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April 17, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-17

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXi I, No. 157 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 17, 1973 Ten Cents

Twelve Pages,

Heavyweight champ}
One subject University naval architecture students aren't
treating lightly is the building of concrete canoes. 50 University
students as well as engineering students at two other state
schools are dead serious in their attempt to build two crafts for
what might be called the world's strongest canoe competition-
the third annual Concrete Canoe Race Apr. 28 on the Eagle
Creek Reservoir near Indianapolis. Heavy, man.
Vote note
A University professor has cast his hat into local politics
by announcing his candidacy for the city School Board. English
Prof. Christopher Reaske said that he is running because "many
of the city's residents have "been embarrassed by what has
been going on at the school board meetings." The elections are
in June.
Broken dreams, broken windows
A woman attending a dance at the United Auto Workers hall
in Ypsilanti was asked to dance by a man who she said was at-
tempting to become "romantically involved" with her. When she
refused to dance =with him he told her, "You'll be sorry," Where-
upon it is suspected that he went out and broke all the windows
of her 1973 car. But she had her revenge: his hands were re-
ported to be badly cut during the incident. Cruel, cruel, love.
Sour sewer


Ha rris:



First of two parts
Robert Harris felt good last week as he
stretched out. feet on his desk, and reflected
on his four turbulent years as mayor of Ann Ar-
bor. Despite the recent election which had re-
turned the GOP to control of City Hall, Harris
said he was, in "an elated period"-proud of
what he sees as the significant accomplishments
of his two-term Democratic administration.
Slowly puffing on a rough, long cigar-as much
his trademark as Groucho Marx's-Harris ramb-
led on for nearly an hour reflecting on his upset
victory in 1969, challenges of the right-wing Con-
cerned Citizens and the left-wing Human Rights
Party, wars within his own party, and the future
of Ann Arbor.
Bob Harris's election as mayor in 1969 marked
the end of the GOP's 30-ye'ar-plus stranglehold
on City Hall. His victory, much like HRP's last
year, was the result of massive grass-roots or-
ganizing and a large student turn-out.
It came as a surprise to almost everyone, Ilar-

"I ran a good canpaign," Harris remembers. "The issues were good, I
worked hard and I had a superb party organization. I don't think the Demo-
crats have had as good an organization since."
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ris included.
"I expected it (the campaign) would be fun,"
he said, "but I didn't think I could win. The peo-
ple who were asking me to run didn't think I
could win either."
But there was a general feeling, in the com-
munity - especially among students - that the
time had come for a change in the city's govern-
ment. On campus, the student drive was spear-
headed in the Law School where Harris taught.
It was led by a young black law student named
Ed Fabre, who would later be a prime mover in
the 1970 Black Action Movement strike.
I ran a good campaign," Harris remembers.
"The issues were good, I worked hard, and I had

a superb party organization. I don't think the
Democrats have had as good, an organization
Harris. remembers his opponent, moderate Re-
publican Richard Balzhiser, as a man who tried
to please everyone. "He wanted votes on cam-
pus, off campus, conservatives, moderates, ev-
erything. He was concentrating on winning big
instead of just winning. I think Dick underesti-
mated us."
Harris just squeaked into office, edging out a
surprised Balzhiser by under 700 votes. He
swept four Democrats in with him, giving the
city its first Democratically controlled City Hall

refle ct
since the war.
Harris .remembers that first year when he held
a commanding 8-3 council majority as one of
considerable progress.
"We did a tremendous amount that year," he
says. "We put the, best anti-discrimination law
in the country on the books . . we put through
a better housing code than any city in the coun-
try . . . we put through a city affirmative action
hiring program . . . there was the pollution con-
trol ordinance, and the grievance officer .-
we revised the whole disorderly conduct code and
got out crap like loitering and vagrancy . . . and
we repealed the Republicans' ban on electric
music in the parks."
But enforcement lagged disappointingly behind
legislation. An under-funded Human Rights De-
partment lacked the money to enforce equal. op-,
portunity ordinances. Tenants' rights under the
new housing code were never adequately pub-
licized and went unused. And Harris admits that
See FORMER, Page 7



resumes air




Our man in Washington, Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor)
has written William Ruckleshaus, administrator of the Environ-
mental Protection Agency, that the proposed sewer for our area
is "wholly inadequate, failing to take into consideration the im-
pact on our area." Esch asked that Ruckleshaus have the agency
review its preliminary endorsement of the plan and not endorse
it in the final recommendations.
Fire rages
A 'fire raged through a six unit apartment house on Jeffer-
son St. near campus yesterday, gutting the three story frame
dwelling and causing minor injuries to one firefighter. Fireman
Roger Trombley was treated and released at St. Joseph Hos-
pital for smoke inhalation. No other injuries were reported, of-
ficials said. Residents of the apartment house were evacuated soon
after the blaze began. Cause of the fire was not immediately
known. Fire officials refused to estimate damage to the building.
Happenings .. .
. . . are mostly of an aural nature. Leading off is the Music
School student trumpet recital in the School of Music Recital Hall
at 12:30 pm . . . a poetry reading by Robert Bly will be held in
Aud, 4, MLB at 4:10 . . . The Astronomy Club presents "Explor-
ing the Milky Way; Interplanetary Space" in Lecture Rm. I of
the MLB at 8 pm . . . Another three-decker music extravaganza
will begin with the 'U' Jazz Band blowing away at Rackham
Aud. while at Hill Aud. will be the 'U' Choir and at the School
of- Music Recital Hall will be- the student string chamber music
recital and all will be at 8 pm . .. At 8:30 will be a lecture by
Prof. Rodolpho Acuna of Cal. State on "Chicanos in the U. S."
in the E. Conf. Rm. of Rackham Bldg. . . . And ending a busy
day will be a West African celebration at the Rive Gauche
starting at 9:30 pm.
Dope note
NEW YORK-Police announced yesterday, they have cracked
the largest drug distribution ring in the history of the U. S.'with
split-second weekend raids that resulted in indictments against
86 people described as "top mobsters." Along yith the suspects,
police picked up 15 guns, $52,000 in cash, and four cars. Only one-
eighth of a kilo of heroin was seized. "These guys are so far up
they wouldn't even touch the stuff," said a police spokesman.
Police Commissioner Patrick Murphy said one of the indicted
would have' been arrested "but for the fact that he was found
in his car on Feb. 20 . . . with his throat cut."
Do your duty
LONDON-The Privy Council, which normally handles the af-
fairs.,of the British crown, has been assigned an extra task by
10-year-old Paul Gregory and other schoolboys in Cheshire. They
wrote the Council in care of No. 10 Downing St., the official resi-
dence of prime ministers, complaining that their school needed
a new "privy" and that the Privy 'Council was obviously the
agency to take care of it. A Council spokesman said it would
refer the request to the government agency responsible for
"privies," British slang for toilets.
Roughing ;it
GRAVESEND, England-Mrs. Fay Young has decided to put
her 14-year-old daughter Janet on World War II rations for one
week to prove to her that kids have it too easy today. The girl's
menu for the next seven days will consist of 14 ounces of meat,
three eggs, two pounds of potatoes and two ounces of cheese
plus unrationed items. For Sunday lunch, this meant a slice of
bread and a boiled egg. "Most teen-agers take the good things
in life for granted," said Mrs. Young, "so I decided to teach
her a practical lesson."
Daddy of the week
NEW YORK-"We had him arrested," said comedian Alan
King Sunday, referring to his 18 year-old son Andrew, who he
packed off to a private, Manhattan-based drug-rehabilitation
program. King said that Andrew was not a heroin addict but
had enrolled his son in the p-ogram so that "things wouldn't go
any further." Andrew was arrested for possession of marijuana
and hashish after he had taken his mother's car without per-
mission from their family's 22-room mansion near New York
King had the police arrest Andrew and a companion.
On the insde .. .
The Arts page includes a review of Johnny Win-
ter's new album "Still Alive and Well" by Harry Hammitt
. ..on the Sports Page IM basketball star Godfrey Dillard
relates his experience as the' first black ever to play for
Vanderbilt University. to senior editor Bob Huer . . . and
on the Edit Page columnist Pete Hamill charges that re-
turning POWs are being used as pawns by the Nixon

* .Viet, U.S. attacks
on Cambodia continue
By Al and Reuter
WASHINGTON-U.S. aircraft, including B-52 bombers,
resumed air strikes over Laos yesterday after North Viet-
namese and Pathet Lao forces seized a strategic town just
south of the Plain of Jars.
A communique issued by the U.S. Pacific command in
Honolulu also said American bombers had conducted raids
over Cambodia.
Earlier, the Defense department disclosed that com-
munist forces in Laos had seized the town of Tha Vieng,
ending almost a month of rel-


atively little battlefield activ-
ity. -
The bombing raids over Laos
were the first since Feb. 23, a
spokesman said.-
Informed sources said the raids
were resumed on President Nixon's
The air operations were an-
iounced in a 'brief statement by
the Pacific Command, which con-
trols U.S. military activity in
Southeast Asia now that the Ameri-
:ans have withdrawn from South
It said: "At the request of the
Laotian government, U.S. air-
:raft, including B-52s, April 16
(Southeast Asia time) conducted
>perations over Laos.".
The other aircraft involved were
understood to include F-4 and F-
11 fighter-bombers based in Thai-"
Pentagon spokesman Jerry Fried-
heim earlier indicated that renew-
sd bombing was in the cards when
he told reporters that Tha Vieng
had been seized only a few hours
beforehand by combined Pathet
Lao and North Vietnamese forces.
He said the United States had
been in contact with the Laotian
See BOMBING, Page 9

'U' to ask
Vice- President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith yesterday told
the Senate Assembly the Univer-
sity will ask the Regents to ap-
peal to the state legislature for
an additional $9 million to offset
federal budget cuts.
The University intends to ask
the legislature for money the state
will receive from revenue shar-
ing. Under President Nixon's reve-
nuie sharing plan state and local
governments receive tax monies
from the. local' government to dis-
tribute as they please.
"Revenue sharing is designed to.
See SMITH, Page 9

Pusso ver elebratin
Barbara Gold, '73, breaks the matzoh in one of the many Seders going on across campus last night. Matzoh is the unleavened bread
eaten by the Jews in their flight out of Egypt.

Tenant hearings draw


A parade of over 15 witnesses get react
testified yesterday before a local of state
public hearing of the state and two
House of Representatives Ten- pieces of1
ant's Rights sub-committee chair- The fir
ed by Rep. Perry Bullard (D- landlords
Ann Arbor.) nual inter
The session, held in the Law and the s
Quad, was conducted by Bil- status to
lard, state representatives Lyn their neg
Jondahl (D-East Lansing) and Reactio
Howard Wolpe (D-Kalamazoo), pr9posals.
and state senator Gilbert Bursley almost al
(R-Ann Arbor). ants, agr


aring's purpose was to
ion on the desirability
authorized rent control
recently introduced
tenant legislation.
st bill would require
to pay five per cent an-
est on security deposits
econd would give legal
tenant organizations in
otiations with landlords,
Fns were mixed on the
While most witnesses,
ll of whom were ten-
ted that additional leg-

islative moves should be
in the area of tenant right
ions varied on the effe
specific legislation.
Terry Adams, a rece
school graduate active in
Aid, voiced Ijis opposition
interest requirement on s
deposits. "The necessary
of the interest requireme
said, "is to raise rents an
housing less available fo
He also attacked ren
trols, saying that they

City Council okays reduced
Model Cities pro gramn bug

taken make Ann Arbor's housing short-
s, opin- age "more severe."
ects of Student Government Council
member Sandy Green spoke in
nt law favor of a form of rent control
a Legal that would limit what he con-
to the sidered exorbitant returns on
security capital investment in apartment
effect houses owned by management
nnt," he companies.
d make Iastudied several of the large
d poor investment corporations," he I
said, "and found that they gain-
ed upward of 20 per cent annual-
t con- ly from their properties."
would Much of the three hour session
was occupied by numerous indi-
vidual complaints of witnesses
against their landlords. Some_
persons told of 30 and 40 'per
cent rent increases following the _I
end of Phase II economic con-
trols, while others complained
of stopped-up toilets and other
negligent maintenance.
r drug One woman, holding a small
white poodle as she spoke, said
Iy drug that when she signed her lease,
she was not given a copy of
emnber apartment regulations which '
nented. prohibited pets.
or con- Upon moving into the building,
iginally with her, dog, she was forced to
o Octa- pay $10 a month more on her
rent and an extra $56 on her
rovides damage deposit to keep the
)r high pool.
r260g0 The same witness said that
$26,000, she was having trouble finding
100,000. a room this year because she

City Council last night unanimously approved a
second year Model Cities budget which finances
most program operations at significantly reduced
The Department of Housing and Urban Develop-
ment (HUD) funded most of the $1.1 million budget
through federal grants. Because .of Nixon Admin-
istration cutbacks, however, the appropriations
cover only about 60 per cent of the amount re-
quested by the city.
The Mode] Cities program provides social

Ilouse conducts rehabilitation programs fo
"Without that grant we jeopardize the on
treatment center in the city," Council, m
.Jerry De Grieck (HRP-First Ward) coma
He said $10,000 was "a bare minimum" f
tinuing the program. Model Cities had or
planned to completely eliminate the grant t
gon House.
The Community Skills Center, which p
vocational training and job placement fo
school 'drop outs, received an additional3
raising its total appropriation to around $

:.. :,: ..

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