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For details see "today.
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 36
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 18, 1972
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
I Ii
if you see news happen call 76-DAILY
Write-on vs. the 'U'
The University is still digging for evidence in its investigation
of Write-on, a local merchant of term papers and research. Legal
action is expected to be the next step, according to Write-on
representative James McCarthy, who says he would welcome
it as a chance to find out how the University acquired a pur-
chase order from his company's files. Paul Fisher, a law stu-
dent assisting in the University's investigation, admitted he had
a purchase order, but how he got it was "very privileged infor-
mation." So was everything else apparently, at least to Uni-
versity Attorney Roderick Deane, who politely but firmly
declined comment.
Chemistry committee comment.. .
The chemistry department committee reviewing the con-
troversial Mark Green affair has issued a progress report,
including a statement that the review of Green's teaching
"performance" will be "limited to the conduct of Chemistry
227 in the Fall Term of 1972," and assuring anxious Green
supporters that the review will not deal with "questions of
promotion and tenure." The committee, though promising to
proceed "rapidly," does not foresee completing its work before
next week.
. .. and a student committee
As an outgrowth of last Friday's mass meeting in support
of Prof. Green, a committee of students last night examined
the week's events and found both good and bad. The Steering
Committee of the "Ad Hoc Group Supporting Mark Green &
Student Parity," or so they say, applauded Green's reinstate-
ment to his teaching duties, but raised questions about the re-
view committee, the University "complicity in war research,"
and procedures that may potentially "usurp the right of students
and faculty to define for themselves the nature of their studies."
Students in Chemistry 227, Green's course, can testify before
the review committee tomorrow and Friday.
Another oops
For those who scurried to Detroit yesterday to see George
McGovern before he spoke to that city's Economic Club, we're
sorry. The candidate is speaking at an Economic Club luncheon
today-we were 24 hours off.
Hope for Halpert?
Even the generally conservative Detroit News has recognized
the Human Rights Party. The News' private poll on the stte's
U.S. Senate race gives HRP's Barbara Halpert one per cent of
the vote in November. Halpert, as the top of HRP's ticket, needs
15,000 votes in this election or HRP loses its status on the ballot
as a minoity party. According to state election officials, voters
in the state total 4.8 million, so some quick math will tell you
that HRP will be in the political safety zone again if the News'
poll is correct. Nancy Burghardt, HRP's local coordinator, is
"happy, but I don't know where they got all of those people.
We figure we need at least 10,000 in Ann Arbor to pull us
Revelant religion
The First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor obviously doesn't
feel constrained by that old time religion. Its roadside sign
reads: Those who wish to travel with him-Jesus says-Give
up your Linus blankets.
Pulling a snow job
Just as we predicted, it snowed yesterday, even if you
didn't see it. One reader called to report a full five flakes seen
en route from Detroit to Ann Arbor. Other sources tell of an-
other five flakes-these were sighted between Lansing and Ann
Arbor. Our town itself-zero. Nice to know we can be right,
sort of.
Happenings ..
reflect the political nature of the times. In Detroit,
where George McGovern will address the Economic Club, the
other side will also have a featured speaker. Herbert Stein,
chairman of President Nixon's Council of Economic Advisers,
will talk at the business school's annual Business Conference at
Detroit's Rackham Bldg. (not ours). Those interested enough
0 more today . . . items on Page 100
On the inside .. .
.. Daily alumnus Larry Lempert reviews Fiddler on
the Roof on Arts Page . . . the Sports Page's burning
issue is Frank Longo's discussion of the legendary (too
legendary?) Wolverineaerial assault . . . Staff members
give the world pieces of their minds concerning the Re-
publican presidential candidate's foibles, on the Editorial
The weather picture
It's going to be another cold one today. The National
Weather Service says it will be sunny this morning and
partly cloudy this afternoon. The highs will only reach the
mid-40s. The temperature will drop to the mid-20s during
the night. The winds will be variable at eight to 12 mph
with little chance of snow. Think summer.
ONE OF SEVERAL suspects is led away yesterday from the
American Massage Parlor by a city policeman.
Nixon vetoes bill to
WASHINGTON AP - President Nixon last night vetoed
a $24.6-billion bill aimed at ridding America's waters of all
pollution by 1985.
Nixon said any spending bill this year which would lead
to higher prices and taxes "defies signature by this presi-
dent." He said, "I have nailed my colors to the mast on this
issue; the political winds can blow where they may."
He had asked for a water-pollution bill that would
have committed $6 billion in federal funds over a three-year
period and he called the bill which came to his desk "a stag-
gering, budget-wrecking $24 billion."
r' He said every dollar this bill asked above his proposal
"would exact a price from the consumer in the form of in-
-flated living costs or from
Feature Editor
Squads of city police yes-
terday raided two local "mas-
sage studios," emerging with
14 prisoners, customer records
and a quantity of mari-
After conducting a thorough
search of the two establishments,
they closed them down as "houses
of prostitution."
The 14 arrested were held in the
county jail on an assortment of
vice charges.
The massagestudios, described
by one officer as the most exten-
sive vice operations in the city's
history, were simultaneously raid-
ed by the police shortly before 4
At least a dozen officers emerg-
ed from unmarked cars and rushed
through the doors at the Ceasar's
Retreat Health- and Massage Stu-
dio, 212 W. Huron St., and the
American Massage Parlor, 215 S.
Foutrth Ave.
While curious rush hour pass-
ersby stopped and stared, offic-
ers led handcuffed suspects out of
the two businesses and into await-
ing paddywagons.
Most of those arrested held their
hands over their faces to avoid
One young woman who was
watching the arrests at the Amer-
ican Massage Parlor was arrest-
ed by an officer on the sidewalk,
apparently because she was re-
cognized as a studio employe.
City police told The Daily yes-
terday that they suspected organ-
ized crime was behind one or both
of the massage establishments.
Further, police said, it was
thought that an extortion racket
might be in operation at the
American Massage Parlor, involv-
ing the blackmail of customers.
Both establishments operate as
"clubs," the police said, restrict-
ing their clientele to those who
pay a monthly or yearly fee.
An additional fee is charged for
each session at the studio, police
At least three of those arrested
yesterday were described by in-
vestigating officers as the "big
fish" in the local operations of
the companies.
The police stressed, however,
that the real operators of the two
establishments could be conceal-
ed behind "10 layers of phony
By l-st night, the police were
prepared to release the names of
only three of those arrested. They
were Dan Davis, 28, and Melanie
Lingoes, 20, allegedly employed
by the American Massage Parlor;
and Deborah Green, 19, allegedly
employedby Ceasar'shRetreat.
The three were charged with
"pandering" - enticing or solicit-
ing to prostitution - a felonyr
See MASSAGE, Page 10
Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
POLICE MEN AND WOMEN usher a young woman to a waiting paddie wagon during yesterday's
raid on the American Massage Parlor.
i s
pot ruling
City Attorney Jerald Lax yes-
terday went before District Judge
Sandorf Elden to ask him forda
rehearing of his ruling that de-
clared Ann Arbor's $5.00 mari-
juana penalty to be unconstitu-
On September 29, Elden had
thrown out the low fine, claiming
that it limited the discretionary
sentencing powers of his court.
The City Attorney yesterday
asked for the rehearing on two
principal grounds.
First, Lax contended the pro-
cedure followed by Judge Elden
in his original ruling "did not
give weight to the parties involv-
ed." The City Attorney argued
that the decision was made with-
out a hearing with counter-argu-
Lax also argued against the
judge's interpretation of state law
regarding the powers of a munici-
pality to set limits on sentences.
It appearshthat Judge Eldenhwill
grant the rehearing, and may have
already ordered one, but that
fact could notbe establishedtat
yesterday's hearing. Judge Elden
?was unavailable for comment.
the taxpayer in the form of a
new federal tax bite or both."
The Smate early this morning
voted to override the veto. The
House is expected to vote on over-
riding the veto this afternoon.
Nixon said he was prepared for
the possibility that his veto would
be overridden by Congress, say-
ing, "The defeat of my proposal
for a spending ceiling showed that
many senators and congressmen
are simply AWOL in our fight
against higher taxes."
He said if his veto is not sus-
tained, the issue will be clearly
drawn. "As with the spending
ceiling, so with this bill, a vote to
sustain the veto is a vote against
a tax increase. A vote to override
the veto is a vote to increase the
likelihood of higher taxes."
Nixon said the bill provides a
measure of spending discretion
and flexibility which the Presi-
dent can exercise. "And if forced
to administer this legislation, I
mean to use those provisions to put
the brakes on budget - wrecking
expenditures as much as possible."
Ie said that if his veto is sus-
tained, it would be no means ter-
minate existing federal water-
quality programs.
He maintained that the Environ-
mental Protection Agency will
continue to operate those pro-
grams "until the merits of a new
bill can be dealt with as a first
order of business in the Congress."
Ceasar' s:
more thl
The sign outside says Ceasar's
Retreat Health and Massage Stu-
dios, Inc."
But up the stairs at 212 W.
Huron St., there was apparentlyf
more going on than just massage.
Early last month, The Daily
received a telephone call from a
female student who had answered
a "Help Wanted" ad appearing in
The Daily classified pages. The
ad, which had run for about a
week, read:
"YOUNG energetic people need-
ed to work in health studio. Please
Senate voids spendiu
Conr less OK's socia
call 769-0995 for an appointment to door off the street open, and
be interviewed." walked up the green carpeted stair-
The ad, the woman maintained, way to the rooms on the second
was not true - that during her job floor.
interview, it became clear that I entered a waiting room with a
more was expected of her than couch and a sign that proclaimed
merely giving men massages. "Girls, sauna, massage, pool,
r girls." A young woman met me
On the basis of my conversa- at the entrance to the next room
tion with her, we decided to see and immediately a s k e d me,
what would happen if I applied "Would you be willing to give a
for a job at Ceasar's Retreat. massage topless?"
Using an assumed name, I When I replied "yes", she in-
called and made an appointment to vited me in and gave me an ap-
be interviewed at 11:00 on the plicatiog{ form to fill out.
It was a standard form, seeking
morning of Sept. 27. my educational background, job
I arrived a' little late, found the experience and references. Again
using inaccurate information, I
filled it out and returned it to the
g ceiin g ; She looked it over briefly, then
J began explaining my job.
The studio was a private club,
she said, with membership fees of
secu ity$6 a month or $26 a yea*r. I would
earn $1.60 an hour, working a
10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. shift or
in 50 categories, each of which a 6:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m.: shift. She
could be reduced not more than 20 was disappointed when I said I
per cent. couldn't start work immediately,
But within each category indi- as she and two other women there
vidual programs could be denied cited problems of being short-
a greater proportion of funds, or staffed and having to work extra
even all. shifts.
Opponents emphasized this as- She also asked whether I had a
pect in last - minute speeches boyfriend who might cause me
against the measure, but Rep. problems. I replied, "No.
Wilbur Mills, (D-Ark.), argued She then rose to show me the
that the powers granted the Presi- layout of the place. The girls, she
dent are notkso large as some op- said, were expected to socialize
ponents think. See MASSAGE, Page 10
Searchi still on for
Boggs, companions,
The Senate last night refused to
give President Nixon broad au-
thority to keep spending within a
$250-billion ceiling during this fis-
cal year.
The vote to turn down the com-
promise hammered out by a Sen-
ate House conference was 39 to
27. The House had passed it, 166
to 137 vote.
Earlier, the House and Senate
cleared a compromise Social Se-
curity bill increasing benefits by
$6 billion.
The Social Security bill easily
passed the House by a 305 to 1
vote and the Senate by a 61 to 0
margin, marking a lig step to-
Davis: You are what you eat
ward Congress' hoped-for ad-
journment. It still must be signed
by President Nixon.
The fight over the spending ceil-
ing requested by the Nixon ad-
ministration is the major issue
remaining to be settled before the
92nd Congress can end its ses-
The Social Security bill would
raise payroll taxes to pay for the
liberalized benefits. The maximum
tax on a worker, matched bynhis
employer, would be $631.80 next
year, compared with $468 this
year. But part of the increase
would occur even under present
law, which would set the maxi-
mum for 1973 at $594.
While the bill was hailed by
most members as improving the
programs it covers, others chided
Congress - especially the Sen-
ate - for failing once again to in-
clude reform of the welfare sys-
tem in the measure.
The welfare reform section,
which the House passed last year
in essentially the form recom-
mended by President Nixon, was
drastically revised by the Senate.
Congress, unable to reach a com-
promise, deleted the whole title.
Welfare reform died in the pre-
vious Congress under similar cir-
Senate opposition to the spend-
ing ceiling developed after cri-
tics charged the measure did not
You're an alcoholic, you've got heart trouble,
you suffer occasional bouts of schizophrenia and
your children are mentally ill. What's your prob-
A poor diet, according to self-styled nutrition
expert Adelle Davis, who spoke to a 700 person
crowd at the Power Center last night.
Davis, giving a benefit performance for the
Michigan Federation of Food Co-ops. thinks that
stated firmly. "People lie to us, tell us we're the
best-fed nation in the world. Pure poppycock! We
haven't been the best fed nation in years and
years and years."
Davis told her audience that the alternative to
present health conditions is "having perfectly
natural foods, the way God made them. If it's
advertised, don't buy it."
Davis, haranguing to the crowd as if she was
at a traveling medicine show, claimed miracle re-
JUNEAU, Alaska (k') - A mas-
sive air search for House Ma-
jority Leader Hale Boggs and
three other men in a light plane
missing on a rain-swept flight
from Anchorage centered last
night in this capital area with
hopes that some brief, faint
signals might be coming from
the aircraft's special equipment.
Darkness, however, forced
most of the search planes to re-
turn to their bases for the night.
The signals from an emer-
gency locator beacon like' the
A CoastaGuard spokesman in
Juneau said, "Nobody's been
"We haven't confirmed that
anybody is dead and we are se-
cured for the night," the official
said. "We've had no further
contact with the beacon and no
aircraft or persons have been
Meanwhile, in Washington, D.
C., a spokesman for the Nation-
al Transportation Safety Board
said the pilot had filed a visual
flight rules plan from Anchor-
. .