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April 08, 1973 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1973-04-08
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Page Eight


Sunday, April 8, 1973

;unday, April 8, 1973


Friske.* .
(Continued from Page 7
tion in the slums who live on wel-
fare find it economically beneficial
to have large families."
Friske knew that he was tread-
ing on shaky ground but boldly
added, "integration is planned for
the demoralization of education and
the perpetration of conmmnism ..-
we are bringing together races
that would rather remain separ-
"Most intellerts., pseudo or
otherwise, deal with the conspira-
torial theory of hi'story simply
by ignoring it. They never at-
tempt to refute the evidence."
Gary Allen. None Dare
Call it Conspiracy
"I HOPF YOU ARE tkin a
curate notes," Friske said. e
seemed to have spotted a possible
"Not that I am afraid of the
pres, bcaue Ikno~w that they
media either distorts the news ort
totally ignores it to the benefit of
the insiders."
Friske seemed more at ease once
he had warned the reporter that he
knew all the tricks of the trade

lie calmly added, "its because
most of the press is not respon-
sible enough to tell the truth that
the John Birch Society exists."
* -' -
"there is one organization wvhich
has found a powerful weapon
against the minority and its con-
trol over America . . . The
weapon is Truth, the strategy is
education, the organization is the
John Birch Society."
a quote fror a Friske newsletter
Friske is a firm believer in the
Birch philosophy, and maintains
that if evervone understood and
became aware of the "extensive
Birch investigations into the world-
wide-communist conspiracy" that
the insiders would be expunged.
from the United States.
"Young people like yourself are
imtentionallv kept ignorant of the
truth so that they can be used by
the establishment for their hor-
rendous goals, but when I am given
a chance to talk to students they
so~on understand the truth
and those who attack me leave
like lambs taken to slaughter."

destruction o our co" tr are ' " * 3'oe n s thing, but not listening to one an-
galloping fast toward completion. ...n.m s . . other-.
Dan Smoot, Former Assistant to (cniudfo aeeThe party scene in Ann Arbor
J. Edgar Hoover, written as a is probably the best place to meet
testimonial to None Dare call it of his situation. "I didn't go to people. Let's get hypothetical ...
Conspiracy, undergrad school here, so when I most people dre high and looking
As the reporter left the capitol came from New York I knew very for a good time. You don't usually
building he felt more tired than few people. The three guys I live need an invitation, you can go
slaugtere. Frske as s sur with all have girlfriends. They are with a friend who was invited, or
of himself that debate would have ,wrapped up in each other and we who knows someone there. ilow-
been futile, The air echoed with don't get a chance to talk very ever, when you get there, you may
hypoti gogs maatig fom heoften. I've tried to meet women be forced to break into a tight
hynicgngs emnatingr fro th here' but it's hard. There is no 'clique of friends. That's okay too.
the street. An image of young stu- :where to go. It's depressing to If you can do it. You may find
dents being devoured bv some red- come home alone on a Saturday that everyone is too high to talk.
white and blue personification of ,night, when everyone in your The people might -be sitting on the
truth, honesty and tfl'e American ,aoartment is sleeping with their floor, staring off into the ozone,
way arose before his eyes. ,girlfriends. It doesn't matter any- listening to music. It may be a lit-
If all he needed was a chance more though. I'm graduating and tle hard to get a message off into
to publicize his views then lie etigheel tofAnrb."the ozone unless you are in the
would get his chance. Besides -Al dropped out of school tw~o same state of consciousness. You
Friske had been incredibly friend- x'ears ago after comnieting his can get there, but the next morn-
lv, honest and accommodating. sophomore year. He lives in a ig you may wonder if the whole
The reporter passed the Filibus- single room and works forty hotirs siuaio wa relor nt.i youe
ter Bar and was happy that he a week. He comrmented on his lone- ra comuniater woith anone,
had found something good to say liness in this city. "Working full orwa ritc jut ano te co is o
about Friske. tume, I don't have much time for eperinet d oawoels

. . . myself. I look around for people to
XT WAS INTERESTING to see, as deal with, but it's hard to find
our conversation continued, anyone that I would like to do
that l-riske was still as honest, things with. I've be'omne introvert-
friendly and accommodating asc adsmeie I feeli os
aswthlneiesTe ny-hngta

"If enough Americans read
act upon NDCC they really
save the Republic. from the
spirators-whose plans for


of other comic book experiences
and ch~aracters.as rit AnnArbor
Being hypothetical it can be this
way, it does not hav e to be.
Someone offered an alternative.
A woman caller, Rosemarie, ex
plained, "I am 31 years - old and
just moved here from Chicago. I
am starting a dating service. You
pay $15.00 and I give von a ques-

ottt Ie AND GI FTS
3 334 South State Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108
P1 ne: 66 3549
44 rA 5 k,. ___ _

But now six months later he
sounds different. F riske was de-
feated in the last election for his
attemt tocaptre te cogres-
Pleasant ' rd vicinity, ie is no
longer in the State House of Rep-
resentatives. le has returned to
his ho e o i s Ape orchard
onlyvontil don't have the guts
tOprint it.'
o wa p ease to notice that

keens me going
nerson in one
ru into. The
whom vou can

is mnavhe thnt one
tho',sand that volt
one person with
talk' and be under-

Curious Used Book Shop, Too

Curious Used Book Shop, Too
340 S. STATE (upstairs)'
Open 1-6 761-0112


N 7
310 E. WASH INGTON 665-8637
WENK'S Sports Center

Ste'-e is o'ut of school and mo'-d trnr' oli u.ItK n n
o A\nn Arbor from Detroit, After formation and match von up withZ
two months here he said. "Ann Ar- another client. You geA t dae
ye eve ee in he people r that you pay $3.00 a date. Soraieone
100 hip to talk to around ier-e I'd should start a Lonely I leart's C lub
-ather imu around with the craiv ii Annr Arhor.''
unkies in Detroit. They' may roll
mnd rin peonle off, but at lea4 W LIEN TRYING to find out xw'li
,f'f you mni nd. I thought ther-e judgenments. You might ev en be
gould be mnor-e to do in Ann Arb-es' asking the wrong qirestion, for
there are so mnam\ more people loneliness is only a svrmptoni whose
hcrc I'm goime hack< to I )etr'oit at cuse goes as deep as Ann Ar-bor.,
least it's reaL'' as deep as the Univ ersity, or as
Where do you go to meet penle deep as life in Arierica. Ilowever,
place. Ihow about tthe movis ' ureins ro ie aT
,eople "at a move. ""ou sian "'ve become
watch a screen, expecting enough ' .
silence to hear or hide in the lines, introve rted a nd
The bar scene? Well here's what feel obsessed with
Maya Jo a sophomore, comment- loneliness,,
ed, "Even when I'm really lonely,
I have no motivation to go t1 a show, the ending doesn't have to
bar and get picked up. You feel be good or bad."
wary after -being undressed when when you have a city full of peo-
you walk in the door, and get tired pie who are in tune to what it
of getting lines layed on y'ou. means to "grow up", and are try-
You've heard them all in high ing to understand who and why
school. I like to meet people who they are, from one day to the next;
are interested in meeting me, not it is only natural to find some peo-
my body., There are mind people -pie who are lost and alone. Some
adbody people, unfortunately people -go through this when they
after meeting too niany body peO- are young, some when they are
pie, you're mind gets horny." older, others not at all. Ann Arbor
a lto if youghret drnk whole process.
and listen to music. Ifyou try t* 4*
pick up a girl, it gets to be strange. Ann Arbor', /hidIcagan
They go to the bar alone, or with
a girl friend, and then don't want U.S.. - --
to be approached. It's an awkward, The movie is always the sanie',
situation where a guy has two only the characters change, In the
strikes against him. A girl sits Spring comes the intermission be-
there and as you approach her; you tween acts. There is the great exo-
can feel yourselfl ben tegez dsisout of Ann Arbor, and the neu-
thinking, 'now what's this dude fused into mainline America.
want froni me? Let's see what his Stare through the tunnel-at-the-
line is."' end-of-the-sidewalk, into the base-
Iment of the universe. It is quiet,
A N AGE OLD PROBLEM mee. pheaceful rThe grounds crew swveep
a woman . . . swoonin' and spoon- Advance tickets available at the
in'. Two people saying the same S.A.B.
So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed,
And yet ANON repairs his dropping head,
And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore'
Flames in the forehead of the morning sky . ..
Robert HoydeA
Morge Piercy
Richord Grossincier
APRIL 9-13

.goes to a famous Ivy League
School suggested that I read
Tropic of Cancer. One rainy Fri-
day night in October I bought the
book, took it home, read three
pages and, electrified, set out for
an all-night walk. On Sunday I
finished Cancer and, within a
couple of weeks, read Tropic or
Capricorn, which was the o n I y-
other of Henry Miller's books no-
torious enough for me to have
heard of.
Two days before Thanksgiving I
found myself in the library with
an hour to kill before riding home
to parents and turkey. Possibly be--
cause it was a slim book, possibly
because I liked the title, I began
reading a book by an author I'd
never heard of: Collages by Anais
Nmn. It was a strange book, I
thought; I'd never read anything
like it for being abstract, stvllsed,
full of unusual happenings. Imag-
ine sailing around on a houseboat!
I got halfway through before I had
to head for home, but in some
corner of my mind I made myself
a vague promise to finish it some-
Two Weeks after Thanksgiving,
riding w-ith stranger from Ann Ar-
bor to New York City, the strang_-
ers being people whose names I
had seen written on a wall asking
for someone to share expenses on
a triip east, I spent a Saturday
night sleeping on a couch in an
aarutment at Penn State Univer-
sity. I tried to go to a bar that
Saturday night -- someone told me
that all the action in town was in
the bars - but they were check-
ing ID's at the door arid I. not yet
turned twenty-one, couldn't c u t
the mustard ini Pennsylvania even
thoughbc homet inbMichigan thse
many drinks as I had money to
pay for. So, quite early in the eve-
ning I would lip Onl the couch,
alone in the apartment, with a
book that I found on the kitchen
ob Aais m It was a eat story
even if I came In in the mIddle. I
flipoed through a hundred pages
or so before I fell asleep, mostly
reading the parts about Henry Mil-
ler, who I was delighted to discov-
er was one of the major charact-
ers in the life described.
And then: New York City, caught
in mid-town Manhattan in a pour-
ing rain, without an umbrella,
tire ofthesubayhavin stood
at the front by the engineer to
watch the lights on the tracks all
the way from Brooklyn to the
Cloisters in the Bronx, and just
the day before having spent s i x
hours at an Eric Bohmer double
fature, stayin out of the rai and
in order to improve my French.
And so, soggy in my long grey
overcoat, I slipped into the New
York Public Library, the big one,
at 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue.
At the time I was reading A
Tree Grows in Brooklyn: I had it
in my snapsack, I was halfway
through. But the fellow at the desk
informed me that one didn't read
one's own books in the library
and, as a matter of fact, one didn't
even use the library, the real lib-
rary, unless one was doing re-
search of some kind, and so would
I like to go down the stairs to
where there was a lending library

for people like me?s I went down
the stairs. There was a little room
at the bottom with a lot of books,
shelves of books almost touching
one another. People walked crab-
like to look for books, and of course
nobody could pick a book from a
shelf below waist level because it
was next to impossible to bend
down in those narrow aisles. Na-

"I triedI tO imagine her in the cafe with Henry Miller
in 1932"

A Spy ine
by Richard Streicker

turally, I figured the good books
were to be found on the l ow e r
shelves. Was the library not lo-
cated on 42nd Street?
And sure enough, when I stop-
ped down I found a book with a
provocative title by an author I
had now resolved to read: House
of Incest by Anais Nn.
Barring the exit was a counter'
with librarians behind, and t h e
familiarapparatus0 for checkin
Could I ask a stranger to take a
book out for me if I explained my
situation and showed how I was
an honest, earnest young college
student, temporarily out of college,
to be sure, but thoroughly trust-
worthy nevertheless? 0, not in
New York , city of distrust, and
certainly not with a book called
House of Incest.
So I picked out a remote corner
of the tile floor, careful to stay as
far as possible from the disapprov-
ing eyes of librarians, spread my
grey Salvation Army overcoat be-
neath me, and began to read. By
the third page I had my notebook
out and was frantically copying
passages, whole pages, which ex-
pressed exactly, but exactly, t h e
way I felt. I must have copied half
the book, I was so struck by the
words, and as I copied I said the
words to myself, savoring t h e m .
Feet flapped around me all the
time I was reading and writing,
people stepped over me as they
went down the aisle. I noticed
them, I was acutely aware of Vhem,
in fact, aware that this motion in
the form of moving feet was going
on around me at the same time
that something extraordinary was
going on in the book, that there
was the clear vision of the author

which contrasted with my peri-
pheral vision of the chaos of feet
marching around me.,
When I finished reading after
an hour and a half and closed the
book I felt as if I were sealing a
cyclone between the cardboard
covers, and as I put the book back
on the shelf I thought, isn't it
funny that none of the people
walking by here know that there's
acyclone contained in a skinny
* * *
WARBOR, I checked the f i r s t
volume of Anais Nin's Diary out
of the library. I read it during
coffee breaks and lunch h o u r s
while I worked as a clerk at regis-
tration for the University of Mich-
igan's winter term. There were two
other clerks doing the same job I
did, We were the first cle-rk stu-
dents saw as. they came through
the line, and our job was to check
the forms and send people on their
way. We sat at low desks: in a
week I saw one-third of the stu-
dents in the university from waist
At Christmas I bought the other
volumes of the Diary and read
them: two, three, four. I had
scoured the Ann Arbor bookstores
for copies of House of Incest to
give as Christmas presents; the six
copies I found were all the o n e s
available on one particular Satur-
day in December, so for one day at
least I hadI a monopoly In the town
on a wonderful little book.
One night I gave my good buddy
Herb his copy of House of Incest.
He thanked me, of course, but
when I drove him home that night
he was drunk and left the book on
the dashboard. Miffed, I gave it

to a girl I
Janet, whc
the cheerli
football p1:
the Air Fc
Janet wen
and was
major and
When I
I searched
teaching a
course, on
Nin, I said,
rence frea
agred to
study (wh.
lates as '"G
for me on
she had o
n e sa
Te som
or to do
charge. I I
ing the $2
els,. devout
reading pa
And now s
What do
Bc nj am
ver -iyof
scared to
At the be Y
had been
ing iAbso]
Nm. He w
didn't hay
Who is
me, Who
Gunther E
tonal forr
the Diary?
ledge, my
We talked
vendor at
on almost
played in
had fantas
phonist: I.
play guitai
talked abc
Politics, a
talked for
I left his
But Ana:
Professor I
see what
Janet in EB
the Diaries
subway w
against he
ing. She wi
ing friends
stone mar
would be I
Anais Nin
'30's. In o
creating P
- Janet wa
paper, she
young and
Sappho ar
Anne Sext

poem calle
Lonely Mai
talking ab<
ing her, tl:
meant a lo
did Anais I
as a man?'
I smiled
es, in a lett

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