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April 19, 1973 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-19

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Thursday, April 19, 1973



What a great wayto
spend the summer.

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"Hell, our goal is to win the
national championship. With the
guys we have coming back and
with these new kids, we have a
real shot at it, the best shot
since I've been here." No, that's
not Bo Schembechler praising
next year's football squad. These
words came from wrestling
coach Rick Bay, the 29-year-old
wizard of Michigan's Mat Ma-
Bay and Assistant Coach Bill
Johanneson's recruiting efforts
have landed two blue-chip 167-
lb grapplers. Their presence at
Crisler Arena should compen-
Draft delayed
NEW YORK (tP) - The Na-
tional \ Basketball Association's
1973 college draft has been
postponed from Thursday until
next Tuesday, April 24, Com-
missioner Walter Kennedy an-
nounced Wednesday night.
"Because of the protracted
hearing of the John Brisker
matter the 1973 NBA college
draft has been postponed from
Thursday until next Tuesday,
April 24," Kennedy said in a
sate for the loss of graduating
senior and Big Ten runnerup
Roger Ritzman. Dan Brink,
currently enrolled at Muskegon
Junior College, and Mark John-
son, from Rock Island, Ill., have
both accepted athletic tenders
and are Ann Arbor-bound.
Brink, the runnerup in this
year's Junior College National
Tournament, received Michi-
gan's lone in-state scholarship.
Although he'll transfer asa jun-
ior with only, two years of
eligibility remaining, Brink rep-
resents Michigan's best invest-
ment opportunity.
"We weren't particularly im-
pressed with the high school
guys in the state this year, so

we went with someone who could
help us immediately," explain-
ed Bay. "It might not be the
wisest use of the tender over the
long haul. But we decided to go
with a known quantity rather
than a prospect." Brink drop-
ped the Juco 167-lb. crown by
one point to the JC tournament's
outstanding wrestler.
Johnson, Illinois state runner-
up at Rock Island Alleman High
School, will battle Brink for the
167-1b. berth, with the loser be-
coming a prime candidate for
the 177 job. Bay sounds really
high on his Illinois find.
Although Johnson finished
second in the state tournament,
he beat the other guy twice d1ur-
ing the year," r e 1 a t e d
Bay. "He's an outstanding kid,
both as a wrestler and a stu-
Like Michigan's other univer-
sity programs, the Athletic De-
partment suffers from a tight
financial budget. Wrestling, de-
fined as a "minor sport," battles
both a numbers game and the
money squeeze.
The Big Ten restricts minor
sport scholarships to a mere 15,
a small figure for the combined
desires of wrestling, gymnas-
tics, baseball, swimming and
track. Athletic Director Don
Canham budgets the grants, tells
Bay haw many wrestling will re-
ceive, and how much they're
worth. This year wrestling re-
ceived one in-state (Brink) and
one out-state (Johnson) tender
plus some partial aid packages.
Boy's remaining money will go
to one of two undecided mat-
men. Either Bob Holland, a 150-
158 pounder from East Leyden
H. S., Ill. or Greg Cooper, a 185-
lb. strongboy from Youngstown,
Ohio, will get the dough.
Holland is one of the nation's]
outstanding prospects and has
been heavily recruited, with;
Michigan fighting it -out with
Oklahoma and Wisconsin. Al-

though Bay would love to land
Holland, it's not of immediate
importance. With NCAA 150-lb.
ch mp Jerry Hubbard, John
King and Tad DeLuca, the Wol-
verines are strong in Holland's
But Cooper is, a different
story. A trimmed down 185
pounder would provide valuable
competition and depth at the 177
division, where incumbent John
Ryan and backup Steve Bissell
are vulnerable. Cooper, an un-
defeated Ohio state champion,
has narrowed his choice to be-
tween Michigan and Navy.
"Right now, his status is up
in the air" evaluated Bay. "His
decision will reflect more a dif-
ference in life styles than in
Bay entered the recruiting sea-
son with two goals: 1) Use his
limited resources to bolster the
167-177 picture, and 2) Get good
quality at the other backup posi-
tions. He feels the first has been
v i r t u a 11 y accomplished
(hinging on Cooper's decision).
But the second objective re-
mains an unknown quantity.
"We don't have much lever-
age as far as non-tendered ath-
letes go" complained Bay. "In
fact, the Admissions Office pro-
bably has more .power than we
do. They want that $50 enroll-.
ment deposit by May first."
Bay is experiencing a pheno-

gap s
menon concerning wrestlers who
must pay their own way. In the
past, Michigan's solid but still-
developing grappling program
attracted kids who saw an oppor-
tunity to wrestle for a good col-
lege team. But now, blessed with
a national-calibre outfit, Bay
and Johanneson are finding pros-
pects reluctant to come to a
place where they might never
Bay and Johanneson are hop-
ing a couple of Bo's football re-
cruits come out for wrestling.
Either Greg Boik, a 6-5, 250-lb.
offensive guard from Ypsilanti,
or Jack Heffernan, a 6-2, 250-lb.
defensive tackle from Staten Is-
land, N. Y. would greatly aid
c u r r e n t heavyweight Gary
Ernst's national championship
hopes. Ernst sorely needs prac-
tice room competition.
Michigan isn't getting its usual
number of freshman grapplers,
not yet at least. But the out-
standing talents of Brink and
Johnson, coupled with a positive
decision by one or two of the un-
decideds, would make all those
car trips, phone calls and let-
ters by Bay and Johanneson
It's still early, but just in case
you're interested, next . year's
NCAA wrestling tournament will
be at Iowa State University. See
you there.


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Special To The Daily
Kilkowski's seven goals, the Michi-
gan stickmen edged out Michigan
State 11-9 in East Lansing yester-
Kilkowski's three goals in the
third period along with one by
Dick Dean broke open a 7-7 tie
and gave Michigan an insurmount-
able 11-7 lead. With only five min-
utes to go, the highly partisan
Spartan crowd of 200 was sent
home in gloom.
Coach Bob Kaman admitted
"Kilkowski was on today," but
added "we had overall better
personnel." The Wolverines had
dropped two encounters in recent
weeks which Kamen had partly
attributed to exhaustion. And
yesterday he claimed, "We won
because we were rested."
Indeed Kilkowski was on from
the beginning, scoring with just
over a minute gone in the game.
Michigan kept up the pressure and
grabbed a 6-4 half-time lead, ap-
parently headed for an easy vic-
tory in the making.

However the Spartans, led by Val
Washington's second, third , and
fourth goals, came back to take a
7-6 lead halfway through the third
period. The Wolverines appeared
temporarily lost, drawing num-
erous penalties, but straightened
up enough to end the period tied
7-7. Then Kilkowski went to work.
MSU scored two late goals with-
in twenty seconds of each other
but the Wolverines stiffened and
held on.
Kamen was particularly pleas-
ed with the play of his attack-
men. Due to the absence of three
regulars, the offense was forced
to play only two deep.
The win avenged a loss suffered
at the hands of the Spartans in
Ann Arbor last spring. The two
teams meet again this Saturday at
2 p.m. at Ferry Field. At stake is
the Bagattaway Trophy, awarded
to the winner of this town's annual
Michigan-Michigan State lacrosse
Saturday's game is Michigan's
last outing of the regular season.


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