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January 18, 1974 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-01-18

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t tga sug
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan



420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48]04

News Phone: 764-0552


Reform proposal too weak

WIHAT THIS TOWN needs is a tough
campaign spending law. The partic-
ular ordinance proposed by Mayor James
Stephenson does not fit the prescription,
The ordinance, which passed the first
of two necessary votes on Monday, Jan.
8, would regulate campaign financing in
city elections by limiting individual con-
tributions to $100, prohibiting contribu-
tions to candidates from labor and busi-
ness organizations, and require detailed
public campaign finance statements to
be filed by all candidates.
The purpose of any campaign spend-
ing law is, of course, to reduce the ability
of large, well-organized and wealthy in-
terests to effectively buy election vic-
tories for their favorite candidates. It is
to that Stephenson's proposal should be
designed and is, to a partial extent.
UNFORTUNATELY, any c a m p a i g n
spending ordinance will have loop-
holes, such as the use of multiple dona-
tions that merely replace one large do-
nation, as well as some unforseen at the

time of passage. Therefore, the most ef-
fective method, other than public cam-
paign funding, to control the abuse of
campaign financing is to place a ceil-
ing on the total amount that can be spent
on a given campaign. Not only would
this reduce the possibility of exploiting
various loopholes in other sections of the
ordinance but would increase the ability
of the average candidate to compete
against the wealthy candidate as well.
Hopefully the council committee ap-
pointed to study the ordinance will in-
clude the spending ceiling in the pro-
posal they submit to Council for approv-
al next Monday.
If the final version of the ordinance
includes the campaign spending ceil-
ing, the ordinance should be approved in
the interest of fair elections in this city.
IF HOWEVER, the ceiling is not includ-
ed, the ordinance should be defeat-
ed, for as council member Jerry DeGrieck
(HRP-First Ward) put it, "Any election
control law that doesn't have such a
provision is a sham."

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FIRST THE TAPES didn't exist.
Then they did exist but we are
in the midst of a tapes shoetage.
Then they were found but two of
the key recordings had disappear-
ed. Then the tapes were found to
have a gap in them, accidentafly
caused by gymnast Rose M a r y
Woods in the White House conit
tionist competition. But, lo and
behold, now we find it was gym-
nastics that erased the tapes, but
not the kind we thought.
I am of the firm belief that the
above script could not have been
written by Walt Disney on LSD.
But it has happened, and Nix-
on's got the Key Bisca iie blues
again. A highly-placed rumor has
it that Nixon will fly to Chia to
ask for political asylum.
There will be a number of ways
the White House will try to explain
away certain gaps, bota in the
tapes and in the memories of the
White House staff. One has al-
ready been proposed: that the
gaps were caused by the comet
I HAVE SEVERAL other theor'-
ies I would like to propose:
-The electromagnets i-i Nixon's
slot car set erased the tapes as
he was playing Le Mans w i t h
Howard Hughes and Bebe Rebozo
(winner gets $100,000.)
-The Secret Service erased the
tapes with a bomb deta..tor while
looking for a bomb.
-The New York Times did it.
-The Washington Post did It.
(Woodward and Bernstein, w h e r e
are you?)
-Milhous accidently erased the
tapes when dictating a seec rinto
the machine as part of Operation

-The recorders were turned off
during the energy crisis
-They were short-circuited by
Johnny Cash's electric guitar.
-Nixon recorded the sound track
from "Patton" on them.
-The Democrats did it.
-The recorder crossed w i r e s
with the White House Christmas
tree lights.
-The Arabs did it.
ALL THESE are just possibili-
ties, of course, and I am just
dying to hear what the Minister of
Propaganda himself, Ronald Zieg-
ler says. (The guy's a former
guide at Disneyland, so it's gotta
be a winner.)
Nixxon (we're changing o u r
name but not our strines) h a s
taken us through Credibility Gap
so many times that I, for one, am
getting tired of seeing this movie.
How many more times are we go-
ing to hear "Ring-Around the-Rosy
Rag" as performed by the White
House Kazoo Korus befbre some-
thing is done?
This should be the. end of the
tapes thing, Watergate, and var-
ious and sundry related episodes.
Now. Finis. Curtain down and play
over. It's time for C-igress to
cut the Yo-Yo's string and get rid
of him. After all, he 'tas absolute-
ly no recycle value.
WE ARE the energy crisis. Not
the Arabs, or the oil companies,
but us. We don't have the energy
to issue the call to our Congress-
persons to tell them that we are
too old and grown up to believe
in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus,
and the Tapes Fairy.
"The fault, dear Briitus, is not
in our stars but in ourselves that
we are underlings."
Gary Thomas is a reporter for
Unifed Press International.

Kent State revisited

A FEDERAL GRAND jury in'Cleveland
this week continues hearings about
the Kent State University shootings
where four students were killed and nine
others wounded by gunfire from Na-
tional Guard troops on May 4, 1970.
The original state grand jury and a
Justice Department probe headed by
then-Attorney General John Mitchell ex-
onerated the guardsmen and indictied 25
students, including some of those wound-
ed, for such crimes as incitement to riot.
The original indictments and investi-
gations were suspect for many reasons,
n6t the least of which was the specious
reasoning necessary to condemn the un-
Sports Staff
Sports Editor
Managing Sports Editor

armed dead and injured for "provoking"
the heavily - fortified guardsmen into
killing and maiming them.
It would be some small comfort tb the
victims of the gunfire, and to those who
shared their concern about American
involvement in the Indochina war, to be
vindicated by an unrigged grand jury
and investigation.
BUT VINDICATION FOR those directly
involved almost four years after the
fact will not alter the enormous impact
that Kent State - the killings and the
subsequent condemnation of the dem-
onstrators - had on American public
What the, Kent State murders have
meant to American young people was that
you could get shot for standing around
and being against the war - or any-
thing else that was sanctioned by the
powers that be.
Young people - especially white young
people - received, for the first time in a
significant way, the kind of treatment
formerly used to discouraged "uppity"
blacks, Vietnamese, Congolese, civil rights
workers, mine strikers, and other "mal-
The gravest result of the Kent murders,
and the subsequent official obfuscation
created by advocates of "winning" in
Vietnam, was the stifling of an entire
generation of dissent and the end of an
era of hopeful activism.
ALTHOUGH NO SINGLE grand jury can
alter the intended and successful si-
lencing of dissent that the Kent State
massacre symbolizes, at least they are in
a position to produce a complete study
of the incident and to present relevant
facts to the public.
We trust that those facts will exoner-
ate the victims of the shooting.

To The Daily:
fairly reasonable analysis of this
year's city council campaign in
your Friday issue, but I have to
dispute several of his conctusbons.
First of all, he completely ig-
nores the effect of the rent-control
proposition on the various council
races. The fantastic response to
HRP's rent-control petition drive
last month clearly indicates a solid
trend toward support of radical
action issues by a growing seg-
ment of Ann Arbor's eleztorate.
Only the HRP candidates can fully
relate to such issues, and as a
result they'll receive increase pro-
portions of the vote.
Second, Chris fails to include
voter turnout as a factor in this
year's election. It's already appar-
ent that the marijuana and rent-
control issues are going to being
out a much higher number of vot-
es this year, especially in the First
and Second Wards. Again, HRP
candidates will benefit because of
their unequivocal support for the
two ballot propositions.
Third, the article doesnt mention
the strong influence of retiring
HRP council members Wechsler
and DeGrieck. Their peaormance
over the past two years has been
greatly admired. They've provided
the most consistent representatioil
their wards ever had, and the vo:-
ers will be looking for a con-
tinuation of that tradition.
In my opinion, the absence of a
Republican in the Second Ward
contest is going to hurt bhx &o the
capitalist parties. Not miry Re-
publicans are going to bother t.)
vote in the Second Ward, and their
party will lose strengh in the pro-
portional representation formula,
for the new Rent Control Board.
The Democrats will lose votes to
HRP from people who were wor


to election analysis

ried about vote splitting las' year,
but now have a clear choice on is-
sues. Again, HRP gains, not only
in the Second Ward but also city-
wide. (This part could change if
a Republican candidate gets .}O
write-in votes in the primary!)
Chris said that only my presence
as an HRP candidate last year in
the Fourth Ward caused the
Democrat to lose. I disagree - -
the real reason was the failure of
the Democrat to support rent con-
trol, community control of police,
gay rights, legalization of drugs,
and anti-strikebreaking laws that
1235 voters believed in. Democrats
will continue to lose the Fourth
Ward because they can't gain sup-
port from all the people there who
believe in radical politic A princi-
ples' more strongly than liberal pel-
itician's careers.
Finally, Chris is wrong in sav-
ing there is strong HRP sentiment
for a low-profile "educational"
campaign in the Fourth. We spec-
ifically voted against that labeL
All our campaigns are educational.
How can it be low-profile when
HRP is the only party working city
wide to pass the rent-control
amendment with votes from every
I agree with Chris that the First
and Second Ward votes will be
close, but I expect that rent con-
trol, increased turnout, and sup-
port for incumbents will b.: enough
to tip the balance to HRP in at
least one ward. As for the Third,
Fourth and Fifth, we'd better get
used to GOP victories there until
the Democrats get wise and sup-
port HRP initiatives toward pre-
ferential balloting or proportional
-Phil Carroll
Jan. 11

To The Daily:
election in the Jan. 11 Daily, I
was surprised at your inept de-
scription of Kathy Kazachenko,
candidate for Councilwoman in the-
Second Ward. Calling her an un-
known quality, you didn t mention
Kathy's extensive political involve-
ment in HRP, women's politics and
GAWK - Gay Awareness Women's
Within HRP Kathy has served on
the steering committee as well as
having been co-chair of the fall
1972 statewide campaign of Bar-
bara Halpert. She also organized
a petition drive to continue IUniver-
sity support of the UFW lettuce
boycott this fall.
Kathy is currently vice chair per-
son of the Washtenaw County Ad-
visorv Committee on the Status
of Women and is helping organie
an anti-imperialist, rerotutionary
feminist group FIST - Feminists
in Struggle Together. All told, I'd
say Kathy has had a tremendous
amount of experience, organizing
and input in Ann Arbor community
Seeing that Kathy is gay, I had
to laugh at your description of
the Second Ward affair as a "queer
case indeed." We know Kathy
would stand proudly by this state-
ment though. Her strong radical
lesbian feminist politics are exact-
ly the sort needed to assure City
Council that HRP and radical poli-
tics are indeed still alive in Ann
Arbor and fighting for change.
As for Kathy being a "no charisma
kid" I think that really depends
on who you are and what you're
looking for.
-Megan Irwin
Jan. 14

To The Daily:.
AS A CONCERNED citizen and a
charter member of the Foundation
for Sanctimonious Self-Denial, I
must applaud University Housing
Director John Feldkamp's recent
pronouncements on the Cite': Hu-
man Rights Ordinance. (Daily,
Jan. 15).
As Jovial John so astutely points
out, this so-called "ordinance" "is
presently worded to allow cohabi-
tation by unmarried tenants of the
opposite sex" (my emphasis). Tak-
ing the bull by the horns, the con-
genial housing czar realizes that it
is within his "duties" to "seek
public policy which discourages
this rather harmful situation" by
"encouraging (the City Attorney
and the Mayor) to rewrite' the of-
fending "ordinance."
Although I would be the last to
call the erstwhile Hausfeuhrer s
credentials into question (cf. his
positions on sophomore women';
hours and dorm visitation privileg-
es a few years back), I wonder if
he realizes that he is putting him-
self in the dangerous position of
apearing to be "soft" on self-styl-
ed "gay people".
For, under his proposed revision
of the distasteful documen+, o n 1 y
unmarried tenants of the opposite
sex would be in for well-deserved
stiff fines and reprimands, leaving
the door wide open (as it were, for
unmarried tenants of the SAIE
sex to cohabit or anything else!
Therefore I respectfully suggest
that Smilin' John take the next
important step in his fight against
sexual license and join the FSS-D
in the battle to make it a felony
for anybody in our fair city to
cohabit with anybody else.
Under our proposed Human De-
cency Ordinance, any two unmar-
ried people with keys to I he sam,

apartment will be humanely re-edu-
cated through enrollment in the
Federally-funded Mandatory Moral
Enrichment Program until, in the
opinion of responsible University
and City authorities, they become
able to withstand the temptations
of the flesh and/or become senile.
So how about it, Director Feld-
kamp? You've made the first thrust
in the right direction - now (par-
don the expression), go all the way
-John Gray
Literary Editor of The
Daily, '69-'70
Jan. 16
To The Daily:
I STRONGLY object to the re-
cent headline in the Daily (Jan. 10)
in which you referred to Detroit
as "Murder City, U.S.A.". You
have apparently resorted to the
sensationalism of the Detroit news-
papers. Such headlines do nothing
but create further paranoia.
If you checked the statistics for
other cities, you would have not-
iced that Detroit neither leads in
absolute number of murders (New
York and Chicago have far more),
nor inthe per capita murder rate
(Atlanta and several other cities
have higher rates).
There is no denying that there
are many problems in Detroit, and
the rapidly increasing murder
rate is just one of them. However,
headlines such as this do nothing
to alleviate the problem and I
feel are unjustified. Detroit h a s
eno!'gh troubles, without thos press
sensationalism. Stick to the facts.
-Steve Zecker '74
Jan. 12

BOB McGINN....... ... . ... Executive Sports
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BOB HEUER..............Contributing Sports
Business Staff
Business Manager

Edt or

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SANDY FIENBERG. . .............. Finance Manager
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DEPT. MGRS.: Steve LeMire, Jane Dunning. Paula
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Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, Eric Schoch
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Photo Technician: Ken Fink

Peter Arnott pulls strings at E. Quad Aud.

Eight colorfully dressed figures
hung limp Amidst a forest of
strings. Lifeless for the moment,
they awaited their creator and
manipulator, well-known British
puppeteer, Peter Arnott.
Currently a professor of drama
at Tufts University, Arnott brought
his marionettes to life - albeit
an unusual one - last night as he
presented Agememnon in the Res-
idential College Aud.
"In English-speaking countries,
the marionette threatre has been
relegated to children's theatre and
party entertainment," says Arnott.
"But using the marionette theatre
to perform the classic Greek plays
allows people to see some of the
ancient plays for the first time as
they were meant to be seen."
Arnott, who does the staging,
moves the marionettes, and speaks
all the parts, explains, "I am the
whole company. I can bring some
of the more difficult plays to the
stage at a fraction of the cost of
using an entire company."
In fact, the entire show packs
and travels neatly in two cases.
Arnott has been travelling with his
high-strung company in the U.S.
and Crnada for 15 years.

Because of the size of the thea-
tre, explains Arnott, Greek drama-
tists couldn't rely on facial ex-
pression or "small intimate pieces
of business." "So everything goes
into the words," he says.
And the only sound equipment
Arnott uses for his marionette th;a-
tre is his own voice box. He alter-
nately shouts, bemoans, cries in
anguish and quips for his charact-
ers while deftly tugging strings and
walking his figures across t h e
"Working by myself is an asset,"
laughs Arnott. "I can change the
puppets' movements and not have
to worry about throwing anyone
else's timing off. I can also become
sensitive to the temper of an
individual audience and modiUy the
lines I stress to fit the audience."
The marionettes themselves have
grotesquely exaggerated expres-
sions on their sculpted faces, muph
like the Greek masks of antiquity.
Their costumes are simple a n d
loose, but establish the charac'er's
Yet, notes Arnott, Greek and-
iences "went to see a specimi. play,
not a favorite actor in a role in
that play. The personality of the
individual actor was not imporzart.

A thin blue light penetrates the
black theatre and plays on t h e
stage, throwing the shadows of
Arnott's puppet chorus on t h e
auditorium wall. The three con-
spiratorial elders in the chorus
move in synchronization, and em-
phasized their lines with believable
gestures and movements.
Arnott stands over the theatre,,
his bands visible above the stage.

"My theatre is similar to the
anese," he says. "I'm not
cealed, but I do wear blazK
blend into the background.'


As well as being the director,
puppeteer and technician, Arnctt
has also sculpted the marionett's
heads and designed the cotumes
himself. The Greek and French
plays in his repertoire are his own

He will present, for instance,
Eniripedes' Cyclops tonight a n d
Marlowes Dr. Faustus tomorrow
Arnott seems much like a Living
Zeus, standing over the little peo-
ple that dangle below through
movements and actions controlled
by an unseen power.
Said one theatre-goer, "Well,
we've come a;long way since Punch
and Judy."


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