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February 08, 1973 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-08

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Thursday, February S, 1973


Page Severi

Thursday, February 8, 1973 ~HE MICHIGAN DAILY

Tanker AraA
By CHUCK BLOOM "It has really
Perhaps the toughest adjustment for a person because in sho
to make is to take himself out of his own natural starts. In long c
environment and deliberately enter a totally for- I still don't kno
eign atmosphere. Anyone from South America to anybody in t
who comes to the United States, never having had always playing
contact with Americans before, is bound to find starts."
the going rough. For someone
This is exactly the case with junior swimmer on that aspectc
Jose Aranha. Aranha came to the U. S. in 1969, reer, it is been
having been raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil, without The highlight
knowing a single word of English nor anyone living career for that
in the States recent Summer
"I had a lot of problems when I first came," his native Bra
said Aranha. "I didn't know the language and all. He was ninth in
I was kind of shy because I really wanted to com- finals by .3 of
municate with people but because of the Ian- the 400-metern
guage barrier, I couldn't." freestyle relay.
Aranha took a year-long course in English at Schwimmhallep
American University in Washington, D.C. before fifth.
coming to Michigan. But conquering the lan- In the medle
guage problem is not as difficult as the adjust- seventh position
ment he is still striving to make: the change from erful stroke, re
long course to short course swimming. he gained on th
full court
Orr-evor ..
to Lock and Buss
AS IF DISHEARTENING, last-second losses and disappointing
play overall haven't done enough to hinder Michigan basket-
ball fortunes, developments of the past few days have added
injury to insult in what has to be the most frustrating campaign
in recent memory. Heading into the return bout with Michigan
State this Saturday, the already-depleted Wolverine ranks were
further jolted this week by the loss of John Lockard, who under-
went knee surgery yesterday, and Greg Buss, who will be side-
lined indefinitely, also with knee problems.
Thus the list of players who started the season but will not
finish it, has grown to five. In chronological order, junior college
transfer Bill Meyer quit the team before seeing any varsity
action, sharpshooting sophomore John Kantner quit the team,
quit school, and was last seen headed for the hardcourts at
Mississippi State. Next came the news that junior Terry Tyler
had succumbed to academic pressures and would once again be
ineligible for the remainder of the season.
And now, within three days, Buss and Lockard exit via the
knee-injury route. Lockard had been slated to start in this
Saturday's game after collecting splinters for two months. But
in going after a loose ball in practice Tuesday, he turned his
knee the wrong way and felt it buckle under. 18 hours later, he
went under the knife to repair both damaged cartilage and
Buss sprained his knee in the Illinois game last week and
will be on the shelf indefinitely. His future is in doubt, not only
for the remainder of the basketball season, but also for the
1 aseball campaign, where he held down the starting centerfield
job last year.
Earlier in the year, doctors discovered that freshman pros-
pect Tim Kuzma had some serious heart problems. Further
complications have postponed possible corrective surgery and
Kuzma has continued to practice with the team. But his athletic
career remains in jeopardy.
' In problems of less serious proportion, Campy Russell and
C.J. Kupec have endured bouts with the flu, London or other-
wise. Kupec played at less than full strength at Illinois, and
Campy has been depositing his last meal on the court occasion-
ally for a month.
When the ledger is tallied up, Michigan is left with six play-
ers who have played on a regular basis this year. Six others
have suited up, while seeing only token action. One of the latter,
freshman Wayman Britt will get a baptism of fire Saturday.
Britt won the starting nod for the Michigan State tussle over
regular point man Joe Johnson, who has failed to supply any
scoring punch in the last few outings.
Two other freshmen, Chuck Rogers and Lloyd Schinnerer

have seen action only in varsity-reserve contests. They also find
themselves now among the only 12 players available for varsity
The rash of injuries obviously makes its presence felt in
practice where 12 men try to fill 15 or more positions in various
drills. "We can't even scrimmage anymore," moaned a be-
leaguered Johnny Orr.
Indeed, the present situation dampens the outlook for even
a respectable finish in the Big Ten scramble. Still, the team goes
hard in practice, spirits remain generally high, and once again,
the "Beat State" jerseys have been worn all week in practice.
At this point in the season, Johnny Orr is not merely play-
ing out the string. He wants to win the remaining ballgames
very badly. Who knows? Maybe the latest run of bad breaks
will succeed where talent and hard work have mysteriously
Tune in Saturday to see if Michigan's walking wounded can
finally put it together.
Yes! There will be a
at 8 p.m.-936 Dewey
.. J

been hard for me," stated.
t course, you rely on tui
course (meters), swimming
w how to turn or start. I ne
he swim part of a race.I
catch-up, because of my to
who has never had to con(
of swimming until late in
a hard thing for Aranha to r
of Aranha's career, or any
matter, was his participatic
Olympics in Munich. Swimi
zil, Aranha performed adr
the 100-meter freestyle mis
a second. He anchored two
medley relay and the 8C
In the 800, Aranha dove
pool in eighth spot and
y relay, he entered the v
. Utilizing his tremendous
rminiscent to a windmill in
e East German swimmer a





"I was gaining on him but I had too much to
make up. I finished half a second behind him. An-
other two meters and we would've had third place
and the bronze."
But that has been the story of Jose's career. He
has always been so close, yet so far; as if he were
snakebitten. Just missing in the Olympics and a
close second in the Pan-American Games are
only a couple of examples of his luck.
But no better example can be given than last
year's Big Ten Championships in East Lansing.
Aranha qualified for the finals of the 100-yard free-
style and with no Indiana swimmers in the finals,
it looked like Aranha's race. But the same prob-
lems, start and turns, plagued him, and at the 50,
he was behind Ohio State's Gail Catt.
But coming off the final turn, a rare good turn
for Aranha, Catt was faltering and Aranha's
strength was beginning to tell. He caught Catt
right at the end and most spectators thought he
had touched out the Buckeye. But because of a
fault in the touchplates used to automatically re-
cord the times, Aranha's time had to come off the

stop watches - normally used as a backup sys-
tem. After several minutes of conferring, the
judges gave the win to Catt, even though Aranha's
time was faster.
"I really thought I was cheated on that," Aranha
said. "But it was so close, it was hard to tell. I
still think I beat him."
Michigan coach Gus Stager recognizes Aranha's
problems of adjustment but also recognized an-
other important factor. "Jose is one of the most
mature Latin Americans I've ever seen. He knows
exactly why he came to college and what his fu-
ture is. He came here to learn. He really has his
feet on the ground and he'll be a real success in
later life."
Aranha plans to go into business back home in
Brazil after graduation. At 22, he is growing tired
of swimming. He wants to finish his education and
go home. But before he does, Aranha wants to
win at least one Big Ten title to remove the snake-
bitten label from him and to prove to himself that
all the work he went through to adjust was suc-

MICHIGAN'S JOSE ARANHA is pictured above while in Munich
swimming for Brazil during the recent Summer Olympics. The
photo was taken by Wolverine teammate Pete Agnew.

By The Associ



ated Press

ATLANTA - Mickey Redmondj
scored his 37th goal of the season
to stave off a late Atlanta rally
and give the Detroit Red Wings a
5-3 National Hockey League vic-
tory over the Flames last night.
It was Detroit's fifth consecutive
victoryand Atlanta's third straight
Red Berenson led off the scoring
with a Detroit goal at 14:12 of the
first period. But Ernie Hicke got
the first of his two Flame goals
at 19:30 and the period ended dead-
Nick Libett, Bill Collins and Mar-
cel Dionne all scored for Detroit
in the second period while Atlanta
was blanked.
The Flames pulled to within one
in the final period on goals by
Keith McCreary and Hicke before
Redmond put it out of reach at
* * *

left in overtime lifted the Boston

shot and added a free throw with Novak, scoring 18 in the final
26 seconds to go. After Havlicek's half, paced the Irish attack with
basket, the Celtics let Wilt Chain- 24 points, followed closely by Gary
berlain score unimpeded as the Brokaw with 22. Michigan State's
buzzer sounded. Mike Robinson led all scorers with -
Dave Cowens- sent the game into 25 points. Teammate Bill Kilgore
overtime by scoring with the sec- scored 20 sand grabbed 18 rebounds.
ond rebound of his own shot with The victory puts Coach Digger
1:09 to play in the fourth period. Phelps' squad over the .500 mark
Neither team could score before for the first time this season at
regulation time expired, Jerry 10-9. The loss drops the Spartan
West just missing at the buzzer. t10-7.
** * tol10-7.

Celtics to a 113-112 victory over
Los Angeles last night, snapping Spartans rocked
the Lakers' 11-game National Bas- SOUTH BEND, Ind.-
ketball Association winning streak. led a second half s ur
Havlicek, returning to action af- ned Notre Da to
ter missing two games because of of Michigan State in a
an inflamed knee tendon, came o ihgnSaei
through as the 24-second buzze ence basketball game l
sounded after Boston had the ball Ten unanswered poin
with 26 seconds left and called Irish in the lead for g
time with nine seconds to go. The second half after being
Lakers had closed to within one at halftime. The Spa:
point as Gail Goodrich hit on a se- plagued by 26 turno

Gary Novak
t that car-
85-72 upset I
ast night.
nts put he
good in the
down 35-34
rtans were
vers while

AP Photo
DETROIT'S GARY BERGMAN (2) skates Atlanta Flames' Curt
Bennet (5) off the puck in last night's game at Atlanta. Bergman
completed his job by passing off to his Red Wing teammate Red
Berenson, who scored the game's first goal on the play.


Lakers socked U
BOSTON-John Havlicek's turn-
around jump shot with two seconds SC OH


Notre Dame only committed eight
errors for the game.
I Jane Fonda

Don Sutherland

Spikers start promising season

With its first match on Sunday, experience, have shown. much im-
the Michigan Volleyball Club sends j provement since' the start of the
its undergraduate team into an j year, adding to the balance of the
action-packed three month playing team. And with a flock of under-
season, culminating in the MIVA classmen the team should have
(Midwestern Invitational Volleyball I few problems in future seasons. All
Association) Tournament, hosted home matches are played at the
by Michigan. With about a dozen IM building. Spectators are wel-
regular players, including recruits come.
Andy. Kirsonis from California and 1973 Volleyball Schedule
Feb. 11 Bowling Green, Western
Bob Fujioka from Hawaii, and Michigan, Home
fourth-year veteran and 1972 MIVA Feb. 17 Bowling Green, Away
All-Star Andy Freivalds, the team
shows strong possibilities of a good
season and very good chances for
winning the MIVA Tournament. COM
Practicing three times a week,
the team has drilled continuously on 73 C E II
the basic skills of bumping, setting,
hitting and now is concentrating
on more advanced skills in defense,
including the roll and the dive.
Though tedious and aching, the
drills and exercise have produced
results. Many of the newer play-

Boston 4, Minnesota 2
Toronto 5, California 3
Detroit 5, Atlanta 3
Montreal 5, Pittsburgh 2
NY Rangers 6, NY Islanders 0
Baltimore 137, Atlanta 108
Boston 113, Los Angeles 112, ot
Detroit 113, Phoenix 107
KC-Omaha 105, Milwaukee 98
College Basketball
Notre Dame 85, Michigan St. 72
Duke 84, Wake Forest


Feb. 18 Toledo, Western Michigan
. Home
Feb. 22 Fourth Annual IM Open
House Tournament, Home
Feb. 25 Oberlin, Home
Mar. 10 Western Michigan
Tournament, Away
Mar. 18 Toledo, Away
Mar. 19 Graceland, Home
Apl. 1 Earlham, Away
Apl. 15 MIVA Tournament, Home
May 12 MIVA All Star Game
(George Williams), Away

Friday and Saturday

Feb. 9-10
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