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February 06, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-02-06

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Vol. LXXXIII, No. 105 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 6, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

if you see ines happen call 76-DAILY
S Statistician's delight






Statistical buffs should be pleased to know that the Univer-
sity has released a 56-page booklet showing the breakdown by
colleges of teaching salaries. Topping the charts is the school
of medicine which boasts a median salary of $39,000 and a maxi-
mum salary of $55000. Bringing up the rear are the school of
music and the Flint and Dearborn campuses with median sala-
ries of around $18,000. The figures are for the most part, fairly
meaningless, however, as they contain no names and indicate
no breakdowns along racial or sexual lines.
Dean named
Dr. Carolyne Davis of the Syracuse University School of
Nursing has been named to the post of dean of the nursing
school here at the University. Davis whose appointment must still
be confirmed by the Regents, succeeds Acting-Dean Norma
Marshall. Her appointment will become effective on July 1.
Chess returns
Local chess enthusiasts should be happy to learn that the
University once again has a chess club. The club, which is open
to any Ann Arbor resident, meets Tuesday nights from eight to
midnight in South Quad, Dining Room No. 2. There is no mem-
bership fee so players are requested to bring their own equip-
Happenings.. .
... today are a bit on the stuffy side. Pilot Program residents,
just coming down from Sunday's bong festival can hear Mark
Green speak tonite on the newly formed Learning Exchange.
The time is 7:00, the place, classroom 6. The Young People's
Socialist League, youth section of Social Democrats, USA, recent-
ly voted the organization with the world's longest name, is meet-
ing tonite at 3:30 in 3540 SAB. The meeting will feature a speech
by Josh Muravich, the group's national chairman . . . the Frank
Capra film festival will continue tonite with Platinum Blonde at
the Arch. Aud. at 7:00 . . . and finally for drunks and debauch-
erers, the Ski Club will hold a wine-tasting party at 7:30 in the
Half-Way Inn at East Quad.
Dope notes
Another chapter to the now infamous French Connection drug
case came to light yesterday which added more evidence to the
growing realization that the government's drug-fighting agencies
are riddled with corruption. Francis Waters, one of the FBI
agents involved in breaking the case, was charged yesterday
with selling heroin with a street value of more than $200,000.
Waters' arrest comes only weeks after it was learned that the
heroin seized in the original case had been stolen from the New
York City Police Department.
Female jocks
A female swimming coach whose complaint has led to an un-
fair labor practices suit against the Grand Haven School District
said yesterday that she wants to give girls the chance to do more
"than just sit and watch boys play." Ann Schroeder, swimming
coach at Grand Haven High School said, "Fifty percent of the
school's students are girls yet we have no tennis team, no bas-
ketball, and no golf teams." She filed her complaint last July
when school officials ignored her request for a pay raise.
Shoe lib
With the new invention of the "Dog's Lib," curbing of man's
best friend may be a thing of the past. Hooked into household
plumbing, the boxlike device, features a 27-inch belt of astroturf
that rotates through a brushing, washing and drying cycle after
the dog has done its duty. Maybe we will soon be able to walk
through the Diag again without fear of ruining our shoes.
On the inside .. .
.the Arts Page features a review of Keith Jarrett's
performance at the re-opening of Detroit's Strata Gallery
. . . the Edit Page is highlighted by a Bob Barkin piece
that takes a probing look behind the scenes at SGC . . .
Sports Page readers can find out the results of last night's
Big Ten basketball contest between Indiana and Ohio
The weather picture
Temperatures this afternoon should rise into the mid-
thirties under partly cloudy skies. The outlook for the rest
of the week according to the weather people is for clear
skies but with temperatures dropping to more believable
February lows of 10 to 15.

Faculty denies motion
to liberalize college
The literary college faculty yesterday overwhelmingly
rejected a grading reform'plan that would have eliminated
the recording of failing grades among the college's more
than 15,000 students.
The plan, which was offered by the 10-faculty, 10-
student Policy Committee of LSA, also would have enabled
freshmen and sophomiores to take classes on a pass/no entry
basis, meaning that students failing a course would have no
entry made of their grade on their transcript, and students
passing would receive no letter grade.
Also under the proposal, instructors of upperlevel courses
would have been given the option of offering their classes
either pass/no entry or graded. Students enrolled in courses
designated by professors to be,

Daily Photo by RANDY EDMONDS
CITY SCHOOL BUSES stood idle yesterday as bus drivers refused to cross the picket lines of striking secretarial workers.

graded, could then have their
professor's decision overruled
and elected the course pass/no
The proposal was defeated by a
vote of 226 to 45 with two absten-
The proposal failed despite ef-
forts by reform proponents to en-
sure that their supporters attended
the meeting.
The unusually large crowd voted
by secret ballot for the first time
this academic year. It was hoped
that this would prevent department
heads from intimidating junior fac-
ulty and thereby influencing their
The S-FPC proposal combined
the suggestions of two other pro-
posals, that of the Committee on
the Underclass Experience (CUE)
and that of the LSA Curriculum
Committee. Both of the alternative
proposals will be considered by
the faculty at their next monthly
meeting in March.
George Mavrodes, a faculty
member of S-FPC, commenting on
the upcoming vote for the two al-
ternative proposals said "I sup-
pose they have a better chance
of passage than today's proposal. I
would suppose neither one has a
good chance."
Mavordes, voting "no" in yester-
day's decision, voiced objection to
the lack of student evaluation a
pass/no entry system would en-
gender in the literary college. He
would, however, have supported the
single section on no entry on fail-
ures if that had come before the
See REFORMS, Page 8

for city
City Council received a report
from the administrator's office last
night indicating the city may be
hit with a $400,000 budget deficit
this fiscal year.
The report shows the city will
probably sustain the deficit be-
cause anticipated revenues in sev-
eral areas have been miscalculat-
ed. Half the deficit is due to unpaid
traffic fines.
The city also originally expected
to receive $150,000 from the Uni-
versity for city fire department
services provided in the campus
"There was a mistaken presump-
tion on the city's part that the 'U'
would come to an agreement on
fire service," explained University
Secretary Richard Kennedy.
Assistant City Administrator of
Finance Kenneth Sheehan, who
prepared the report submitted to
council, predicted the remaining
$50,000 deficit will result because
revenue from city recreational fees
has been much lower than expect-


iines of

city school


drivers add strength

to strike

The week-old strike of Ann
Arbor Public School District's
185 clerical workers gained mo-
mentum yesterday when local
school bus drivers honored picket
lines and left their buses sitting
in the parking lot.
Over 100 members of the strik-
ing clerical workers' union-
Teamsters Local 214-picketed
the school district's bus garage
at Pioneer High. The bus drivers,
members of Teamsters Local 247,
refused to cross picket lines.
In addition to the bus drivers'
support, some 25 members of the
American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME) Local 1182 are also

honoring picket lines. The AF-
SCME members are maintenance
workers who normally have to
use the bus garage during their
working day.
About 4500 Ann Arbor students
usually ride buses to school. Yes-
terday they walked, rode bi-
cycles, or formed car pools, but
most came to school.
"Our students tend to get
here," said Forsythe Junior High
Principal Fred Leonard. "Today
has been no different than any
other Monday.
According to a spokesperson at
Tappan Junior High, the clerical
workers' strike has had "very,
very little effect" on attendance
or on any other aspect of the

school's operation.
And while that comment was
reaffirmed by most primary
school administrators, the high
schools-who must cope with a
larger student body and more
paper work-are finding it diffi-
cult to operate without secre-
"Of course things are not work-
ing out," a spokesperson at
Pioneer High snapped. "Paper-
work is piling up and mainten-
ance workers are not working."
"There is a possibility that the
schools may be shut down," said
William Stewart, public informa-
tion officer for the school district.
"If the teamsters continue to
pull out other locals, things could


become intolerable from a health
Teamsters Local 214 is asking
for a 5.5 per cent pay increase;
the school district has maintained
that it cannot afford more than
a 3.5 per cent increase. The prob-
lem, Stewart says, is "finding
an acceptable middle ground."
Union members are particular-
ly incensed because they were
offered a 4.5 per cent increase in
November-an offer that was
withdrawn after it was discovered
that $801,000 had to be trimmed
from the budget.
One picketing secretary la-
mented that even if her salary
were raised 5.5 per cent "it
would only be a $200 yearly in-
During a press conference yester-
day morning, School Superintendent
Bruce McPherson called the union's
demands "preposterous" and at-
tacked the striking workers'
"This strike by public employes
is illegal; the deployment of pick-
ets to disrupt an organization's
operation is illegal . . . refusing
entry to a United States mail
truck is illegal."
"So much for the union's com-
mitment to law and order," Mc-
Pherson added.
He also observed that in the past
three years, salary settlements
with Local 214 have totaled nearly
36 per cent-"higher than most
industry and substaintially higher
See CITY, Page 8

Unemployment rises
to five-month record

Police, firemen call for death
sentence for certain murders'

DETROI (UPI) - Veering off
from the national trend, Mich-
igan's jobless rate rose to its high-
est level in five months in January,
with seven per cent of the state's
work force on the unemployment
Figures released by the Mich-
igan Employment Security Com-
mission (MESC) yesterday show-
ed that 254,000 workers were un-
employed in January.
The figure was the highest un-
employment rate for Michigan
since September 1972 when 9.1 per
cent of the state's workers were

and a "downturn" in construction
"January is the worst month of
the year," a MESC spokesperson
The January figure for the state
is up from December unemploy-
ment when the rate was 6.6 per
cent, with 244,000 out of work.
However, the January rate was
lower than the January 1972 un-
employment level of 7.9 per cent,
or 283,000 jobless workers.
In the Detorit metropolitan area
of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb
counties, unemployment totaled

Special to The Daily
DETROIT - Eleven Michian
police and firemen's organizations
announced their collective support
yesterday for a move to rein.are7
the death penalty in cases ;nvolv-!
ing murder of police, firemen, and
public officials.
In a prepared statement to re-
porters, the informal coalition of'
local and statewide groups en-f
dorsed a legislative proposal that
would amend the Michigan con-
stitution to allow capital punish-

ment in "certain murders '-in-
cluding sniping, kidnapping, and
bombing cases as well as the kill-
ing of government figures and
"persons engaged in defending the
lives and property of law-abiding
The proposal, sponsored by State
Representative Joyce Simons (D-
Allen Park), comes in the wake of
numerous alleged attempts on the
lives of police in Detroit aind other
cities, as well as the holdup-wound-
ing of Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss.).
In a controversial ruling last

Daily staff

changes editors
The staff of The Daily has chos-
, Y }en Christopher Parks and Eugene
Robinson tobe Co-editors in Chief
for 1973-74.
In the first all-staff editor's elec-
tion in the history of The Daily
last week, a slate of Senior Edi-
tors was chosen to direct the news,
editorial and photo operations of
The Daily. Sports and Business
staffs choose their directors sepa-
Daily editors are chosen each
year to serve from February of
their junior year through February
of their senior year.
Robinson and Parks will share
the position of editor and jointly
oversee the news and editorial
Mees'of The Dly. wRobinson is

August, the Supreme Court de-!
clared the death penalty uncon-
stitutional, terming it a form of
"cruel and unusual punishment."
Coalition spokesman Carl Parsell
said the assembled groups will
urge citizens' groups to "contact
their state legislators and also urge
their respective city councils to
adopt resolutions supporting cpi-
tal punishment for the cold-blooded
murders of their representatives."
Parsell, who heads the Police
Officers Association of Michigan
(POAM), attemptedto dissociate
the coalition from what he called
"other more emotional grouips"
within the state.
While not referring specifically
to any such groups, Parsell stres..-
ed in a later interview that "no
1 a w enforcement organizations"
were involved in the anonymous
circulation of a "Death to Cop
Killers" bumper sticker.
''We want to go about this caln-
ly," he said. "We simply feel ' hat
the death penalty is a just punish-
ment for the killing of police and!
other public servants, and we ask
that the state legislature place
this matter before the public."
Asked why the murder of police-
men merited special punishment,
P a r s e II responded, "We're all
equal under God's eye, but police-
men are put there to defend public
safety - and that's why they're
getting shot."
Using somewhat stronger lan-
guage, Detroit Fire Fighters Aso-
ciation President Earl Berry cp ]led

jobless. b107,000, or 6.2 per cent of the labor
MESC attributed the increased force last month.
unemployment rate to "tradi- It was an increase from Decem-
tional" post-holiday reductions in ber when the unemployment rate
the trade and service industries was six per cent

Fuller delights crowd at Hill

In a sometimes technical, but always provaca-
tive speech Sunday evening, Buckminister Fuller
presented his highly unorthodox philosophy of life
to a crowd of over 4000 people in Hill Auditorium.
Here as part of the Future World's lecture series,
the 77-year-old Fuller is a famous architect, phi-
losopher and modern day Renaissance man, as
well as the holder of 22 U. S. patents.
In his speech, Fuller combined subjects as di-
verse as physics, philosophy, architecture and
ecology in vividly demonstrating his theory of uni-
versal thinking.
Basically, Fuller's theory holds that in any com-
plicated system, such as the human body or the
solar system, the behavior of the whole system is
not predicted by the behavior of its parts.
That is, a system cannot be understood by ana-
lyzing its individual components but rather by

Fuller attributes much, of his success to the fact
that he "got out of the groove of being a special-
ist" and developed an integrated world view. He
feels that one of the most difficult tasks modern
man faces is'to reverse the seemingly inexorable
trend towards specialization.
In line with his universal thinking, Fuller is very
concerned about the ecological effects of human
activities. "Environment must be, all there is that
isn't me; the universe must be, all that is, and
isn't me," according to a little jingle Fuller com-
posed to express his feeling that "the universe is
ecologically connected."
Fuller believes that the greatest stumbling blocks
in the path of anyone who wants to develop an in-
tegrated world view are the many many inaccur-
ate or false ideas which people learn when they
are very young. For instance, Fuller pointed out
that the terms "up" and "down" are inconsistent

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