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:43 ti1y
Partly cloudy
Vol. LXXXiII, No. 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 20, 1972 en Cents
Po qcuarrelIs and a bsentes
O l ICS juurre GR e SB 88 SM ue
Ten Pages
Daily News Analysis
Vicious personal attacks caused by inter-
party conflicts, a continuing lack of quorums
at meetings, and parliamentary bungling are
just a few of the ailments plaguing Student
Govcrnment Council this year.
See related story, Page 10
For example i
-Two Council members do not even live
in Ann Arbor any more. Both are members
of GROUP, the political party headed by
SGC President Bill Jacobs;
-Two of the last four meetings have been
run on an unofficial basis because there
have not been enough members fbr a
quorum. There are 13 members on Council
and 9 are necessary for a meeting. Jacobs
says, "the quorum minimum is too high;"
-SGC has appropriated $9,000 for its elec-
tions this year. $2,000 more than last
year and a whopping 125 per cent increase
over the 1970-71 elections;
-The new SGC budget is $78,000. This rep-
resents a $50,000 increase from the previous
year, due to the new tuition fee of $1 per
term, passed by the students in last spring's
election. Of the $78,000, $16,500 is tied up
by the Regents who, according to Jacobs,
"don't want us to have a grocery co-op."
There are many problems with SGC but
the most fundamental is its members. They
squabble, pout, boycott, and obstruct Coun-
cil business for their own party gain or
"philosophical" view. Yet the supposed main
concern of SGC, the students, seems to be
overlooked in the chaos.
The Sept. 12 meeting is a good example of
the workings of SGC. The meeting was de-
layed 20 minutes until a quorum was present.
It finally progressed to the point of rear-
ranging the agenda.
Then Administrative Vice President Curt
Steinhauer, charged that another member,
Bill Dobbs, was against a proposed rule
change because of a conflict of interest.
Dobbs, angered, walked out of the meeting-
and the quorum with him. From that point
on the meeting was unofficial.
There are other basic difficulties involving
SGC members however.
Two SGC members do not live in the city
or attend the University. Marty Scott, a
member of GROUP; attends Wayne State
University and lives in Detroit. Michael
Davis, another member of GROUP, lives in
Cleveland. Joel Silverstein, whose where-
abouts are unknown, had his seat declared
vacant only last night.
According to Jacobs, long distance mnin-
bership on Council is very logical. "If they
resign," says Jacobs, referring to his fellow
members of GROUP, "RAP (Responsible
Daily Photo
An SGC meeting
War reflection
The blast of a South Vietnamese gun shatters the otherwise placid
setting at an artillery base south of Quang Tri city. The giant
cannon was shelling possible North Vietnamese positions inside the
besiegedprovincial capital.
F e sti val earn lite
F more blues to eome
Laid to rest in 1970 after a serious financial failure, The Ann Arbor
Blues Festival rose to life again this year with a mild, yet encouraging,
financial success. '
Spokespersons for the Rainbow People's Party (RPP), the sponsor
of the event, say Ann Arbor can look forward to more blues festivals.
Speaking for the non-profit Rainbow Multi-Media Corporation, RPP
member and festival organizer David Fenton says the festival made
"a little money, much less than we hoped."
He says that the exact festival profits have not yet been calculated,
but an estimated $5 to 10 thousand was collected over and above
festival costs.
In contrast, the 1970 festival closed with a deficit of $30 thousand.
Explaining the discrepancy between the expected profits and the
sues for
$1 million
Charges use of .
illegal wiretaps
in Pentagon case
LOS ANGELES (I)-Daniel Ells-
berg and Anthony Russo filed a
$1-million damage suit yesterday,
charging the government with il-
legal wiretapping in the Pentagon
papers case. They were joined by
17 of their attorneys and consul-
The suit, considered a "test
case," was filed in Washington by
the National Emergency Civil Lib-
erties Committee, but was an-
nounced in Los Angeles where
Ellsberg and Russo face trial in
the Pentagon papers case.
The suit names the heads of
eight government departments and
agencies and former Atty. Gen.
John Mitchell.
Ellsberg, Russo and their defense
team claim the government illegal-
ly eavesdropped on their conver-
sations and that "such overheard
conversations included m a t t e r s
relevant to the defense of Ellsberg
and Russo."
The eavesdropping, they say, vio-
lated their 1st Amendment right
to free speech and their 6th
Amendment right to "the effective
assistance of counsel."
Ellsberg and Russo ask a joint
{award of $50,000 in damages. The
17 attorneys and consultants ask
for $50,000 apiece in punitive dam-
ages plus $100 per day for every
day they were under surveillance
since June 19, 1968 or $1,000 each,
depending on which figure is
Ellsberg and Russo, both former
Rand Corp. researchers on govern-
ment projects, are accused of es-
pionage, conspiracy and theft in
connection with the leak to news
media of the top-secret Pentagon
papers detailing origins of the
Vietnam War.
Their trial is currently in legal
limbo because of a related chal-
lenge of government wiretapping
in the case.
The U.S. Supreme Court is ex-
pected to decide early next month
whether it will consider the wire-
tap challenge and necessitate a
long postponement of the trial.
A jury has been sworn to judge
Ellsberg and Russo and is await-
ing a call to court at any time.
Before the first witness was
sworn, the trial halted in July when
the government revealed it had
"accidentally" overheard a mem-
ber of the Ellsberg-Russo defense
team on a wiretap.
However, prosecutors refused to'
reveal who had been overheard or
the subject of the wiretap. They
said only that it was a tap for
"foreign intelligence" purposes and
had not been sanctioned by a war-
The defense said it had a right
to see logs of the conversations to
determine whether attorney-client
See ELLSBERG, Page 10
U. s
By The Associated Press
A former American Peace Corps volunteer has been killed
and nine other U.S. citizens have been arrested in Uganda
since the East African nation began fighting off an invasion
launched from Tanzania, the State Department announced
At the same time, the Ugandan government claimed its
forces have "completely routed" the invading force. It. said
the enemy's weapons and vehicles have been captured' and
that the invading soldiers are stealing bicycles, discarding
their uniforms and looting property as they retreat into
The State Department identified the former Peace Corps
member as Louis Morton of Houston, Tex.
oio, rcAh ,,i 1_d i n Lnndnn .'
uspatn es receiveuI n i~unuu
said more than 60 foreigners have
been arrested in Uganda since
fighting began Sunday.
A State Department spokesperson
in Washington said Morton and
another former Peace Corps volun-
teer, Robert Freed of Madison,
Wis., were enroute from Mbarara
to Kampala on Sunday "apparently
unaware of the fighting in the
The two were stopped twice on
the road, but allowed to continue.
Despite this permission, they weref
shot at. Morton died. Freed was
bill passed
by House
LANSING ( ) - The Michigan
House passed yesterday and sent
tothe S Rntt a bill srfSP inu
Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE George McGovern steps off the plane at Flint airport yesterday. Secret
Service men and reporters accompany him.
Fln t
slightly injured and picked up by juvenile court judges' power to
soldiers. He was well treated and order teenagers tried as adults
taken to Kampala, the spokes when charged with serious, felony-
person said. level crimes.
The spokesperson said the attack . The bill, passed 99-3, would re-
was "apparently not directed store authority voided last July 27
against Americans as such," but when the State Supreme Court
added that U.S. Ambassador ruled existing probate law was un-
Thomas Melady will seek an ex- constitutionally vague about when
planation. a 15-to-18-year-old could be sent
The other nine Americans being to a circuit court to stand trial as
held include Peace Corps workers, an adult.
missionaries and Associated Press
correspondent Andrew Torchia. The court dismissed the convic-
Tanzania, which denies any part tion of a 16-year-old Ann Arbor
in the invasion, said it would re- youth charged with forging checks,
taliate for three Ugandan air at- but a subsequent wave of protest
tacks on the northern Tanzanian from wide corners of the legal and
town of Bukoba yesterday and judicial fraternity in the state led
Monday. the high court to schedule a re-
The invaders were being identi- hearing on the issue.
fied yesterday by well-informed Either final legislative action or
sources in Tanzania .as Ugandan an about-face by the court could
exiles loyal to former President restore the power to probate judges
Milton Obote. dealing with juveniles to decide
Ugandan President Idi Amin has when a sterner or more lenient
See AMERICAN, Page 10 I arena is proper.
Countering charges of student
discrimination, Ypsilanti City Clerk
James Ashby announced duriu: a
court hearing yesterday that door-
to-doorvoter registration in East-
ern Michigan University (E;1U
dormitories will begin with the a-
ditional funds provided by the city
of Ypsilanti.
The Washtenaw Circuit Court
hearing was called to answer
charges levelled in a suit filed Fri-
day by Thomas Purmort, president
of EMU's student body," that a
door-to-door registration drive held
from Aug. 9athrough Sept. 8 in nan-
*dormitory a r e a s discriminaed
against students.
The case had been robbed of a
considerable amount of impact be-
fore the hearing by an Ypsilanti
Sfestival's net gain, Fenton says
festival planners seriously under-
estimated the event's costs. How-
ever, he points out that next year's
festival will be less expensive to
produce now that costly fences and
office and stage equipment have
been purchased.
A letter to The Daily recently
attacked the festival, which cost
$15 for five shows, as too expen-
sive for young blacks to attend.
Asked whether the festival "serv-
ed the people," as was its stated
purpose, Fenton replied, "Look
where the money's going. Fifteen
dollars fyr five shows is the lowest
See FESTIVAL, Page 10
Special To The Daily
FLINT - As George McGov-
ern rose to address an airport
rally here yesterday, a noisy
turbojet drowned him out.' But
undaunted, the presidential can-
didate went on to present his
positions on tax reform, Vietnam,
narcotics, and crime.
He did not, however, endorse
proposals to give income tax in-
centives to the parents of pri-
vate and parochial school stu-
dents as he did earlier yesterday
in Chicago.
Addressing a crowd comprised
of large numbers of workers
from nearby automobile factories
in Flint, McGovern avoided re-
iterating his earlier statements
on parochiaid.
Amid Polish Polka music play-
ed by a one-man band, McGov-
ern chose to speak extensively on
tax reform. Specifically he at-
tacked President Nixon's pro-
posed value added tax saying,
"It will add $200 to the tax
burden of the average family. A
sales tax by any other name
smells just as bad.,,
"Look at a taxsystem that al-
lows the wealthiest families in
the United States to grow rich-
er," McGovern said. He declared
by closing tax loop holes, a $22
billion savings would be realiz-
ed and no subsequent value add-
ed tax would be necessary.
In his Chicago speech, Mc-
Govern said "We will not aban-
don these valuable schools," out-
lining his proposals for parochi-
aid. Under the type of scheme
e n d o r s e d by the Democratic
presidential nominee, parents
could deduct some tuition costs
from their federal income tax
He made no detailed proposal
himself but said any of a num-
ber of pending legislative bills in
Congress would ease the tuition
burden on parochial school par-
One of these bills, sponsored by
Rep. Wilbur Mills, (D-Ark.)
would allow a tax credit of up
to $200 a year. None of these mea-
sures is given much chance of
passage this year.
McGovern tied his endorse-
ment of tuition tax credits for
maximum impact on the mil-
lions of Roman Catholic voters
concentrated in some of the
large.states he feels are crucial
to his bid for the White House.
McGovern praised parochial
schools as places where sound
moralsvirtues are taught and said
they contribute to a healthy di-
versity in American life. These
schools help to provide the
'uluribus' in our national motto:
E Pluribus Unum,'-'one out of
Smany'," hie said.
In Flint, McGovern attacked
Nixon's record on the war
against illegal narcotics. He said,
"One third to one half of the nar-
cotics coming into this country
is coming from countries Mr.
Nixon is supporting in South-
east Asia.
"These crooked regimes in-
clude South Vietnam; the men
xxib n - -: m n i a .. - a r : - - a
For the past seven months, a
court case described by Robben
Fleming, as "the biggest' cloud
on the University's financial hori-
zon" has been looming over
University administrators and
raisin the hnns of nut-of-tate
lower tuition fees.
The University is concerned
because if the students win their
suit, $12 million in out-of-state
tuition will be lost.
students won the suit, in-state
fees would be readjusted at a
higher level. That, Fleming
maintained, would make it more
difficult for minority and finan-
Atty. Arthur Carpenter, plead-
ing the students court case,
agreed that "tuition will have to
be raised", if the suit wins, but
said that "people will just have
to pay for a good education."
"The two big issues we're' go-
inL to malr our c asn hp esid.
'1' grit is 4t' ol u;t mojti-uni fl-u tho Tu-i,o-.
i ,
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