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September 29, 1972 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-29

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Vir Si~dgan Daily
Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

I . I


420 Maynard St.; Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
A desecration of justice,

4 'V

IN THE WAKE of Jane Fonda's trip to
Hanoi, the House Internal Security
Committee has approved a bill outlawing
"unauthorized" trips to Hanoi by Ameri-
If this bill becomes law, the felony of
visiting a 'nation in armed conflict with
the United States without permission
from the President will be punishable by
10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
This bill is a monstrosity repugnant to
every concept of freedom and civil rights.
It unnecessarily limits travel by U. S.
citizens. Its sole purpose is to punish or
discourage persons such 'as Jane Fonda
and Ramsey Clark who have traveled to
North Vietnam and returned with reports
of dike bombings and civilian casualties.
If proponents of this bill intended to
censor information flow in this country,
they will have done a magnificent job if


faculty comment



the bill becomes law. The "unauthorized,"
visitors to Hanoi are the only people who
have informed the American public about
the effects of U. S. bombing and the
blockade. They are also the only ones who
have brought out POW's.
CERTAINLY, the United States has a
right to recommend countries to
which it would rather not see Ameri-
cans go. It even has a right to advise citi-
zens that they travel to certain coun-
tries at their own risk - with the pro-
tection of An American consulate.
But to stipulate a felony for certain
types of travel is a desecration of justice.
The House leaders must act decisively
to quash this abomination. If they don't,
they are not leaders.
Editorial Director

"The nerve of the North Vietnamese! ... Exploiting
POW's and their families for propaganda!"

Foreign rights ignored

Local hospitals place
research before mercy
THE UNITED STATES has the "best" military system in the world
and a- very rotten medical system. The United States is ranked
22nd in life expectancy for males and 18th in infant mortality. Yet
medical expenditures for 1972 will approach 80 billion dollars. What
does this have to do with the University's Medical Center and the
adjacent St. Joseph Mercy Hospital? Perhaps a lot.
The medico-economic functions of the, two hospitals should be com-
1. University Medical Center has as its chief product and priority
teaching and research, as opposed to direct community service. The
University claims that its ignoring community needs are based on the
fact that for the University, "the whole world is our community."
2. St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, on the other hand, claims as its chief
product and priority "community service". However, a more prudent
examination of St. Joe's definition of "community" reveals that its no-
tion of community is synonymous with only part of the community
that can offer very expensive medical services.
NOW, HOW CAN the priorities of both these hospitals be comple-
mentary to one another? That is, how can the University expand its
teaching-research programs and thus get more government grants,
while providing services only in an expensive, fragmented, specialty-
clinic fashion? And how can St. Joe's, faced with the increasing de-
mands of an increasingly medically indigent community here in Ann
Arbor, continue to serve only its relatively well-off clientele and at the
same time call itself a community hospital?
To mesh their elitist priorities the University and St. Joe's, as
President Nixon said, have a plan. The plan is basically composed of
two points:
1. St. Joseph Mercy Hospital ("Where patient care is characterized
by the Spirit of Mercy") will leave Ann Arbor and its legions of
medically indigent for the more conservative and wealthier Superior
THIS MOVE and the construction of a new hospital there will cost
upwards of 50 million dollars, virtually all of which will be paid for
by the public in the form of higher health care costs, reflected i in-
creased hospital charges, increased medical insurance premiums, in-
creased taxes to cover Medicaid/Medicare costs, and/or direct federal
support to the hospital. That is, 50 million dollars will be expended for
the privilege of Ann Arborites to lose a hospital.
2. The University Medical Center must expand to meet its teaching-
research priorities. According to U-M Director of Capital Planning Doug-
las R. Sherman, "We must increase the number of affiliated hospitals
in which U-M medical interns and residents can be placed". And ac-
cording to the Ann Arbor News, "A desire to see this approach pursued
as a means of enlarging U-M Medical School enrollment has been ex-
pressed". However, not a word has been expressed about an increase
in services.
SECURE BEHIND its legal obligations to the State of Michigan
to 'keep teaching and research foremost, the. University in its projected
take over of St. Joe's is unthreatened by community 'demands for com-
munity control of its facilities.
For example, a suit has been filed by the Ann Arbor chapter of the
Medical Committee for Human Rights against St. Joe's, demanding
that the hospital be governed as a community public utility rather than
as a private corporation. If the University took over St. Joe's, with the
University's "world is our community" mandate from its Regents, the
public utilities suit would lose considerable weight. Unburdened -by
community litigation, the University is free to go ahead with its Univer-
sity Community Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) using St.
Joe's structures as its new community base.
Such a "community health service" would not improve the com-
munity's health. By conforming to research and teaching priorities such
a plan would only fragment services further, turning the Ann Arbor
community into a living teaching-research laboratory for the Univer-
sity. In the words of one of the Medical School faculty committees de-
signated to implement the HMO, "This plan is designedto assure that
the resources of all departments in the University are combined to
provide clinical and non-clinical educational opportunities in depth for
students". Not a word about providing comprehensive services for all
segments of the community. And of course even teaching programs
for medcial students, interns and residents are inadequate if they
occur in such a highly fragmented setting.

require foreigners traveling through
the country to obtain travel visas. Visas
have always been required for persons
visiting the country. But now even per-
Editorial Staff
PAT BAUER ... ......... .Associate Managing Editor
LINDSAY CHANEY...............EditorialnDirector
MARK DILLEN.......................Magazine Editor
LINDA DREEBEN........Associate Managing Editor
TAMMY JACOBS .............. ..... Managing Editor
LORIN LABARDEE..............Personnel Director
ARTHUR LERNER........... ..... .Editorial Director
JONATHAN MILLER ..........Feature Editor
ROBERT SCHREINER..............Editorial Director
GLORIA SMITH..........................Arts Editor
ED SUROVELL.............B...........ooks Editor
PAUL TRAVIS ...........Associate Managing Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Robert Barkin, Jan Benedetti.
Chris Parks, Gene Robinson, Zachary Schiller, Ted
COPY EDITORS: Diane Levick, Jim O'Brien, Charles
Stein, Marcia Zoslaw.
DAY EDITORS: Dave Burhenn, Daniel Jacobs, Jim
Kentch, Marilyn Riley, Nancy Rosenbaum, Judy
Ruskin, Paul Ruskin, Sue Stephenson, Karen Tink-
lenberg, Becky Warner.
Frisinger, Matt Gerson, Nancy Hackmeier, Cindy
Hill, John Marston, Linda Rosenthal, Eric Schoch,
Marty Stern, David Stoll, Doris Waltz.
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Executive Sports Editor
BILL ALTERMAN ..,..........Associate Sports Editor
BOB ANDREWS........ ......Assistant Sports Editor
SANDI GENTS...... . ..... ...Assistant Sports Editor
MICHAEL OLIN..........Contributing Sports Editor
RANDY PHILLIPS ........Contributing Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Chuck Bloom, Dan Borus, Chuck
Drukis, Joel. Greer, George Hastings, Bob Heuer,
Frank Longo, Bob McGinn, Rich Stuck.
Haivaks, Roger Rossiter, Theresa Swedo. Debbie

sons changing planes
must have them. The
150,000 persons by the

at U.S. airports
move will affect
end of the year.

Letters to The Daily

Attorney General Kleindienst and Sec-
retary of State Rogers, who issued the
order, claimed it was justified because
of an increased threat of terrorism in the
U.S. that may be planned during the cur-
rent session of the U.N. Yet administra-
tion officials refused to say what the in-
dications of possible increased terrorism
The edict maybe the result of Munich.
But if that is the case, then it seems the
restrictions should be imposed only on
countries where Palestinians and their
sympathizers are harbored.
IT IS UNFORTUNATE that the U.S., a
country which cherishes "freedom"
so dearly, would impose a blanket restric-
tion on the international community
without justification. Civil Liberties are
not the exclusive right of U. S. citizens.
In a world where nations are becoming
increasingly interdependent, the U. S.
government must consider the rights of
foreigners as well.
Today's staff:
News William Alterman, Tammy Jacobs,
Jim O'Brien, Charlie Stein, Debra
Editorial: Lindsay Chaney, Fred Shell
Photo Technician: Tom Gottlieb

To The Daily:
WITH BUILDINGS surrounding
us on all sides, a small patch of
greenery and flowers is a wel-
come sight in Ann Arbor.
The South University Neighbor-
hood Park adds much to the sur-
rounding community - a place
where kids can play safely, where
students can enjoy the outdoors, a
pleasant spot to pass on the way
to and from work or classes.
For two and a half years, this
mini-park has been enjoyed and
used by many of the residents of
the South University area. Many
people assume that this park is
city-owned and operated. However,
it exists on borrowed, privately-
owned land. And it has been main-
tained and equipped through t h e
efforts of the neighborhood.
Each spring and fall, flowers
and bulbs have been planted by
interested community members -
young and old. Equipment such as
sand for the sandbox is purchased
through neighborhood fund-raising
projects. Ice-skating, volley-ball
and a pleasant atmosphere make
the park a focal point of commun-
ity spirit - a spirit sorely needed,
in Ann Arbor.
Obviously,rthis park cannot con-
tinue to exist on borrowed land. A
1971 Municipal Parks Bond has
made it possible for the City to
purchase mini-parks such as this
and insure its existence. To save
the park, interested residents are
encouraged to recommend its pur-
chase to the City Council. A first
step is to write or phone the Coun-

cil Parks Priority Committee, c/o
their homes.
These members are Nelson
Neade, Chairman, Nancy Wechsler
or Bruce Benner. Besides urging
the Committee to recommend the
purchase of the South University
Park, those interested should also
attend the Parks Priority Meeting
to be held at 8:00 p.m. on Wednes
day, September 27, in the fifth
floor conference room of C i t y
By attending the meeting a n d
letting the Parks Priority Com-
mittee know that the community
uses and needs this mini-park, the
South University Neighborhood
Park can remain in our midst.
-Elaine Engle
Member, South University
Neighborhood Assoc.'.
Sept. 23
Buy park
To The Daily:
AS AN 8-YEAR apartment dwel-
ling resident of the South Univer-
sity neighborhood I am writing to
publically urge the Parks Priority
Committee to recommend - to the
City Council - purchase of the
property at the corner of South
University and Walnutfor addition
to the City Parks system.
During the past 8 years I have
witnessed the threatened demise of
the South U neighborhood as a tol-
erably pleasant area in which to
live. Like a drowning victim; the
neighborhood nearly went under
when inundated with apartment
building and their attendant blight
elements - blacktopped parking

lots, overflowing, fly-breeding
dempsy dumpster garbage bins,
and inordinately noisy (at least
on the outside) air conditioners.
To this has been added a dis-
proportionate increase in street
traffic occasioned by increase in
population density and changes in
the traffic circulation patterns in
our neighborhood. The area eas-
ily could have gone down for the
,proverbial third and last time
under the creeping wave of deter-
ioration and ugliness but the South
University Neighborhood Park was
created, and for 2% yearsh a s
served as a symbolic neighborhood
life raft.
The Park was developed through
the cooperative efforts - physical,
political, and material - of Uni-
versity student and permanent re-
sident population. Each spring and
each fall a big work session is held
at the Park to plant flowers and
grass, to rake, mow and trim,
and to repair and construct play-
ground equipment. Inbbetween, the
Park is maintained by individual
volunteers using funds derived
from neighborhood projects (with
some help from the City, I be-
lieve). More importantly, the Park
is in constant use - by young, mid-
dle-aged, and old.
The Park has become more than
just open-spacetand playground,
It is evidence that the people in
the South U neighborhood DO care
about maintaining a quality living
environment and that "town and
gown" can and do work and play
cooperatively. Creation of the Park
stimulated formation of South Uni-
versity Neighborhood Association
-open to all land supported by
I hope this mini-park will be ac-
quiredby the city so thatsits fu-
ture as a park can be assured.
Students who have used the park to
sun-bathe, read the Sunday paper,
practice the guitar, play frisbee,
walk dogs, or otherwise, can help
secure this assurance by calling or
writing members of the City Coun-
cil, especially Nancy. Wechsler,
Council Member from the neigh-
borhood and on the Parks Priority
-Virginia L. Prentice
Sept. 23
Letters to The Daily should
be mailed to the Editorial Di-
rector or delivered to Mary
Rafferty in the Student Pub-
lications business office in the
Michigan Daily building. Letters
should be typed, double-spaced
and normally should not exceed
250 words. The Editorial Direc-
tors reserve the right to edit
all letters submitted.




Times endorses Mc Govern

EDITOR'S NOTE: Following
is the full text of an editorial
which appeared in yesterday's
editions of the New York Times.
1N LESS THAN six weeks, we,
the American people, will be
choosing the President and Vice
President of the United States
for the next four years. But we will
be doing more than that; we will
be determining whether we want
this country to continue along the
course it has been taking during
the past four years, or whether
we want to restore to American
political life its traditional values
of democratic liberalism and soc-
ial concern.,
In an America striving to realize
its own vision of equality and lib-
erty under the rule of law, the
Presidency requires particular
qualities of character, leadership
and moral force that transcend the
narrow bounds of personal ambi-
tion and of party politics. It re-
quires a perception of the things
that are wrong with America -
politically, socially, economically,
morally - as well ascthe things
that are right: and a sense of
priorities that gives precedence to
human needs and public integrity
over the panoply of wealth and
the arrogance of power.
the election of George McGovern
for President of the United States.
We believe that Senator McGov-
ern's approach to public questions,
his humanitarian philosophy and
I', rr. Oflt cmflllf of l yf r ,, C. 1,1 rfrni

" Mr. Nixon has indeed had his
spectacular triumphs; and this
newspaper has never hesitated to
applaud the accomplishments of
the President and his Administra-
tion when we thought that he was
serving the best interests of the
American people, even when in
doing so he was adopting policies
that he had spent a lifetime in op-
posing. But despite his best efforts
- in regard to China, the Soviet
Union, economic controls and so
on - Mr. Nixon has failed both in
principle and in practice in other
areas of public policy even more
vital than those in which he has
scored his successes.
NOT ONLY HAS Mr. Nixon fail-
ed to carry out his explicit pledge
to end the Vietnam conflict, on
which he won the election by a
hair's breadth four years ago; he
has pursued a policy that appears
to move in one direction while ac-
tually moving intanother. Constant-
ly emphasizing the winding down
of the war and the withdrawal of
American troops, Mr. Nixon has
nevertheless enlarged the scope of
hostilities, undertaken the biggest
bombing campaign in history md
committed American prestige to
an increasingly authoritarian re-
gnme in Saigon.
The Vietnam war is but one area
where President Nixon has failed
either to carry out his pledge or to
give the nation the moral and poli-
tical leadership that would indeed
unite us - as he promised to do
four years ago. This Administra-

Government as the Department of
Justice and the Supreme Court In
many of its social, economic and
fiscal policies; in lax standards of
probity and truthfulness in gov-
. ernment; in favoritism toward
special interests; in its addiction
to secrecy; in its disregard of civil
liberties and constitutional rights,
the Nixon Admnstration has been
a failure.
President Nixon has shown him-
self willing to exacerbate Ameri-
ca's divisions for purely political
purposes; he has countenanced and
encouraged an ominous erosion.
of individual rights and F i r s t
Amendment freedoms, and has de-
monstrated his indifference to such
dangers by deliberately selecting
Spiro T. Agnew as his potential
successor to the Presidency. Pro-
tected by the White House curtain,
he has stgod above the political
battle as the odor of corruption
and of sleazy campaign practices
rises 'above the Washington battle-
A McGOVERN administration,
The Times believes, would reverse
the unmistakable drift in Wash-
ington away from government of,
by and for the people. It is unden-
fable that since his nomination
Senator McGovern has been on
the defensive, partly because of
the Eagleton episode, partly be-
cause of ill-considered commants on
specific points that he has s'bse-
quently modified or corrected, and
partly because of the confused
management of his own campaign'
But on his record, and on what he

Are we going to continue to pur-
sue a foreign policy that, for all
its success in certain areas, is
essentially' based on military su-
premacy, on a strident nationalism
and on a cynical power game that
could alienate this country from
substantial segments of the inter-
national community?
Are we going to continue to pur-
sue a domestic policy that, in its
fundamentals, is contemptuous of
civil liberties, oblivious of deep
social conflicts and racial a n d
economic cleavages in the cities of
America, and oriented toward that
very "military-industrial complex"
against which President Eisenhow-
er perceptively warned us so many
years ago?
ON VIRTUALLY every major
issue from the war to taxes, from
education to environment, from
civil liberties to national defense,
Mr. McGovern - faltering though
many of his statements have been
- seems to us to be moving with
the right priorities, with faith in
the common man, and within the
democratic framework. While this
newspaper does not necessarily ac-
cept his program in every detail
as he had thus far outlined it or
as the .Democratic platform has
structured it, we are convinced
that the direction of American pol.
icy in the next four years would
be in safer hands under a Mc-
Govern-Shriver administration than
under the present regime.
There can be no doubt that Mr.
McGovern is now far behind in the
Presidential race. But if he suc-

THE UNIVERSITY, however, would be eligible for some of Nixon's
HMO money and other federal community medicine grants without
providing any additional community services. All that's needed for the
money is the facade of'service.
Well, what about the various health bureaucracies and: boards?
How can they allow a swindle to be perpetrated that will ultimately
be paid for with people's lives because ,of health care rendered more
expensive and thus more inaccessible? Supposedly, the state public
health director must approve any major hospital changes pending "a
review, from a regional planing agency such as the Comprehensive
Health Planning Council of Southeastern Michigan (CPHA)". Howtver,
the president of CPHC, Dr. Myron Wegman, is also Dean of U-M's
School of Public Health and is unlikely to rule against any U-M ex-
pansionistic planning.
FROM ANOTHER ASPECT, St. Joe's Community Advisory Board
has as one of its most prominent members, U-M President, Dr. Robben
Fleming, who is unlikely to advise, against the U-M--St. Joe trade-off.
Certainly, if the University is to retain even a tinge of integrity from
all these manipulations both Fleming and Wegman must resign from
their obvious conflict-of-interest positions.
If the above mentioned public and quasi-public bodies show no
commitment to people's health, what about the institutions theiselves,
i.e., St. Joe's and the University. A cursory glance at ,St. Joe's Com-
munity Advisory Board reveals a board composed of wealthy corpora-
tion executives, many of whose corporations hold Defense contracts.
A cursory glance at the University's finances indicates that it receives
millions of dollars every year to produce war related research, par-
ticularly in the area of aerial reconnaissance. for bombing missions in
That's where all the mercy's gone.
Dr. Richard Kunnes is on the faculty of the department of psy-
chiatry in the -'edical school.
tes make policy in the
eater of Nixon's mind
Brynner and Steve McQueen. would run right out and see "Andy
If Nixon saw "Earth vs. the Fly- Hardy Gets Spring Fever" or for
ing Saucers" on the late show when a little more up to date informa-
he was making out the defense tion "Hod Rod Rumble". "The
budget, we'd not only, be paranoid Godfather" is perfect for ontain-
about the Russians and :he Chin- ing information about Italian-Amer-
ese but little green men, too. icans.
Apparently Nixon has gotten
MOVIES WOULD be handy in much information, about Blacks
picking the permanent replacement from flicks such as ;'Birth of a
for J. Edgar Hoover - Nixon could Nation" and "the Little Colonel'.

War movi
empty th

RICHARD NIXON is an a v i d
viewer of the cinemagraphic
arts, which makes him much like
many other Americans. His taste'
in movies is also similar to t h e
average American's. According to
Newsweek he enjoys westerns and
Nixon has been guided by some


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