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April 10, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-10

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See Editorial Page



:43 a t 1, 9

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXiii, No. 151 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 10, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages





a gainst


Local boys make good
Two local politicos, SGC President Bill Jacobs and Elections
Director Ken Newbury, made the big time over the weekend with
their election to the executive board of the Michigan Higher
Education Students Association (MHESA). The group, which
represents over 40 student governments across the state, plans
to keep full-time lobbyists in Lansing to press for student-
oriented legislation. The success of the dynamic duo from Ann
Arbor is the best example we've seen of the Peter Principle in
Last sunset
As part of their programming, WCBN-AM has been playing
old Lone Ranger radio shows for the students in the dorms.
Protesting that the program's portrayal of the obsequious Indian
sidekick Tonto was degrading to American Indians, a number of
Indians on campus have called the station to complain about the
broadcasts. Responding to. this pressure, station manager Stu-
art Goldberg announced yesterday that the station is withdrawing
the shows. They will be replaced by <another bit of famed radio
memorabilia, The Shadow. Who knows what evil ...
Clarke speaks
Arthur C. Clarke, creator of 2001: A Space Odyssey, will
speak at 3:00 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium on a topic he must
certainly feel comfortable with-Life in the Year 2001. Admission
is one dollar. Those planning to attend should make a point to
arrive early to beat the anticipated mobs.
CEW news
The Center for Continuing Education of Women (CEW) an-
nounced yesterday that they will be offering four evening classes
for the upcoming spring term. The courses are scheduled to
provide an opportunity for women with jobs or families to attend
classes. The courses are English 123, History 55, Psychology 257
and Sociology 400. The center plans to have 10 courses available
in the fall.
. . are light today on this opening day of the baseball sea-
son in Detroit. Assuming the snowstorm doesn't cancel it, the
game will begin at 1:30 in Tiger Stadium . . . today is the last
day of -voting in the PIRGIM elections. Ballots can be cast any-
time between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. . . . there will be an LSA
coffee hour in the counseling offices, Student Lounge in Angell
Hall at 3:00 p.m. . . in light of the slim pickings today, you
might want to go out and build a snowman. It may be your last
chance this season.'
Chemical expose
Speaking to a meeting of the American Chemical Society in
Dallas, Texas, University Prof. Adon Gordus yesterday described
his recent applications of a complex analytical process used to
detect fake coins and art objects. The process, known in chemical
circles as neutron activation analysis, is superior to other meth-
ods, Gordus claimed, because it does not destroy the materials
being tested.
Old-time religion
BELLEVILLE, Mich.-Perhaps taking a cue from baseball
promoters who have resorted to gimmicks like Bat Day to boost
sagging attendance, Pastor Fred Hanks of the Oakland Bible
Baptist Churche billed last Sunday as "pizza day" for his con-
gregation. "We had the second highest attendance at Sunday
school in the history of the church," Hanks said proudly after
more than 700 people devoured a 30-foot pizza. The pizza itself
was another record-setter, as it broke the previous record of 21
feet by a mile:
On the inside.. ..
. . the Arts Page has a review of the latest Iggy
Stooge album by Mike harper . . . David Yalowitz begins
a four-part series on the OEO on the Editorial Page .,.
and English Prof John Raeburn makes his debut as a
sportswriter with a piece on the intellectual joys of base-
ball on the Sports Page.
A2's weather
If you think this is bad, you should have been at Mt.
Ranier last year when they got 150 inches of snow in one
storm. Fortunately, our storm "Henry I" (with no other
implications of other Henry's to come) should end by eve-
ning. Expect strong winds with blowing snow throughout
the day as "Henry I" heads northeastward out of our re-
gion. A wintry high today of 30-35 and lows tonite of 19-24.

Commandos answer
,earler terrorist ral
By AP and Reuter
BEIRUT, LEBANON - Israeli forces last night attacked
guerrilla targets in Beirut and the Lebanese port of Sidon in
an apparent reprisal for yesterday's raids on an Israeli air-
liner and the Israeli ambassadorial residence in Cyprus.
Initial reports said that the Israelis killed two leading
Palestinian leaders in their homes on the outskirts of Beirut.
Among the Arabs reported dead were Mohammed Yussef
Najjar, code-named Abu Yussef, No. 2 man in the Palestinian
guerrilla group Al Fatah, and Kamal Adwan, a leader of the
Palestin6 Liberation Organization.
In two raids on Cyprus yesterday, Arab guerrillas de-
stroyed the ground flooir of an apartment building in which
the Israelia ambassador lives and fired on an Israeli airliner

in what was apparently an''
unsuccessful attempt to hi-
jack it.
In Lebanon the Israelis were
reported to have landed on the
coast early this morning, Mideast in e
tm, just outside Beirut and at d n ee
the Port of Sidon to the south. Re-
portedly dressed in civilian clothes,
the Israeli forces commandeered
civilian cars and attacked the E fnl a,
houses of guerilla leaders as well
as guerilla headquarters in the



Daily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
.Bronze Age art
Brian Jones, '74 A&D, pours molten bronze into plaster molds today as he assists in the culmination of a semester's work for a sculp-
ture class. The process has been lost and rediscovered several time s throughout history, and is the same one the Romans used to make

dies: End
of ae
University art historians reflect-
ed yesterday on the death of Pab-
lo Picasso, terming his passing
"the end of a great era" in paint-
Picasso died Sunday morning of
a heart attack in his home in
Mougins, France. He was 91.
Professor Diane Kirkpatrick of,
the art history department said
that despite his advanced age, Pi-
casso's death came as a shock be-
cause, "when someone survives
to age 91, you expect them to go
on forever."
Professor Victor Miesel of the
same department commented that
Picasso will unquestionably be re-
membered .for generations to
come. Miesel compared the great
artist to a mountain saying, "he's
a giant and he'll always be there."
Although he was commonly
identified with so-called modern
art, Picasso pioneered an approach
to painting unique aming 20th cen-
tury artists, according to Kirk-
Picasso, she said created mod-
ern art through working out prob-
lems of more traditional painting.
See ART, Page 10

Sioux set ultimatum

By All and Neuter
WASHINGTON - Negotiations
between the Sioux Indians and the
U. S. government broke off yes-
terday when American Indian
Movement (AIM) leader Russel
Means issued an ultimatum that
the government accept the In-
dians' terms for disarmament by
Means said that if the govern-
ment did not accept the terms of

the ultimatum, the Indians at
Wounded Knee would keep their
arms and drive back the govern-
ment forces surrounding the ham-
In what Means termed the last
offer to the government, the In-
dians proposed to stack their arms
in a teepee guarded by the Oglala
Nation's Sacred Pipe and the Jus-
tice Department's Community Re-
lations Service (CRS) before the


Mayor Stephenson
redefines city goals
The swearing-in of Mayor James Stephenson high-
lighted last night's City Council meeting, during which the
Republican majority on council indicated a massive reorder-
ing of city hall priorities can be expected in the near future.
In a lengthy address to council, Stephenson blasted the
five-dollar marijuana penalty, the lack of adequate police,
fire and sanitation services within the city, and the outgo-
ing council's failure to establish a "unity of purpose" in deal-
ing with city problems.
"We must significantly reduce sales of marijuana and
hard drugs if the city's crime rate is to be lowered," Stephen-
son said.
"People who sell pot are unstable, undesirable individ-
<uals. We must drive the deal-
ers out of town," he added.
From all indications, council will
shortly "reconsider" the -five-dollar
fine for the use and sale of mari-
I luana.
S l trStephenson said the top priority
for council is to provide "a higher!
President Nixon's proposed bud-I level of necessary city services.",
o fef8 ilion o university Accordingly, more funds should be
said there is "total confusion on sanitation departments, Stephenson
t as to how much Congress will claimed.
et. "The battle between Congress While he condemned the previous
ent could leave us with a real council for "favoring special in-I
cerning staff positions and stu- terest groups," Stephenson said3
id," he added.1 council must restore unity, pride,
ie financial aid situation "could and communitytorthe city,
in September unless Congress In addition to Stephenson, new{
ar up the budget." He promised council members Carol Jones (D-"
would make a major effort to Second Ward) and Robert Henry;
aid for students who face sud- (R-Third Ward) received the oath
of office from City Clerk Harold
Saunders. Re-elected incumbents
ancial aid problem tends to have Norris Thomas (D - First Ward),
iraling effect on the University Richard Hadler (R-Fo'irth Ward),
g said. He said the University ' and John McCormick (R - Fifth
r arad applicants and a further Ward) were also sworn in.

negotiations with White House of-
ficials begin.
Means was scheduled to meet
yesterday with a White House of-
ficial to negotiate a settlement of
the five-week-old occupation of
the hamlet.
Negotiations broke off, however,
when the White House insisted the
Indians surrender their arms to
federal marshals in Wounded Knee
before any negotiations could take
The government contends an
agreements signed five days ago
with the Indians stipulated that the
Indians would lay down their arms
before the meeting.
The Indians have now refused
to surrender their arms until the
negotiations between Means and
the White House are, successfully
The Indians also demand the
government remove its federal
marshals, who are surrounding the
hamlet and preventing food sup-
plies from being sent in. Under
the "ultimatum", disarmament
talks between the two sides would
then take place.
See INDIAN, Page 7

Tuition raise of

vicinity of several large refugee WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The
camps. International Telephone and Tele-
Palestinian commandos said graph Corporation (ITT) was yes-
they had fought the attacking terday denied a 92.5-million-dollar
force in the area of Khaldehx, just insurance claim for the loss of its
soth of Beirut, and inflicted assets in Chile, 11 days after the
heavy , casualties. The Israelis airing of charges that the com-
withdrew without evacuating all pany tried to interfere with the
their men, the Arabs said. 1970 Chilean presidential election.
But an Israeli military spokes- The claim - for expropriation
man in Tel Aviv said the entire Is- of the IT-T-owned Chilean Tele-
raeli force had withdrawn by sea. phone Company - was turned
Total casualties were four men down by the Overseas Private In-
wounded, the spokesman said. vestment Corporation (OPIC), a
In Cyprus the Arab guerrillas government agency that insures
struck first at the home of Israeli against takeover of U. S. firms' as-
ambassador Rahamim Timor, set- sets abroad.
ting off 10 bombs and shooting a The announcement of the OPIC
Cypriot policeman on guard ' decision made no reference tb
through the back. charges atrSenate hearings that
Theattck ameonl on mi- ITT had tried to block the 1970
The attack came only one min- election of Marxist President Sal-
ute after the ambassador, Raha- vador Allende, whose government
mn Timor, had left for the em- took over the telephone company
Police arrived just as the bombs the following year.
went off, showering the streets But ITT noted in a prospectus
with broken glass. Within minutes filed with the Securities and Ex-
three Arabs were spreadeagled on change Commission last week
the street, under arrest. A fourth that it had been told by OPIC that
was later arrested at the Kennedyr "certain documents regarding al-
Hotel, inside the walls of the old leged ITT activities in Chile, upon
tow. swhich statements in the press
tow. h m awere allegedly based," had a bear-
Although the ambassador's third- ing on ITT's compensation rights.
story apartment was not damaged, However, OPIC President Brad-
the first floor of the building was ford Mills gave three reasons for
destroyed. None of the tenants of rejecting the claim:
the building were hurt. -ITT failed to comply with its
Eyewitnesses at Nicosia Airport obligation under the OPIC con-
said the second squad of guerrillas tracts to disclose material infor-
drove up to the gate leading to the mation to the agency.
rumay in a rented blue Japanese -It increased OPIC's risk of
sedan. loss by failing to preserve adminis-
As one of the attackers opened trative remedies as 'required, by
fire, an Israeli security guard the contracts.
flung open the door of the plane, -It failed to protect OPIC's in-
took careful aid and shot the gun- terest as a possible successor to
man dead with a burst of fire, the ITT's rights.
eyewitness said. An OPIC spokesman explained
The security guard and Cypriote that it was a breach of contract
Police wounded three other Arabs, for an investor to make material
a fifth was seized unhurt and the misstatements of fact in applying
sixth escaped, police said. for compensation, to make any
The plane had just landed from material misrepresentations, or to
Tel Aviv and unloaded its passen- knowingly fail to disclose mater-
gers. ial information.
El Al officials in Tel Aviv said In addition, the contract requir-
that none of the plane's crew was ed that investors take all reason-
hurt. See ITT, Page 10



President Robben Fleming told the University
Senate yesterday that he will ask the Regents
for a tuition hike of roughly five to seven per
cent for next year.
It has been known for some time that tuition
would increase next year. The exact amount of
increase to be requested had not been disclosed
before yesterday, however.
Fleming told the Senate-a largely ceremonial
body-that major hikes in in-state tuition can be
expected if a suit challenging special higher out-
of-state tuition rates is successful.
However, he said the five to seven per cent
hike will be necessary even if the suit fiils. The
Uniiversity, he said, is already losing $1 million
~o- z, F ns, n t_ n ct. - t- r ntc Tuln r -nn -i

Referring toI
get which could
funds, Fleming4
the federal fron
restore the budg
and the Presid
cliff-hanger con
dent financial a
Fleming said
become chaotic
acts soon to cle
the University5
retain financial
den cutoffs.
The entire fin
a downward sp
b'dg t, 1-ning
may have fewe

Hitler's sexual abnormalities
n uence e Reic poIcy
Adolf Hitler's anti-semitism, compul-
sive militarism and even a desire to fail'
were, all rooted in his severe sexual'
hang-ups, Robert Waite told a capacity
audience in Auditorium D of Angell Hall
v o last night.
Waite, a professor of history at Wil-
S4\liams College in Massachusetts, said
Hitler's sexual abnormalities clearly "af-
fected the type of government and type
of policies he persued." Waite's lecture
\was entitled "Hitler's Sexual Abnormali-
ties: A Problem in Psychobiography."
Hitler, Waite said, had a difficult child-
hood. Born without the left testicle and
seeing his father rape his mother at the
age of three, he became convinced as a
boy that normal sex was difficult, ab-
horrent, and something to be avoided.
"He blamed his mother for bearing
him half castrated, half a man," Waite
said. Yet he also had an excessive in-

mees aemanas

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