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April 07, 1974 - Image 1

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41it iauF


See Today for details

EightyFour Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 150

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, April 7, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages




Nixon protest
No sooner did Mr. Nixon finalize his plans to visit the
Wolverine state this week than the folks at the Ann Arbor
"Committee to Impeach Nixon" headquarters got on the
stick and announced plans for another protest. Dan
Ruben, who helped organize last month's protest in Chi-
cago, said that the committee is looking for both pro-
testers and cars to put them in. If you would like to
offer your services in either of these departments, call
665-6200 or 662-6671, and a cheerful committee worker
will rope you into service. Nixon is expected in Saginaw
News editor dies
David Tefft, news editor of The Ann Arbor News, died
yesterday of a heart attack. Tefft, who was 57, had
worked for the News since 1941, first as editor of the
paper's farm, garden and outdoor coverage, next on the
sports staff, and finally as news editor beginning in 1962.
"He had one interest in life," according to Daily type-
setter Merlyn Lavey, a former News employe "That
was getting the news to everybody every day."
Happenings .. .
k'are running low today and tomorrow. A benefit
performance of a one-act play by Chris Christian will be
held for the African Relief Fund. Performances are at 8
and 10 p.m. tonight . . the Attica Brigade is sponsor-
ing Part 2 of a study group on African liberation move-
ments in Rm. 220 Tyler House, East Quad ... WABX-
FM presents the second of its GreatiWomen in Music
series, "Any Woman's Blues," featuring Bessie Smith,
at 9 p.m. . co. and Dr. Ed Pierce,candidate for Con-
gress, will be on the Diag at noon tomorrow through Fri-
day to answer questions.
Love story
While the press and the present Administration may
not exactly be on cordial terms, the fourth estate has at
least one fan. "The press saved me from an asylum,"
said Martha Mitchell, wife of former Atty. Gen. John
Mitchell. Ms. Mitchell was back in Washington for a
week's stint as co-hostess on a local television talk
show. She said she doesn't mind being ribbed about her
phone calls to repoyrters. "I want to say from the bot-
tom of my heart that i would not be sitting here today
i t weren't for the press," she said.
To your health
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Rep. Wilbur
Mills (D-Ark.) introduced a new national health insur-
ance plan to cover all Americans yesterday at a Wash-
ington press conference. The plan, which would be
financed through employer and employe payroll taxes,
differs chiefly from President Nixon's plan in that, while
the service is voluntary in Nixon's plan, it is compul-
soryin the Kennedy-Mills program. Employes would
pay a maximum ,of $200 a year for health insurance if
the worker earned up to $20,000. Employers would pay a
maximum of $600 for each worker. Mills predicted that
Congress would pass the program this year. Other in-
siders, however, viewed the prediction as optimistic.
'Out' of Asia?
While Rep. Mills was prognosticating a health care
victory, Democratic leader Mike Mansfield had some
predictions of his own yesterday. Claiming that the Sen-
ate has "had Southeast Asia up to their necks," Mans-
field predicted that the Senate would join the House in
barring stepped up U. S. aid for Southeast Asia. "With
our men out, they want out all the way," said Mans-
Dissidents released
Dissident. sources reported yesterday that Soviet au-
thdrities have released two political dissenters from
Leningrad psychiatric hospitals. The two-Vladmir
Borisov, a young electrician, and art critic Viktor Fain-
berg-Were renowned for several hunger strikes, one
lasting over 70 days, to protest their confinement. Boris-
ov, who was detained after signing a protest letter to
the United Nations, was reportedly released "afew days
ago." Borisov, who was detained without trial after tak-
ing part in 'a demonstration against the Warsaw Pact of
invasion of Czechloslovakia in 1968, was allegedly re-
leased at the end of last year.

Korean arrests
Several days after South Korea's government an-
nounced a maximum penalty of death for revolting stu-
dents, 32 people have been ordered to stand trial for
alleged espionage activities in Seoul. The group, alleg-
edly working for North Korea, were arrested by the
South Korean Central Intelligence Agency in Febru-
ary. They have reportedly operated in two rings for
the past 10 years, trying to form a revolutionary group
among intellectuals, armed forces officers and politic-
ians. The group indicted yesterday includes four univer-
sity and high school teachers, two clergymen and a
former national assemblyman.
On the inside .. .
. . former HRP Council members Jerry De Grieck
and Nancy Wechsler review their terms on City Council
in a Sunday magazine piece by Marty Porter . . . and
Bill Crane discusses Michigan's doubleheader split on
the Sports Page.
A2's wenther






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AP Photo
PRESIDENT NIXON takes leave of French acting president Alain Po her at the Elysee Palhce in Paris yesterday after a 30 minute talk.
White House Chief of Staff Alexander Hiug described Nixon's session with Poher as very cordial. Nixon attended the Requiem Mass
yesterday morning at Notre Dame Cathedral in memory of Georges Pompidou, then talked with Soviet, Japanese, West German and Brit-
ish leaders at the U. S. embassy residence, where he spent the night.
Leaders attendompidou rites:
SPARIS (Reuter)-Monarchs, presidents, prime ministers and He and Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny joined Britain's Duke
government officials from 68 countries paid final homage here to of Edinburgh, King Baudouin of Belgium, Queen Juliana of the
SPresident Pompidou yesterday-then President Nixon and other Netherlands and others in a glittering array of the world's leaders
Western leaders plunged into a round of talks. under the high-vaulted roof of the 12th century Notre Dame.
Almost as soon as the S-minute memorial service in Notre Dame More than 5,000 police manned barriers and controlled the streets
Cathedral was o'ver, Western leaders started meetings to survey the around the cathedral on the le de la Cite in a massive security drive
::situation in the troubled Western camp. called "Operation Hedgehog."
Nixon, who has scarcely traveled abroad since the Watergate POLICE SHARP-SHOOTERS hid themselves on nearby rooftops
affair and the threat of impeachment began bearing down on him, while inside the cathedral a special SO-strong police squad of experts
decided to stay in Paris overnight rather than return to Washington in protecting important personalities stationed themselves beside
immediately, so as to gain time for talks. pillars and at other strategic points.
But there were no incidents-apart from 10 confusing minutes
NIXON STRESSED the need for closer consultations and coopera- when kings, queens, presidents and premiers were left in a throng
9 tion between the United States and its European allies during more outside the cathedral afterwards waiting for their official cars to
than four hours of talks here with other Western leaders. pick them up.
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Taylor claims authority
lies with Commissioners

County Commissioner Eliza-
beth Taylor said yesterday
she believes Sheriff Fred Pos-.
till acted without proper
authority in firing t h r e e
staff members of the Washte-
naw County Jail Inmate
Rehabilitation Program last
"My opinion is that the
County Board of Commission-
ers has the ultimate authority
in grants," said Taylor, a
Democrat who is chairwoman
of the subcommittee which
handles federal grants to the
mounty, including the one to
the jail program.s
IN A RELATED develoment,
the coordinators of two groups
which have worked in the jail's
educational p r o g r a m withdrew
their support yesterday, saying
Postill's actions had "seriously
jeopa'rdized the effectiveness of the
The two groups, Project Com-
munity and Project Outreach, had
provided the jail's educational pro-
gram with volunteer tutors and
auxiliaries. The coordinators, Brian
O'Donnell and Susan Sholender, in-
cluded their charges in a letter to
Postill made public yesterday.
The two actions added further
fuel to a controversy which has
been brewingsince last Wednesday
when Sheriff Fred Postill fired
three program staff members and
accepted the resignation of Jail
Administrator Paul Wasson in an
apparent dispute over authority.
ACCORDING to Taylor, "We
(the County Commissioners) are
the ones that sign the grant con-
tract, not the Sheriff's Depart-
ment. We signed a legally binding
contract with the Law Elnforce-
ment Assistance Administration
(LEAA) and if anything goes
wrong, we can be cited for breach
of contract."
Neither Postill enor Administra-
tive Aide Laird Harris could be
reached for comment yesterday,
but both have consistently main-
tainedthat ultimate authority over
the program, including hiring and
firing, rests with the Sheriff's De-
The Inmate Rehabilitation Pro-
gram is funded by an LEAA grant
which comes' through a division of
the Office of Criminal Justice in
Lansing. Taylor said she had been
in contact with a member of the
office during the week, and that
her view has been corroborated.
TAYLOR ALSO said she believed,
on the same basis, that Postill did
not have the authority 'to name his
undersheriff, James Spickard, as
See COUNTY, Page 2


30 defy
Wrig ley's
Some 30 protesters defied a court
order yesterday and continued to
picket at Wrigley's store at Sta-
dium and Washtenaw Aves., urg-
ing shoppers to boycott non-United
Farm Workers (UFW) picked
grapes and Gallo wine.
Police were called to the scene
after the UFW supporters, includ-
ing State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-
Ann Arbor) and City Councilwo-
man - elect Kathy Kozachenko
(HRP-Second Ward), refused to
heed the court injunction, which
limits picketing to two persons.
NO ARRESTS were made.
"As far as I'm concerned, un-
less they break a city law there
are no problems out there," Police
Cantain Donald Carnahan said.
The order forbidding picketing by
more than two persons was handed
down Monday by Oakland County
Circuit Judge John O'Brien. Al-
though the order applies to the
entire state, it is not clear that
local governments are obliged to
enforce it, according to Bullard.
"IT'S A VERY questionable tem-
porarv restrainingorder," Bullard
said. "It's an order made without
statements from the United Farm
Workers, which appears to restrict
First Amendment rights.
"The order came down in Oak-
land County, and it's very 'ques-
tionable that it can apply all over






differs from Nixon'

By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - P r e s i d e n t
Nixon's former personal lawyer,
Herbert Kalmbach, has reportedly
sworn that C. G. Rebozo told him
he passed on parts of a $100,000
Howard Hughes campaign contri-
bution to the President's private
secretary and one of his brothers.
The Washington Post said yes-
terday that Kalmbach told the Sen-
ate Watergate Committee and
the Watergate special prosecutor's

office that the money went either
as a gift or a loan to Rose Mary
Woods and Donald Nixon.
KALMBACH's alleged story con-
tradicts Nixon's account of the
controversial $100,000 campaign
contribution by multi - millionaire
Howard Hughes.
President Nixon has said public-
ly that after his close friend,
"Bebe" Rebozo received the $100,-
000, in cash he kept it in a safe

Israel, Syria clash
on eve o Passover
By The Associated Press
Israel forces opened fire on Syrian troops on the Golan Heights
front yesterday morning and used warplanes for the first time since
the October cease-fire, United Nations truce observers reported.
Israeli air force jets were called in for a second time in the after-
noon to strike Syrian infiltrators who attacked an Israeli position on Mt.
Herman, the Israel military command said.
ISRAEL SAID it acted in both cases after the Syrians crossed the
Golan truce line hours before the Passover holiday began and attacked
an Israeli position on the snowy slopes of the mountain.

for three years without
it, eventually returning it
ly the same form in whi
written by Carl Bernstein
Woodward and quoting
sources, said Kalmbach
committee and the Water
cial prosecutor's office th.
called him last spring for
vice about the $100,000.
It said that according
source'sdescription of Ka
testimony, the lawyer sal
had told him he had tui
part of the money to WV
Nixon for their personal
exact amount of money
to could not be learned,
Rebozo's attorney, Willia
of Miami, said his clien
fidante of the Presiden
the story. Charles Rhyne,
for Woods, called it "jus
terous from what I know
REBOZO HAS sworn th
the entire $100,000 contri
the reclusive billionaire B
a safe for three years,
returned it. Woods testifi
oath that she received rn
from Rebozo.
The Post said Rebozo
the purported gift or loan
Kalmbach for legal ad
spring after learning the
Revenue Service (IRS) wa
into the Hughes contribu
Kalmbach testified tha
vised Rebozo to inform
about the transactions,1
MEANWHILE, there h
reports from around the
of appeals being launche

Post says
touching $1,500,000, plus valuable papers
in exact- amassed during his presidency
ch it was that could be sold.
Nixon's a c c o u n t a n t, Arthur
Blech, said in a newspaper inter-
OSt story, view yesterday that tax authori-
and Bob ties have given the President per-
told the mission to file his taxes after the
gtd the April 15 deadline because the form
rgate spe- z must be redone in the light of the
at Rebozo tax ruling.
legal ad-
g to the
almbach's O icials
id Rebozo
rned over
roods and
use. The
the Post
tm Frates'ornado
t, a con-
t, denied
t prepos-amage
iof her."
at he kept By The Associated Press
buted by Federal officials who toured six
Hughes in tornado-stricken states said yester-
and then day that damage to insured prop-
ied under erties hit by last week's storms
no money was more than $500 million. They
estimated that between 6,000 and
disclosed 7,000 homes were destroyed or un-
in asking inhabitable.
vice last Housing and Urban Development
Internal Secretary James Lynn led a group
as looking that visited the six states that
tion. President Nixon declared federal
it he ad- disaster areas. The officials toured
the IRS Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio on
the Post Friday and Tennessee, Georgia
and Alabama yesterday.
FOR THE STORM'S victims,
ave been the weekend was a time for bury-
country ing the dead and cleaning up com-
d to help munities turned to rubble by the

Israel said its fighter bombers
and big guns were called on to re-
pulse the Syrians in the morning,
that the Syrians withdrew after a
half hour, and that Israel com-
plained to the United Nations in
But Syria said the Israelis at-
tacked a Syrian position on the
mountain first.
MEANWHILE, Egypt's Middle
East News Agency claimed Libyan
Premier Abdel Salem Jalloud had
stripped Libyan leader Moammar
Khadafy of power and pushed him
into a figurehead position.

Students to
ogive profs
It's an all out war against the
The literary c o I1 e g e Student

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