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January 27, 1973 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1973-01-27

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Saturday, January 27, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven


61 IN A ROW?


"Hire hint. He's got great legs."

An exciting, potentially ex-
plosive weekend of college bas-
ketball features UCLA's attempt
to set a new NCAA consecutive
victory record as the Bruins go
for number 61 in a televised
game against Notre Dame in
South Bend.
Those few who are foolish
enough to pass' up Michigan-In-

is gear
IfteIrish have any success State
at all today, South Bend will be pressi
able to set up shop as the Navy.
Lourdes of the West. In
The long knives will -come out Elmor
of their sheathes tonight, as strong
third-ranked North Carolina vis- anywh
its fourth - ranked Maryland, the "We
self - proclaimed "UCLA of the excelle
East." "Elmo
This game lost some of its lus- are hi~
ter when the Tar Heels, possibly boundi
too overconfident and worried streng
about the Maryland game, were iors, ii
upset by unheralded Virginia Prov
84-78, suffering their first home ther si
court loss since 1970. then.
Maryland, propelled to nation- tage ~
al prominence by flamboyant a sple
coach Lefty Dreisell, has alter- all.
nated between overwhelmingly Meai
fine play and some inexplicable State,
flat spots, such as an unsuccess- any p
ful stall against North Carolina tempt


and an incredibly unim-
ve win over super-weak
Tom McMillen and Len
e Maryland has one of the
est forecourt combinations
complement each other
~ntly," McMillen claims.
re's two greatest skills
s shot blocking and his re-
ng. Shooting is my
th. By the time we're sen-
t'lI be amazing."
'iding, of course, that nei-
igns a pro contract before
rhis game should be yin-
ACC: fire, brimstone, and
ndid time guaranteed for
niwhile North Carolina
barred by the NCAA from
Dstseason action, will at-
to secure its number to


diana down at Crisler Arena can
console themselves by watching
history being mnade: either UC-
LA setting the only team record
John Wooden's teams have miss-
ed so far, or the Upset of the
Century. And it should be a
good game.
Although the Irish have lost
more games than they have won
this season, they have put up
tough struggles against good
teams such as Illinois and Mich-
igan, and managed to beat Mar-
quette at Marquette, something
which is almost as common as a
UCLA defeat.
Wooden, possibly as a move
against overconfidence, has been
talking up the Irish recently.
"I know how tough it is to play
body because I usedamtotdeasas
well as coach at a South Bend
high school," Wooden said.
"We had turnover problems
earlier in the season. Then we
cut them down. But we were
back at it again at Loyola. We
should be sharper against Notre
Dabblers in the occult will re-
member that UCLA's most re-
trenDame teambut that earlier
thcurrent group lacks Austin
CUCLA, in the interim, has been
pilig up monotonously clear-cut
victories which seem to be by

Localtippers xcel
Libels~~ drn ofm

The Michigan Daily won two of
three events at the University
Club yesterday afternoon against
Student Counseling Office (SCO).
The Libels won both the individual
events and arrests while losing a
close team relay.
THE CONTEST began with pre-
liminary festivities conducted by
an imitation of QuasiModo by love-
ly a rb Gilstbrf who unfortunatel
Libels relay team began warmups
early because of physical difficul-
ties. Constrictor, suffering from the
Gin rus, as a doubtful starter.

poltr'oony SCO group selected light
The referee, besotted as he was
overlooked SCO jumping the gun
and declared them a winner by
two sips.
THE LOSS was blamed on the
two members from 76-GUIDE who
had joined forces with the Daily
Both Jeff Kott and Kyle Counts
were totally inept at pouring and
passing the pitcher. Yet the Libels
did not dispair. They called uponr
idivdua rdrink-down againstn SCC
player coach Seth Comstock.
Drukis responded by winning
tw outoftrecusthohx
endig i a ie o hull ,the Libe

spot when it travels to Greens-
boro, N. C. to confront unranked
Furman. Furman will win some-
body's undying gratitude if it
can knock off State, but that
isn't too likely.
In an interesting Big Eight
contest, seventh - ranked Mis-
souri puts its title hopes on the
line when it visits unknown-
quantity Nebraska. The Corn-
huskers haven't been terribly im-
pressive, having lost eight of
their fourteen games, but they're
ahead of Missouri in the con-
ference standings and could be
helped considerably by the
homecourt advantage.
A similarly "weak" Kanwas
eam had the Tigers right up
against the wall before drop-
ping a tough 75-72 decision to .the
Missourians. The Big Eight's ex-
perimental 30 - second clock rule
prevents stalls and similar lead-
protecting tricks, and should
keep the tempo up in what could
be a surprisingly close game.
Chicago Loyola, which put up
a good struggle against UCLA
before being 'Waltoned' out of
the g'ame, faces a relative
"breather" when It takes on
-tenth-ranked Marquette in the
,first game of a doubleheader at
,the Chicago Stadium.
Marquette showed signs of life
this week, particularly in an im-
pressive clobbering of danger-
ous South Carolina, and if Al Mc-
. Guire's cew has tuy recover
Loyola could spend the evening
praying for the clock to run out.
In the East~ the schedule is
Jacksonville's visttoorteenth-e
ranked Providence. Jacksonville
built up considerable momentum
~this past week, with an unchar-
acteristic low -scoring victory
ed by a "normal" 100-61. blitz of
East Carolina.
,Providence found out exactly
how good It was when even hot-
shooting E r n i e DiGregorlo
couldn't save the Friars from
-being overwhelmed 101-77 at the
hands of UCLA.
. But again, a mere clobbering
by UCLA doesn't necessarily
mean you don't have a good
-team, and against the less-than-
superhuman Dolphins, Provi-
dence has a clear opportunity to
establish itself as the class team

Ifwomen thought thIS way about men they
would be awfully silly.
When men think t his way about women
they're silly, too.
Women should be judged for a job by
whether or not they can do it.
In a world where wornen are doctors,

tists, political candidates, professors and com-
pany presidents, any other viewpoint is ridic-
Think of it this way. When we need all
the help we can get, why waste half the brains
around? -
Womanpower. It's much too good to waste.
Spoce contributed by THE MICHIGAN DAILY

go. "I'm in the best shape of my ee..
career." At this point, the University Club
Shortly before the first event, manager walked in and announced
Penny Pilzer began a mnotion for "If I knew thishas gogtot hap
dismissal on the grounds that the Ipen, I.oldhv put yuith
Libels "did not have a female con- other side of the building."


jUdges, brokers, economist s, scien-


opposition is a group of nobodies tingent." Responding to the verbal pres
or nationally - ranked powers Somebody then slipped Pilzer a sure, half of the multitudmnous
such as San Francisco and Pro- Mickey (allegedly by the under. group departed. But the crowd wa
vidence, both of which the world spy from LSA, Tammy still hungry for a Libel victory
Bruins simply destroyed last IJacobs) and the event began. The "I like the Libels," excerpted Gay
Iweekend. Libels chose dark beer while the Mildred Curtiss.
- - .. - : 7. - --- The Libels reciprocated, as Rich
.eam mm .me am mm M ard Stuck, 20, was arrested for
drunk and disorderly conduct as
5he allegedly urinated on the lawr
U-W.Pof the LSA Building on his way
SAT., JAN.W2 Allhe bee Guys .75c

The ffical ASOCA TE PRES AMANA is ore han900 agesco.
taVin teso huanso at-omlt lcin eunso t ats-
tes, gographi inor .to, gud toc-lgs bits ets.. niiy t
all contained in this..~ onlrevlm ha.. a banthog hsnw-
The oficia ASSOIATEDPRES ALMANAC mrhn90pgscn
taiingten ofthosads f fctscomlee election retun, Arors stais-
ticsgeogaphi infrmatonuide toclege, birhs easey , infniy.6t

"American Judaism as an
following Lox and Bagels brunch
(listen free, eat for 75c)

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*Hospitaliy desk in hotel lobby

Muhammed speaks.
What's that gleam in Huhammed's eyes? Could it be visions of
money bags available in the George Foreman-Muhammed All-
Joe Frazier boxing sweepstakes? Ali claims Frazier "is not the
same fighter who fought me" and insists the former Philadelphia
slugger is washed up.
- -

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