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February 06, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-06

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'4 x Tuesday, February 6, 1973


Page Three

Tuesda, Febuary , 1973THE MCHIGA DAIL

Jarrett pounds out
jazz at the Strata

Keith JaTrrett's a little musician
who beats his piano into sub-
mission, jumps around it, and
pounds out the greatest of notes
-sometimes the strangest com-
binations, sometimes the mel-
lowest. He gets into most of
the possibilities, and by the end
of the night the listener is into
all kinds of possibilities of his
Friday night at Detroit's Strata
Gallery started off with Keith
Jarrett playing a solo set-just
him and the piano. And it's like
a classical concert, except once
in a while Keith starts singing
along to his music - singing
screechy bird-like sounds. It's
And he keeps at it for 45 min-
utes, which is actually toolong for
my tastes, but it seems to work
for most people. He works in and
out of various moods and picks
away at the keys, sometimes
making a connection, sometimes

He gets a big hand, and he's
off behind the curtains.
There are flying curtains in the
* Strata-they float in from around
the walls, like sails. They work
pretty well. The Strata is a box-
shaped room with about 100
chairs in, it, and it's fine-it's
going to have a little stage in
front soon.
Most of the people in the audi-
ence are students-some from
Wayne, some from Ann Arbor-
it looks kind of like the old Can-
terbury House crowd-except this
time it's jazz. Not too many De-
troit locals. Not too many hard-
core. Not too many older people.
It's mostly young people into jazz
by the way of rock.
About the other performers-
there was Paul Motian on drums,
Charlie Haden on bass, and Dew-
ey Redman on tenor saxophone.
- --E-

All of these men are well es-
tablished in their own right. And
I guess Charlie =aden's got such
a name for himself that he could
head his own group if he wanted
to. Or maybe does already, be-
cause he usually works the music
around to where he wants to take
it anyway.
Charlie Haden's a young white
man who plays a lot with Ornette
Coleman. And in a way Charlie's
had to take a lot because he's
white. Ornette used to get hassled
by other blacks for using Charlie.
Charlie Haden's Liberation Or-
chestra record was one of the
best albums released a couple of
years ago.-
The other night Charlie and the
rest got off to a freaking start.
I couldn't get the handle on the
first tune-somewhere on the way
to Mars-that's where it was go-
ing. I was back in Motown wait-
ing for the Shortway special. It
came around eventually. It was
a free-form nonchordal tune fea-
turing Jarrett on soprano sax
(which he also plays).
At the beginning of the con-
cert there was a little bit of bell
ringing and gourd shaking, and
some soprano saxophone play-
ing (which Keith also plays)..
Then Keith moved into some
of his smooth piano work, lyrical
and well pinned down to chords.
Paul Motian got his drums going.
About the drums-Charlie Ha-
den kept, looking over at Motian
and wincing. Charlie had ear
plugs in his ears.
And then about halfway through
the second set, Dewey Redman
showed up, just having gotten in
from New York.
I liked him a lot. He sounds
like Ornette on tenor. He got the
group moving in another direc-
tion-playing intricate head ar-
rangements, and then taking off
on impossible solos.
Sure, it was spacy music, but
it wasn't on the roof. It was in-
tricate jazz which was a pleasure
to follow. The beat came and
went, the rhythms turned around
on themselves. The moods chang-
ed. There was something for
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A scene from Maxim Gorky's "The Lower Depths" which will be presented this Sunday at the Poa
Center by the Professional Theater Program. The New York City Center Acting Company also prese
"The School for Scandal" Friday and Saturday evenings.

Traffic's sideman
j am up Shoot-out'

Over the years, Traffic's basic
core has consisted of three people
-Steve Winwood, Jim Capaldi,
and Chris Wood. Time and again
the trio has proven itself as vi-
able as 'any the business, with
Winwood's multi-faceted musical
genius and Chris Wood's abili-
ties on sax and flute giving the
group a depth and range equal
to those of just about any rock
band around, no matter how
Lately, though, the group seems
to have felt a mysterious need for
more musicians. The low spark
of high heeled boys found it with
three new members and its latest
release, Shoot-out at the fantasy
factory (Island SW-9323), con-
tains the contributions of six
members and two studio musi-
cians. While some performers
seem to have a real knack for
collecting talent and molding it
to their own needs-Van Morri-
son is probably the best example
in rock-Traffic demonstrates a
conspicuous lack of any such
ability. It seems that the more
musicians Traffic collects, the
more that things get out of hand.
Low spark reflected this ten-
dency. Several of the cuts on that
album suffered from unnecessary
elongation and generally poor
playing. Still, the brilliance of the
original trio showed through
gorgeously in enough spots to
thoroughly redeem the album.
Unfortunately, such is not the
case With Shoot - out. Rebop
Kwaku Baah has been retained
on congas, and the services of the
Muscle Shoals house band have
been enlisted as well-David
Hood and Roger Hawkins as the
group's latest rhythm section,
Jimmy Johnson and Barry Beck-
ett as studio musicians. The re-
sult is the worst album of Traf-
fic's career.

There. is so much wrong with
this album-two songs over ten
minutes with nothing to justify
their lengths, generally only fair
compositions, totally undistin-
guished instrumentation, inex-
pressive vocals-that it seems
simpler, and much less painful,
to dwel on what's good about the
record, one song.
"Evening Blue," although rath-
er atypical Traffic, is one of the
very best things the group has
ever done.
Although the subtle instrumen-
tal textures that have marked the
group's material in the past are
at a minimum here, the song
itself and Windoow's vocal are
enough to stand on their own
admirably. The lyrics are some
of the best Winwood and Capaldi
have ever come up with, beauti
fully subtle and evocative. The
music complements them per-
fectly, adding a whole other di-
mension to the mood of the-song,
Winwood's vocal is simply phe-
nomenal, with Stevie singing out
clear and strong one moment,
then sounding frail and wistful
the next. Taken together, these
various elements combine to ex-
press a richly complex emotion
that I won't even try to translate
into mere words.
I wish I could rave on, but
there's simply nothing else worth
mentioning. Back in the halcyon
days of Traffic, its three mem-
bers used to.live and work to-
gether in an isolated cottage in
the countryside of England, work-
ing intimately with each other
and their music, letting it slowly
mature. If they even want to
recapture the feeling of the al-
bums that came out of those
days, then they'd better take
their new partners back to that
cottage for a while; picking up
a new set of sidemen each time
they enter a studio just doesn't
seem to work.

West comes on in
stunning folk style

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poetry for
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Coor Dy VeLuxe~ L
The stats of "Goodbye
Columbus" the comedy
Next: "The Emigrants"

Who will
one of the
greatest escape
adventures ever!

Hedy West walked onto the
floor of the Ark Friday night
about two hours late and slight-
ly breathless, but smiling and
friendly. The plane had been de-
layed; local people had filled
in for two sets; but Hedy's neces-
sarily short performance made
the long wait worth while for
those people who had been pa-
tient enough to remain.
She began with "Little Bird,"
playing banjo and singing in her
inimitable voice. Hedy's style is
unique: Her voice is low and
strong, sometimes more spoken
than sung, and her accent, while
deriving mainly from her native
Georgia, incorporates a number
of other influences.
Her manner of singing changes
about every two years or so, she
explained between sets, but on
Hoae a f ai for
If you are interest-
ed in r ev ie wings
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Michigan Dally.

many songs she still uses the
unique style of phrasing so pre-
valent in her singing last year-
a deliberate attempt to sing in
a rhythm which differs from the
rhythm she is playing on the
banjo or guitar, to bring her
words out in a rush, almost on
top of each other. It's an excit-
ing style, and she uses it well
on songs like "The Whore's La-
Hedy sang mainly traditional
songs, and in doing so she is not
one of the many folksingers try-
ing to steep themselves in a tra-
dition not her own: she grew up
with the music and learned many
of her songs from her grand-
At the same time, though, she
is not just an "authentic," an
object for scrutiny by folklorists.
She is a musician, working for
her MA in composition and writ-
ing a string quartet. And while
she cannot read banjo music,
one has the. feeling, listening to
some of the things she does on
the banjo, that her musical train-
ing has carried over into her
performance of the songs with
which she grew up, creating
some interesting questions for
the folklorist and some good mu-
sic for the listener.
One of the nicest things about
Hedv is her material. The many

Capra Festival



ballads she sings are always in
complete, coherent versions, and
some are unfamiliar even to the
more knowledgeable amateur
folklorists in Ann Arbor. "The
Brown Girl" was stunning - an
exciting vocal delivery heighten-
ed by some excellent banjo pick-
ing. Hedy spends much of her
time in Germany and performed
several German songs Friday
night - a Communist marching
song from 1932 and "Graben," a
1929 song about dying in trench-
es during the war, a song that
was chilling even ivithout being
It's only fair to give some re-
cognition to the local perform-
ers who filled in while Hedy was
delayed. Tod Kabza is a skilled
guitarist with a fine voice, al-
though not yet a polished per-
former. George Pedersen, while
a lesser musician, was much
more at ease with the audience
and did a really nice job on a
song that began: "Think of all
the time wasted praying for the
rain." The combination of three
such different musicians made
for an unusual evening at the
Ark, and Hedy made for a stun-
ning one.
6:00 2 4 7 News
56 French Chef
9 Courtship of Eddie's Father
50 Flintstones
56 How Do Your Children Grow?
6:30 2 CBS News
4 NBC News
7 ABC News
9 I Dream of Jeannie
50 Gilligan's Island
56 Your Right to Say It
7:00 2 Truth or Consequences
4 News
7 To Tell the Truth
9 Beverly Hillbillies
50 I Love Lucy
56 French Chef
7:30 2 What's My Line?
4 You Asked For It
7 Parent Game
9 Protectors
50 Hogan's Heroes
Mirthful! MagIca Musical!
DiSNy - .
Daily at 1, 3, 5, 7, & 9 p.m.






1931. Funny, sexy,
Newspaper comedy
Loretta Young, Jean


Due to overwhelming response
,lnq~ 4p6be,*Ituoic Iliad
will be conducting new
Beginning February 10th
Rental instrument kits are available at a
nominal charge applicable toward purchase
of the instrument. Private and group
lessons are also available in guitar, flute,
recorder, banjo; and drums.
For information call 769-4980
Ith 4 fbi 171 u4 IC Ijapt
336 S. STATE OPEN MON-SAT. 9:30-9:00


56 Evening at Pops
8:00 2 Maude
4 Movie-Western
7 Temperatures Rising
9 All Outdoors
50 Dragnet
8:30 2 Hawaii Five-O
7 Movie
"Divorce His/Divorce Hers,"
Part 1 (1973)
9 Pig and Whistle
56 Bill Moyers' Journal
50 Merv Griffin
9:00 9 News
56 Common Ground
9:30 2 Movie
"Visions of Death"
9 Front Page Challenge
56 Black Journal
10:00 4 First Tuesday
7 Marcus Welby, M.D.
9 Tuesday Night
50 Perry Mason
56 Detroit Black Journal
10:30 56 360 Degrees
11:00 2 4 7 News
9 CBC One Step Beyond
11:20 9 News

11:30 2 Movie
"Jack of Diamonds" (1967)
4 Johnny Carson
7 Jack Paar Tonite
50 Movie
"That Midnight Kiss" (1949)
12:00 9 Movie
"Destiny of a Spy" (1969)
1:00 4 7 News
1:30 2 Movie
"World Without Sun."
(French, 1964)
3:00 2 News
9:00 The Morning After Show
12:00 Progressive Rock
4:00 Folk
7:00 This Week in Sports
8:00 Rythmn and Blues
11:00 Progressive Rock
3:00 Signoff

Mr. Deeds
Goes To Town
7 & 9:05 $1.00



Guild presents Capra's Platinum

Blonde in Arch. Aud. at 7, 9 tonight.

FILMS-A.A. Film Co-op presents Altman's Brewster Mc-
Cloud in Aud. A, Angell, at 7, 9 tonight. New World Film
Co-op presents Mingus; A Well Spent Life; short Bessie
Smith in Aud. 3 MLB at 7, 9:30 tonight.
MUSIC-Musical Society presents guitarist Carlos Montoya
in Rackham Aud. at 8:30 tonight.


Jane Fonda

Don Sutherland

$5, 4, 3 weeknights-$6, 5, 4 weekends





Bud Cart ("Harold," of Harold and Maude) and Sally Kellerman (M*A*S*H) in




Friday and Saturday

Feb. 9-10
Friends of Newsreel

advance tickets



Directed by ROBERT ALTMAN (director of M*A*S*H, McCabe and Mrs. Miller)
A wildly off-beat comedy about a guy who wants to be a bird, and fly like one, but

then there is this girl

ebruary 6th ONLY

7,& 9 p.m.
... the 35mm people

the , ann' arbor film cooperative



*Ix ,.

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