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March 18, 1973 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1973-03-18

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Sunday, March 18,' 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Page Seven



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The following listing reflects recent additions or changes in the College's course offerings, which are effec- To obtain maximum benefits from this ad, therefore, please make full use of any opportunit
tive Fall and Spring-Summer terms, 1973. Due to various limitations of space, time and money, important.an- reference these notations with the listings in the current LS&A catalog and Time Schedule. (Please
formation about many of these courses (e.g. title, instructor, time . . .) has been omitted, purposefully; it is departments to confirm offerings listed here which do not appear in the Time Schedule.) Other info
through the Counseling Offices-1018, 1223, 1213 Angell Halt. There, you can find personnel to
available elsewhere. your questions about LS&A course offerings. Call 3-1552, 4-0312, 4-0330 for assistance.

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201/History 201 (4) "Survey of Afro-American History I" No
prereq. Horton
202/History 22 (4) "Survey of Afro-American History I" No
prereq. Horton.
332/Speech 332 (3) "Black Theatre Workshop 1" New -cross-
406/Poli Sci 406 (3G;4UG) "Anarchism and Violence." New
449/Poli Sci 451 (2-4) "Governments and Politics of Africa"
New prereq. 2 courses in poli sci., including 140, 440, or 450;
P.I. "A comparative survey of African States and territories, with
primary emphasis on: the process of decolonization, the contin-
\ ued dependent status of African states, obstacles to change, and
alternative strategies of development."
559/History 560 (3G; 4UG) "The American South" New cross-
467/ (3) "Culture & Poverty." Pendrell. Two courses in cultural
anthro./P.l. "The course is concerned witth the definition, ori-
gin and evolution of "poverty" as concept, as social reality and
as public policy."
532 (3) "Communicational Anthropology." Carroll. None. "An
intro to the study of cultures as cybernetic systems of communi-
415 (3) "Non-Standard English." No prereq. Burling.
567 (3) 'Mechanisms of Human adaptation." Senior standing.
Anthro 233 can now be used to fulfill the prereq. for any of the
following: Anthro. 326 (formerly 426), 401, 403, 406, 417,
431, 461, 473, 478, 480/Soc. 480, 494.
454/Music Hist. & Musicol. 460 (3) "Euro-American Folk & Pop
music." New cross-listing.
459/Music. 459 (3) "Music Culture of S. Hemis. & Oceania."
New cross-listing.
471/Music. 461 (3) "The Music of Asia." New cross-listing.
261/NOEP 301 (2) "Navigation." New cross-listing. "Theory &
practice of celestial navigation, elements of piloting, dead reck-
oning and the sailings. (Not for distribution.)
429 (1) "Senior Seminar." "Student-faculty discussion of select-
ed problems in two or three currently active areas. Attendance
at weekly colloquia is required."
472 (4) "Gene'ral Plant Ecology." (Course No. changed to 400.
120 (4) "General & Inorganic Chem." New-INTEFLEX students
only. First course in 3-course sequence.
361 (3) "Greek and Roman Sports and Recreation." Sweet.
No prereq. "A study, hosed on translated ancient sources, artis-
tic and archaeological materials and modern literature of athle-
tics and recreation in Ancient Greece and Rome, and of their
significance in the cultural life of the Greco-Roman world."
464 (3) "Urban Problems of Ancient Rome." D'Arms
Not open to freshmen. "A history of the main stages of urban-
ism in Ancient Rome, from the early Republic to the period of
Constantine, as they are illuminated through geographical fac-
tors, topographical features, literary sources, archaeological evi-
dence; and as they are affected by social, political and economic
pressures. See dept. for further description.
439/Hist. Art 439 (3) "Greek Vase Painting." Herbert. "A study
of the development of painted Greek pottery, its painters and its
stylistic aspects. Red and black-figured ware, Athens & Corinth
will receive particular attention.'
588 (3) "Urban-Regional Econ. II" Prereq: 401 & 402 P.1.
307 (3, 2, 12 terms) "Intro to Modern English." Bailey'
Robinson. no prereq. "An examination of contemporary American
English:. its structure, the dimensions of its varieties, its vocabu-
lary. The course is designed to provide prospective teachers with
knowledge about Am. English and about ways of studying and
describing it that will be useful in their future classrooms."
CHANGES: Credits changed to I (3) ; (2: 1V terms) ( for 341,
342, 343. New Titles: 432 Hums 407 "The Modern Novel."
435 "Modern Drama." No prereq: 440 "Contemporary Poetry."
441 "Recent Poetry."
341-345 (3) "Special Problems -in Environmenta Studies."
Envir. 320. "Studies of selected problems in the environment,"
(Not for Distribution).
250 (1-3) "Topics in Chinese Civilization." Toosm, section 001.
"A discussion/seminar course for non-specialist undergrads.
CHANGE 471-472 is now two courses: 471; "Classical Chinese
Literature in Translation." and 472; "Traditional Chinese Drama
Fiction in Translation," Each carries 3 credits. No prereq.
591 "Comparative Chinese dialects" will no longer be offered.
200 (4) "Environmental Systems Under Stress.". Detwyler,
Marcus. No prereq. "Detailed examination of several man- mod-
ified eco-systems, to show connectivity and feedback between
various envir. elements, and to demonstrate how the combined
forces of population growth, increased energy expenditure and
envir. contamination have placed increasing stress on these sys-
416 (3) "Perspective on Israel." Brawer. ONE-offering ONLY.
no prereq. "A survey of the physical background, social-econo-
mic structure and political patterns of the State of Israel."
466 (3) "Urban Environment" Outcalt. no prereq. "A survey of

site hydrological, c~imatological and geomorphic limitation on"
urban man and the unique effects of urbanization on the local
and regional environment."
CHANGES 458/Engineering 458 (3) "Assessment of Environmen-
tal Impact." Sr. & 400-level course in environmental science or
technology. "Analysis of requirements for environmental impact
assessment under the Nat'l. Env. Protection Act. Survey of the
primary and secondary impacts of man and his technology on the
natural environment. Examination of assessment methodologies
including benefit cost analyses and cross-impact matrices. Case
studies of actual assesments of large scale technological projects
selected from Federal 102 Monitor statements."
305 (4) "Sedimentary Geology." Intro geology lab course'P.I.
"Properties of sediments and their origin, transportation,, de-
vronmental analysis, poleoecology, and facies analysis and an in-
positions, lithification, and daceness followed by ecology and en-
troduction to straticraphic methods and principles. Lectures, lab-
oratory & fieldtrip."
415~ (3) i"Innr conmic (Geoloov, (metals. ;1" Kelly. Geol. 310,1f

German 221 (4) "Second-Yr. Course (Reading) 101 102equiv.
"Same as German 231, but with emphasis on reading and liter-
ary interpretation."
222 (4) "Second-Yr. Course (reading) 221 231 equiv. Continua-
tion of 221. German 232, but with emphasis on readings and
lit. interpretation."
Scand. 111, 112 "Norwegian - 1st and 2nd Speaking-Reading
German 471, 472 "German Civilization." No prereq. "An exami-
nation of the political, artistics, and intellectual, history of Ger-
man from the beginnings to mid-20th century. Lectures by fa-
culty members from various departments."
353, 354 (3G; 4UG) "Topics in Modern European Civilization."
"These courses, intended primarily for non-concentrators, offer
an intro to European civ. through the study of one of its major
425 (3G; 4UG) "History of Ireland to 1603." McNamara. no pre-
req. "This course will trace the history of Ireland from the earl-
iest historical point to final defeat of Galic lords, 1603."
684 (3G; 4UG) "Comp. Approaches to American History." Cun-
liffe. ONE-offering ONLY. no .prereq. "Series of topics selected
from the whole of Am. history, drawing on works such as C. Vann
351, 352 (3G; 4UG) "Topics in Modern European Civ." Primarily
for non-concentrators. Intro to Europ. civ. through the study of
one of its major aspects.
446 (3G; 4UG) "Europe in the Age of Nationalism and Imperial-
ism, 1850-1918." The unification of Germany, Italy; the major
European powers in the age of materialism and mass participa-
tion in public affairs; the coming and course of WWI."
447 (3G; 4UG) "Europe in the 20th century: 1918 to present."
459 (3G; 4UG) "19th century European Intellectual History. Ton-
sor, Holmes. "Changes in the configuration of European thought
from the advent of romanticism to the anti-positivist revolt in
the 1870's. The lectures will deal with the content of the deter-
minitive ideas in culture and society and offer an explanation of
the process of ideological change."
615 "Study in Modern Spanish War." No prereq. "Readings and
discussions on major oroblems in 19th and 20th century Spanish
history. Emphasis will be on social and political history. A read-
ing knowledge of Spanish would be useful, but not indispensible.
655 "Studies in the' History of the Soviet Union." P..
664/NELL 664 "Studies in Modern Near Eastern History."
361, 362,' will no longer be offered.
405 (3) "Artists & Patrons." Smith and others. Hist. Art 102. "A
study of the interaction between artists and their parons during
he Medieval, Renaissance or Baroque periods. This course will
concentrate on the patronage of a selected family or institution."
385 (3; 2, 12 terms) "Introduction to Asian Painting." Kane. An
intro to the variety of Forms and range of representational and
expressive means encountered among the religious and secular
paintings of India, China, and Japan."
403 (4) "Media Performance." Journ. student & 302.
404 (4) "Economics of Mass Communication."
470 Art 471 (3-6) "Creative Advertising Workshop." Sr., Grad.
301, 302 "Elem. Thai."
303, 304, "Elem. Indonesian"
305, 306 "Elem. Hindi-Urdu"
407, 408 "Elem. Sanskrit"
412 "Generative Semantics"
414 "Phonology." Hill. prereq. 413 or equiv. Not open to those
with L. 405. "The organization of speech sounds into the func-
tionally distinct phonological units of particular languages. As-
sumptions and techniques of phonological analysis applied to
English and other languages."
401, 402 "Inter. Thai". prereq: 302
403, 404 "Inter. Indonesian." prereq: 303, 304
405, 406 "Inter. Hindi-Urdu". prereq: 305, 306
410 "Non-Standard English."
415 "Generative Grammar"
"Phonetics & Phonology" (formerly 405, 406) "Syntax & Seman-
tics" (formerly 403, 404) will no longer be offered.
111 (3) "Finite Mathematics." Goldberg. Two years high school
472 (3) "Intro to Mathematical Computation." Kincaid. Grad or
P.1. "An intro course in computing intended primarily for college
teachers. Use of several computer languages, particularly PL/1.
Examples and data structures appropriate to statistics, informa-
tion retrieval, mathematical applications/aducational uses and
related areas,"
345 (4) "Philo and Semantics." Stich. One philo. course. "A study
of the structure of language, the nature of meaning, and the
relations among languegs, thought, and the world."
370 (3) "Philosophical Aspects of Literature". Walton. no prereq.
"An examination of selected literary works, with emphasis on
philosophical, social and political ideas expressed in them and on
phlosophical problems concerning understanding, interpretation,
and apprecation of them."
362 (3) "Science and Society." Stich. no prereq. "The course fo-
cuses on a pair of questions: What is science and why has it had
so profound an impact on human institutions and on man's con-
ception of himself?

369 (3) "Philosophy of the Arts." Stevenson and Walton. "Philo-
sophical problems that arise in interpreting and evaluating the
arts. Examples drawn maily from poetry, music, and painting."
409 (3) "Philosophy of Language." Loar and Stich. 202 or equjv.
and one other course/P.l.
410 (3) "American Philosophy." Burks. "Locke and our Constitu-
tion; Edwards on free will; reason and feeling in transcendental-
ism and Emerson. This background will then be used in study-
ing the "classic" American philosophers: Pierce, James, Santa-
vana and Dewey."
411 (3) "Philosophy of Social Science." Logic course/P.l.
414 (3) "Mathematical Logic." No prereq.
416 (3) "Modal Logic." Bowie. 414/P.I. "The logic of necessity,
possibility and other intensional discourse. Emphasis is placed on
the formal semantcal structures of Montague, Kripke, and Scott
in the analysis of both prepositional and quantified modal lang-
uages, and on the model theory of these structures."
418 (3) "Philo. of Mathematics." Hart. 414/P..
422 (3) "Philo. of Physics." 210, 202 or equiv. 12 hours of science

477 (3) "Theory of Knowledge." Brandt, Goldman, Kim. 202 or
equiv. "A philosophical examination of problems concerning the
nature and possibility of human knowledge. Topics may include
the definition of knowledge, skepticism, sense-perception and the
external world, memory and knowledge of the past, knowledge of
necessary truth, conditions, of justified belief, and the objectivity
of knowledge."
481 (3) "Metaphysics." Meiland and Kim. 202 or equiv. "An ex-
amination of some of the central problems in metaphysics such
as appearance and reality, time, universals and particulars, caus-
ality and freedom, and the nature of metaphysical systems."
482 (3) "Philosophy of History." Kim and Meiland. 202 or equiv.
483 (3) "Philosophy of History." Meiland. 202/equiv./History
486 (3) "Early philosophy of Wittgenstein." 202 or equiv. and one
other philo. course..
487 (3) "Later philosophy of Wittgenstein." 202 or equiv. and
one other philo. course.
CHANGE 250 (3) "Energy, Entropy and Environment."
481, 482 (formerly 391, 392) "Junior Honors Proseminar." "Dis-
cussion of key issues in the various areas of political science."
514 (1) "The use of Social Sci. Computer Programs." Bowen.
499'equiv. P..
515 (3) "Social Sci. computer Programs." no prereq.
310 (3) "Superlob in Psycholoby as a Natural Science." Psych
170. "Systematic lab course designed for students interested in
the scientific study of psychology. Laboratory in sensory pro-
cesses, perception, human learning, and memory."
558 (3) "Psych. of Adolescence." Open to concentrates in psych
who have taken 453 or 457, others by P.-
397 (1-3) "Independent Study." Freedman and staff. P.. "De-
signed to accommodate students who are unable to take a listed
offering and who have special reasons and/or interested in
directed readings and research.
305 (1) "Practical French." T. F. 232/equiv. "Course in the
active practical use of French, for non-concentrators, who wish
to keep up their proficiency. All work is done in the class per-
ods. 2 hrs/week.
363 "French Phonetics & Diction," will no longer be offered.
363 (3) "Advanced Italian." Rolfs. 232 or equiv. "Emphasis on
of grammai. Required of all students concentrating in Italian
speaking and writing Italian; application of the fundamentals
and recommended for those who expect to have some immediate
use of the everyday language"
463 (3) "Contemporary Readings." Olken. "Selected prose of the
19th and 20th centuries.
464 (3) "Modern Italian Poetry." Olken/Rolfs. 232 or equiv.
"A survey of main developments in poetry in the 19th and 20th
centuries with discussion of major works, principal themes, and
new forms.
468 (3) "Modern Italian Novel." Olken. 232 or equiv. "The Ital-
ion novel since 1940."
471, 472, 477, 479, 481, 483: prereq.: 232 or equivalent.
475, 476 "Dante." 232 or equiv. 475 is prereq. for 476.
484 (3) "Early Italian Poetry." 232 or equiv. "Poetry of Sicilian
School and the Stilnovisti."
485 (1-3) "Directed Reading." Only with Permission of Advisor
in Italian. "Open only exceptionally to concentrators and grad
student in Italian, whose program needs a subject not covered
in regular offerings."
489 (3) "Verism an Naturalism." Olken. 232 or equiv. "The
works of Verga and his followers."
361, 362 will not longer be offered.
305 (1) "Practical Spanish." 232 or equiv. "Course in the active
practical use of Spanish . . . see French 305, above.
350 (1-3) "Independent Studies." Permission concentration ad-
visor. May be elected under conditions specified by department.
See concentration advisor.
450 (1-3) "Independent Studies." P. concentration advisor. (see
(advisor). as revealed in a survey of major essayists from early
19th century to the oresent. Emphasis given to those essays that
are important to the history of ideas and literary history in Latin
463 (3) "Literaturo Hispono-americana, siglo XVI and XIX."
"Principal literary figures; historical and ideological background.
Main emphasis on Ercilla, Inca Garcilaso Sor Juana Ines de Ia
Cruz, literature of the Independence period, Romanticism,
Gaucho poetry, costumbriso, origin of Modernismo."
457 (2) "Advanced composition." 453.
464 (3) "The Theme of the indio in Hispanic American Lit.
(XVIC-XXC)" "A survey of the ideas concerning the indio from
the times of the Conquest through contemporary literature."
264 (3) "Fundamentals of Hearing Science." Talley. 253. "A
review of the anatomical, physiological, physical and psycho-
physical proceses underlying the normal hearing process." (Not
for distribution)
457 (4) "Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment of Articulatory and
Language Disorders." Wiley. 253 & 254. "A review of ap-
proaches to diagnosis of speech and language, specific tests used
and approaches to treatment of disorde rsof language and speech
sound production." (Not for distribution) .

459 (3) "Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Disorders of Phon-
ationuand Resonation." Bloomer. 253 & 254. "Voice disorders
frequently encountered in clinical practice of speech pathology:
Classificationscmethods of examination, diagnosis, treatment of
children and adults." (Not for distribution.)
254 (4) (Formerly 250) "Fundamentals of Speech Science" Wat-
kin. soph. "An intro to the physiological; acoustical and per-
ceptual aspects of speech communication and their measure-
ment." (Not for distribution)
348 (3) (Formerly 438) "Advanced Oral Interpretation." Haas/
Okey. 240/280. "Advanced study on the problems of interpreta-
tion theory, literary forms, and performance."
253 (2) (Formerly 451) "Intro to Speech Pathology and Aud-
ioloav." No prereq. Staff. "A survey of the professional fields
of speech pathologv audiologv and speech and hearing science.
Designed for the student interested in pursuing a degree in these
areas. .(Not for distribution)
460 (3) "Intro. to Audioloay." McLaughlin. 253 & 254. "De-

101, (4) "Biology and Human Affairs." Vandermeer. No prereq.
"Intro to those aspects of biology that have direct applicability
to the lives of people in today's world. Designed to complement
bot-zoo 100, for non-science majors, this course/covers elemen-
tory aspects of the functioning of biological systems, especially
as they relate to human life and human affairs.
480 (3) "Biological Ultrastructure and Histogenesis." Kemp/Loe-
wenthal. 8 hours of biology. Lectures on the differentiation of
cells and tissues from the molecular to the microscopically visi-
ble levels of organization, including methods of analysis.
511 (2) "Evolutionary Aspects of Protein Biosynthesis." Jones.
P.1. "An examination of certain aspects of biochemical evolution
specifically related to the formation of the cellular transcriptional
and translational machinery."
451 (3) "Biology of Mammals." 251/252/P.I. "Evolution, dis-
tribution, ecology, behavior, anatomy, and classification of
mammals, with emphasis on N. American species. Lecture, lab,
503 (3G; 4UG) "Intensive Reading of Latin." Seligson. (11b) 502
or P.I. "Continuation of Latin 502. Several books of Vergil's
Aeneid will be read and students will be introduced 'to the
resources of ancient and modern criticism of Vergil. The final
examination will consist of a passage to be translated and anno-
201 (3) "Dynamic Geology." Farrand. no prereq. "An intro field
course at the UM Biological Station emphasizing surficial and
dynamic aspects that affect biological activities - rocks, wea-
thering, geochemical and hydrological cycles, evolution of land-
forms and geological history." (Ilb)
333 (4) "Summer Excursions in Geology.' Eschman. 111/112/-
113/116/117/118/218/ & P.I. "Summer fieldtrips to the
western United States, England and Wales, France or other areas
of interest. Opportunity to apply basic info obtained in intro
course to the interpretation of landscapes and the geologic history
of these areas.' Call 764-1435 for infornation. (Illb)
446 (3) "Pleistocene Geology & Soils." Farrand. no prereq. (111b)
"Field study at the UM Biological Station of landforms resulting
from glaciation and the development of' soils on these land-
forms, with emphasis on their effects on biological environments;
Pleistocene stratigraphy.
114 will no longer be offered. (Ill a.)
315 (3) "Introduction to Islamic History." McGowan no prereq.
(Ila) "An examination of the life of the Prophet; the funda-
rhental practices and institutions of Orthodox Islam; a portrait
df three cities: Abbasrd Baghdad, Fatimid Cairo, Ottoman Istan-
bul. Combined lecture-discussion."
385 (1-3) "Reading Course' History conc. with written P1.
3,86 (1-3) "Reading Course." History conc. with written P.I.
444 "The French Revolution and Napoleon", will no longer be
offered. (111 b.)
445 (3) "Europe in the Age 'of Revolutions: 1780-1$50"
Bowditch. "A study of the French Revolution and its imact on
Europe: the Napoleonic Empire and the reacting of Europe to
French legemony; romanticism, industrialism and the revolu-
fionary movements of 1830 and 1848.' (Illb)
The following courses will be offered lila and lIIb at Sarah
Lawence College, Florence, Italy:
447 (3) "Tuscan Painting of the Middle Ages and Renaissance."
Eisenberg. P.I.
456 (3) "Tuscan Architecture and its Decoration." Olds. P..
458 (3) "Tuscan Sculpture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Bissell. P.I.
The following courses have been modified for a special Institute,
Summer 1973 ONLY:
301 (6) "Elementary Thai." Gedney.
400 (2) "Explorations of Language in Context." no prereq. "This
course will consist of a series of 2-hour lectures to be given
by the visiting faculty of the '73 Linguistic Institutes. It will
provide a forum for a general presentation of current work
together with an opportunity to discuss this work.
431 (6) "Interm. Thai." Gednev. Elementary Thai.
440 (6) "Burmese Reading." Becker. No prereq.
451 (1 ) "Psychology for Linguists." /Psych. 406.
456 (2) "Intro to Conversational Analysis." Schlegloff. "Overall
structural organization of conversation, organization of turn
taking, of intermediate structures, and bounding techniques for
them; problems of formulations or reference selection in con-
versation; etc. Exercises in the analysis of empirical materials. ..
458 (1) "Intro to Social Psych. of Language Learning and Bi-
lingualism" Lambert. no prereq. "Problems in second language
acquisition and the development of bilinqual skills." /Psych. 40F
459 (1) "Intro to Adjacency Pair Organization in Conversation."
Sacks, no prereq. "Structure of greeting and farewell exchanges,
question, answer sequences, and the like. Concern with isolating
a type that catches organizationally relevant facets of all the
above, illuminating detailed features of instances of any, and
locating the place of this type of organization among the various
types of organizations that compose the seauence organization of
468 (6) "Intensive .Javanese." Soemarma. no prereq. (lIb)
462 (2) "Introduction to Language Variation in India." Hook.
(Illb) P.I.
371 (3) "Existentialism." Bergmann. 202 or equiv. (11b). "A
consideration of the major twentieth century representatives of
the existentialist movement, with special attention being given to
their novels and plays. The contemporary figures will be intro-
duced with a discussion of their nineteenth century forbears,
Kierkegord, Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche."



444 (3) "Keller Proqram - Inter." P.1. "Student works as tutor
being given using the Keller system . . . typically 5-6 students in
in ane of the intermediate (300-400 level) courses which are
the group tutored." (lila)
458 will no longer be offered.
406 (5) "Environmental Stresses of Biological Systems." Cairns,
at the Biological Station. (lIb) "History of pollution, effects
of pollution of community structure, does-response curves for
toxic substances, diversity indices and regional planning.. Em-
phasis will be primarily aauatic but terrestrial ecosystems will be
studied if desired. Course will emphasize field problems utilizing
the natural areas in the vicinity of the Station."
570 (5) "Systems Ecology." Patten. Advanced standing, ecology,
calculus, Fortan (linear algebra and differential equations de-
-i ,.lTl ,,nv nnrl mpthk,-,4e .4 c,,imn.,sciece. oolipAto eroloav..


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