See Editorial Page
:4E az1t4
See today ... for details
Vol. LXXXIIf, No. 45 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 28, 1972 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
major bills
Rejects HEW, labor
dept. appropriations
WASHINGTON (P--President Nixon yesterday vetoed nine
major pieces of legislation including a $30.5 billion appropria
tion for the departments of Labor and Health, Education ani
Welfare (HEW).
Nixon justified the action as necessary to "avoid the
necessity of a tax increase next year," but Democratic
presidential aspirant George McGovern called the veto "a
'moral outrage" in a Los Angeles campaign speech.
Nixon used the so-called "pocket veto"-that is, he re-
fused to sign the bills and since Congress wasn't in session,
Sthey died.
The Labor department and HEW will be funded, how-
ever, because Congress passed a stop-gap measure authorizing
spending at last year's levels*
in anticipation of the veto. "
Among items killed by the Presi- i gr
dent were a two-year extension of
the federal vocational rehabilita-
tion program, a five year program
to provide $497 million for medicalask s p ob e
care for veterans and their de-s
p. endents. an expansion of ,public
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Elden's ads
District Judge Sandorf Elden's form of campaigning for a
circuit court seat has been upheld, and an injunction against
using certain ads in that campaign denied. The ads pictured the
door to Elden's home, decorated with a cluster of marijuana
leaves which were painted there shortly after Elden's decision
voiding the city's $5 pot law was made last month. "Some of
Judge Sandy Elden's most courageous decisions have come
back to his doorstep," said the ad. Local attorney Arthur Car-
penter based his injunction request on Canon 30 of the Judicial
Code of Ethics, which holds that a candidate for higher judicial
office "should refrain from all conduct which might tend to
arouse reasonable suspician that he is using the power or pres-
tige of his judicial position to promote his candidacy." While
Carpenter said the hearing was not concerned with whether
Elden made the pot law decision for his own political reasons,
he claimed that advertising the ruling aroused the "reasonable
suspicion" cited in the Canon. Visiting Circuit Court Judge Har-
old Van Domelen of Oceana City did not agree.
Is he or isn't he?
When computer-electoral whiz John Koza was seeking the
Democratic nomination for regent this summer, he proclaimed
that he would not be a student come election time-in order to
conform with state law barring students from regental posi-
tions. Now, he's running for Rackham Student Government, it is
election time . . . and he is a student. It seems he never got
his dissertation approved because his adviser is overseas . . .
Happenings ...
Homecoming continues with the traditional tug-of-war at
Island Park at 9 a.m. The "men and women" of Taylor House
are challenging the "boys" of Gomberg-at least that's the way
the Taylor ad has it . . . One hour later, the equally traditional
"Mud Bowl" at the SAE House, corner of South U and Wash-
tenaw . . . For those of you that want to be leaving home instead
of coming, try the novice road rally, sponsored by the Washte-
naw Community College Ski Club. Starting time is 6 p.m. from the
WCC north parking lot, and it's a 40 mile course. At the course's
end, there will be $100 worth of prizes awarded, and a party
held. Contact Jerry Walters at 434-1659 if you have questions
Going still further from home, celebrity bugs who feel like
driving all the way up to Midland can catch a glimpse of none
other than the Republican presidential candidate, and maybe
even Pat as well, here to campaign for incumbent Sen. Robert
Griffin (R-Mich).
Heat's on in Chile
Disorder and police-civilian = confrontations continue in San-
tiago, Chile caused by the general strike against the government
of Socialist President Salvadore Allende, as rumors that the army
will take over his cabinet grow. Negotiations continue unsuccess-
fully between Allende and the strikers, who include shopkeepers,
doctors, schoolteachers, engineers, some farm worker groups,
and some professional groups. Twenty of Chile's 25 provinces
continue under martial law-three persons have been killed for
violating curfews so far, and there have been numerous arrests
and injuries. The strike began Oct. 10 because of disagreements
between the government and truckers' unions, and has grown
since then.
British money woes
The world money situation seemed headed for crisis again,
as the pound sterling yesterday dropped to record lows in a fourth
straight day of decline. British leaders are meeting in emergency
session to discuss the problem, which has already caused a
decline in the French franc and the Japanese yen. If this con-
tinues, the whole system of exchange rates worked out in Wash-
ington last year could be thrown into turmoil. For the moment,
however, the dollar is standing stable.
On the inside . *
The Daily endorses candidates for Student Government
Council seats on the Editorial Page . , . The U.S. says it
will sell corn to mainland China, Page 2 . . . Sports Page
discusses what will happen when mighty Michigan meets
works projects to provide jobs in
high unemployment areas, and a
two-year extension of a federal
hula hoops
surround 'U'
vocational rehabilitation program
for the handicapped.'
Nixon said that the programs,
if approved, would have exceeded
his $250 billion spending ceiling by
$750 million.
"If I were to sign the measures
into law," he said, "I would in
effect, be making promises that
could not be kept-since the prom-
ised services are not available,
and would not be available without
the higher taxes I have promised
to resist."
John Ehrlichman, Nixon's chief
domestic policy aide, said more
vetos will be forthcoming today
and early next week.
The White House aide gave a
Homecoming madness
portions yesterday as
hit epidemic pro-
the campus was
whisked back to the 50s through the antics ballpark estimate that if Nixon
of hula-hoop maestros, phone-booth stuffers,'signed all the measures passed by
and participants in a not so typical parade. the Democratic-controlled Con-
The fun began early in the afternoon as
Linda Meyer, '75 LSA outlasted Barbara gress in its final days, the ad-
Carozzo '74 Ed., to cop the first place prize ministrati' --imposed s p e n d i n g
-a five dollar gift certificate at Bimbo's- ceiling of $250 billion might be
in the hula-hoop endurance contest. breached by as much as $10 bil-
Carozzo's hoop hit the Diag cement after lion.
seven and a half minutes of frenzied twist- Responding to newsmen's ques-
ing. Champ Meyer said she owed her suc- tions, Ehrlichman conceded Nixon
cess to "practice and exercise", although cannot possibly veto enough meas-
admitting that she hadn't touched a hula- ures to make up the difference.
hoop for over a year.t
Twirling five hoops around his neck, The President, he said, would
Paul Bick, Grad., won the coveted "weird- try to narrow the gap by refusing
ness" award. Dizzily, he stumbled off with to spend many billions duly ap-
his gift certificate. propriated.
'i.h a-niI :n-..tact -,-.,7,-.-.. Tamain t I. As orc.where Nixon inn wm ldconn
i n~~tgII1.RIg LL, iuw~ei '.~iie II L1~ toa~t. ,ytn.t-. nav, v~ju. ,,U-
o Harvey
Leaders of the Washtenaw County
Jail Community Treatment Pro-
gram asked the county :prosecutor
yesterday to investigate the group's
expulsion from the jail by Sheriff
Douglas Harvey.
Last Tuesday, Harvey ordered
the coalition of community agen-
cies to suspend its program of
educational services to inmates.
He said he took the action because
of alleged "dope smuggling" by
program officials.
Harveysaid yesterday that his
charge was based on the fact that
a small quantity of illegal drugs
was found in the cell-block after
program instructors had met with
inmates. However, he said he was
unable to identify anyone involved
in the "smuggling."
"We're not going to prosecute
anybody because we don't have any
evidence as to the specific persons
involved," Harvey said. "All we
know is that the drugs were there
after they left."
Treatment Program co-ordinator
Molly Reno said yesterday that
Harvey's c h a r g e was "totally
"It's absurd for the sheriff to
make these allegations without
substantiating them," she said. "He
has made no formal charges,/nor
has he identified the individuals
involved in the case."
The Community Treatment Pro-
gram consists of representatives
from 11 community agencies. Since
July, it has offered courses to
county jail inmates on topics rang-
ing from drugs and alcoholism to
artistic expression.
Participating organizations in-
clude Catholic Social Services, the
Model Cities Legal Dept., Drug
Help Inc., and the University's
Project Outreach.
Reno said this proposal was com-
pletely unacceptable to the mem-
bers of the program.
Harvey reportedly offered th e
group the option of continuing its
services through the use of video-
taped instruction.
T ne agonizing test, however, came in the
fabulous phone booth stuffing contest. Four
crazed teams willingly sacrificed their
bodies for honor, competition, aad not in-
See BOOTH, Page 8
Daily photos by David M. Margolick
Hanoi repeats demand
t15K~~~~u nICCII~1 UI UI
centrate in impounding funds,
Ehrlichman said, "as of now the
President has made no decisions."
McGovern strongly attacked the
vetoes - particularly one which
blocked a veteran's cemetary
measure which he termed "almost
impossible to believe."
"Not only is he unwilling to pro-
vide money to take care of the
physical needs of these veterans
that he has sent to Vietnam," Mc-
Govern said, "hetdoesn'tdeven
want to provide them a decent
burial when they are brought back
to this country in death. What an
WASHINGTON (P) - North Viet- visiting Laotian Premier Souvanna on the question of an Oct. 31 dead-
nam yesterday repeated its demand
that a peace agreement with the
United States be signed by Oct. 31.
The South Vietnamese, however,
said that "many basic principles"
still must be worked out before
the agreement can be signed.
The Nixon administration con-
tinued to be confident about pros-
pects for peace yesterday as the
President put forth personal diplo-
matic efforts, including talks with
In Hong Kong, the Viet CongI
pledged today to "absolutely re-
spect and carry out all provisions"
of the reported peace agreementj
worked out by U.S. and North Viet-
namese negotiators in secret talks
in Paris.
Chief f o r e i g n policy advisor
Henry Kissinger said yesterdayI
there has been a misunderstand-
ing between Washington and Hanoi
line for signing the agreement.
He said the deadline had been
requested by the North Vietnamese
and that the U.S. had agreed to
try and finalize the matter by that
In Paris, however, North Viet-
namese spokesman Nguyen Thanh
Le disagreed, saying "we don't be-
lieve there is a misunderstand-
ing. It was written in black and
white in a message from the Pres-
ident on Oct. 20."
The U.S. has asked for another -
session between Kissinger and chief
Hanoi negotiator Le Duc Tho cit-
ing "six or seven very concrete
issues" yet to be settled.
N o r t h Vietnamese spokesmen
said there are "no remaining ques-
tions" over the agreement. They
did promise that "if after the sign-
ing of the agreement on Oct. 31,
Dr. Kissinger wants to meet . . .
to discuss problems of common in-
terest, we are ready."
It .was not clear whether signing o
of the agreement is a condition for y
further talks. o
SGC ballot:, Secret or not?
Although most students agree that the new
$5,694 all-campus election system-the most ex-
pensive in the University's history-guarantees
against fraud, some have charged that it jeopar-
dizes the secrecy of the ballot.
The new voting system will be put to the test
beginning Tuesday in the campus' 3-day election.
In the new selection process, numbered election
stickers sent to all registered students. will be
how individual students voted on the abolition of
the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) may
be traced and recorded through the student ID.
The University or the government could use
such lists in an investigation, he said. He added
that no one can guess what the information could
be used for "in five years, next year or next term."
Even without the receipt box, Hack charged,
votes could be traced through the partial ID
Yet another possible obstacle to
peace is South Vietnamese Presi-
dent Nguyen Van Thieu.
Thieu said yesterday, "we do not
agree on anything yet" and "the
only cease-fire that will take place
will comply with our demands."
Thieu is said to be ready to ac-
cept the cease-fire but is reported-
ly unhappy with the tripartite po-
litical provisions of the accord.
omen urge HEWto
enforce anti-bias act
By JUDY RUSKIN ticipant, be used by HEW in en-
Special To The Daily forcing the law.
NEW YORK-A conference here HEW recently outlined guidelines
n equal opportunity for women for universities to follow in ending
esterday called on the Secretary sex discrimination in employment,
f Health, Education and Welfare but has not yet entered the ad-
HEW) to start enforcing the 1972 missions area. The University is
[igher Education Act, which bars currently trying to implement such
ederal funds from most institu- a program for its employment
ons which discriminate in ad- practices.
issions on the basis of sex.o h "HEW is the primary source of
In submitting the resolution, the, university g ra n ts," Scott said.
onference of women's groups, uni- "It'll take the lead inenforcing
ersity officials and equal oppor- the act."
unity administrators proposed a
nodel -affirmative action p 1 a n Her model program calls for de-
hrough which universities should velopment of a plan to carry out
stablish equal opportunity in ad- statements of non - discrimination
nissions. made by university presidents.
The higher education act, passed As a means of enforcement, a
y Congress last summer, prohib- grievance procedure would be es-
Fe - i.,- in wmiin tahlished to nnale students to an-
Officials in Washington are op- n
timistic that difference between'
Saigon can be hashed out in time b
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