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January 16, 1974 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1974-01-16

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Wednesday, January 16, 1974
full court
1o s


WOWPIAS .m -r-


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Dee-fense,' they cry.

" 9

defense they get
Two of the NBA's top clubs are engaged in a fierce mid-
season battle. The home team's center drills one in from the
outside, and as the Boston Celtics bring the ball -upcourt the
sellout crowd begins to chant "dee-fense, dee-fense." A quick
forward pokes the ball from John Havlicek's hands to start a
fast-break, and the home club goes on to win a brilliant defensive
battle, 106-101.
From the above description, the scene would have to be
Madison Square Garden, and the home team the New York
Knicks, right? Wrong. The scene was January 4 at Cobo
Arena, and the team in question none other than the Detroit
Pistons. And that victory over the Celtics was just one of
many this year that have established the Pistons as one of
the top clubs in the NBA.
Today, with the season more than half gone, Detroit stands
at 28-18, the fourth best record in the league. Furthermore, the
Pistons have just emerged from an eleven-game stint in which
they played only teams that made the playoffs last year, and
Detroit won seven of those contests.
What is happening down at Cobo Arena? What are the Pistons,
the perennial doormat of the league, with only one winning season
in their history, doing among the upper echelon of the NBA?
The answer lies in the chants of "dee-fense" resounding
around Cobo, and in the person of one Ray Scott, the con-
servatively dressed giant who usually sits quietly at the end
of the Detroit bench and directs this new hardcourt jugger-
If the Pistons have turned it around this year, the chief reason
has been their defensive play. For years observers have said the
Detroit talent wasn't that bad, and the team always seemed to
have people who could put the ball in the basket. Yet no matter
how many points the Pistons tossed in, their sieve-like defense
always seemed to let in a few more.
But under Scott, a longtime NBA forward who endured
several losing years as a player in Detroit, that has all
changed. Scott took over as coach midway .through last
season, and in his brief tenure he has taught a brand of
clawing, pressing, switching defense which has made the
Pistons a winner.
The emphasis has been on team defense. Unlike in former
seasons, the Pistons help each other out on defense. When op-
ponents pick or screen, the Detroit players have learned to make
the switch smoothly, afd wide open shots are a rarity for visitors
to Cobo these days.
But the most amazing thing has been the fact that Scott has
turned the defense and the team's fortunes around without
substantially changing the personnel. All five Detroit starters,
as well as ten of the twelve players on the roster, were with the
team last year. What Scott has accomplished is that he has them
paying as a team.
The biggest individual factor in the Piston resurgence has
been the play of Bob Lanier. The mammoth 6-11 pivotman had
always scored the points expected of him, but something was
missing. Lanier was not the type of defensive center an NBA
team needed to be a winner.
This year, though, the big man has finally developed into
the kind of middle-clogger and shot-blocker Detroit had en-
visioned when they drafted him. He is among the league
leaders in stuffs, has shown the quickness to cover a forward
on the switch, and generally has anchored the Piston team
defense. And he has done it all without sacrificing his scoring
at the other end of the court, where he ranks as one of the
smoothest-shooting big men ever to play the game.
But the rest of the Piston cast is also having a great year.
Dave Bing no longer has to do it all on offense, and though his
scoring average has dipped to just under twenty-a-game, he ranks
fourth in the league in assists and has proven himself a wizard at
directing the offense.
To complement Bing at guard, Scott has rotated tough de-
fender Chris Ford, fiery blond John Mengelt, and slick-shooting
Stu Lantz, who is currently out with a fractured wrist. With all
three healthy, Scott has a variety most coaches would envy, as
well as. a chance to always keep, fresh guards in the game.
Since Dave Debusschere departed the Detroit scene what
seems like ages ago, the Piston weak point has always been
forward. But this year Scott has melded a group of unheralded
players into a more than adequate unit. Bearded, balding,
paunchy 6-7 Don Adams looks anything but a defensive master,
but that's what he has been, constantly holding high-scoring
forwards well under their average as well as contributing
strong board support to Lanier.
Curtis Rowe has not been scoring well from the other forward
spot, but his consistent rebounding and quickness on defense have
fit him well into the new Piston team basketball concept. And
when Scott has needed some extra scoring punch from his front
line, he has called on Detroit's main off-season acquisition,
George Trapp. Standing 6-9, Trapp has many times come into a
tight game and opened it up with his superb outside shooting.
Together, this group of players has done what would have
seemed impossible a year ago to Detroit sports fans. If things
hold up as they are now, the Pistons will make the playoffs easily,
for the first time in five years. And as of late, they have shown

that they can win against the kinds of teams they'll be taking on
in post-season play. Over the holidays, Detroit recorded triumphs
over the Celtics, the Bucks, the Bulls, the Bullets, the Lakers,
and the Warriors, and took the Knicks down to the wire before
All this new found success somehow seems hard to believe
for veteran Piston watchers. There must be some mistake;
the Pistons, those inept Detroit Pistons, certainly can't be as
good as the top NBA powers. A second-half collapse is fore-
cast by the skeptical.
But the Pistons do not look like a team ready to collapse.
They are playing too well as a team, beating too many good
teams. They have already played over key injuries, and over a
streak of bad luck in close games at the beginning of the year
that could have frustrated them. And suddenly, miraculously, the
Pistons are emerging as the most successful sports team in
Detroit. As the Lions, Tigers, and Red Wings flounder, the
Pistons loom as the only Detroit pro team to make its sport's
playoff in the last year. Yes, it's hard to believe, but the best
sports show in Detroit is now at Cobo Arena.
The AP Top 20

If anyone on this campus can
run the 120 high hurdles in about
13.8, Michigan track coach Dixon
Farmer would like to hear from
Except for the hurdles events,
Michigan's track team appears
reasonably strong in all events
as the '74 campaign nears the
opening date Friday at the
Eastern Michigan Open. Whether
they have the talent to purge the
bridesmaid role they played to
Indiana in the Big Ten champion-
ships in cross - country, indoor
and outdoor track last year re-
mains to be seen.
But most certainly the Maize
and Blue will be a factor to be
reckoned with, as graduation fromt
last year has not hurt them seri-
ously. One key individual lost was
Godfrey Murray, the Big Ten's
premier hurdler last year. It was
hoped that Mel Reeves would fill
the hurdling hole, but he is cur-
rently off the team due to personal
'Champ' chucked
Jeff Guyton, last year's 134-lb.
Big Ten Wrestling Champ, is off
the Michigan squad according
* to Coach Bay. Guyton has miss-
ed the last eight practices and{
is apparently in academic trou-

depend on dept.
fleet senior has run in the Olym-IBill Bolster, Keith Brown, Greg However, Michigan's field event
pics, where he whipped off the fast- Meyer, Jon Cross, and Jim Simp- men are at a disadvantage now be-
est leg on the Jamaican 1600-meter son. Bolster is late in returning cause the indoor track facilities
relay team. f from Ireland, but has run some have not been completed. Fortu-
As far as future greats go, Coach fine races there. Cross is still re- nately, Eastern Michigan volun-
Farmer's recruiting program land-1 covering from a bout with mono teered their facilities but, the shut-
ed a couple of top freshmen pros- I and Brown has a hamstring prob- tling back and forth to Ypsilanti
pects. Hoping to continue in the lem. Should they patch themselves has not been the most ideal situ-
Jamaican tradition of excellence.together the potential is there for ation. It'll probably take the thin-
lately exemplified by Murray and some good performances. clads a little longer to round into
Rowe, is islander Jeff McCleod, I In the field events, Pete Hill and shape this season. Farmer com-
whose best 440 dash is 46.8. Abe Butler are back in the hori- ments, "We're going to be a late
Another welcome addition to the zontal jumps and should be top I season team this year?'
mile-relay team is Ken Delor from point getters. Mike Lantry can do Michigan has a solid nucleus in
Grosse Pointe North, who won the more than kick field goals. He Adams, Rowe, and the mile-relay
state 440-dash championship in 48 threw the shot 55 feet last year team to start with. Should the rest
flat. Farmer said, however, he and is back again. In the pole vault of the team respond with strong
hopes Delor, along with junior Jim Ed Kukla and Terry Hart are what seasons, Michigan should be a
Howe will plug the hole in the Farmer calls "a hard working prime contender for Big Ten hon-
sprints which Michigan had last duo." ors.
year. Another state championship -.
man is Andy Johnson from Ohioj
who finished his high school careerT-
with a 1:52.9 half-mile run.
Another addition will be trans-
fer student Dave Williams whose
best 440 is a 49.3 Add McCleod, CK
Delor and Williams to veterans
Rowe and Bob Mills and you see We need you for
why Coach Farmer has visions of
when he smiles and says "I'm co Ior-vision experiments
looking forward to the mile relay WE PA
this year."
In the distance events Michigan CALL VISION LAB.-764-0574
has its varsity cross-country men___


Michigan's "gentle giant," Steve Adams, is favored to take the
Big Ten indoor shot put title once again. Last year, Adams clenched
first place with a 58-6/4 put over defending champion Colin Ander-
son of Minnesota. Adam's season best in '73 was 60-7. Friday,
co-capt. Adams and the remaining Michigan thinclads will hustle
over to Ypsilanti for the Eastern Michigan Open.

SEATTLE (P)-A grimly deter-
mined and muscular West team,
bolstered by burly Bob Lanier's
24 points, hometown hero Spencer
Haywood's 23 and a devastatingly
quick start, withstood a , furious
East comeback and held on for a
134-123 victory last night in the
NBA's All-Star Game.
The West surged to a 15-point
lead in the first five minutes and
10 seconds, increased it to 25 late
in the first half and still led by
16 going into the final period.
Then, the East, spurred by Pete
Maravich of Atlanta and Dave De-
Busschere of New York, whittled
ithe West's advantage to 120-117

the 7-foot-2 starting center from
the Milwaukee Bucks, scored on a
hook shot 17 seconds later and
Gail Goodrich of Los Angeles sank
~a driving lay-up with 2:30 to go.

On the positive side of the
ledger, Michigan has two individ-
uals who should be right there
among the top contenders for
NCAA individual championships.
Kim Rowe, the sleek Jamaican
440 man, and Steve Adams, the
"gentle giant" shot putter, were
named co-captains Monday, and
both should have their sights on
being college's best.
Adams last year won the Big
Ten championship in the indoor
shot put and the outdoor cham-
pionship in the discus. This year
his old nemesis, Colin Anderson, is
graduated from Minnesota so Ad-
ams should be the man to beat in
the Big Ten.
Rowe is another class perform-
er. Holder of six Big Ten cham-
pionships, including relays, the
E ast
first half and to only four points
in the third period, the ,Atlanta
Hawks' guard fired in 11 points
in the final quarter. DeBusschere,
who had eight points in the last
quarter, wound up as the East's
high scorer with 16.'
The West, fired up after its
humiliating 104-84 upset loss in'
last year's game at Chicago, burst
to a 20-5 lead with less than six
minutes gone with the help of three
personal fouls against East center
Dave Cowens, the most valuable
player in the 1973 contest.
The East then rallied with four
consecutive field goals, including
two by Boston's John Havlicek, but
the seven-point difference at that
stage was the closest the East
came in the first half.
The West, playing stingy defense
and forcing the sloppy East into
numerous turnovers, led 39-29 af-
ter one period, then ballooned its
advantage to a shocking 64-39 with
3:05 remaining in the half.
The East again retaliated with
four consecutive baskets, two by
New York's Walt Frazier, but a
reverse lay-up by Portland's Sid-
ney Wicks with 18 seconds left
provided the West with a 66-47
halftime bulge.

No. 308 (3) "Mathematical Ideas in Science & Humanities.". W. Kaplan, Collegiate Prof.
Info: 359 W. Engine (48586) MWF 10 a.m. 3082 Nat.

No. 350/Psych 350 (3) "Human Growth & Development." R. Moyers & staff
Info: 322 Victor Vann (44485)
No. 402/American St/Engineering Hums "American Folklore." Reusse
Info: 1077 E. Engine (41420)

T 1I a.m.(+sect
MLB Aud. Ni
MWF 1 p
3035 E. En

MINI-COURSES are available for WINTER '74. Call "POINT 30" for most current information.
new courses become available throughout the term, they will be added to this 24-hr. tape forf
accurate information referral.

Tie College of Literature, Science & the Arts
Announces the following UNIVERSITY COURSES
still open for WINTER '74 elections
(Division No. 495-all other registration info available at the numbers indicated)

No. 236/Engineering Hums 236 (4) "History of Cinema." H. Cohen.
Info: 1077 E. Engine (41420)

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with 3 minutes remaining. Maravich, the league's No. 2'
That was as close as the East scorer, was the major architect
came. of the East's comeback in the fi-
Towering Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, nal period. Held scoreless in the
Club sports provide
outlet for enthusiasts
By BRIAN DEMING the club sports in intramural com-
Oft neglected on the priorities of petition. The rugby, soccer, and
the A t h I e t i c Department and ski teams and other clubs actively
buried intthe depths of the sports compete w i t h other organized
page. is the vast and persistently; clubs. The LaCrosse Club, one of
popular arena of Michigan club the more popular clubs includes a
sports. Lost in a sports world spring vacation trip to Florida in
where football is tyrant and bas- its schedule.
ketball, hockey, baseball and the Those interested in getting in
other major sports sap the bulk volved in club sports should con-
of the sports revenue and atten-
tion, club sports are sustained al- tact the Intramural Building.
most exclusively by the partici-
pant's energy and finances. AMERICAN ARTS GUILD
Still, the clubs not only per- AICANJA R Y GL E
sist but thrive. There are, at INDIAN JEWELRY SALE
present, 20 clubs offering full- 15% OFF
fillment in all sports you care CAMPUS INN-HURON ROOM
to know and some you may not. Jan. 19 Daily Jan. 20
From archery to white water SAT. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. SUN.
canoing, from cricket to tae
kwon do, from fencing to table
tennis the clubs have beenaor-
ganized to' satisfy the demands
of people with broader sports
interests than available intra- University 0
murals provide.

Open until

9 p.m.



Shop at

f Michigan

Boxing, for example, an almost TN
forgotten collegiate sport, has a'
place among the club sports. Or-/
ganized br Let Philbin, the club ;
meetr ...rice weekly at the Intra-A,
feet boxing skills.
While the club does not compete G d f ~ etn
intercollegiately it does put on sev-/
eral demonstrations and exhibi-
tions-one at the Whitmore Laken.I - 2 p .
Boys Training School and one at
Veterans Memorial Hospital. The in basement of
season, which started in October,

1. UCLA (46)
2. Notre Dame
3. N.C. State
4. Maryland
S. North Carolina
6. Maranette




17. Pittsburgh 12-1 53
18. Missouri 10-3 45
19. Wisconsin 9-2 38.
20. tie Cincinnati 10-3 29
Daily Libels 7-0 29
Others repiving 1nac lict,.A

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