See Editorial Page
Da4 ii
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIII, No. 141
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 29, 1973
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
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*Campaign '73
The flurry of activity leading up to Monday's city elections
is now in full swing. This evening, Democratic Second Ward
hopeful Carol Jones and her Human Rights Party opponent
Frank Shoichet will debate in Bursley Hall's West Lounge at
9:00. Those who live near central campus can talk to Shoichet
and HRP mayoral candidate Be Kaimowitz at Mosher-Jordan
Hall at 6:15. And Franz Mogdis, Democratic mayoral candidate,
will address the Democratic Lunch Box Forum today at the
International Center.
Newsmen's news
Declaring that the press should be a watchdog over govern-
ment and protect the people, Gov. William Milliken testified
Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support
of a bill that would protect newsmen from revealing their sources
of information. In reporting the Governor's remarks, his Press
Secretary George Weeks said, "Heaven help the people if
the day comes when all they get is a press secretary's version
of what is going on." The bill is expected to be reported out of
committee in the near future.
Hash Bash notes
a A group called. the United Anarchists of the World (UAW)
and another called the People's Coalition Against Facism yester-
day endorsed the Second Annual Ann Arbor Hash Festival, join-
ing the bash's long lineup of supporters. The festival, slated for
Sunday at noon on the Diag, is expected to draw thousands, as
the pungunt aroma of Lebanese Red will drift for miles and
miles . . .
Happenings ...
.. are a bit .slim tomorrow, but promise to pick up over
the weekend. Tonight is International Night at the League cafe-
teria from 5-7:15 p.m. This week's feature: South Sea Island
Foods . .. there will also be a coffee hour at the Rive Gauche,
1024 Hill St., tonight at 9 p.m. ... there will be a Future Worlds
Festival conference tonight at 7:30 in the Future Worlds office
on the Union's second floor . . . looking forward to tomorrow,
there will be a dance party at Markley Hall featuring the New
Heavenly Blue and the Mojo Boogie Band - $1 admission and
all the beer you can drink . . . tonight at 8 in South Quad's Din-
ing Room 2 Bernard Cullen, speaker from the Belfast Irish Re-
publican Club, will discuss "The Irish Crisis: British Colonial-
ism vs. People's War . . . and remember that all happenings
lead to Sunday's Hash Bash.
Crime down?
WASHINGTON - The Justice Department reported yester-
day an overall drop in the crime rate, the first such drop in 17
years. But all is not peace and love, for rape over the past
year increased 11 per cent, aggravated assault climbed six per
cent, and murder and robbery were both up -by about four per
Gas tax hit
LANSING - Petitions signed by nearly 170,000 persons call-
ing for the repeal of Michigan's new two cents per gallon gas
tax hike were filed with the Secretary of State's office Tuesday.
Workers in the petition drive arrived with five cartons con-
taining petitions with 162,000 signatures, more than 30,000 over
the number they need to put the issue on the November, 1974
election ballot.
Daredevil charged
ALBION - Evel Knievel, the daredevil who flies over lined
up cars on a steam-powered "skycycle," was charged Tuesday
with leading Calhoun County sheriff's deputies through two
counties at speeds reaching 100 m.p.h. in his car. Knievel was
headed to Detroit for a performance at the Michigan State
Fairground this weekend.
Greetings . .
HARTFORD, Conn. - You're only as old as the computer
feels. Frank Smith of Hartford and Raymond Fitzpatrick of
Beacon Falls were among veterans who received letters invit-
ing them to join the National Guard. Signed by Maj. John Fre-
und, state adjutant general, they began, "I have just learned
*of your release from a successful tour of active duty." Smith,
74, was released from active duty after the World War I armis-
tice of 1918, Fitzpatrick, 62, in 1946 after service in World War II.
On the inside . ..
. . . The Editorial Page features statements by fourth
and fifth ward candidates in Monday's city elections .
the Sports Page includes a flashy feature by Joel Greer on
hockey coach Al Renfrew . . . and the Arts Page features
a review of "Cries and Whispers" by David Gruber.
A2's weather
A good day for puddle jumping. Our friend, Canadian
cyclone "Baker", with his trailing cold front will bring
some rain today into this evening. Baker's cold front will
cause cooler temperatures and partial clearing during the
night. High temps between 50-55 with lows tonite between
32 and 37.
Gunman abandons her car near Milwaukee
A 20-year-old University student whose
car was involved in a bullet punctuated
police chase in a Northside Milwaukee
suburb early yesterday morning has
become the subject of an interstate
search by police and FBI agents.
The missing student, Melanie Fahr
of Troy, Mich., was last reported seen
early Tuesday morning by a companion
she dropped off at a rooming house
near central campus.
The only clue investigators have to her
present whereabouts is her yellow 1970
Chevelle automobile, which was aban-
doned by an unidentified gunman early
yesterday in the Milwaukee suburb of
According to Shorewood police, Fahr's
automobile was pulled over by Patrol-
man John Plumb for a traffic violation
at 12:20 a.m. yesterday.
As Plumb approached the car, an un-
identified gunman jumped out and ran.
Plumb fired a warning shot and the
gunman returned the fire.
Police gave chase t but the gunman,
who did not match Fahr's description
according to officers, escaped into the
There were not clues indicating where
Fahr might be.
Local police are working on the theory
that Fahr was probably abducted and
her automobile stolen. Their main con-
cern seems to be locating Fahr and
bringing her to safety.
"We know nothing adverse about her,"
Detective Lieutenant Calvin Hicks of
the city police force said last night.
"She is a good student from a good
family and is emotionally stable. We
can establish no ties to Wisconsin or any
intentions she may have had of going
there," Hicks added.
Fahr's father Raymond last night said
he last saw his daughter over the week-
end and she had given no indication that
she was planning a trip to Wisconsin.
. Fahr, a three-year resident of Stock-
well Hall and a junior oceanography ma-
jor in the college of engineering, is de-
scribed by her friends as not the type
of girl to become willingly involved with
a gunman.
Stockwell Building director Richard
Rosen said that Fahr has been working
at the Stockwell front desk and has been
"a responsible worker . . . what I know
of her is positive."
Fahr is described at 6' 1", 180 lbs,
with shoulder-length brown hair, brown
eyes and glasses.
THIS 1971 PICTURE of missing stu-
dent Melanie Fahr was released by
police last night.
JJUI&. 1GJ1 llsl .
ITT head
involved in
Chile plot
board chairman arold Ge-.
neen offered to set up a CIA-
controlled fund in 1970 to
block the election of Salvador
Allende as president of Chile,
a top official of the U. S. spy
agency has testified.
The official, William Broe, who
headed clandestine operations in
Latin America for the CIA, said
he rejected the "substantial" of-
fer, made to him by Geneen at a
meeting July 16, 1970, in a Wash-
ington hotel.
However, according to a trans-
cript of Broe's testimony to the
Senate Foreign RelationsSubcom-
mittee Tuesday, the CIA fficial
explored with an ITT vice presi-
dent two months later the possi-
bility of bringing economic insta-
bility to the country. The purpose,
he indicated, would be to influ-
ence a number of Christian Dem-
ocratic congressmen not to vote
for the Marxist candidate.
The subcommittee chairman,
Frank Church (D-Ida.), told news-
men that Broe's discussions with
Senior Vice President Edward
Gerrity, were with the "knowl-
edge and concurrence of his su-
perior at CIA. They included Ri-
chard Helms, then the agency's
director and the now U. S. am-
bassador to Turkey, he said.
The disclosure yesterday of
Broe's secret testimony to the
subcommittee - the first ever by
a CIA official under oath - came
on the fifth day of the panel's in-
auirv into allegations that Interna-
tional Telephone & Telegranh Co.
attempted to influence U. S. poli-
cv in Chile in order to head off
{Allene's election.
Thecoman v's investments in
the Chile Telenhone Co. were tak-
en over by the Chilean govern-
ment in 1971, a year after the
Chilean congress certified Allen-
de's election.
Broe said the meeting with Ge-
neen in a Sheraton - Carlton hotel
room had been suggst'd to Helms
by John McCone. ITT director
who preceded He] as head of
the CIA.
Gerrity told the subcommittee
last week that ITT had been will-
ing to contribute $1 million to a
low-cost housing program in Chile.
Church, however, told newsmen
"at no time did Geneen refer to
a constructive use of the funds."
Asked about the apparent con-
flict between Broe's account and
accounts given by Gerrity and
other ITT officials, Church said
he would not "pass judgment" on
the possibility of perjury until Ge-
neen apears before the subcom-
mittee Monday.
"When Mr. Geneen apnears,"
the senator said, "we will read
him Mr. Broe's testimony on these
See ITT, Page 7
hears McCord
Wate rgate
WASHINGTON (R) - The Senate's special Watergate
investigating committee yesterday reported it received a
great deal of information during iour-and-a-half hours of
closed-door questioning of James McCord Jr.
McCord, one of seven men found guilty of breaking into
Democratic party headquarters last year, appeared at the
hearing to investigate allegations of political espionage dur-
ing the 1972 presidential election campaign.
The committee then asked McCord to appear- before it
again next Wednesday.
Sen. Howard Baker, Jr., (R-Tenn.), speaking for the
committee, said that McCord had been cooperative but de-
clined to disclose the substance of any of his testimony.,
McCord was literally tight-
lipped, his mouth firmly shut as
he let his lawyer, Bernard Fen-
sterwald, ward off questions from L astgroup
reporters after the hearing at
which he testified under oath.
In appearances before the com-
mittee's counsel last week, Mc- P Os
Cord was reported to have iden-
tified others who he
involved in the plot to
Sen. Lowell Weicker.
said were
spy on the returning
Daily Photo by JOHN UPTON
Afro lounge opens
Poet Dudley Randall (above left) makes a surprise appearance at last night's opening of South
Quad's new Afro-American Lounge. Another famed black poet,Gwendolyn Brooks, (above right) was
also on hand for the event. Below, artist Jon Lock ard, a University lecturer in Afro-American and
African studies, sits near one of the paintings he created for the lounge.
Ciri Courtearigs
on Wr li
Hearings on a suit filed by
University Attorney Roderick
Daane charging Write-on- Inc.
with "subverting the education-
al process and encouraging in-
tellectual dishonesty and cheat-
ing" began yesterday before
Judge Edward Deake in Wash-
tenaw County Circuit Court.
Write-on Inc., a Lansing-
based custom research organi-
zation, with branches at a num-
ber of universities is accused of
writing term papers for stu-
dents who then turn them in for
academic credit.
Daane's suit seeks to dissolve
r te-on, Inc. begin
who said earlier this week he had
evidence that people in the White
House were involved, told report-
ers he could not say whether Mc-
Cord provided any evidence to
support his allegation that White
House aides had prior knowledge
of the bugging incident.
Weicker said that the commit-
tee's questioning of McCord was
technically still going on, with the
hearing to resume next week.
Howard Hunt, Jr., another of
those awaiting sentencing for last
June's break-in and bugging at
Democratic headquarters in the
Watergate complex here, was re-
ported earlier in the day to have
refused to answer questions of a
federal grand jury.
U. S. District Judge John Sirica
was told that Hunt, after being
closeted briefly with the grand
jury in its continuing investiga-
tion, had invoked his constitution-
al protection against self-incrimi-
A hearing was scheduled to give
government lawyers an opportun-
ity to request immunity for Hunt
for any testimony he might give.
He had spent more than an hour
before the grand jury Tuesday.
Gdon Liddy, another Water-
gate defendant, refused Monday
to answer grand jury questions.
Liddy, a former White House
aideand counsel for thetCommit-
tee to Re-elect the President, is the
only one of the seven Watergate
defendants to be sentenced so far.
last regular group of U. S. war
prisoners flies away from Hanoi's
jails today to join 81 others here
who already are looking forward
to a trip home at the weekend.
The remaining 67 prisoners on
the turnover list will fly in from
Hanoi on two C141 StarLifter hos-
pital jets. They had been billed
as the last Americans. in Commu-
nist custody, but the Viet Cong an-
nounced yesterday in Saigon one
more U. S. prisoner will be turned
He was identified only as Whe-
me, from Virginia, a captive since
1969. Officials said his release is
being arranged for near the Me-
kong Delta village where he was
He will be the 588th American
war prisoner turned over by the
North Vietnamese, Viet Cong and
Pathet Lao since the releases be-
gan Feb. 12. According to Com-
munist count, he is the last.
Operation Homecoming officials
in the Philippines said they ex-
pect all the regular returning pri-
soners to get their medical checks
and debriefing sessions behind
them in time for flights to the
United States on Sunday or Mon-
Many in the 67-man group due
today are crewmen of B52 bomb-
ers downed last December when
See LAST, Page 7
Write-on's charter.
At the hearing yesterday,
Daane was asked by Write-on to
show cause for his suit.
But, according to Art Harger,
Write-on board chairman, the
hearing will not continue until
Daane responds to Write-on's
motion for immediate dismis-
Harger said his lawyer has
raised a multitude of legal
points and until all are re-
sponded to by Daane it is un-
clear what action the court will
In addition to the motion for
dismissal, Write-on is urging the
identification of the University
and Wayne State University as
the plaintiffs and for their names
to appear on the suit.
Harger said he is challenging
Daane with not filing a defini-
tive brief. He says Daane has
not clearly stated onwhat spe-
cific grounds he is suing.
Write-on has stopped its op-
eration in Ann Arbor on the ad-
vice of its lawyer, Pat Albert.
According to Albert, Harger
said, the suit is only against the
Ann Arbor office.
Harger added that he holds as
extremely questionable the pro-
secution's investigative methods.
According to the former man-
ager of the Ann Arbor office,
Paul Fisher, a law student at
the University, went into the
Write-on office and stole papers
which were presumably to be
used in the suit.
Daane has since named Fish-
er as one of his investigators in
the suit.
According to Harger, Encyclo-
pedia Brittanica does thersame
type of custom research as
Write-on, and that there is a
company in Ann Arbor called
Research Incorporated that does
briefs for lawyers.
He concluded "it is such an
acceptable thing today that peo-
ple have researchdavailable to
them that . . . in short all I can
say is that I will fight it extreme-
Rent control
Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of profiles of the
candidates in Monday's city council and mayoral election races.
The race for the Second Ward City Council has shaped
up as a battle between a candidate who believes change
can come through -the two-party system and another who
rejects both major parties as ineffective.
Democratic candidate Carol Jones, a self-proclaimed
"radical Democrat," says change can best be accom-
plished by one of the major political parties.
tops Second Ward
to "financial responsibility in city hall."
In the Second Ward 75 per cent of the 13,000 registered
voters are students. The electorate can "overwhelmingly
be characterized as tenants living either in dorms or
apartments," according to City Clerk Harold Saunders.
The new Second Ward stretches from Catherine to Hill
Street and includes all of the large University residence
halls except South and West Quads. North Campus housing
and several commercial apartment complexes have also
been included in the ward.
Not surprisingly, all three candidates have made rent
ores, but I fully support rent control if it proves workable,"
adds Jones.
Shoichet proposes City Council force the University tp
commit some of its land for low cost housing sites. He
claims such a program would help relieve the housing
shortage in the city, thereby driving down rents.
Jones claims the plan is faulty because "the city can
do no more than put pressure on the University."
"The construction of more apartments is the best way
to lower housing prices, rent control cannot be the an-
swer," claims Crawford, who is a landlord.
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