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March 23, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-23

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[ Friday, March 23, 1973


Page Three


/ Friday, March 23, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAiLY
film themes, and throwing an old,

ins' who are tempted to let the

Alice Adams
Cinema Guild
In the title role of Alice Adams
(1935), Katharine Hepburn plays
a lovesick girl trying to attain
an elevated social position in or-
der to impress the handsome
young man (Fred MacMurray)
she met at a dance. Alternately
ashamed of her family's meager
existence and her own pretenses
of gentility, Alice attempts to.
keep him from meeting her fami-
ly. However, she eventually, re-
luctantly agrees to invite him to
dinner, thus setting the stage for
one of the most memorable
scenes, in film history: Hattie
Daniels as the slatternly hired
maid, Malena-grumbling, chew-
ing gum, and generally bringing
the "all important moment" to
a shambles.
Based on a novel by Booth
Tarkington and directed by
George Stevens, Alice Adams
won Hepburn her second Oscar
nomination, and although rather
trite by today's standards, the
film was a great success, especi-
ally because of the fine perform-
ances of Hepburn, Daniels, and
Fred Stone rlaying Alice's father.
Stage Door
Cinema Guild
Stage Door was originally a
play written by Edna Ferber and
George Kaufman intended as a
biting satire on the foibles of
Hollywood. RKO bought the
screen rights and then drastic-
ally changed the focus and char-
acters, retaining only the title
and skeletal framework, to make
it a film about the evils of the
Broadway stage. Kaufman is said
to have remarked, "Why didn't
they call it Screen Door?", but
even he would probably have en-
joyed it for the fine picture it is.
Hepburn plays Terry Randall,
a debutante and would-be actress
who, despite money and position,
lives in a theatrical rooming
house ("for the atmosphere")
with a group of other aspiring ac-
tresses - all waiting for that big
break. Ginger Rogers, Eve' Ar-
den, Lucille Ball, and Ann Miller
are among the other boarders

nursing their disappointments,
sharpening their claws, and vy-
ing for the attentions of a promi-
nent producer, Adolphe Menjou.
Little Women
Cinema Guild
.Little Women (1933) was Kath-
arine Hepburn's fourth film and
it is considered a film classic.
Directed by George Cukor for

Hitchcock's way of snoozing be-
fore attempting such things as
Vertigo, North by Northwest, and
Cinema II
Sat., Sun.
Rebecca was Hitchcock's first
American film (1940) and is still
the only picture by the distin-
guished Director to receive the

suggsg.am as.......sas am me a mas

RKO, it was superbly adapted
and lavishly mounted from the
Louisa May Alcott novel telling
the graceful story of a family of
four girls and their "Marmee"
living in New England during
and just after the Civil War. Miss
Hepburn plays the eldest daugh-
ter, Jo, with such conviction and
force of characterization that one
critic said she "goes darting
through this picture without giv-
ing one moment to think of her
as other than Jo March". Suffice
it to say, many people consider
Little Women one of the high-
lights of Miss Hepburn's career,
including the judges at the 1934
Cannes Film Festival, who se-
lected her as Best Actress for
this portrayal.
To Catch a Thief
Cinema II
A light, very smooth Hitch-
cock breather. Romance, com-
edy, and just a touch of sus-
pense as Cary Grant plays an
ex-cat burglar, romancing Grace'
Kelly on the Riviera, when he is
accused of a recent string of
robberies. It's all very elegant,
very enjoyable, but undeniably

"Picture of the Year" Oscar (al-
though Alfred has no Oscars of
his own; Rebecca's Oscar went
to Producer David 0. Selznick).
Yet, according to Hitchcock, the
film "is not typically Hitchcock;
it's a novelette, really, and the
story is lacking in humor."
Based on the slightly melodra-
matic novel by Daphne du Maur-
ier, the story concerns the sec-
ond wife of a wealthy Cornish
landowner (Lawrence Olivier),
whose marriage is dominated by
the invisible presence of his dead
first wife, Rebecca. Joan Fon-
taine is harassed by the spirit of
the dead, and is unconsciously
forced to emulate Rebecca's
manner to please her hubby. Re-
becca's presence is also felt in
Hitchcock's constant use of slow
tracking shots down the dark
corridors and stairways of the
palatial house.
Hitchcock considered the story
"old - fashioned." However, on
orders from Selznick, the novel
is faithfully reconstructed on
screen. Selznick, having just fin-
ished Gone With the Wind, felt
readers of popular novels might
feel cheated if the screenplays
strayed too far from the original
text. That theory doesn't make

for surprising or exciting cine-
ma, the trademark we've come
to expect most often from Hitch-
Carnal Knowledge
New Morning
Fri., Sat.
Mike Nichols' clinical analysis
of American sexual mores is deft,
perceptive, sensitive filmmaking.
The sexual adventures of his
two protagonists-beginning with
college initiation (in which talk-
ing with one's friends about
screwing becomes more impor-
tant than the act itself), terminat-
ing in divorce and melancholy
visits to call girls-always ring
painfully true. And the Nichols
trademark of impeccable en-
semble acting is undeniably pre-
sent: Jack Nicholson is as dy-
namic as ever, Art Garfunkel is
fine, Candice Bergen and Ann-
Mvargaret turn in much better
performances than they have any
right to give.. A highly elliptic,
strictly focused study of one of
the most central concerns of
modern American life. Altogether
quite a fine film, if somewhat
Zabriskie Point
Nat. Sci. Aud.
Fri., Sat.
Revoluntionary dialectics care
of Western Union, some good sex,
acres of billboards, post-card
pretty visuals, and a flashy finale,
all courtesy of Michaelangelo An-
tonioni. Zabriskie Point is as
much fun as a movie can be when
the director left his mind else-
Cries & Whispers
I didn't like it, but it was
okay. I thought that it was just
incredibly pretentious. Some
people will question whether In-
gmar Bergman can make a pre-
tentious movie. They'll say that
the reviewer's at fault. Not this
time. Bergman can still direct
people as well as anyone living.
Liv Ullman, Ingrid Thulin, and
Harriet Andersson give their ex-
pected good performances, while
newcomer Cari Sylwan is sur-
prisingly self-assured as well.
But beyond that, it's a symbol-
ist's daydream gone haywire.
White dresses on the red back-
ground, and black on the white,
etcetera and so on. It was just
too much.
All of this brings me to the red,
red blood anq the self-mutilation
scene. I'm sure you've heard
about it already. I've been told
that I can't possibly understand it,
and the rest of the film, in fact,
because I'm a man and this is a
film about women. However,
Bergman's a man too, and he
wrote, directed and produced
this film. Maybe that's why I

think that it's so, so pretentious.
The word fits.
By the way, the movie has been
distributed by Roger Corman.
And you know what he does for
a living. I bet that no one has
ever accused him of being pre-
tentious though.
, Vnltl
Fox Village
In Italy, when you wish to en-
ter the room of another, you
knock at the door exclaiming,
"Permesso?". Now that you
know why Billy Wilder's screen
adaptation of Samuel Taylor's
play is entitled Avanti you can
put your inquisitiveness to rest
and sit this one out. It's a loser
from top to bottom, from the
musak - ipfested jingle that ac-
companies the opening credits to
the very same jingle that accom-
panies the closing credits.
The plotline of this "comedy"
is supposed to be the source of
its humor. Is there humor in two
people who travel to Italy to re-
claim the bodies of their aged-
swinger parents, killed in an au-
tomobile accident? Are there
laughs in denegrating the Italian
lifestyle through chauvanistically
ill-conceived American - imposed
stereotypes? Would constant ref-
erences to the fact that actress
Juliet Mills is overweight send
Jujyfruits up through your nose?
Is Jack Lemmon's portrayal of

a constipated business executive
The real humor in this mis-
guided effort is in the uninten-
tional, yet uncanny resemblance
Juliet Mills. bears to Tricia Nixon
and Jack Lemmon bears to an
Eisenhower era Richard Nixon.
If you pretend that Lemmon and
Mills are actually Richard and
Tricia starring in "First Family
Dagoland Follies" everything
seems to make more sense.
Fifth Forum
"I'm trapped in a white ele-
phant." And she is. Sylvia Miles
is the latest addition to the War-
hol - Morrisey crew, opposite the
everpresent Joe Dallesandro, in
their most recent attempt. She
seems right at home. She should.
She got all the good lines. Yes,
that's right, there was a script.
Morrisey takes the credit for it,
but Sylvia makes it live. How
about, "What do you mean what
do I mean? I mean what I just
said I mean." Pretty good, huh.
Anyway, it's a story about an
aging actress, an "old, minor al-
most non-existant star" is how
its put, and her lesbian-nympho-
maniac daughter, and their
friends, who are, as one of the
film's straights describes them,
"The way kids are today." Just
for the benefit of the doubt, War-
hol - Morrisey have tried to be
clever, using many old, cliched

50 One Step Beyond
11:15 2 News


6:00 2 4 7 News
9 Courtship of Eddie's Father
50 Flintstones
56 Operation Second Chance
6:30 2 CBS News
4 NBC News
7 ABC News
50 Gilligan's Island
9 I Dream of Jeannie
56 Bridge with Jean Cox
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 News
7 To Tell The Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
50 1 Love Lucy
56 World Press
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 Hollywood Squares
7 Wait Till Your Father
Gets Home
9, Lassie
56 Wall Street Week
50 Hogan~s Heroes
8:00 2 Tom Sawyer
4 Sanford and Son
7 Brady Bunch
9 Billy Graham Crusade
56Washington Week in Review
50 Dragnet
3:30 4 Little People
7 Partridge Family
50 Merv Griffin
56 Off the Record
9:00 4 Circle of Fear
7 Room 222
9 News
56 Turning Points
9:30 2 Movie
"Take Her, She's Mine." (1963)
7 Odd Couple
9 Sports Scene
56 Performence: Jazz
10:00 4 Bobby Darin
7 Love. American Style
9 Tommy Hunter
50 Roberto Clemente
56 San Francisco Rock
11:00 4 7 News
9 CBC News

film themes, and throwing an old,
cliched (?) actress in the bar-
gain, but it doesn't work. The
photography is still like my
home movies, and the, sound,
well, I'm surprised I caught . as
many lines as I did. Oh yeah,
while I'm handing out the Oscars,
Joe Dallesandro's acting has
cleared up since Trash; so has
his skin. Thank Sylvia for one
last line though. Like she said,
"This is Hollywood, baby."
The Train Robbers
John Wayne, our last cowboy,
riding through the same movie
forever. He's a perennial, good
guy, a rough diamond, playing
father figure to the rowdy young-

ins' who are tempted to let the
power of a gun lead them astray.
The women know he is not as
tough as his talk; they love him
and often ask him to stay with
them. But, alas, he is a drifter
("It's what I do best," he says
in The Train Robbers) and he
must push on, tall in the saddle,
a bit world weary.
The Train Robbers itself is a
rather mundane western, . not
quite having the humor and vi-
tality of say El Dorado or Rio
Bravo, though it tries for it. Yet
at least it is not a pile of non-
sense like True Grit. It's a fairly
even job of filmmaking, centered
around two groups of men, one
good, one bad, who are both in.
search of stolen gold. Enjoyment
of it depends heavily on how
See 'MORE', Page 10

11:30 4 Johnny Carson
7 Dick Cavett
50 Movie
"Confessions of a Nazi Spy."
11:30 9 Curling Report
11:45 2 Movie
"The Hoodlum Priest" (1961)
12:00 9 Movie
"Island of Terror" (English
1:00 4 Midnight Special
Tentatively scheduled per-
formers: Grass Roots, Dr. Hook
and the Medicine Show, folk
rock artists Brewer and Ship-
ley,and the O'Jays, a soul
7 Movie
"Trapped in Tangiers" (1W41)
1:45 2 Movie
"Bowery Blitzkrieg" (1941)
2:30 4 News
3:00 2 TV High School
7 News
3:30 2 News
89.5 fm
9 The Morning After
12 Progressive Rock
4 Jazz
7 Live Folk
7:30 Talkback
8 Rhythm & Blues
11 Oldies Show
cable tv
channel 3
3:30 Pixanne
4:00 Julia Meade (consumer intetest)
4:30 Something Else
5:00 Stratosphere Playhouse
5:30 Local News/Town Crier
6:00 The Right On-Model Cities
(Lt. Calvin Hicks of the AA
Police Dept. Narcotics Squad
and Charles D. Price of Model
6:30 NCAA Super Sports
7:00 Community Dialogue (Third
Ward City Council Candidates)

Cinema Guild honors Katherine Hepburn
in a festival this weekend.

"Raunchy humor!
Hypnotically weird!
A stunning tour de force for Sylvia Miles."
-William Wolf, Cue Magazine

DRAMA-Buchner's Leonce and Lena will be presented to-
night by the German Department, RC Aud., 8 pm. And
the Gilbert and Sullivan Small Company presents Gilbert
and Broschmit's Haste to the Wedding at the Michigan
Rm, at the League at 8.
DANCE-International Folk Dance at Barbour Gym, 8-11.
(teaching, 8-9).
MUSIC-The Music School presents both a Duo Conoertante
with Angel Reyes (violin) and Joseph Banowetz (piano),
Rackham Aud., 8 and Bessie Hunter (soprano) in recital
at SM Recital Hall at 8.
WEEKEND BARS AND MUSIC-Rubaiyat, Iris Bell Adven-
ture (Fri., Sat., Sun.), no cover; Pretzel Bell, RFD Boys
(Fri., Sat.) cover; Del Rio Jazz (Sun.) no cover; Bimbo's,
The Gaslighters (Fri., Sat., Sun.) cover; Blind Pig,
Brooklyn Bluesbusters (Fri., Sat.) cover, Classical En-
semble (Sun.) no cover; Golden Falcon, Fifth Revelation
(Fri., Sat.) cover; Mackinac Jack's, Salmagundi (Fri.,
Sat., Sun.) cover; Mr. Flood's Party Terry Tate and the
United Supply (Fri., Sat.) cover, Diesel Smoke and Dan-
gerous Curves (Sun. 3 p.m.) cover; Bimbo's on the Hill,
Apple Core (Fri., Sat.) cover; Ark, Leon Redbone (Fri.,
Sat.), admission.

D t h s , r , URO ;E



" 'Heat' is the most important
f ilm to ever emerge from the
Tropic Underground
Movement, providing
freshness and excitement. A
simultaneously moving and
hilarious film!"
-Rex Reed, New York Daily News
"Warm and wonderful Warhol
human beans ('smile')-
living, laughing, loving,
feuding, fighting, fussing,
griping and groping .. .
it was swell."
-Vincent Canby, New York Times
2 Shows Daily-7:10 and 9:00


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