See Editorial Page
Sir 43au
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For details, see today..
Vol. LXXXII1, No. 102 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 2, 1973 Ten Cents
Eight Pages
if yin. see nuews huappenu tali 76-DAILYI
UAC banned
UAC-Daystar's recent Luther Allison concert will apparently
be the organization's last one at that location. According to Secre-
tary of the University Dick Kennedy the ban was imposed for
repeated lease violations. These violations included "consumption
and debris leftover from liquor and food, heavy smoking and
subsequent burns on the carpet, seats pulled loose from their
moorings and vomitting in the balcony seats.
Engin school dropout
The engineering school government has voted unanimously
not to participate in SGC elections this spring, but rather to hold
their own separate election. Council president Ro Nagey said
SGC elections are unresasonably expensive and that the ballot
is still not fraud-proof. "Therefore," he said, "for us to participate
would be a farce because SGC elections are a farce."
Foiled again
Three gunmen who robbed the Ann Arbor bank on Packard
St. yesterday were apprehended moments later-thanks to the
quick thinking of Ann Arbor's dog catcher. Stephen Hill, Ann
Arbor dog warden, witnessed the robbery at 11:40 yesterday
morning and followed the crooks in his car-radioing police as to
their whereabouts. Police captured all three only a few blocks
from the scene of the crime.
Negotiations begin
Negotiating teams representing the board of education and
the Ann Arbor public school system will sit down with striking
secretaries of the Teamsters local 214 at 10 a.m. this morning
to discuss their demands. The meeting came at the request of the
Michigan Employment Relations Commission. Meanwhile it is
possible that school bus drivers of the same local union may also
walk out.
Happenitngs .. .
are mighty slender especially for a Friday but if you're
in Peking the People's Republic will hold a rally to celebrate
the signing of the Vietnam peace agreement . . .on the home
front, today is the first day of a national symposium at Rackham
Auditorium entitled: "Community Health and the Emerging
Black Physician-Bringing it on home." . . . The Association for
Clinical Research Studies Inc. presents Judith Bardwick, PhD.
who will speak on the psychology of women. The place is Ypsi
State Hospital-registration for seminar is at 9 a.m. Cost five
dollars . . . Tonite Barbour Gym will be the scene of International
Folk Dancing from 8-11 p.m.
Dope notes
Apparently San Francisco police do not believe in halfway
measures. Last night the cops raided a home and arrested ten
people on drug charges. As they left the house with the suspects
in custody, they ran into six federal narcs who had also been
planning to bust the dopers. "They were surprised we were
there," said a San Francisco policeman. "I guess it really blew
them out of the water. But that's the breaks of the game." Some
game .. . and in New York, the police have finally begun monitor-
ing their narcotics seizures, after the theft of 400 pounds of heroin
and cocaine from police confiscated stores.
Instant replay
SANTO DOMINGO-Thousands of Dominicans watched over
nation-wide TV as a 33 year Yoga professor was voluntarily nailed
to a cross Wednesday night. French born Patrice Tamao described
his crucifization as "48-hour sacrifice for world peace and under-
standing among men and to show the power of the spirit over
matter!" Tamao's wife Maritza helped to drive six-inch stainless
steel nails through her husbands hands and feet into a T-shaped
wooden cross. No blood flowed from the wounds as the nails
pierced his flesh.
Makes it worthwhile
NEW YORK-Mild honors continue to shower down on return-
ing POW's. Paseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn has announced
returning prisoners of wa'r will be given golden lifetime passes to
all professional baseball games. The action will go into effect with
the start of this season. A number of hard-core baseball fans are
reported to be considering re-enlisting in the hopes of becoming
part of this elite corps.
On the inside ...
Mitchell Ross reviews the University Players' pro-
duction of The Magistrate on the Arts Page . . . the
Editorial Page features the transcript of a meeting of the
University's higher-ups-the way Daily Feature Editor
Bob Barkin heard it . . . and the Sports Pages are filled
with-you guessed it-sports.
The weather picture
If the Weather Bureau's predictions of lower tempera-
tures hold true, the wet may turn to its more pleasant white
form of snow this weekend. For today, however, rain is
almost a sure bet, with "springlike" temperatures shooting
up to the high forties. For the winter freaks the thermome-
ter will drop into the twenties tonight, and there may be
occasional snow flurries.
peace-keeping force
.. R Names of several U.S.
By The Associated Press
Soldiers of four nations today v
the world's most difficult poli
overseeing the Vietnamese cease
tween enemies who have thus far
to stop fighting.
The team of 24 soldiers from
Hungary, Indonesia and Poland v
Saigon for the first time to inspe
ties in Hue and Da Nang in northe
Vietnam and Pleiku in the cent
The soldiers are the advance ele
the International Commission of
and Supervision, which will e
number 1,160 men.
The team has been waiting i
since the cease-fire accords wer
in Paris last Saturday. However,
ural problems had prevented thei:
into the countryside where fight
tinues to rage in violation of th
Even though the commissioni
swinging into action, it still faces
In Laos released
able problems in trying to maintain a
will begin truce between bitter enemies who have
ce job- been at war for a quarter of a century.
e-fire be- Canada has expressed grave doubts on
r refused the present set-up, but says it will give
it a try for two months.
Canada' The U.S. also concedes that it is relying
ct facili- to a large extent on the good faith of the
ern South parties involved to make the cease-fire
ral high- accords work.
Under the accords finally signed, the
ments of policing force will be broken down into a
Control 108-member headquarters group based in
ventually Saigon, and other teams of between eight
and 20 men.
n Saigon There will also be regional teams in
e signed 26 places throughout Vietnam.
, proced- The teams must make sure that no
r moving military forces enter South Vietnam from
ting con- the outside. They must see that military
e agree- equipment is brought in only on a one-for-
one basis to replace worn out arms.
is finally One reinforced border team has to guard
formid- the entire 35-mile length of the Demilitar-
ized Zone between North and South Viet-
The International Commission will also
supervise the return of prisoners and ac-
counting of the missing in action, with the
right to visit prison camps.
More information about American pris-
oners was released yesterday as North
Vietnam gave the United States the names
of seven American servicemen, a civilian
pilot and two missionaries who were listed
as captured in Laos.
The new lists left in grave doubt the fate
of 308 servicemen and four civilians pre-
viously listed by U.S. officials as either
prisoners or missing in Laos.
Some veterans of the air war over Laos
have said privately they thought as many
as 65 to 70 U.S. fliers might have been
captured there in nearly nine years of
American bombing raids against the Ho
Chi Minh trail network.
Pentagon spokesman Jerry Friedheim
refused to speculate on whether the North
Vietnamese and their Pathet Lao allies
might be deliberately holding back more
names because U.S. warplanes have con-
tinued to bomb the trail and other targets
U.S. SERVICEMEN wave as they
board an airplane for home yesterday
at Saigon's Tan Son Nhut air base.
in Laos after the
last Saturday.
for pot
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two senators asked Con-
gress yesterday to allow Americans to possess as much as
three ounces of marijuana at any time without encountering
any criminal penalties.
Senators Jacob Javits (R.-N.Y.) and Harcld Hughes (D.-
Iowa) introduced legislation which, if it passed, would re-
move all federal criminal penalties against private use of
marijuana or even possession of up to three ounces on the
The bill apparently presumes that anyone possessing'
--- - -- - . more than three ounces of
SGC oustis
In what one Council member
termed an "inquisition-type hear-
ing," Stident Government Council
last night voted to remove Ron
Palmerlee from his position onI
the University Council.
SGC Pre s i d e n t Bill Jacobs
(GROUP) led the Council forces
who passed the removal motion by
a 7-2 vote. There were two absten-
According to Jacobs, the removal
motion stemmed from an incident
involving office space allocation
for a non-profit group called Col-i
lege Entrance Assistance Commit-
tee, of which Palmerlee is a
Jacobs told Council that Palmer-
lee had "doctored" a list of Coun-
cil-approved office allotments in
order to give his organization two
offices instead of one.
Palmerlee allegedly presented
the doctored list to former SGC
treasurer David Schaper, who:
then issued Palmerlee key author-
izations. However, after compar-
ing Palmerlee's list with the orig-I
inal list, Schaper .said he became,
See SGC, Page 8
marijuana intends to sell
some or all of it, and would
thus be subject to prosecu-
Presently, there are stiff criminal
penalties for possession that range
up to life imprisonment in some
The bill if passed would not le-
galize marijuana, but rather would
decriminalizebits use. The drug
would still be a controlled sub-
stance-so the time when packs of
Acapulco Gold are found at every
corner drug store would still be
well in the future.
Last year, a presidential com-
- 442
are this week's winning
lottery numbers
mission on marijuana recommend-
ed that criminal penalties for sim-
ple possession in privates homes
be ended.
But the commission never pro-
posed ending penalties for posses-
sion in the street.
The Javits-Hughes bill would re-
tain criminal penalties for pos-
session of marijuana with intent to
Most observers, however, gaveE
the bill little if any chance of pass-
ing successfully through Congress.
Even if it passed the Senate, the
more conservative House of Rep-
resentatives would almost surely
defeat the bill.j
It must also be assumed that
even if the bill managed to make
it through Congress, President
Nixon, who has repeatedly said he
would not allow decriminalization
of the drug, would exercise his
veto power. It would be almost
impossible to muster the two-thirds
Congressional support needed to1
override an executive veto.
Javits told the Senate the com-
mission had found that 24 million
Am rns h adused marijuaina at
Vietnam cease-fire began
unit faces
def icit
The city's Housing Commis-
sion currently has an expect-
ed $115,000 budget- deficit for
this fiscal year. And unless
federal aid is received, the
program may go bankrupt.
The only explanation for the
commission's grim financial state
has come in a series of charges
and countercharges between the
commission and the ex-director
Donald Johnson.
"Johnson was unwilling or un-
able to exercise any administra-
tive control. He simply refused to
recognize problems," claimed,
Housing' Commission Vice Presi-
dent Steve Burghardt.
Johnson contends he has been
made a scapegoat by the commis-
sion. "The Housing Commission is
just blaming all their problems on
me," Johnson said.
The Housing Commission over-
sees approximately 320 public
housing units within the city. Both
low income families and senior
citizens live in the units. The com-
mission itself consists of five
members appointed by city coun-
cil. They are responsible for hiring
and dismissing administrative
staff, including the director.
Johnson abruptly resigned as
director last- December as the
Housing commission's financial
status became known. "I resigned
under pressure from Barlow (Eliz-
abeth Barlow, Housing Commis-
sion president). She forced me
out," said Johnson.
"The financial management
was not very caref, the whole
job was obviously being done -
subsequently Johnson resigned,"
explained Barlow.
The largest financial error made
by the commission was in esti-
mating the funds lost becauseof
the controversial Brooke Amend-
ment. The federal law, enacted
last year, stipulates that public
housing tenants receiving welfare
cannot pay more than 25 per cent
of their income for rent.
The measure lowers the rent
collected for public housing. There-
fore local agencies, such as the
housing commission, were ex-
pected to reflect the lost funds in
the budgets submitted to the De-
partment of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD). HUD would
then reimburse the agencies.
The Housing Commission under-
estimated the effect of the Brooke
Amendment by over $88,000. "The
error clearly resulted from slop-
py staff work," Barlow charged.
See HOUSING, Page 8
Doily Photo by ROLFE TESSEM
UNIVERSITY HISTORY PROFESSOR John Whitmore, who was in Hanoi when the cease-fire was
declared, shows newsmen the Hanoi newspaper announcing the peace during his press conference
yesterday. The headline refers to a "great victory for our people."
Professor, back from Hanoi,
explores other side of conflict
Speaking of a people "quietly confident" in
war and "optimistic" in peace, John Whitmore,
assistant professor of history, described his im-
pressions of North Vietnam during a press con-
ference in the Administration Bldg. yesterday.
Whitmore, who was in Vietnam during a period
immediately before and after the announcement
of ceasefire, was the first official guest of the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam since the De-
cember bombings and was the first American
academic specialist to visit Hanoi.
Whitmore, an expert on Vietnam, claims that
the Vietnamese felt that the war was "not aimed
at any strategic or military goals."
"The North Vietnamese felt Nixon's goal was
to terrorize the people, and drive them into panic
and chaos," said Whitmore.
"There was no panic, discipline was main-
tained and they fought back."
"They destroyed the myth of the B-52, there
was nothing to be afraid of anymore."
Whitmore said that, despite the heavy bomb-
ings, the North Vietnamese felt that they had
brought America back to the peace table."
The ceasefire, he said, was "more or less what
they expected sooner or later, and probably
later . . . Their attitude was one of 'We will go
on as long as necessary."',
Whitmore noted the historical importance the
Vietnamese gave to the December 18-29 bomb-
ings or as they termed it, "The Battle of the
Twelve Days."
Although Whitmore did not feel qualified to
comment on the overall extent of the destruction,
See PROF, Page 8
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Legislation to shield the con-
fidentiality of reporters' sources from
government interference may not sail
through the state legislature as smoothly
as supporters have predicted.
Four bills granting newsmen blanket
immunity from contempt proceedings be-
Vaughn thinks the bills will pass. He
points to the fact that twenty other repre-
sentatives "immediately" agreed to co-
sponsor the legislation "without any lob-
bying" on his part.
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor)
is one of the bills' co-sponsors. Like
Vaughn, he thinks the bills have a "very
good" chance of passing the House.
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