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September 14, 1972 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1972-09-14

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1 Sfand aDailj
Eighty-one years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

Phony fools GOP,


420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
4NiL.xon's war plan faling

hummintg Hoffa tune
ANOTHER ROUND in ,the ever-exciting game of political oneupsman-
ship, or in this case onedownsmanship, is over.
Not so long ago, Republicans were "appalled'" at the handling of
the "Eagleton affair," by George McGovern and his staff. Denounc-
ing the South Dakota senator and his advisors as incompetent and
slipshod for not turning up -Sen. Thomas Eagleton's mental history
prior to his selection as the vice presidential nominee, they "serious-
ly questioned" the loyal opposition's ability to take command of the
nation's highest offices.
But now the screw has turned and the Republicans have been
caught with their security pants down. Just last week a man claim-
ing to be Jimmy Hoffa's attorney was able to secure a modification
of Hoffa's probation restrictions and to persuade the state depart-
ment to validate Hoffa's passport for a journey to North Vietnam.
WILLIAM TAUB, by employing Hof-
fa's name and alluding that he was an. .
attorney, m~et with high ranking of- }
ficials- Deputy Atty. Gen. Ralph #
Erickson and presidential foreign pol-
icy adviser Henry Kissinger.
Erickson, Kissinger and the nation
have now finally' learned Taub is not I
even a lawyer. Furthermore, he had
been posing as a representative of
others, sans authority to do so, for over
20 years.
At one time he called himself "world-
wide representative" for Pope Paul
VI's film interests. He e- 1 went so
far as to accept a "Golden Globe"
award as co-producer for the film
"Z." He was later publicly branded an
imposter by the real producer.

T-HE WAR in Indochina, annoyingly
persistent as ever,, figured in two
news stories yesterday. One related the
commonplace - details of war: Saigon
troops were reported within the ancient
walled citadel of Quang Tri'city, a former
communist stronghold. The second,
seemingly less important, summarized
portions of two government studies of
U.S. bombing of North Vietnam.
Because much of the information in
the second story was "leaked" directly
to New York Times reporters, many
newspapers (including, regrettably, this
one) missed tl-is story entirely. Given the
nature of news reporting in this coun-
try, much of the information contained
in the reports may now-as "stale" news
-never get the attention it deserves.
The conclusion of the two studies, con-
ducted by the Central Intelligence Ag-
ency and the Defense Intelligence Agen-
cy, is significant in itself. Basically, the
reports say, President Nixon's four
months of intensified bombing of the
North have failed to halt Hanoi's war ef-
Moreover, they estimate North Viet-
nam can continue its present level of
combat for two more years under present
conditions. North Vietnamese infiltra-
tion is on the rise in the Mekong region
near Saigon, in spite of thorough bomb-
ing of troop routes from the North. Pe-
troleum is now being shipped to Hanoi
through three highly mobile pipe lines

Combined with reports from more im-
partial sources. that the mining and
blockade efforts are failing anyway, this
is hardly news to inspire faith in the
President's method of ending the war.
THIS IS NOT to say that word of these
setbacks for Nixon's war strategy
should necessarily be cause for rejoic-
ing among those opposed to the current
air war and Nguyen Van Thieu. It is un-
likely to change Nixon's mind about the
course he has stubbornly chosen, as long
as an apathetic and war-weary electorate
prefers to consider the end of American
lives lost the end of American responsi-
bility for continued death.
It's not a new theme for American -
perhaps that's why we now rebel at the
thought of considering it once more. But
this is an election year, and if Novem-
ber's choice is to be based on reality and
not a slick ad campaign, reports such as
these must continue to remind the pub-
lic that our death-machine is still at
IT MAY BE that the unnamed Pentagon
sources leaked the news unwilling-
ly, and tried to minimize the damage by
releasing the information to Dnly' a few.
In any case, the fourth estate must like-
wise not forget the reality of Vietnam, as
the candidates will likely distort or omit
it from their political rhetoric if it seems
expedient. To do so would only continue
the tragedy.

"if in November this war is not over, I say that the
American people will be justified in
electing new leadership!"

IF McGOVERN and his staff were
incompetent in their investigation of
Eagleton, the Republicans have cer-
tainlv done no better withrTaub - un-
less, of course, Taub is really all that
good a phoney.
Linda Rosenthal is an assistant night

Jimmy Hoffa
edtor on The Daily.

Congressionalpassions inflamed by busing


from the Chinese border,
venting the U.S. blockade

thus circum-
of Haiphong.

IF BY BUSING you mean that system whereby count-
less young children in remote areas across our na-
tion have been transported to improved facilities where
they can enjoy a hot lunch program and take part in
musicand athletic activity and study foreign languages
and advanced mathematics and science courses not
available to them in the sparsely furnished one room
schoolhouse-then I support busing wholeheartedly.
But if by busing you mean that heartless and inhuman
doctrine whereby young people - infants, mere babes-
are snatched from their mothers' bosoms against their
will to be hauled like cattle from before the break of
dawn until after dark over countless miles to strange
surroundings far from their own neighborhood and play-
mates for the mere purpose of satisfying some sociolo-
gist's statistical need-then I oppose it.

Escb views Esch news

The proceedings of the U.S. House of
Representatives generally make for bor-
ing reading. Recently, however, as the
House debated a-series of anti-busing
provisions, dormant rhetoricl t a l e n t

Marvin Esch

KEEP his constituents informed,
Republican Congressman Marvin
Esch sends out a number of newsletters
each year.
Though the latest newsletter lists the
congressman's position 'and record on
welfare reform, revenue sharing, water
quality legislation, war making powers,
senior citizens, education, science and
astronautics, economic conversion, con-
gressional reform, the 'environment, and
Today's staff:
News: Cindy Hill, Tammy Jacobs, Jim
Kentch, Jim O'Brien, Eugene Robin-
Editorial Page: Arthur Lerner
Photo technician: Denny Gainer

youth involvement, there is not a word
concerning Esch's position on Vietnam.
Ponathan Brown, Esch's, legislative
aide, reports that the reason no mention
is made of Esch's Vietnam record is that
"we haven't been able to get anything
Esch has backed anti-war amend-
ments, but Congress has not approved
any of them - so it wasn't mentioned in
the newsletter, Brown says. Esch, how-
ever, greets his newsletter readers with
a "personal message":- "This report is a
brief summary of what the Congress has
done -and left undone-over the past
behind this omission, Brown ex-
plains. In his campus literature, Brown
continues, Esch is very clear about his
anti-war stand. The most recent news-
letter, 100,000 of which were distributed
throughout the congressional district,
wasn't even part of Esch's campaign for
re-election, Brown points out.
To support this contention, Brown
notes that the reason Esch's Republi-
can Party affiliation is not mentioned
once in the newsletter (which mentions
Esch 51 times) is, "This newsletter was
a constituent newsletter, not a campaign
oriented brochure."
"All our campaign material mentions
what his party is. Obviously we don't try
to hide that we're Republicans," he con-
MARVIN STEMPIEN reach for your
guns. The non-campaign campaign
is on.

A MOTHER is a mother, whether she is black or white,
Spanish or Italian. She wants her child near her. She
wants her child to have a good education in a neighbor-
hood school, to succeed in life and be happy. For many
busing does not do this. Perhaps for those deprived chil-
dren bused to the best schools in town, there is an ad-
vantage. But what does a mother tell her children when
they report that they feel even more acutely deprived
side by side with a well-off child?
And what does a mother say to her child who must
remain in the disadvantaged school because he was not
chosen to be bused? And what does the mother of the
well-off child say when her son or daughter is bused to
an educationally deprived school to make room for those
bused in? Is sitting next to a white child the only way
for a black child to get a good education?
Life is too short to spend it in a bus.
Boosting jd

Three Democratic congressmen, Del-

lums from California,

Hungate from

Missouri and Biaggi from New York,
issued these remarks just prior to House
passage of a series of anti-busing legis-
lation .

burst forth.

VOTE YOUR conscience, not vote your district. Do not
be concerned with whether you can get re-elected. Do
note vote on the basis of self-aggrandizement or whether
you commit political suicide. I urge you not to engage in
political expediency.
If you have any political spirit and any political heart,
any political leadership, any political integrity; you would
not come to the floor of this Congress and vote whether
you come back to Congress, but you would vote your in-
tegrity and concern for this country.
We should be guided by morality in this country, by
human values in this country, and by a philosophy in this
country that speaks to the human needs of all the people.
BUSING IS NOT and has not ever been the critical
question in America, but our problem is the fear and
the trepidation of politicians walking *illy-nilly through
their congressional districts, smiling, shaking hands, and
opposing busing, but saying on the other side, "I am
liberal, but I cannot vote for this because if I do they
will send a real racist to Congress."
Well, maybe they should send us a real racist. Send us
some real racists, and then we will know what we are
dealing with. We do not need people who are not willing
to stand up on their integrity as human beings and be
counted on the moral issues of these, troubled times.
Let us help the people who deserve education in this
country, people who have the right to education in
America. That is the reality we ought to be dealing with.
On both of the sides of the aisle there are too many
people here, both men and women, who are frightened
to death to face the reality of this amendment.
THIS AMENDMENT is politically inspired. This entire
legislation is politically inspired. Let us vote for the
people, whether they are black, brown, yellow, red or
white, and stop playing the dangerous expedient games
we are playing on the issue of busing.



pay-too high a lready?

Daily Guest Writer
CITY COUNCIL asked Lloyd
Fairbanks (R-Fifth Ward) and
Nelson Meade (D-Third Ward) and
me (HRP-First Ward) to serve on
a committee to review the salaries
of the city's two district judges.
The district judges are paid
$19,500 a year by the state. Local
government have the option of
supplementing that income. Pres-
ently Ann Arbor is paying the
judges aun additional $9,500 for a
total yearly income of $29,000.
Since' the average income for
a family of four in this country is
nearly $20,000 below that which the

judges currently receive, it seems
absurd that Councilmen Meade
and Fairbanks recommended that
Ann Arbor tax payers shell out
an additional $2,000 per judge for
a grand total salary of $31,000.
What is the justification for such
an increase? Judge Pieter Thom-
assen stated his workload was one
of the heaviest in all of southeast-
ern Michigan, and since his and
the other district judge's salaries
can legally be increased to $32,-
000 they deserve an increase. It is
true that their workload, at least
statistically, is greater than other
districts in the area and that

do -

of the other judges do re-
somewhat more than ours
but that really isn't the is-


IF2 51-V9%

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1 I


Further, our committee was in-
formed that within a year there
will probably be a third district
judge who will substantially re-
duce the workload for Judges
Sandoff Elden and Thomassen.
And when that third judge comes,
we all know that City Council can
not and will not decrease their
salaries. Therefore, the taxpayers
of Ann Arbor are not just being
asked to supplement the salaries
of two judges but very soon for
three, and sincetheRepublicans
and Democrats on council have
had their way, this will mean a
total added expense by the city of
$34,500 per year.
IT SEEMS to the Human Rights
Party that $19,500 is more than an
adequate income to live on - to
say the least! The secretaries and
clerical employes start out at
only about $6,000 per year and our
janitors and maintenance people
at only a little more, and the city
states we cannot afford to pay
them more and that they receive
more than an adequate income.
Why this discrepancy? The eco-
nomic class system of this coun-
try demands that the white, male
and upper income judges who send
people - primarily the young, the
poor and black people- to inhu-
mane prisons, and who enforce and
sit in judgement over those who
break illegitimate and victimless
crime laws, be paid super bour-


system will be maintained. And
until the laws are made by the
working people and disenfranchis-
ed, those who do not now share
the power and wealth, and until
the law enforcers and judges re-
flect and are a part of those
groups, then our legal system and
process shall continue to reflect
the wealthy and protect property
rights over people.
If City Council had, the legal
power to cut the judges' salaries,
the Human Rights Party would
have proposed that the city give
no supplement to Elden and Thom-
assen. However, legally we can-
not propose this, so we urged City
Council to vote no on the $2,000
I ASKED Judge Thomassen why
he needed more than his present
$29,000 salary. The answer was
that it is a matter of life style.
And indeed it is. But as long as
there are people in this country

who must struggle to make enough
to eat and live decently, then $50,-
000 homes and boats and trips to
Europe will have to wait. Judges
perform or least should perform a
public service, but so do secretar-
ies and janitors. The inequities
must be ended and to each ac-
cording to their needs, and not
according to their class status.
Finally; in a time of severe fis-
cal crisis for the city, when basic
services from childcare, health-
care to garbage collection cannot
be properly provided for, how this
city can raise the salaries of the
two district judges is beyond any
rational common sense. This may
be a small matter to some, but it
shows the priorities and values of
the Democratic and Republican
Parties quite clearly.
Jerry De Grieck is an Ann Ar-
bor city councilman from the First

Lettersto The Daily


I DX) 9100W FEE(-
Cr) P'C -F.

Rainbow rip-off?
To The Daily:
I WOULD like to take this- op-
portunity to thank the Rainbow
People for a fine rip-off. As a young
black, I want to register my dis-
may with the way the Ann Arbor
Blues and Jazz Festival was run.
Having heard for years the White
Panthers and now the Rainbow

all the money. I mean it's cool that
people dig the blues but there's no
way most young blacks can put up
that kind of bread. The very same
people who should be seeing the
music because it's where they
came from can't afford it.
Some brothers and I went to the
concert, and -stood around the fence
digging the music when this jive-
ass osvchedelic pig told us to split.


G~f '6
,r'' N Y





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