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March 23, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-23

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Umy Sfr$&w Dai
Eighty-two years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan

For and against SGC

voluntary funding

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1973

American autos must reform

In, support
SGC HAS HAD only one concern for the
past year . . . spending money. Your
You have a right to know where this
money has gone. Much of it goes to pay
the salaries of SGC officers. Several thous-
and dollars disappeared . . . it later reap-
peared in the hands of American Revolution-
ary Media. It took several months of legal
action to get it hack. Another thousand re-
cently disappeared again . . . the former
SGC Treasurer claimed it was in a private
bank account. It finally turned up in the
hands of the Council on Black Concerns,
headed by Lee Gill. The former SGC Treas-
uruer kept your SGC fees in a maze of
public and private bank accounts. The
SGC Treasurer's books were not even open
to the public.

THE BIG THREE'S tenuous claim of not
being able to meet 1975 automobile
anti-pollution requirements was seen in
a new light this week when two Japanese
auto firms announced that they would
definitely be able to comply with the re-
The projected success of the Japanese
firms, Honda and Mazda, has confirmed
what has long been suspected - that De-
troit's professed "inability" to comply
with the 1970 Clean Air Act should be
taken with more than a modest-sized
grain of salt.
- Representatives for the Japanese firms
testified before the Environmental Pro-
tection Agency Monday describing their
advances in the development of two non-
conventional automobile engines - the
Wankel rotary engine and the Compound
Vortex Controlled Combustion Engine, a
power plant that employs two combustion
chambers for each cylinder.
Although these engines have been used
only in small cars up to this point,
spokesmen for the firms said that pre-
liminary tests indicated they could readi-
ly be adapted for use in large-size Amer-
ican cars.
In contrast to the innovative work
done by the Japanese, Detroit has ex-
pended very little effort on research for
alternative power systems. instead it has
concentrated on the development of cata-
lytic converter, a muffler-like devise
"tacked on" to the conventional six- or
eight-cylinder engine.
It is significant that the Japanese com-
panies rejected this alternative early in
the course of their research, finding them

"not reliable or durable."
It may very well be true that at this
late date Detroit cannot possibly meet the
EPA standards, after running up the
blind alley of catalytic converters for
three years.
Yet there is something irksome about
the Big Three's use of the word "inabili-
ty'? in reference to their expected failure
in meeting the requirements. "Inability"
to Detroit's automakers seems really to
mean unwillingness: an unwillingness to
experiment with radical changes in the
internal combustion engine, perhaps ev-
entually leading to the demise of the
heretofore sacred V-S and an unwilling-
ness to cut into their high profit margin
to fund such experimentation without
passing the cost on to the consumer.
The days of the high-powered huge car
in this country are numbered, because of
the necessity to protect our environment.
The auto industry must eventually rea-
lize this. The question is whether they
would use the extra year to improve the,
dead-end catalytic converter and con-
tinue to avoid alternatives, as Ruckels-
haus has pointedly asked industry repre-
Hopefully the EPA will keep this con-
sideration in mind when considering the
U. S. automakers request for a one-year
extention of the 1975 deadline.
Granted, a complete retooling of the
Big Three's engine plants within the
space of two years is a next-to-impossi-
ble task. Yet in the words of New York
City Mayor John Lindsey, "It is not un-
reasonable to demand that the genius of
American industry rise to this challenge."

"With voluntary f u n d in g
SGC will have to begin work-
ing for Student services and
projects . .. they will have
to earn your $2.00. Volun-
tary funding will not mean
the end of SGC."
... 2+ :.r.':"S~r.::Y: .,.... .::X~~:"zo,,"r ."::":":x"::"::"<.i.:. ... .
You also have a right to know what SGC
has not done. We've been waiting for a
Grocery Co-op for years . . . we're still
waiting. We've been waiting for Housing
Reform, Counseling Reform, Tenant's Ac-
:ion, Women's Rights Action, Minority Rights
Action . . . the list goes on and on, and
we're still waiting.
SGC's inactivity over the last year has
been due to one factor - an all-consuming
greed for your money. The Voluntary Fund-
ing question on the ballot will make the
present mandatory fee system voluntary.

At registration, you wil receive a Volun-
tary Funding card. If you don't turn in the
card, you won't be billed. It will be your
YOU HAVE a right to ask what Voltin-
tary Funding will mean for SGC. There
is no dought that SGC will lose some
money. But that is the mechanism of Vol-
untary Funding. When SGC sees that inac-
tivity will mean a drop in support, it will
realize that it has to do something to
earn the support of Students. SGC will
have to begin working for Student services
and projects . . . they will have to earn
your $2.00. SGC should be made, respon-
sive, more. responsible, and more active.
Voluntary Funding will not mean the end
of SGC.
PIRGIM, using a Voluntary Funding Sys-
tem, got fees from over 50 per cent of the
Student body last year. In addition, SGC re-
ceives thousands of dollars in supplementary
income from the salei of insurance and char-
ter flights. With Voluntary Funding, SGC
will still have enough money to operate ...
though not on such a wasteful scale.
Projects like the Grocery Coop and the
SGC Legal Advocate, which require large
amounts of funding, can be financed through
Student referenda, separate from S G C
funding. Voluntary Funding will not pre-
vent the Grocery Coop and SGC Legal ad-
vocate from operating.
. There was a student petition circulated to
get Voluntary Funding on the ballot. Over
three thousands students signed the petition.
The power brokers on SGC are scared. So
far, SGC elections director has succeeded
in arbitrarily removing one Voluntary Fund-
ing question from the ballot. But a new
spirit of populism is sweeping the campus
Voluntary Funding is supported by
students from every part of the political
spectrum: radical, conservative, liberal.
Voluntary Funing for SGC has been endors-
ed by LSA Student Government. We have
a great opportunity now to return SGC to
the students, to make SGC more responsive.
We can't let that opportunity slip away.
SGC Fees should be Voluntary . . . because
you're old enough to decide for yourself.
Matt Hoffman is a student at the

O bjection Us
"Think Before You Screw Yourself"
NEXT WEEK, the student body will be
asked to decide whether Student Gov-
ernment Council should be funded on an
optional basis instead of the present one
dollar per student per term assessment ap-
proved by the student body last spring.
The question of optional funding can be
quite deceptive if not viewed in the proper
light. Ordinary, most students would auto-
matically support optional or elective pro-
grams - in fact, SGC has long fought for
student self determination.
However, in this instance, the students
are really faced with the choice of a strong
student government (the present manda-
tory dues system) or the farce of a weak
student union (optional unding).
Perhaps the best way to view this issue
is in terms of what the individual student
stands to gain from the two possible choic-
present system of mandatory funding, every
student on campus is entitled to vote in the
SGC elections. Accordingly, SGC can repre-'
sent all students from a posiiton of strength
in confrontations with the Board of Re-
gents, the Administration, and the faculty.
As a result of SGC's authority to represent
all students, students have been placed
on the following major University commit-
1) Long Range Planning, 2) Budget Prior-
ities, 3) Program Evaluation, 4) Civil
Liberties, 5) Academic Affairs, 6) Classi-
fied Research, 7) Inter-Collegiate Athletics,
S) Health Services Long Range Planning,
9) Office of Student Services Policy Board,
10) Research Policies, 11) Resource Allo-
cation, 12) University Cellar Board of Di-
rectors, 13) University Council (the body
that created the new campus judiciary sys-
tem replacing the police state Interim
Rules) and 14) Teacher Awards.
The SGC Legal Advocate has already filed
or will file suits in the following cases on
behalf o the student body; 1) Public dis-
closure of the University salary list, 2) Open
Regents meetings, 3) Prohibiting the Uni-
versity from imposing hold credits without

due process for students, 4) Nullification of
the current Attorney General's opinion pro-
hibiting U-M students from serving on the
Board of Regents and 5) Prohibiting the
University from imposing the arbitrary $5
fine for late tuition and board payments.
The Student Government Council Gro-
cery Co-op is presently operating and of-
fering meat to students at approximately
75 per cent of local average retail cost.
The SGC Bail Fund presently will post
bond for any student for any offense for
up to $150.
"Ordinarily, most students
w o u I d automatically sup-
port optional programs-
However, in this instance,
the students are really faced
with the choice of a strong
student government or the
farce of a weak student
Although this is only a partial listing, he
above services alone are quite a bargain to
the student at a cost of onedollar per stu-
dent per term.
oliences of optional funding are a loss of all
of the above benefits and a maximum sav-
ing to the student of one dollar.
Those who are supporting optional fund-
ing have repeatedly harped on SGC failures
and mistakes over the years instead of dis-
cussing the, positive aspects of SGC. It
would be unrealistic to assume that SGC
would not make mistakes - we are stu-
dents, not professionals, and we only ask
that we be judged as our. peers are.
The motto of the campaign teing waged
against ontional funding is "think before you
s'rew yoirself." In 1970, the students at
Harvard failed to "think" - this year, the
Harvard Administration reimposed dormi-
tory hours. The same can and will happen
here. Vote "NO" on optional funding.
Bill Jacobs is President of Student
Government Council.



The radical,

liberal split

Bowie Kuhn strikes out

Kuhn made the headlines this weekC
with an "on the record" swipe at the per-
sonal lives of Yankee pitchers Mike Ke-
kich and Fritz Peterson. Decrying the
beating the image the national pastime
has received, Kuhn called for the return
to a quieter time, when ball players were
the heroes of every kid on the street.
Kuhn subscribed to the pedestal theory
of athletics: that somehow because an in-
dividual makes his living swatting a lit-
tle round ball with a club of 35-40 ounces
he represents all the genteel values for
which America has stood. Purity in mor-
als and manners, argued Kuhn, in fact,
should go hand in hand with athletic
Toda ys staff:
News: Penny Blank, Sue Dirlam, M i k e
Duweck, Ted Stein, Ralph Vartebed-
Editorial Page: Robert Burakoff, Kathleen
Ricke, Eric Schoch
Arts Page: Richard Glatzer
Photo Technicians: Randy Edmonds,
Stuart Hollinger

Underneath his tirade against "the
new morality" was his belief that if boys
looked up to baseball players we wouldn't
have crime in the streets.
KUHN IS SADLY reactionary. The
world is much too complex for the
simplistic notions Kuhn advocated. Rath-
er than allowing the personal issue to die,
Kuhn chose his dinner with sportswriters
to call for his brand of morality.
But what Kuhn has neglected to con-
sider is that those ideal types of men
have never really existed in sports. 't'rue,
there were the Bible-beating bunko ar-
tists and moralists in baseball, but there
were just as many drunks and promiscu-
ous ball players.
Jim Bouton's Ball Four took pains to
debunk that myth. Though Kuhn object-
ed to its publication, he did not deny its
veracity. As Kuhn should know, an oc-
cupation does not insure "uprightedness."
It is one thing to conserve the excite-
ment of baseball, it is another to demand
idolotry to its practitioners. The former
is. enthralling, the latter mere hype. Kuhn
would be much better off he stuck to
baseball and left living to the players.

To The Daily:
THE CONCERN of the Democra-
tic mayoral candidate, as expres-
sed in his letter which appeared in
Saturday's Daily, that a split in
the radical-liberal vote might re-
sult in the election of a conserva-
tive is a very real one. This is not,
however, the only issue in this
year's mayoral race, asMr. Mog-
dis would have us believe, and is
only an issue at all because of the
refusal of Mr. Mogdis' Democratic
Party to support efforts made by
the Human Rights Party at lbast
three times during the past two
years to institute a system of pre-
Ferential balloting in the city.
Such a system would have in-
sured. that the elected candidate
had the support of a majority of
the voters. The threat of a radi-
aal-liberal split would thus have
been eliminated. But the Demo-
cratic Party did not support ef-
forts to institute preferential bal-
loting in Ann Arbor, presumably
because they realized that such
a system would erase their pri-
mary election issue: a reaction-
ary appeal to the fears of liberal
voters. So, instead of being urged
to vote for the best candidate, lib-
eral and radical voters are being
asked to vote for the "lesser of the
two evils."
I would say that Mr. Mogdis'
fear of a split in the radical-liber-
a vote is justified. His conclusion
that a vote for Benita Kaimowvitz
is a vote for Stephenson is, how-
ever, erroneous. Ms. Kaimowitz's
supporters are firm in their com-
mitment to her candidacy, in fact
they sought her out and urged her
to run, and they back her because
she is the best candidate.
Mr. Mogdis' supporters, how-
ever, would be equally comfortable.
with either him or Ms. Kaimowitz
as their mayor. Thus it would be
more accurate to say that A VOTE
STEPHENSON. Realizing this,
then, perhaps Mr. Mogdis, if he is
sincere in his desire to avoid the
election of a conservative mayor
(which is questionable considering
his party's refusal to assist in the
establishing' of preferential bal-
toting) should give serious thought
to the posibility of disavowing his
>wn candidacy in support of Ms.
-Marc Cumsky, Grad.
March 17
Ozone house
Io The Daily:
WHAT DO YOU do, in t h is
town, if you don't know anyone,
adyou haven't any money, but
you want to get started here? What
do you do if you've just split from
your parents, and you feel like
never going back because yon're
legally old enough to be on your
own, but you don't know, and you
in' hnv ha' vwhr r-1~~0. 1'2ls Ito ,n?

funds are so limited. A frequent
"soluntion" applied by the social
service system has been to pay
for one night at a hotel and a one-
way bus ticket to the city of tIhe
closest relatives. This isn't a solu-
tion, of course; and even this "pro-
gram" is threatened in the face
of Nixon's federal actions.
For people who walk into Ozone
ouse needinga roof over their
heads, we ask if the residents of
Ann Arbor would volunteer space.
If a lot of us would give a little
bit of space every once in a while
,even every couple of months), it
would make such a difference to
hose people. If you can help,
;Tease call Ozone House.
--Robin Power
for Ozone House
March 22
On record
To The Daily:
publican candidate for Mayor, but
he hardly has spoken out on any
issues. Let's set the record straight.
When Stephenson was on Coun-
cil he gave me some idea of where
he, stands on some important is-
(1) He was the ONLY council
member to vote NO on a resolu-
tion which was intended to promote
wider political participation f o r
young people in elections. (12/13 -
(2) He was the ONLY council
member who voted NO on a reso-
lution "to get out the vote" dur-
ing city elections. (3/27/72).
(3) He was one of only two coun-
cil members who voted NO on a
resolution to permit students to
vote where they spend the major-
ity of the year (By law, this is now
the rule in Michigan). (4/21/69).
(4) He was one of only t h r e e
council members who voted NO on
funding of a child day care center.
(5) He was one of only three
council members who voted NO on
a resolution intended to implement
a plan to improve police-commun-
ity relations. (10/6/69).
This negative record speaks for
itself. Stephenson5s record, in my
opinion, is anything but "All Amer-
ican": in fact, I think it's "anti-
Ann Arbor." On election day, when
I think of Jim Stephenson, I will
simply vote NO!!
-Peter Alter
March 17
Ego trip?
To The Daily:
IT IS QUITE interesting to hear
HRP mayoral candidate Benita
Kaimowitz spend so much of her
renergy denouncing the national
priorities of the Nixon administra-
tion. While local Democrats, in-
cluding mayoral candidate Franz
Mogdis, were working for over a
year for George McGovern, where
were Kaimowitz and her party?

HRP elect before they decide they
have punished the Democrats and
the city enough?
It is easy for wealthy radical-
chic politics like Ms. Kaimowitz to
talk about rejecting "piece-meal"
reforms and working for an over-
all change in society. She won't
miss any of the benefits some of
those "piece-meal" reforms have
given to poor people and black peo-
ple. As a protected member of the
upper-middle-class, who is radical
by choice, not because of her sta-
tus in society, she can afford to
wait for social revolution. Poor
people, blacks, inians, chicanos,
etc., etc. cannot afford to wait as
the Nixons and Stephensons slash
programs they rely on for health
care, housing or legal services.
Come on Benita and HRP, get
off your ideological ego trip and
give the people a break!
--Jeffrey Stone
March 21
Salary suit
To The Daily:
ON MONDAY, March 19 the Uni-
versity Senate Assembly discussed
and voted for a motion to endorse
the University's resistance to a
suit brought against it by SGC,
the Michigan Daily, the local chap-
ter of the National Organization of
Women and three other local
groups. The vote was 34 to 7 (at-
tendance was poor that day). The
Ann Arbor News (Tues., March 21)
reports that Prof. Thomas J. An-
ton of the Political Science Depart-
ment proposed that a vote on the
question of whether individual sal-
aries of U-M employes should be-
come public information be placed
on the agenda for Senate Assem-
bly's next meeitng, April 16.
This is an important matter and I
urge all members of the Univer-
sitv community to consider it care-
fully. One of the educational issues
involves salary allocation for in-
struction, administrative work,
counseling, and other. services
(what are those services?). The
essential function of the Univer-
sity is teaching and learning
(ideally not unrelated). What per-
centage of our budget goes for
classroom activity?
At Mondav's meeting I spoke of
the inequities between salaries of
the Dept. of Art and the Dept. of
Architecture within the College of
Architecture and Design; salaries
in the former are much lower than
those in the latter and this fact is
nowhere evident in published ma-
terial such as the yearly report on
the Economic Status of the Facut?
ty. Several Art Dept. salaries fall
below the College minimum there
recorded (in other words, mini-
mum" in the report does not mean
minimum and the lowest salaries
are not recorded).
Anyone familiar with that yearly
report knows that certain Colleges

Architecture a n d Design. Of
icourse this reflects the values
of our culture; nurses, musicians,
and artists are clearly not as im-
portant to us as professors of law,
business administration, medicine,
or education: they are not even, as
highly valued as professors of lit-
erature and history of art. Fortun-
ately for thepart historians, artists
continue to produce art - no ar-
tists, no art history. Fortunately,
for the physicians, the nurses con-
tinue to nurse - no nurses, over-
worked doctors. Fortunately for
concert audiences, musicians con-
tinue to compose. No musicians, no
music and no leisure-time enter-
We should be distressed by the
silence of our colleagues in Nurs-
ing, Music, and A anddD, though it
is understandable. I do not know
the work load of the first two units,
but staff members in the Art De-
partment are fully occupied with 18
hours of classroom teaching a
week, committee assignments, and
counseling. They do not have much
time left over to make art, much
less address themselves to t h e

problem of their work load and
salary. Nevertheless, I would urge
them to do so. All members of the
University community must im-
press upon our representatives in
the State Legislature (and in the
University Senate Assembly) our
commitment to serious intellectual
and creative work.
My plea is both derivative and
nowhere near as elegant - or
powerful - as the original on
ivhich it is based (as a teacher of
language and literature, I'm sensi-
tive to questions of style -and I apol-
ogize for my lack of simplicity and
eloquence). The nurses, musicians,
artists, students, teachers (a n d
deans, vice-presidents, and presi-
dent?) have nothing to lose but
their bureaucratic fetters. T h e y
have much to win.
-Frances Wyers Weber
Associate Professor of
March 22

Sylvia's Sign s"
FRIDAY, MAR~CH 23, 1973
Aries express their love in unhibited ways.
Aries. (March 21 - April 19). Romance
will be totally eclectric this evening as it
is flying high, beautiful and zany with love.
It will be difficult to differentiate seducer
from seduced.
Taurus. (April 20 - May 20). Present sit-
uation calls for more. than just casual at-
tention. Make a new contact with someone
who particularly turns you on. However, love aspect is poor.
Gemini. (May 21 - June 20). You should feel high spirited this
morning as good news is received from hime. Chance encounter
with a recent acquaintance strengthens opportunity for an affair.
Cancer/ (June 21 - July 22). Be bold and speak the. truth with
love partner. The effect should benefit the romance a great
deal. You will find limitless boundaries for pleasure.
Leo. (July 23 - Aug. 22). If possible, attend some social or
political function that will promise advancement as you meet rew
people. Much satisfaction comes from entertaining and showing
off your acquisitions.
Virgo. (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22). Don't hesitate to give out compli-
ments as they lead the way to an enjoyable social experience. Buy
a gift today for someone special who may need some subtle re-
Libra. (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22). Begin the day by finding ways to
improve your own appearance and beauty. What you need and
what pleases you are at hand. Be gracious at receiving them.
Scorpio. (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21). Take precautions to prevent un-
necessary headaches - physical ones as well. You will receive
more than your share of compliments and attentions. Put an a
good show this evening.
Sagittarius. (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21). A secret encounter or rendevous
should bring about many new advantages that you should be
aware of. The afternoon produces euphoria as you finish business
and get down to pleasure.
'anrr,.ny, fls,' '7- lanw,11_ M~ake ana,, ffnrt lto nn rait and



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