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Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
4:3 a t 149
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 159
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 18, 1974
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
i f.
Regents meet
It's the last two days of school and time for the last
Regents meeting of the winter term, which could prove
to be pretty interesting. In the light of Eastern Michigan
University's resolution to publish full salary lists, Regent
Gerald Dunn (D-Livonia) will present a resolution to
the Regents for the mandatory public disclosure of
University faculty and staff salaries. But an official
close to the Regents maintains that the proposal will
undoubtedly loose to the same 6-2 vote as it did in July
1972, when Dunn first presented the proposal to the
Regents. Also, at the meeting, University Counsel
Roderick Daane will explain the legal aspects of the
University's position concerning the former director of
the University Hospital Edward Connors $8,000 em-
bezzlement. But it is unlikely the University will prose-
Stans on the stand
In a brilliant surprise move yesterday, former com-
merce secretary Maurice Stans categorically denied that
he tried to fix a government investigation into controver-
sial financier Robert Vesco's dealings. He also cate-
gorically denied that he accepted a secret and illegal
$200,000 campaign contribution from Vesco in exchange
for blocking an investigation into Vesco's corporate
empire. As a result of that probe,Vesco was charged
with systematically looting millions from the inter-
national mutual fund he controlled; the Investors Over-
seas Services. Vesco has long since skipped off to Costa
Rica, far away from the long arm of the law.
Bursley's bill
State Senator Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) has in-
troduced a proposal to the state legislature that will
require the state's general fund to kick in payments for
municipalities which service state-owned, tax-exempt
property. The bill would make the state pay for city
services such as police and fire protection without
requiring any payments of property taxes. The Big U'
presently pays $300,000 annually for police protection,
but nothing for fire protection. The bill, if it were passed,
would make the state pay for such services.
Laurels are in order for sorority Alpha Delta Pi on
South Forest Ave. This sorority is the first recipient of
the Go Greek award. The Ann Arbor Panhellenic Asso-
ciation plans to make the award an annual affair, with
the first award handed out last night during the regular
Panhel meeting. Standards for the award include
scholarship, philanthropic projects, campus participation,
national recognition, and loads of other criteria.
Happenings ...
show the effect of finals. There are, however, a
few going-on worth noting. Margaret Burbidge, professor
of astronomy at the University of California-San Diego,
will lecture twice today: at 2 p.m. in Aud. E of the
Physics Astronomy Bldg., she'll speak on "Rapidly
Varying Extragalactic Objects," and at 8 p.m. on "The
Active Universe" . . . Chris Christian's one-act play,
"The Killers from E-1," will be performed at the
Frieze Bldg's Arena Stage free at 3 p.m. . . . William
Brehm, U.S. assistant secretary of defense for man-
power and reserve affairs, will lecture at 4 p.m. in
Angell Hall's Aud. A . . . the final meeting for all
Project Community volunteers will be held at 7 p.m. in
Rm. 1322 in the School of Ed Bldg. . . . and the Ostomy
Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Senior Citizen's Guild,
502 W. Huron.
McGee dies
NBC lost one of its top newscasters yesterday when
anchorman and "Today" co-host Frank McGee died of
pneumonia. Although pneumonia was the immediate
cause of McGee's death, he had been suffering with
cancer of the bone marrow for four years. His doctor
reported that the last few months of broadcasting had..
been severely painful. McGee made his final appearance
on the "Today" program last Thursday morning and
checked into the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
in New York later the same day.
Where's Hoffman?
Radical youth leader of Chicago 7 fame Abbie Hoffman
has made the news again-this time when New York
State Supreme Court Justice Mary Johnson signed a
bench warrant for his arrest yesterday. The ever-
popular Hoffman, it seems, failed to appear in court
to face a narcotics charge. If convicted on charges of
selling three pounds of cocaine for $36,000 to an under-
cover agent Aug. 29, Hoffman will face a 15-year to
life prison term. Hoffman was last seen on Feb. 5 when
he taped a TV show. He had been freed on a bond of
Seoul protesters
In that country where liberty rings free and clear,
Seoul, South Korea, a military appellate court yesterday
upheld the convictions of five people for violating the
decree banning open opposition to President Chung Hee
Park's regime.
On the inside . .
The full lowdown on Arthur Miller's "Up from Para-
dise" is spread out in pictures and stories by David
Blomquist and Sara Rimer on the Arts Page . . . tactics
and perspectives for change are featured in an article
by Marnie Heyn and John Lande on the Editorial Page
.. and Jeff Chown profiles Michigan's shotput ace
GOP resp onds
By AP, UPI and Reuter Michigan congres
Democratic Candidate J. Robert (Bob) Traxler's narrow victory in continued Democ
Michigan's Eighth Congressional District Tuesday night sent shock ship."
waves through GOP ranks yesterday and spurred new Democratic at- "One party c
tacks on President Nixon. crat Traxler's vic
Traxler defeated Republican James Sparling, for whom President "And the tren
Nixon personally campaigned last week, in an area that has elected to end up with ar
only one other Democrat to Congress in this century.
IN SAGINAW, a jubilant Traxler said it had been a mistake for
Nixon to campaign on behalf of Sparling. "If 1 wasi
"If I was a Republican, I would not want the Nixon albatross 'round
my neck in the November congressional elections," he said. "We will Nixon AlbG
throw the rascals out and give good government to the people." ber congre
Sparling repeated that he did not regret Nixon campaigning for
him. "I don't think he helped or hurt me," Sparling said. "I was the
candidate. I take full responsibility."
THE WHITE HOUSE said President Nixon was "not dismayed or
disheartened" by Sparling's defeat and will be willing to campaign in SEN. ROBER
the future for GOP candidates if he is invited. Republican Sparl
Other GOP leaders, however, from Vice President Gerald Ford on safe seat anymor
down expressed dismay, disappointment and concern. Griffin said
VICE PRESIDENT Ford said the Democratic victory in a special Democrat Traxle
Traxiers victory
sional election is a bad omen for the country and that
ratic victories could lead to a "legislative dictator-
ontrol is not good for America," Ford said after Demo-
nd in congressional elections now is for the Democrats
n overwhelming majority in the House."
a Republican, I would not want the
atross 'round my neck in the Novem-
ssional elections."
- Traxler
RT GRIFFIN (R-Mich.) said yesterday the defeat of
ing means "no Republican should assume he has a
Watergate was certainly involved in the victory of
r, but he added it was difficult to judge how much.
He said other major factors in the race were high unemployment and
good union organization for the Democrats.
State Republican Chairman William McLaughlin also declined to put
the finger on Nixon.
"It's easy to blame the President, but I don't know if that's the
right thing."
BUT REPUBLICAN Gov. William Milliken said he believed that
the Democrats who have won in special elections this year are "riding
President Nixon's coattails to Washington."
"The whole issue of the presidency was not a plus," said Milliken,
who declined to tour the area with Nixon last week. "It was a minus."
Lt. Gov. James Brickley, a Republican who called earlier for Nixon's
resignation, agreed.
"We have a crippled President," he said. "People don't feel they
have a President and this is caused by the effects of Watergate."
THE DEMOCRATIC victory was the fourth in five special Congres-
sional elections this year and was the last major election before No-
The special election was called after Rep. James Harvey resigned
earlier to take a federal judgeship.
Federal S mo a
Simor ai
WASHINGTON (R) - William Simon was appointed as
Treasury secretary yesterday by President Nixon to replace
George Schultz, who recently resigned. Simon was federal
energy chief.
Besides being nominated Treasury secretary, Simon was
designated as chairman of two key economic groups, called the
Troika and the Quadriad. While Simon will not be the economy
czar, he clearly will be a prince.
Sitting on the Troika and Quadriad will be most of Simon's rivals for
influence over the domestic economy, including Director Roy Ash of the
Office of Management and Budget and Chairman Herbert Stein of the
Council of Economic Advisors on the Troika.
Also on the Quadriad will be Chairman Arthur Burns of the Federal
Energy Board.
PRESIDENT NIXON said he would keep for himself Shultz' position
as head of the White House Council on Economic Policy.
Sources said that where Shultz was the final arbiter in the council's
economic decisions, Nixon will now take that role.
Nixon also is leaving open Shultz' position as an assistant to the
and a
Daily photo by PAULINE LUBENS
Clowning around
listen to your weather bureau, it's spring on the Diag, regardless of what they may say. And as
this "Friends Roadshow" performed under sunny skies yesterday. Here, one of the show's clowns
five-year-old friend watch the mime, acrobatics, puppets and magic that comprise the multi-facted
Reportedly, the troupe is in town to perform a t the Blind Pig.
President in charge of coordinat-
ing domestic and international
economic policy.
"SIMON CAME out pretty well,"
said one Treasury source. "The
President said he would be one of
equals, and then named him head
of the equals."
Simon's influence in foreign eco-
nomic matters was a question
mark, however. Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger has been leaning
more and more into -the policy-
making area in international eco-
nomic problems. He delivered a
major speech before the United
Nations on U. S. foreign economic
policy on Monday.
"Kissinger is discovering that
economic problems are behind
most of the world's difficulties,"
- said a Treasury source.
SCHULTZ HAD sufficient influ-
ence to minimize Kissinger's eco-
nomic role, but Simon may have
to move rapidly if he wants to
maintain the authority the Treas-
ury had under Shultz in interna-
tional matters.
Sheriff Fred Postill was dealt
an unexpected . blow last night
when the Washtenaw County Com-
missioners put off approving Un-
dersheriff James Spickard as Re-
habilitation Project Director in or-
der to first investigate circum-
stances surrounding the recent
firings of three project employes.
At a meeting with unusually
high citizen attendance, the Com-
missioners voted to table until
May 1, Postill's proposed grant ad-
justment which would have made
Spickard project director.
cided to wait until they could hear
a grievance filed by the three fired
employes, and "investigate the cir-
cumstances surrounding Jail Ad-
ministrator Paul Wasson's resig-
The grievance will be heard on
April 24, but no date was -set for
the general investigation of Was-
son's departure. The grievance i
permitted under a county regula-
tion ordering that employes must
be given "clear and just" cause
for dismissal.
See POSTILL, Page 2
County delays action
on Pll nominee
for jail project chief
Frcit president missing
FBI agents and the city police
are presently investigating an
elaborate con game involving an
escaped convict and the president
of the Sigma Chi fraternity.
Mike Kubinski, like many other
fraternity membersacross the
country, has apparently been dup
-ed into paying hundreds of dollars
worth of travel expenses by Bar-
bara Marella, an escaped convict
from a Colorado prison with a
reported IQ of at least 200. Police
report that Marella has been go-
ing under a number of different
AFTER MAKING initial contact
with a fraternity president, claim-
ing that she has been the target
of obscene phone calls from the
fraternity, Marella demands that
the president meet her at an air-
port, and in Kubinski's case,
Kily seeks
for Tolkien
and Lewis
Professor Clyde Kilby considers
J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings
trilogy to be serious literature and
dares anyone to disagree.
In fact Kilby, who lectured twice
here yesterday on Tolkien and the
late C. S. Lewis, claims to have
a "rebuttal speech or two prepared
O'Hare International Airport in
After confusing her victims with
stories of high governmental con-
spiracies and the need to remain
silent, Marella convinces them to
fly to another cityrto confer with
other unnamed persons.
By the time the fraternity mem-
ber realizes that he has been part
of an elaborate ruse, he has been
to as many as six or seven cities
and has been taken for hundreds,
if not thousands of dollars. One
victim spent $4,800 before he be-
came aware of Marella's antics.
there doesn't appearto be any ro-
mantic links between Marella and
any of her victims, nor does there
appear t6 be any evidence of drug
trafficking. Marella doesn't gain
anything financially, just plane
fares, food and lodging, say the
Kubinski has not been located
yet, and it is possible that he ei-
ther is not yet aware of the ruse
or he has been kidnaped. Kubin-
ski's brother, Walter, was the first
person to report him missing, some
seven to ten days after he disap-
peared. He called the city police
Mr. Nicolls protects UGLI
against book-snatching horde
Like a hawk ready to swoop
down on an about-to-be-ripped-
off book, Mr. Nicolls sternly
guards the Undergradute Li-
brary gate.
With his faded lab coat and
stony gaze, William Nicolls is
the University's best known, but
least loved personality because
his zealous bookbag inspections
often prompt long waiting lines
between classes.
B I L L Rickenbacker, UGLI
circulation supervisor, says that
the volume of complaints about
Nicolls recently forced him to
ask him to speed up.
"But when I told him," Rick-
enbacker remarks, "he acted
as if he didn't even notice the
long lines."
Countering Rickenbacker's re-
quest, Nicolls grimaces, "You've
got to examine every book -
4,_+,, - - nhlrrn~tln ,r ha in
requires you to train your neu-
romuscular coordination," he
SLUMPING into a lounge
chair after a tedious day the
haggard Nicolls recounts, his
past. "I can't believe how rap-
idly time has passed," he sighs.
On graduation from the Uni-
versity in 1935, Nicolls planned
to enter medical school, but an
"unfortunate accident" which
he refuses to discuss befell him.
Lost in thought for a moment,
he mentions working at Packard
Motor Co. in Detroit after his
Later, Nicolls "tried a hand
at farming" in Jackson until his
father died. Then he returned
to the city where he currently
lives with his 80-year-old mother
and runs errands for Rackham,
besides guarding the UGLI's