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October 14, 1972 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1972-10-14

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Isie Eidgin aihj
Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigar.

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
(or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Reviewing the tenure system

HAD I NOT been previously ex-
posed to the ideas propound-
ed in a recent editorial page arti-
cle (Daily, Oct. 10), I would have
been appalled by the philosophy
it advocates therein. (The article,
by Scott Zimmerman, discussed
man's potential for abusing h i s
Just as physicians must intri-
cately study cancer cells in order
to find a cure for the disease, so
must advocates of individual liber-
ty examine the evil monstrosity
which the article attempts to pass
off as calm philosophical reflection,
in order to be able to respond ef-
fectively, and rationally to t h e
premises he advocates.
Throughout most of recent his-
tory, advocates of socialism argued
against capitalism on the grounds
that it did not truly provide for
the material well-being of all mem-
bers of society. Though proponents
of this position erroneously blamed
capitalism for the problems created
by governmental economic inter-
vention, at least they gave proper
attention to the importance of ma-
terial well-being; they viewed hap-
piness on earth as a virtue, even
though unaware of the socio-econ-
omic principles which provide for
its existence.
In the latter part of the 20th
century, no rational person could
fail to observe the unspeakably
horrible material and spiritual de-
cay present wherever socialism

has been imposed. The argument
that socialism provides greater
overall prosperity was met with
massive evidence to the c o n-
THERE WAS only one way by
which advocates of totalitarianism
could defend their philosophy: by
damning material well-being as
evil. This is the hidden premise
which Mr. Zimmerman and those
of his ilk refuse to fully identify.
Underlying the notion that free-
dom is outmoded is the premise
that happiness on earth is evil, that
man must totally renounce his de-
sires for the alleged good of "so-
ciety," that man must live at the
mercy of super-planners. This is
a philosophy, not of life, but of
The above mentioned hidden pre-
mise is strongly hinted at in a
paragraph from the Daily article.
The author, in decrying our "con-
sumer-oriented" (i.e., pro-life) so-
ciety, is disturbed by the alleged
endless proliferation of material
goods, "most of which are not vital
to the support of the life process."
I would remind the writer that,
the only material goods "vital to
the support of life processes" are
a dank cave, a bearskin, and a
chunk of raw meat, which is pre-
visely the state to which the reali-
zation bf Mr. Zimmerman's plans
would bring us. Mr. Zimmerman
decries as evil the fact that tech-
nological advances have constant-

Philosophy of

threat to a capitalistic society.
Quite to the contrary, a capitalist
economy expands in order to ac-
In evalliatir g the humanito
commodate population increase.
In evaluating the humanitarianism
of Mr. Zimmerman's philosophy,
consider that, in the name of,"zero
population growth," those couples
who have more than their allotted
number of children would have to
be jailed and their child w o u l d
have to be exterminated, to d i s-
courage other such "transgres-
Only under socialism, under
which individuals demand that ma-
terial sustenance be provided to
them by right, is an expanding
population deemed a threat.
Under socialism, individuals re-
gard the existence of others as a
mortgage upon their own liveli-
hoods, because they are thereby
cheated out of a huger chunk of
"society's" resources.
By raising the false issues of
overpopulation and resource de-
pletion (in fact, there are h u g e
untapped sources of raw maer-
ials), Mr. Zimmerman proposes
that we renounce our claim to free-
dom and that we abandon our de-
sires, and instead submit to slav-
I, for one, refuse to do so.
Alan Harris, University student,
is the Conservative, Party candi-
date for 53rd District State Leg-

THE PRESENT controversy in the
chemistry department does not stop
in Prof. Mark Green's classroom, but
'raises far-reaching points about what
appears more and more to be a subject
closely related to the case-the system
of tenure at the University.
Tenure - which assures a faculty
member of a lifelong career at the insti-
tution from which he receives it (barring
any ethical breeches) - is, for that rea-
son, highly prized and extremely hard to
acquire. Those who have it are protective
of it, and those who do not have it treat
it as the ultimate priority.
The standards by which a junior fac-
ulty member after several years' scrutiny
is or is not granted tenure are determin-
ed departmentally, but for the most part
include the general energy level of the
candidate, teaching ability, and quanti-
ty (more often than quality) of publica-
tions. Unfortunately, the stress in most
departments appears to be on the pub-
lication factor rather than teaching abil-
Furthermore, not only the standards
but the system of tenure itself can get
out of hand, when, for example, it is
used as a tool for keeping departmental
salary lists low during a budget crisis. A
tenured faculty member is obviously paid
more than a non-tenured one, and there
are those who suspect that some faculty
members have been denied tenure for
just that reason. Prof. Green himself is
due for tenure consideration in Novem-
WHILE THE entire tenure system may
need revamping, however, one thing
to be considered to improve the situation
is to provide for student parity-or at
the very least some substantive student
input-ont departmental tenure commit-
tees. There are virtually no students on
tenure committees at the present time,
although students do sit in fairly large
numbers on other departmental com-
mittees, mostly dealing with curricula.

That many faculty members are
strongly opposed to trusting students in
matters closely concerning themselves is
evident by the recent actions of the com-
mittee established to review Prof. Green's
teaching record. The committee, orig-
inally composed of three faculty mem-
bers, agreed under pressure Thursday to
demands for student parity. Yesterday,
however, the committee decided to add
another faculty member, thus restoring
the Faculty edge.
The question of student parity on ten-
ure committees is usually put down by
faculty members because they say stu-
dents are transient, unconcerned, not
really affected by the process, and rela-
tively immature in such matters. How-
ever, these points seem capable of refu-
but this should not be confused with
the collective concept of students. Taken
as a whole, students are not transient
at all. Indeed, if they were, the Univer-
sity would run the risk of becoming de-
funct sometime in the future.
Students are concerned with such mat-
ters - as the Green case points out -
and moreover, are definitely affected by
any process which determines to an ex-
tent which faculty members are selected
to remain at the University to teach
their peers.
And if students are considered un-
trustworthy when it comes to questions
of tenure, then the faculty members who
oppose them are guilty of arrogance for
letting these same untrustworthy stu-
dents have a significant say in matters
of curricula, and the like.
It is time that students and faculty.
members meet seriously to discuss-with
every intention of acting upon-the ques-
tion of student input on tenure commit-

"Capitalism? Who needs capitalism?"

ly provided more and more hap-
piness to a steadily greater num-
ber of people.
One of the greatest and most sal-
ient results of the rise of capital-
ism in the 19th century was the
astoundingly dramatic reduction
in infant and child mortality which
it brought. If we are to believe
Mr. Zimmerman, an increase in

population is an evil, and event-
ually causes great social distress.
WHY, THEN, was the sudden
and dramatic rise in population
fostered by capitalism accompan-
ied by the greater increase in
material well-being for all ever to
have occurred in recorded history?
An increase in population is no

_ - 1/

Editorial Director

Nixon's southern trickery

THE WOWING Nixon campaign rally of
over half a million persons in At-
lanta, Georgia Thursday seems to for-
bode the end of the South as a Democra-
tic stronghold.
Nixon responded to his warm recep-
tion by inviting the South to join his
"new American majority."
In a subsequent closed meeting with
Southern leaders Thursday he stressed
that the South's concerns were those of
the nation as a whole. He listed the ma-
jor points in his American strategy in
the order that he - the new majority's
spokesman - perceived them.
The Number One issue as Nixon per-
ceives it is that "Americans want their
country to be strong." Other astute
points listed in descending order are:
-peace with honor;
-good jobs;
-respect for law and order;
-character; and1
NIXON'S RANKING of the issues re-
flects his own nature with charac-

ter near the bottom of the list. Further-
more, his accomplishments of the past
four years belie any commitment to his
very ideals..
He has, for example, authorized a
bombing bloodbath in Vietnam to
achieve "peace with honor" and still has
not managed to achieve the peace he
promised during his election campaign
four years ago. He-has outlined the need
for jobs without appreciably alleviating
the recession. Similarly, he proclaims the
goal of law and order while he presides
over rising crime statistics and the con-
tinuing deterioration of America's cities.
Nixon now speaks of the "new Ameri-_
can majority" who, endorses him. For-
merly he referred to them as the "silent
majority." Nixon's alleged campaign mo-
mentum, if true, is frightening. His is a
cynical characterization of the American
people permitting his rise to power. He
postulates Americans as silent, gullible
to his platitudes and approving of his be-
nign neglect of the country's real con-

National dfne
look'at the record
"NATIONAL DEFENSE" has so frequently been labeled the "bad
guy" responsible for our social and economic ills that it is no
surprise that a protest in the form of a documented rebuttal has been
recently released.
A study by the Department of Defense presents in some 200 pages
a perspective of national security generally absent from public com-
munications on the subject. It concentrates on. statistics - "a look at
the record" - to convey how defense relates to national priorities,
to the economy, to public spending.
The statistics are impressive, sufficiently so to warrant examina-
tion in this space of a few of the findings that attempt to separate
the myths from the realities about defense-related spending.
In order to achieve a valid comparison of figures from various
years, the Department of Defense uses the value of the dollar in the
non-war year of 1958 as a base.
Here are some findings:
-Defense spending in fiscal year (FY) 1973 will be the lowest, in
real terms, since FY 1951;
-Since the wartime peak (FY 1968), defense manpower (military,
civil service, defense-related industry) has declined by 35 per cent, or
2.8 million people;
-During the same period, Defense purchases from industry have
fallen by 40 per cent, or $22 billion;
-During the last nine years, funds for procurement, research and
development, and military construction have increased by 4 per cent,
or $900 million. In terms of real buying power this actually represents
a decrease of 24 per cent in these funds;
-In FY 1973, Defense will account for about 20 per cent of public
spending, about 21 per cent of all public employment, and just over
6 per cent of our gross national product. These are the lowest shares
in more than 20 years;
-In FY 1973, state and local spending will amount to $182.5
billion, or 2.3 times the National Defense budget. (These funds come
from the same taxpayers, either directly or, in large share, from
the Federal budget.);
-This year scial and economic spending will be $145 billion and
Defense spending wil be $44 billion. This is very close to a complete
reversal of the 1945 situation when, in 1958 prices, Defense spending
was $153 billion and spending on social and economic programs was
$34 billion;
-Similarly, of total public employment in 1945 of 19 million, 78
per cent went to Defense. In 1973 the total of 16 million has 79 per cent
devoted to non-Defense purposes; and
-With massive defense cuts since the peak war year of 1968
representing potential savings of $24 billion why has the budget only
dropped $1.5 billion? The study points to $16.3 billion in pay increases
to military and civil service personnel and $6.2 billion eaten up by
general inflation of purchased goods and services.
CONCLUDING SECTIONS of the study discuss such concerns as
cost overruns, contractor profits and industry productivity. The alleged
overruns stem mainly from comparing current estimates for com-
pletion of a weapons system with very early "planning estimates."
Such cost increases are common in every aspect of our society. For
example, the Washington Monument took 100 years to build at several
times the original cost.
As to profits, contractors realize only 2.3 per cent after taxes -
according to a General Accounting Office study - or about half of pro-
fits realized'by industry generally. Tribute is paid the aircraft industry
for productivity increases nearly double the average and for having the
best balance-of-trade record in the U.S. economy.
David Fradin, '73, is chairman of 'the Federation of Americans
Supporting Science and Technology.



In the T.V. wasteland

Putting off the busing issue

RAPE! The audience is a pas-
sive female, seduced and screwed
by the perverted products of pop-
ular moviedom. Total distain, dis-
respect and contempt for t h e
audience, a lewd Dean Martin ap-
peal, characterises Hollywood's
equivalent to sexism.
.It's amazing that such pandering
is tolerated, that some sort of voy-
erism still draws hordes to this
commercialpap. For meseeing
Raquel Welch on the screen goes
beyond personal embarassment;
she is molesting the child in me and
every ounce of human feeling
wants to vomit out of my mind
and cover the screen. That people
masochistically stomach this abuse
of shit smeared on the screen is
incredible, and yet most Americans
do eat it up.
The mass-eye socket has been
violated and the mass mind figur-
atively lobotomized by the big op-
erators, the non-traveling salesmen
who control the media, and thereby
subtly shape the values which peo-
ple have been mislead to think are
their own. Worst of all are the
"Three Marketeers" (sic), - ABC,
NBC, and CBS, - with their movies
for the "weak", indistinguishable
from the commercials, peddling
an American dream of successful
consumerism, creating a society
that will buy anything from t h e
secret prize in a Cracker Jacks
box to a secret plan to end the
THE PHENOMENON that creates
the illusion of reality in popular
visual entertainments is a gen-
eral persistence of blindness to the
media's treacherous conditioning.
Americans are disarmed by a de-
humanization which constitutes the
real violence purveyed by the tube
and the screen.
Viewers are molded into conven-
ience products which can be pack-

morality, but by a positively en-
forced, prefabricated esthetic that
keeps them returning for more of
the same 'moral re-armament'.
Alex learns to be repulsed by
Beethoven, but after his exper-
ience he should have learned equal-
ly wel Ito be repulsed by the mov-
ies. Meanwhile in our case, a sub-
tle manipulation draws the public
back again and again for the de-
meaning castration of freedom and
dignity television and pop films of-
THE T.V. DINNER that young
eyes eat up is a narcotic that will
hook them. A tranquilizing downer
to which they will be psychologi-
cally addicted the rest of their
Obviously it would be difficult
to return to the pre-conditioned
state of innocent visual perception.
It is absolutely impossible as long
as the viewing public remains se-
duced by the misconception that
visions like rapes, should be ac-
cepted passively, with no defensive
struggle; that the viewer like the
To The Daily:
SUNDAY NIGHT Eastern Mich-
igan University held its annual
Homecoming Queen Contest. This
year, in another attempt to put
themselves on the map, they held
a "bathing suit final".
The gathering was attended
rather sparsely by the Eastern
"elite" sorority people. Amid their
cheers the girls paraded in their
look-alike green and white bath-
ing suits - identical suits to pre-
vent anyone from taking an un-
fair advantage by showing more
skin than another. (You wouldn't
wanft to girl ton on ,w~the. hnig

victim is a non-participating spec-
tator with no role in creating the
experience. Misconception's abor-
tion is necessary before its de-
formities are borne irrevocable in-
to our culture.
Happily there is a means to
reawaken long dormant optical in-
stincts, to resensitize one's eyes
to the variety of visual stimula
which constitute the mind's most
communicative link with the out-
side world. It involves exercising
one's optic nerves with a type of
visual experience that respects
people, that expects them to be-
come actively involved,nquestion-
ing, looking closely, ignoring the
connotations of language labels
that stereotype the infinity of rich-
ly diverse visions. It is a way
to rebuild one's power of observa-
tion before eyes become superfu-
lous and are claimed by the atro-
phy of evolution. We have the 'un-
derground film', the independent
non-commercial cinema 'of nour-
ishment waiting to be devoured.
Eat it while its hot!
stuffing and panty raids, Eastern
takes a giant step backwards.
Come on Eastern, it's time you
grew up!
-Chuck Baylis, Grad
October 10
1IRP split?
To The Daily:
THE FRONT page article by
Chris Parks in Wednesday's Daily
entitled "Dems Split on Backing
Bullard" is misleading. The im-
pression this article seeks to con-
vey is that Democrats are ser-


IN VOTING Thursday to put off consid-
eration of the House-passed anti-
busing bill until next year, the Senate
finally helped to squelch emotions that
have already been fanned too much by
a campaign year.
Not surprisingly, Senate members who
have based much of their campaigns on
the issue were busy making statements
on the cloture vote. Michigan's Sena-
tor Griffin said of the vote, "If ever there
was a situation where Congress is not
being responsive to the will of the peo-
ple, this is it."
But notwithstanding Sen. Griffin, it is
fortunate the busing proposal was put off
until January. Over the last few months
the busing issue has become .one packed
with emotion, giving the problem inor-

ALTHOUGH busing will remain an is-
sue from now until election day,
hopefully the removal of the issue from
Senate debate will help to diminish its
emotional impact on voters. Perhaps now
more attention will be given to other,
more pressing issues.
It would be unfortunate for our coun-
try if political opportunists are swept
into office for two and six years this No-
vember on the force of an issue that will
be settled by early next year. The public
would then be left with many represen-
tatives whose thoughts may not reflect
their constituancies for the remainder
of their terms.
America is a diverse, complex nation.
Any candidate seeking national office
should base his campaign on all the is-



ed a mouse despite the fact that
scores of persons were contacted,
some as many as three and four
times. The fourteen wyho were gar-
nered include no current elected or
party office-holders. They do in-
clude personal friends of the HRP
candidate and former Democratic
party officials personally vindictive
towards Bullard;
-The article points out w h i c h
Democrats in Bullard's own en-
dorsement letter are "conspicuous"
by their absence, but fails to note
those conspicuous by their pre-
sence, most notably Bullard's prin-

this group's support (or lack of it)
must be. Moreover, issue 39 of the
Sun (RPP's paper) quotes one of
the HRP candidate's principal op-
ponents for the nomination as re-
garding his candidacy as "illegiti-
When these facts are put back
into the picture, we find that the
Democrats are nowhere near
"split". If there is indeed a serious
split anywhere, it is within t h e
HRP's coalition.
-Prof. Marc Ross
Department of Physics
no.t 11


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