhile, an angry President Nguyen Van Thieu today
denounced the draft peace agreement as a "sell out" and a
"surrender of South Vietnamese people to the Communists."
The B-52s flew 13 missions into North Vietnam despite an
American hold down of bombing above the 20th parallel
about 75 miles south of Hanoi.
This equalled the greatest number of B-52 raids against
North Vietnam reported last Aug. 13.
The bombing raids were an attempt to halt a Hanoi ef-
fort to beat a cease-fire with a big --- - --

supl puh itLas and Sout
Vietnam, field reports said yester-
Forty of the bombers unleashed
1,000 tons of bombs on coastal
supply routes south of Vinh leading
both to the demilitarized zone and
the Laos border. Vinh is 170 miles

GOP taps

north oftheDMZ.
The United States, however,
maintained its halt in air and na- bu
val attacks above the 20th Parallel,
which is 75 miles south of Hanoi.
President Nixon has ordered the WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Sup-
partial bombing halt during cur- porters of President Nixon had the
rent efforts to conclude a peace Democratic P a r t y headquarters
settlement worked out earlier this bugged" to obtain political infor-
month in Paris between U. S. and mation, according to a report
Vieti o ie!su tdi a by congressional

North Vietnamese negotiators.
The agreement, when signed,
would mean a cease-fire inViet-
nam, and end to all air and naval,
operations against North Vietnam,
withdrawal of all American forces
from Vietnam, and the release of
more than 500 U. S. airmen held
prisoner by Hanoi.

staff investigators.
The,. investigators., working for
the House of Representatives Bank-
ing Committee, alleged in a 90-
page report that the monitoring
of the Democratic headquarters
was concocted by the political com-
mittee to re-elect President Nixon.
Committee Chairman Wright Pat-

AP ' Photo
THESE YOUNG Laotian soldiers reportedly deserted from insurgent Pathet Lao units, coming over
to the Vientiane government in their home province.

Harris attacks


Thieu told a National Day memor- man tried to open televised hear-
ial service yesterday that he would ings last month on the bugging
"never accept a peace that offers controversy but failed to obtain the
South Vietnam to the commu- needed quorum, although his com-
nists." mittee is controlled by Democrats,
The president's remarks at a before Congress adjourned.
National Armed Forces Cemetery Seven men have pleaded not
just outside Saigon followed a radio 1guilty to conspiracy charges in
address in which he denounced the connection with the alleged wire-
draft peace agreement between tapping of the headquarters on
North Vietnam and the United June 17.
States as a "sell out" and a sur- Nixon has said that nobody pres-
render.' ently employed at the White House
Thieu repeated that he was had any connection with the alleged
ready to discuss peace and cease- incident. The Committee for the
fire with North Vietnam and talk Re-election of the President had
over South Vietnam's internal no immediate comment on the re-
problems with the Viet Cong. port.
"It is Hanoi who must make the The committee investigators said
first move for peace. It is not in their report, "It appears that
Washington or South Vietnam. I the Nixon committee wanted the
will wait for Hanoi to move," kind of information that would en-
Thieu said. able them to disrupt Democratic
Elsewhere, Radio Hanoi assail- politics as well as information of
ed the Nixon administration for an intimate nature which could be
tnot signing the agreement yester- used to smear the character of
day, as originally scheduled by those working and dealing with the
- both sides. Democratic National Committee."
It accused Washington of taking The investigators based their al-
a "tricky attitude in not respect- legations on monitoring mainly
ing what it had agreed upon, not from an interview with Alfred
h only evading the signing of the Baldwin, an ex-FBI agent who has
I agreement but also seeking to said he 'listened to conversations in
change the agreement which had a hotel room across the road from
t been reached." the committee headquarters.

corporate structure


"If we have a work ethic so-
ciety, why do John Paul Getty,
ITT and U.S. Steel pay no taxes,j
while"the working people are
forced to make up the difference,"

speech was sponsored by the local
MIcGovern for President chapter. -
Using General Motors to illus-
trate the privilege of wealth, Har-
Zis said, "GM is not a human-t
sized institution. The president of
;M earns 90 times as much as
the average assembly line worker.
"It's wrong to say as the econ-(
omy grows the people becomef
richer. Clearly, only a few bene-
fit," he said.t

Martin O'Connell; Industry, Trade declared Sen. Fred Harris (D-
and Commerce Minister Jean-Luc Okla.) yesterday.
Pepin; Agriculture Minister Bud Harris lashed out at the Ameri-
Olsen; and Minister of State Pa- can corporate structure during a
trick Mahoney. speech in front of about 400 people
See RIGHT, Page 12 at the Modern Language Bldg. The


Esch, Stem pien race:


to the wire

Closing tax loop holes, breaking
up) monopolies, and instituting a
steep graduated income tax will
according to Harris, help to dis-
tribute more fairly the wealth in
'he United States.
During his talk, Harris claimed
ixon has erred in dealing with
Nguyen Van Thieu. Harris called
for Nixon to change tactics.
"We ought to sign what will ge
us out of there, whether Thieu
agrees or not. We've let him dic
tate terms of settlement too long,'
he said.
Harris added that, "the peace
talks show George McGovern is
the peace candidate. I think the
pressure of the campaign haw
caused Nixon to change his stan
180 degrees."
Harris backed this contention by
citing the President's willingnesE
to accept a coalition governmen
in South Vietnam and to alloA
North Vietnamese troops to re
main in the south. Harris said, "I
we can agree now, why couldn'
we have agreed four years ago?"
Along with the war, Harris called
the Watergate affair the most vola
le issue of the presidential elec
lie charged, "Watergate reaches
oto the highest realms of th
White House. It was an attack or
alnpmw -rni ndatP- ad

The congressional race in the Second District
between Marvin Esch and Marvin Stempien has
been called by many observers one of the
closest in the country. The incumbent Esch is
clearly in trouble - a Republican running in a
predominantly Democratic district with a large
student population.
According to the Wall Street Journal, "Some of
the most liberal GOP incumbents also seem
threatened by the presumed pro-Democratic tilt
among students." Democrats rate Esch as "es-
pecially vulnerable."

vonia the new district also includes much of
Monroe County which is also heavily Democratic.
Despite the odds against his winning Esch
maintains, "I'll do well in all areas of the dis-
As a result of the uniform composition of the
district, the candidates cannot afford to differ
greatly on the issues. Each candidate is contin-
ually trying to outdo the other on given issues,
but the fact is there isn't much difference be-
tween them.
The candidates frequently argue as to which is
the more concerned about the ecology. Both can-
- - -- ., - - - - - A


Though women won the right to
vote in national elections In 1919,
they have found that in 1972 their
votes may not count on two
Michigan Union referenda in the
three - day all - campus election
now in its second day.
The referenda items will de-
cide whether women will be elig-
ible for membership in the Union
and also whether students should
ass'ime control of the Union
through the creation of a student
policy board.
There is confusion as to wheth-

Women s vote right
on Union questioned

ly the computer which is pres-
ently screening out women's
votes on the referenda, was pro-
grammed before the decision to
extend U n i o n membership to
Booth said that he did not
know how women's votes were
being recognized by the com-
puter. Nowhere on the toallot
does the voter specify his or her
Election Director Victor Gut-
man disagreed with Booth, how-
ever, saying that he had been
- _m n ,_ her he nnrdto;n-


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