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October 10, 1972 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1972-10-10

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See Editorial Page


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For details, see "today ..

Vol. LXXXIll, No. 29 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 10, 1972 Ten Cents
to move against Write-On and its pat
By JIM O'BRIEN subpoena the company's records, including seen only by McCarthy, is kept while the student assisted in the investigation." student to testify, if he is afraid that his in the city
The University has quietly launched an names of any students who have used the paper is being prepared. "We don't make any deals, but we won't testimony will seem voluntary." local comp
all-out legal assault on a local term-paper service. Although McCarthy insists "the company threaten any students who don't cooperate" One customer contacted by Fisher claims'organizatio
vendor, and students who have used the He also plans to subpoena records from is doing nothing illegal," he says that he said. that he had used the company, but solely last year,
service, The Daily learned yesterday. The Daily, specifically the names of any- policy changes will be instituted soon. In- "Once suit is brought, it won't matter for supplementary research on a paper he The rival
Roderick Daane, University general coun- one who placed a classified ad requesting a stead of being able to pick up a completed whether the student wants to cooperate or intended to write himself-the only use fierce that
sel, began investigations a month ago into pre-written term paper. term paper to use "as a reference source," not," Fisher said at another point. Write-On intended for their service, ac- allegedly tr
the activities of Write-On, Inc., a local out- Daane stated that he would release the the customer will receive only photostatic Daane was vague about the methods he cording to McCarthy. the same te
let for pre-written term papers. names to any school requesting them. The copy of research on the subject of his would employ to find students who had same class
The purpose of the investigation, author- students involved could then face expulsion paper. used the service, since he did not expect Although concerned for other customers, rival firm.
ized by University President Robben Flem- if they used the plagiarized papers in a Daane, and Paul Fisher, a law student that Write-On would release the names to the student Fisher questioned says I
ing and the State attorney general's office, course. assisting in the investigation, are currently him. didn't use the paper for a course and I've The stud(
is to bring a civil suit against the company, A spokesman for Write-On, James Mc- trying to contact c-customers to sign In one case at least, Fisher "got a hold of already got my degree-what can they marks in t
and possibly to revoke its corporation Carthy, said the company destroys records statements and testify against the company. a student's order form (for a paper), which do to me?" He refused to cooperate in the English Li
charter. on customers after they pick up their term In return for the testimony, Daane will is about the best proof you can get." investigation. similar ca
-When the suit is filed, Daane plans to papers. A file copy of the customers names, "inform the head of the school that the Daane added that he could "subpoena a Although Write-On is the only company plete expul

Eight Pages
still selling term papers, three
anies and a number of national
is competed for business here
ry between companies was so
a former employe of Write-On
ied to scuttle the firm by selling
arm paper to two students in the
before quitting and setting up a
ents involved were given failing
he class - An Introduction to
terature. Possible penalties for
es of plagiarism include com-
sion from the University.

Hlush hush Regents meet
The Regents met yesterday with little fanfare to discuss the
acquisiton of property for the Flint campus of the University.
Unlike most of their meetings, yesterday's affair was marked
by no advance publicity, and the meeting was held behind closed
doors. At the conclusion of the meeting the Regents viewed two
movies: one was about the peaceful uses of remote sensing, the
other about the Michigan football team.
The 'U' paper shredder
The University has joined the modern bureaucratic age. In
a little alcove on the fifth floor of the Administration Bldg. stands
a grey paper shredder-a device popular in the Pentagon-
which rips documents into tiny, undecipherable pieces of paper.
Nobody was quite sure just who used the device. Walter Stevens,
University security officer, has an office on the floor, but said
he didn't even know the thing existed. Secretary of the University
Richard Kennedy saidl the same thing, and added that it was
available to anyone who wished to use it. A janitor said the
thing had been there for three years.
GM boosts HRP
If General Motors has never heard of the Human Rights
Party, they have now. Recently, the Ann Arbor chapter of the
party receved a one dollar check from a GM engineer in Flint.
A note on the back of the check explained that GM has a
"Citizen Action Program" which encourages employes to give
to a political party. The donation is deducted from their pay-
checks. "They assume it will go to the Republican Dick," the
note added. Apparently, not everyone's getting the message.
Happenings.. .
. . . an anti-war rally is featured tonight at 7:30 p.m. In
Hill Aud. peace activist David Dellinger, two Vietnamese stu-
dents, and the mother of an American POW will speak . . .
Mary Stempien, local Democratic candidate for Congress, will
address a Democratic Lunch Box Forum in the Union at noon
... the LSA Coffee Hour will convene in 2549 LSA Bldg. between
3:00 and 4:30 ... Rive Gauche is sponsoring an Italian Language
Night at 1024 Hill St. at 9 p.m.
Ms. Shriver snubbed
BALTIMORE-Displaying some unorthodox political muscle,
Eunice Shriver engaged in a brief tug-of-war with a Maryland
politician for control of the stage microphone at a pro-Nixon
Democratic gathering yesterday. State Central committeeman
John Jakubik "grabbed the microphone out of my hand," Shriver
said, after she barely uttered "Good afternoon" to the Democrats-
for-Nixon gathered in the hall.
Navy goes. comic book
SAN DIEGO-Taking a lead from the comic book superhero
Aquaman-who can in times of peril call upon underworld
animals to come to his rescue-the Navy reports that sea lions
will soon be taught to clean mines from harbor floors like those
in Vietnamese ports. The deep-diving mammals, under the
instruction of six Navy frogmen, have been practicing with
dummy anti-submarine rockets fired like torpedoes.
Cerebral problem
LONDON-British schoolmasters may find that the reason so
many schoolchildren are scratching their heads is not because
they're stupid. The Education Ministry's chief medical officer
warned yesterday that nearly a quarter of a million of Britian's
long-haired schoolchildren have been besieged by lice. The officer
said that the ministry was launching a "vigorous campaign . . .
to deal with the problem of head infestation. With long hair now
popular among both sexes and the habit of boys and girls walking
along with arms entwined around each other's neck, spread of
infestation is to be expected," he warned.
Today's best quote
Probably obscene, but funny, is this snatch of conversation
overheard by one of the today . . . spies at last Saturday's
football game. Girl: "Trust you? After the whipped cream
episode I'll never trust you again."
On the inside . .

... sports writer Jim Ecker writes from Cincinnati on
the Pirates victory over the Reds in the' national league
playoff . . . the Editorial Page's stable of opinionists look
at pornography, term paper rip-offs and Henry Kissenger









Suspended with pay
pending dept. hearing
Associate Managing Editor
Mark Green, a 35-year-old assistant chemistry professor,
yesterday was relieved of his.teaching duties for showing an
anti-war slide show to his Chemistry 227 class last week.
In a move which could precipitate a major dispute over
the academic freedom of faculty members, Thomas Dunn,
acting chemistry department chairman, suspended Green,
with salary, "pending a review in the near future."
Students in the class are presently conducting a petition
drive to have Green reinstated.
Although Dunn could not be reached for direct comment
last night, he reportedly felt the slide show was "irrelevant"
to the subject matter of

Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM .
DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE George McGovern steps to the podium last night at a $50 a plate dinner held in Southfield.
Applauding are Rep. Martha Griffiths (D-Detroit) and Sen. Phil Hart (D-Mich.).

Green's course in chemistry
lab techniques, according to
Vice President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith.
Green maintained, however, that
the show was relevant because "it
demonstrated the misuse that is
possible of the technology taught
at the University."
In notifying Green of the sus-
pension, Dunn cited Green's "ac-
tions beginning October 5."
On that date, Green permitted
the Interfaith Council for Peace to
show a 30-minute anti-war slide
show to his organic chemistry
The slide show, according to
Green, "showed the manner in
which the current air war is con-
ducted. It also showed ads where
largedscience-based corporations
advertised with pride how they
had turned their technological
strengths to serve the military
needs of .our country in Vietnam."
He said he wanted his students
to know that "the material we
teach, in part, is used by those
corporations totproduce the weap-
ons shown on the slides."
About 10 other University pro-
fessors have already shown the
slide show to their classes, said
slide show sponsers.
After the first showing of the
slide show, Green placed a note
in the mailboxes of all depart-
ment personnel, publicizing the
next showing.
Dunn, in a note sent Thursday
afternoon, then demanded that


hits GOP

special To The Daily

years of senseless killing and de-

.publican Party will not ask for

SOUTHFIELD - Speaking to an Attacking the Nixon Adminis-
overflow crowd of 1700 here last tration on a wide range of issues,
night, Democratic nominee Sen. McGovern said that under his ad-
George McGovern said the issue ministration "all conversations
in the upcoming presidential elec- with regulatory agencies will be a
tion is "who owns the Presiden- matter of public record.""
cy." McGovern promised once again
Before what Democratic spokes- that his Administration would not
men called the biggest political ieae ta str"tnthose persons
campaign dinner in state history, who live on wages and on sala-
McGovern said that "the moral ries," and repeatedly during the
tone of this nation" would be set specha pressed President Nixon
"for years to come" depending on for a public debate.
the outcome.
A large group of state Demo- The South Dakota senator, who
cratic luminaries as well as Mc- in recent days has focused his
Govern campaign workers and la- campaign on what he calls corrup-
bor union leaders were on hand tion in the incumbent's adminis-
for the dinner, tration, said that his Presidency
Morednpeakingwould "not be radical or left or
McGovern, speaking to an au- right but true to the ideals we be-
dience who paid $50 a plate to gan with nearly 200 years ago."
!hear him, said "these election ;gnwt ery20yasao
eve peace rumors donot signal an 'He called the Vietnam war "the
end to the war . . . if Nixon is re- clearest and sharpest of all issues
elected, that means four more between R i c h a r d Nixon and
---George McGovern on Nov. 7."
McGovern said confidently that
any American who takes the time
to listen to his television broadcast
C...,ltonight on the war would vote
pro dancing Present for McGovern's speech
were Sander Levin, Democratic
City Concil last night passed on g'bernatorial nominee in 1970, De-
second reading an ordinance ban- troit Mayor Roman Gribbs, U. S.
ning professional dancing in Ann Sen. Phil Hart, and several state
Arbor's bars.Se.PiHrtansvrlsae
The Democratic-sponsored ordi- legislators.
nance, which was aimed at pre- McGovern made his now-stand-
venting topless dancing in bars in ard pledge that if elected, he
the city's central business district,I
nnRR-d n colitinof Dem-would guarantee a job for every

and will not accept
contributions f r o m

any political


McGovern accused the President
of being "the primary beneficiary
of a ten million dollar special in-
terest slush fund by which the oil'
companies and steel companies
and the others protect their stake
and influence in this government

tora is'
Earlier yesterday, McGovern
participated in New York's Colum-
bus Day parade, for which he was
criticized by Republican spokes-
New York's Republican gover-
nor, Nelson Rockefeller, t o 1 d
newsmen parade officials had ap-
pealed to McGovern to stay away
and added:
"This is the first time in 50
years that there has ever been a
candidate who has tried to take

Kisin ger''
Viet talk1s-
WASHINGTON (o)-Presidential
adviser Henry Kissinger's quest for
a negotiated Vietnam settlement
yesterday headed into an unprece-
dented third consecutive day of
discussion with the North Viet-
namese in Paris.
U.S. officials here and in Paris
refused to give any assessment
of what is happening in Kissinger's
extended sessions with Hanoi Politi-
buro member Le Duc Tho and
Xuan Thuy, chief of the North
Vietnamese delegation.
They would not say why the
talks had been extended or whether
progress is being made. "Appar-
ently they have something to talk
about," said White House press
secretary Ronald Ziegler.
He .said the second day of dis-
cussions had been completed and
"they will meet a third day." He
added Kissinger will return to
Washington tonight.
There were indications that the
focus now is clearly on the make-
up of the Saigon government after
the fighting ends-long a thorny
barrier to agreement. But the
mere fact of the extension spurred
speculation that the tempo of the
negotiations has been stepped up.
Never before in Kissinger's
three-year series of 19 secret trips
rto the French capital have the
talks lasted three days. All but
the immediately preceding session
-on Sept. 26-27-lasted only one

' by giving it secret money."
McGovern asked "why do they
say 're-elect the President?' Is it
because s o m e h o w 'President'
sounds a little more respectable
than 'Nixon' does?"
The Democratic candidate will
be in Detroit this morning before
flying to Battle Creek and Chicago
on his coast-to-coast campaign

F a
L {
t .

advantaLye of the -oarade and I

have to say I think it will be Green explain the educational rela-
counterproductive." vance of the show or he would be
guilty of "usurping class time,"
McGovern said later, "A pa- according to Green.
rade is a day for politicians and Green said he would show the
people. People want to see their slides anyway, but later wrote to
leaers" H sad eprsenatiesDunn that "taking the view that
leaders." He said representatives our goal in Chemistry 227 is to
of the International Ladies Gar- teach laboratory techniques, one
ment Workers. Union invited him must conclude that I usurped class
to march. See CHEMISTRY, Page 8

to u r . .. ........ .., ....., . ~. r .._O


Yo ung Vi'ets.
attack war
Tran Khanh Tuyet, a young Vietnamese
woman, has seen the villages around her
university blown to bits by American and
government troops.
She has worked in a Saigon maternity hos-
pital where 2,000 women were crammed into
spaces meant for 400, and where even cotton
wool-was a rare commodity.
Tlnor Tr--n -a ,. Vetamee.ha

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