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Ak 'ianF
T f rih-62
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Vol. LXXXIIIi No,. 158 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 18, 1973 Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
.last of two par
Into the sunset
One of the University's least known but most powerful in-
dividuals will retire at the end of June. The person is Clyde
Vroman, director of admissions here since 1949, and at 69 one
of the most senior department heads at the U. Vroman, who has
admitted 100,000 students to the University according to an of-
ficial spokesperson, will be going to sunny California - where
anyone with any sense retires after so long in Michigan.
Partisan junket
With three of his fellow Republicans off vacationing in Flor-
ida, Mayor James Stephenson found himself o the short end
of a vote Monday night. The vote came on a motion asking that
Lloyd Fairbanks (R-Fifth Ward), be appointed chairman of the
Zoning Board of Appeals. The Democratic-HRP victory was
strictly a moral one, however, as Stephenson quickly exercised
his executive prerogative and appointed Fairbanks interim chair-
man. By next week, Stephenson's tanned colleagues should be
back to make that appointment an official one.
PHistory lies
In more serious business, the council approved an ordinance
which sets aside nine houses in the Division St. area as historic
monuments. The ordinance prevents any of the owners from
making structural changes in the buildings without prior approv-
al from the Historical District Commission.
Tenth life
Perhaps taking a cue from Ms. O'Leary's cow, who accord-
ing to legend is said to have started the famous Chicago fire, a
local cat has been identified as the culprit behind Monday's fire
at 317 Jefferson. Fire officials reported yesterday that the blaze
was started when a cat knocked over a lamp. The cat was killed
in the fire but fortunately all Homosapiens involved survived.
Happenings . .
. East Quad will be the scene of an indoor-outdoor dance
theatre concert this evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Greene Lounge
.the Phenomenology Group is presenting Rick Amaro who
will'speak on "Phenomenology and Buddhism" at 7:30 p.m. in
Anderson D, first floor of the Union .. . looking ahead to the
weekend, the last big sock hop of the season is scheduled for
Friday night at 8:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. The hop will,
as usual; star "Jimmy and the Javelins" and Chasity and The
Belts." Admission is free. Also coming up is a motorcycle
clinic at Edsel Ford High School in Dearborn. The clinic will
be open for those who wish to learn to ride. The sessions will
be from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday.
Dope hot line
MUSKEGON - As a member of the American Bar Associa-
tion's narcotics committee, Judge John Schoener thought it was
his duty to find out what "the people" thought about the evil
weed. Schoner installed three "dope hot lines" in his home
and invited people to call in and talk about their experiences
with marijuana. The Judge reported that nearly everyone who
has called thus far has been in favor of legalization. "I have the
impression people seriously believe marjuana is good for them
and contend alcohol is more dangerous," he commented.
Pistol Pete
WASHINGTON - Despite the tact that he hails from the
great metropolis of New York, Secretary of Labor Peter Brennan
has added a touch of the "Wild West" to the Nixon administra-
tion. Brennan, it seems, packs a pistol tucked in his waist
when he walks through "tough neighborhoods" in New York and
Washington. He has also hired several special private guards to
patrol the halls outside his office.
King of Hearts?
LONDON - For a people generally characterized as humor-
less the British find some mighty strange things to laugh about,
Peter Richardson found that out yesterday when he tried to rob
the prestigious Barclay's Bank. After passing a threatening note
to the bank teller, Richardson puled out his gun to show the
teller he meant business. The teller then began laughing un-
controllably and passed the note to his fellow employees. They
in turn began laughing as well and within a matter of seconds
the entire bank was in hysterics. Not knowing what to make
of the whole affair the robber fled.
Robert Harris looks and talks the part of the tough, shrewd
politician he was as the undisputed czar of City Hall for the
last four years..
He stares at you with cold, unemotional eyes as he puffs
on his ever-present cigar in a jaunty, almost obscenely self-
confident manner. And you sense some of the Harris elan-the
almost unbearable cool which has so enraged his opponents.
Words like "pragmatism", and "realities" slip frequently
into his speech. People who opposed him are dismissed 'as
"romantics" who simply didn't understand "all the facts" or
"the inside story."
In his four years as mayor, Robert Harris developed a repu-
tation as an extremely shrewd (some say unscrupulous) pol-
tician and an expert arm twister and wheeler-dealer,
After the disasterous 1970 election, the Democratic major-
ity was reduced to 6-5. One of the six was conservative First
Ward Councilman H. C. Curry whose support could not be
counted on. For Harris, wheeling and dealing became a way
of life,.
"The only way we got through that year was with Second
Ward moderate Republican councilman (Robert) Weaver. When
we could peel him off, we got some stuff done. But we were
working with five Democrats and one Republican," he recalls.
In the winter of 1971, Harris led this shaky coalition into a
battle to pass a city ordinance which would in effect lower the
penalty for marijuana possession in the city from a felony to a
Through two- months of debates, hearings and revisions,
Weaver's vote was courted. Yet no one really knew until the
night the ordinance was passed which way Weaver would
finally go.
Harris remembers even more bizarre dealing - the pur-
chase of the Fisher-Cadillac building on Washington St. as a
home for Ozone House and the People's Ballroom.
"The craziest deal I ever put through was the Washington
Street building we bought from Fisher-Cadillac", he relates
with relish. "That was a real wild deal. We had to get eight
votes to make the purchase (under city charter regulations). We
got the Republican votes because it was eventually going to be
a parking structure and we got the Dems because in the interim
it would be a home for Ozone House."
But the tough, almost arrogant pragmatism which served
See HARRIS, Page 12
for peace
violatto ns
By AP and Reuter '
It has become obvious that
the Americans and other
combatants have yiolated the
peace agreement on Vietnam,
Canadian Foreign Secretary
Mitchell Sharp said yester-
Sharp said the Paris peace set-
tlement called for foreign coun-
tries to stop all military activi-
ties in Laos and Cambodia, but
the United States had breached the
agreement by bombing.
Sharp was replying to a ques-
tion in the Canadian House of
The bombing is a "major mat-
ter" involved in Canada's impend-
ing decision whether to continue
as a member of the International
Commission of Control and Super-
vision (ICOS) in Vietnam, Sharp
Canada has announced it would
reveal its decision whether to
withdraw from the ICCS by May
Meanwile, the U. S. launched
B-52bombers in continued heavy
attacks in, Cambodia designed to
loosen the Communist strangle-
hold on the capital of Phnom
Penh as Cambodian Prime Minis-
ter Hang Thrun Hak announced
his resignation from 'the govern-
nent of President Lon Nol.
On the ground, bitter fighting
continued on the main battlefront
south of the Cambodian capital.
In Phnom Penh itself, the capi-
tal's supply crisis eased with the
distribution of food and fuel sup-
plies from river and truck convoys
which had broken through a com-
munist blockade.
The eight-engine B-52s flew
single missions at 20-minute inter-
vals from early yesterday morn-
ing, mostly against Communist
forces ranged 10 to 20 miles along
the Bassac River southeast of
Phnom Penh.
On the southern front, continued
heavy fighting was reported
around the provincial capitals of
Takeo and Tram Kmnar.
In Phennm Penh President Lon
Nol gave no reason for the, sub-
mission of his premier's resigna-
Last October, Non No] per-
suaded outgoing Premier Son Ngoc
Thanh to postpone his resignation
for nearly a week to stave off a
Settlement proposed
f or Dems cvl sUis
WASHINGTON A--President Nixon announced yesterday
he is ready to grant his full. cooperation with all investiga-
tions of' the Watergate affair and promised to immediately
suspend members of the executive staff who may in, the
future be indicted by a federal grand jury investigating the
He explained the action was a result of a personal in-
vestigation which has produced "major developments." He
declined to elaborate on what these "developments" were.
In a separate move last night, the Committee for the
Re-election of the President offered to settle a series of civil
suits brought by the Democratic National Committee (DNC)
. as a result of the Watergate bugging.
Nixon declared last Aug. 29 that an earlier private in-
quiry convinced him no member of the White House staff
at that time was involved. But he said in a brief appearance
. before newsmen yesterday that he now wants to emphasize
Daily Photos by ROLFE TESSEM
DIELTA TAU DELTA frat members Mark Seegel and Jim Nissley pose by the sign they con-
structed to warn motorists of a hidden speed trap on Geddes (abo-ve). Meanwhile a grim Ann
Arbor cop mans the offending speed trap (below).
Kids vie with
cos in tadar.
spleed t-rap flap
t all started as a joke
, When Mark Seegel was caught speeding last
week by radar-equipped police he decided that
others should escape his fate. So he and his
friends at the Delta Tau Delta fraternity erected
a sign warning, Danger: Radar speed trap."
The joke developed into a full fledged feud
jvesterday, however, when the Ann Arbor police
decided to move against Delta Tau Delt's sign.
Cops moved up' the road from their hide-out
on Geddes near Concod to the fraternity at
1228 Gieddes yesterday afternoon.
See POLICE, Page 7
that no member of the White
House or the. executive branch
should claim immunity from
Pledging full cooperation with
present investigations of the Water-
gate conspiracy by a federal grand
jury and a select Senate commit-
tee, Nixon announced that all
members of the White House staff
will appear voluntarily before the
Senate committee, testify under
oath and provide full answers to
all proper questions.
The President originally had in-
dicated White House staffers would
not be available to the Senate
committee. He had claimed such
a procedure would violate the con-
stitutional separation of powers be-
tween the executive and legislative
Nixon said that as a result of ne-
gotiations between leaders of the
Senate group and White House
aides, "I believe now an agree-
ment which is satisfactory to both
sides has been reached."
The Senate panel, headed by, Sen.
Sam Ervin (D-N.C.), voted Mon-
day to accept no less than public,
sworn testimony from any Presi-
dential aides called as witnesses,
with virtually no relevant questions
PRESIDENT NIXON says he will
immediately suspend any meme-
ber of the executive branch who
may be indicted by the grand
jury investigating the Watergate
ruled out.
Ott the iside .
...'The Arts page has Gloria Smith's account of an
interview with Dr. hool and The Medicine Show (They
haven' as yet mde the cover of the Michigan Daily) . .
Everett Ehrlich writes about Nixon and the minimum wage
S .rack sportswrter Mar' Feldman has the details of a
baseball twin-bll agnst Notre Dame.
A2's iwewh er
You can get high on the cloudiness today, said student
WA/en'idy as she looked at the sky. This was the best student
reaction to the questioi of today's weather, Actually it
vili be warmer today and there will be some cloudiness of
the cirrus type. Highs today ranging from 60-65 with lows
tOnite of 40-45.
Funding, teClmical woes beset,
implementation of Teltran plan
Two years since it was banned
on campus, the University is
again using the controversial
chemical Avitrol to discourage
pigeons from roosting on cam-
pus b'iildings, the ');aily learned
Administrators are strangely
elusive about the Avitrol pro-
gram,and who ordered it on
cam pus.
The chemical, which is coated
on corn and put on the roofs of
campus buildings, is known to be
fatal to six per cent of the birds
who digest it, according to a
local exterminator.
A spokesman for the U.S. Ie
partment of the Interior esti-
mates the figure as high as ten
per cent of the total bird popu-
Avitrol affects the nervous sys-
tem of the bird, literally making
rli.n ft -ifh ol t tr irt. . -
vxed with that program at all.''
Joseph Watson, manager of
building services, admitted that
the University was using a chemi-
cal ~ that would "discourage
pigeons from staying here" and
keep them from "spreading hep-
atitus," but said he knew nothing
further about it, not even the
name of the product used.
'It's nothing that kills them
or anything," Watson said. "I
hope you don't make a big thing
about this.
lTe directed questions to the
Un ivecrsity's ht e a l t h institute,
which reportedly clear's chemi-
cals before they are to 'be used
on campus.
An environmental health in-
stitte spokesman said he "didn't
even know we had this program."
Donald Wendel, director of the
Plant Department, was vacation-
ing in Colorado and not avail-
able for comment;
Rose Exterminators, however,
said they do the job "every month,
every week, every day."
"I believe we did a job last
week," said John Racy, a company
"We'll do whatever they order.
As long as it's legal, it can be
performed," said Racy. He could
not identify "they," aside from
being the University.
"Avitrol is not a deadly poison,"
said Racy. "We're not out there to
See 'U', Page 9
The President said that the committee had agreed it may hear
some witnesses in executive session before they appear at televised
public hearings, and that witnesses from the executive branch will be
allowed to invoke executive privilege if they feel such a move is
called for in the case of individual questions.
Nixon said th'at he launched an intensive new investigation of his
own into the Watergate matter after serious charges, some of them
made public, caine to light on March 21.
On Sunday afternoon, he reported, he met in the Executive Office
Building next to the WhiteHouse with Atty. Gen. Richard Kleindienst
and Henry Petersen, head of the Justice Department's criminal sec-
tion, and discussed the new findings at length.
"There have been major developments in the case," Nixon said,
but declared it would be improper to detail them at this time.
"Real progress has been made in finding the truth," he said.
The- original White House inquiry into Watergate was directed by
President Counsel John Dean. It was as a result of that investigation
that Nixon publicly stated no present members of his staff had been
The fact that Nixon directed that a second investigation be con-
ducted seemed to suggest he no lounger was satisfied with Dean's
original findings.
The President did not explain precisely the significance of the
March date he had mentioned, but it was about that timethat con-
victed Watergate conspirator James McCord disclosed that he would
be willing to tell what he knew about, the matter,
See NIXON, Page 7
Due to a number of "ifs'' involving both fund-
ing and technical problems, it appears the city's
bus system of the future will remain just that,
at least for te present.
The new sy stem, d bb Tertan, w as ap-
nroved mor'whelininp ei Lw mmI, oters in the re-
ing ahead "at a fantastic rate'' in solving the
new system's problems.
Among the "ifs" surrounding Teltran's future
!ne Umber of technical problems.
Ire ) gmfor Teltran 's radio-equipped mini-
buses have yet to be finalized and therefore pro-
duction has been held up.t
i 1sai J d
As a part of the University's student
advocacy program, the Office of Student
evicesa nd Prorno m is develoning a pro-
advocate will be concerned with are blind-
ness, mobility disabilities, deafness, cardiac
diseases, and epilepsy.
A maior concern for the advocate, ac-