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January 18, 1974 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1974-01-18

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Friday, January 18, 1974


Page Five

Friday, January 18, 1974THE MICHIGAN DAILY

The Getaway
Friends of Newsreel, MLB, Aud.
3 & 4, Fri., Sat., 7:15, 9:30
If you want a good laugh, go
see Ali McGraw try and act in
Sam Peckinpah's The Getaway
(1972). Starring Steve McQueen,
Getaway is about a convict re-
leased from a Texas prison by
the syndicate to pull off a dar-
ing bank job. The double-crosses
and chase scenes. that ensue
leave you yawning, but Mc-
Graw's always on hand for com-
ic relief.( She fell in love with
her co-star on the set of the pic-
ture, and subsequently divorced
Robert Evans, Paramount studio
head, for the more brazen, mas-
culine McQueen.) If you like
slow-motion violence, and it's
obvious director Peckinpah loves
it, then Getaway if your kind of
picture. It's not mine. .

the first full-length 'video-taped
films to be released by Holly-
wood for theatres instead of tele-
vision; it is short on plot but long
on bizarre special effects that
will leave you glassy-eyed.
Directed by the self-proclaimed
genius Frank Zapra, Motels fea-
tures Ringo Starr, Theodore Bi-
kel, Howard Kaylan and Keith
Moon in a phantasmagorical
story of love, hate and rebirth on
the planet earth. The music is
sensational - Zappa enlisted a
full orchestra to act out his wild-
est musical fantasies - but don't
expect much else.
Witness for the
Cinema II, Aud. A
Fri., 7, 9
A year before he made the
classic Seven Year Itch, Holly-

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The(;ood, the Bad,
and the Ugly
Cinema II, Aud. A
Sat., 7, 9:45
Sergio Leone is an Italian-born
director that turns out spaghetti
westerns faster than film critics
can throw them up. He was the
creator of A Fistful of Dollars,
A Few Dollars More, and count-
less numbers of other 'formula'
Clint Eastwood films that make
millions at the box office, and
a few million more when they're
sold to television.
The Good, the Bad and the
Ugly (1966) is no exception. It
stars the stone-faced Eastwood
in a bloody tale of stolen money,
double - crossing partners and
incredible cowboys who take
baths with their gun belts on.
Eli Wallach and Lee Van Cleef
spill some blood of their own as
the co-stars, but keep your eye
on Eastwood. It is primarily his
bone structure and the sound-
track that keep the picture mov-
Singin' in the Rain
Cinema II, Aud. A
Sun., 7, 9
Singin' in the Rain (1952)
might just be the best musical
ever made. Gene Kelley, whose
smile and tan shoes are forever
etched in screen history, gives
a kinetic performance in this
story of the transitonal period
that occurred during the Holly-
wood 20's from silent films to
talkies - he also directed, along
with Stanley Donen.
Besides Kelley, there's Donald
O'Connor as his dance partner,
Debbie Reynolds, Jean Hagen
and Millard Mitchell. Hagen is hi-
larious as a silent film star with
a speech impediment - there's
plenty of good-natured satire go-
ing on here that is truly funny.
And it's quite rare nowadays to
see a film that moves even half
as fast.

Cool Hand Luke
Friends of Newsreel; MLB,
Aud. 3 & 4, Fri., Sat., 7:15, 9:30
Cool Hand Luke (1967) was
made in the days when Paul
Newman was still acting beauti-
fully and not just walking
through his roles. Directed by
Stuart Rosenberg, Luke is a ter-
rific, gutsy-kind of picture, with
a fantastic performance by
Newman as the chain-gang pri-
soner who just won't stay down.
His numerous escapes and re-
captures are exhilarating in their
freshness and humour; t h e
screenplay is filled with all kinds
of little diversions that make
you wish the film was an hour
longer, if anything for just an-
other fleeting glimpse at the
Newman mystique.
The Laughing
Walter Mathau stars in this
mystery-thriller about a killer
who boards buses and then pro-
ceeds to gun down all the pas-
sengers. He passes for the pas-
sive, never smiling detective
beautifully, but The Laughing
Policeman, directed by Stuart
Rosenberg, has nothing to offer
except its co-stars in the way of
As Mathau's partner, Bruce
Dern gives a restrained, effective
performance - he is well on his
way now to becoming a major

box - office attraction and de-
serves it. For years Dern was
playing creatures from outer
space and two-headed men until
he got his big break in King of
Marvin Gardens with Jack Nich-
olson. Now he's playing Tom Bu-
chanan in the screen version of
Great Gatsby, due out in spring-
time, and offers first-rate talent
and a fresh face to filmgoers in
place of the raw violence-type
characters that seem to perme-
ate our films these days.
Magnum Force
The sequel to Dirty Harry,
Magnum Force stars again Clint
Eastwood as the rough-tough de-
tective who will rise to any task,
even if it means piloting a 747,
to capture some hijackers. Di-
rected by Ted Post, Magnum
Force is ballet of violence: more
people get gunned down for no
reason than in any other film to
come out in the past year. Notice
how Post will show you graphic
blood and guts but almost no
sexual activity - presumably
Harry's gun means more dollars
at the box office than his love-
making - and note also that
once again Eastwood g e t s
through an entire picture without
moving a facial muscle.
The Way We Were
Campus Theatre
Along with The Sting, Sidney
Pollack's The Way We Were is a
fine example of where Holly-

wood's head is at in the stream-
lined 70's; it features lush pho-
tography, plush scenery and
slush acting between the co-
In this case, Robert Redford
and Barbara Streisand are the
victims of our new movie men-
opause - they try tovact like
college students in love but
come off looking like little more
than box-office stars in makeup
reading cue cards. I for one am
sick and tired of seeing Red-
ford's smile pass for profession-
alism, and wish he would return
to the fine acting he gave up
in films like Downhill Racer.
Also .. .
The Paper Chase is still play-
ing at Fifth Forum.






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Quiet Mn
Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud.
Fri., 7, 9:05
If you can picture John Wayne
in Ireland, of all places, then
John Ford's Quiet Man (1952)
shouldn't be too hard to take.
Wayne somehow outshines an im-
peccable cast (Maureen O'Hara,
Victor McLaglen and Barry
Fitzgerald) in this uninspiring
story of an ex-boxer who returns
to his native homeland and falls
for a fast-talking little Irish
O'Hara has made better films
-notably Lady Godiva - but
Maureen O'Hara makes Quiet
Men worthwhile. John Ford's
films are always enjoyable, even
when they're as bad as this one.
The Seventh Seal
Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud.
Sat., 7, 8:30, 10:15
The Swedish director Ingmar
Bergman made a picture in 1957
called The Seventh Seal that has
probably been seen by more peo-
ple, more times, than any other
foreign film. This time around,
movie-goers have a chance to
see a print in fine shape - the
management promises no
scratchy soundtracks or blurred
faces because it's a brand new
I won't try and explain what
Seal is about but don't let that
stop you; there's a fine cast in-
cluding Nils Poppe, Gunnar
Bjornstrand, Max Von Sydow
and Bengt Ekerot as Death,
along with a thoroughly haunting
soundtrack by Eric Nordren.
If you've never seen in Ing-
mar film, make it to this one.
It's incredibly unique.
Cinema Guild, Arch. Aud.
Sun., 7, 9:05
Carl Dreyer was a brilliant Da-
nish director who died only a few
years ago; his films are per-
turbing, moving with a strange
silent force. Vampyr (1932) was
made one year after the Ameri-
can version with Bela Lugosi had
hit the screen, but it was sadly
ignored for the latter's sensa-
tionalistic, attention - grabbing
Finally Got the News
New World Media International
Film Series, East Quad
Fri., 8
(Finally Got the News (1970)
is a unique and forceful docu-
mentary offering the workers'
view of working conditions inside
Detroit's auto factories. The film
focuses on the activities of the
League of Revolutionary Black
Workers in their efforts to build
an independent black labor or-
200 Motels
UAC Mediatrics: Nat. Sci. Ad.
Fri., Sat., 7, 9:30
200 Motels (1971) was one of
Patrick Sky
"Songs that made America
"the best social commentary
of the ecade."
-Billboard Record Review

I .' somewhere there must
be something of social value.
Chnij.d he n , rvhome

wood director Billy Wilder colla-
borated with the spellbinding
mystery writer Agatha Christie
to film Witness for the Prosecu-
tion (1957). Starring Tyrone Pow-
er, Charles Laughton and Mar-
lene Dietrich, Prosecution is a
unique who-done-it set during a
suspenseful London murder trial.
Laughton manages to steal the
picture as the sharp counsel for
the defense, but it is the Wilder
"touch" that makes the film so

Marionette Theatre of Peter Arnott
Euripedes' CYCLOPS
Tickets available PTP Ticket Office 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 2 p.m.-5
p.m. and at door.
Further information call 764-0450
}C_-'?4--G -(7 -YC)- O--,.O<>i ?-Lyo C-y:O o

Studies in Ch-acter, Conscience, Crisis
1001 E. HURON
9:30 A.M.
Each week one of the following characters will be
Joseph of Arimathea, the Syrophoenician woman, Anna, Ne-
dab, Bezalel the son of Uri, Achan, Ananias and Sapphiro,
Elymas, Eunice, Onesimas, Philemon, Timothy, Demas, Dio-
trephes, the Dragon, Jepthah, Bildad, Manasseh son of Heze- j
! kiah, Mordecai, Joel.
Focal Queftion for di-cucsion include:
What nersonal, civic, and religious issues did
they face?
What character criis did these provoke?
How do thewe parallel dilemmas of our own?
Instructor: Kenneth L Pike
Calvin Malefyt and Alan Rice, Ministers

CA1mediatrics resents
Frank Zappa's
starring: FRANK ZAPPA and the MOTHERS OF
FRIDAY and SATURDAY-J 'n. 18 cnd 19
7:00 and 9:30 p.m.
tickets. $1.00
You and a Guest admitted for only $2.25
(Two admitted for the price of one)


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