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April 06, 1974 - Image 1

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41itAS C o


Low- 32
See Today for details

See Editorial Page

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 149

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, April 6, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Cop cars
Your local police department came through again
with a brand new shipment of 28 shiny police cars.
The cars, which cost $3398 each, are beginning to. arrive
and will go into service as soon as the old ones run
up too much mileage. The city had to buy the cars
because of a clause in the policemen's contract which
says they don't have to drive cars that have more than
42,000 miles - which for a police car is a little less
than one year's work. The cars were purchased under
last year's budget.
The joy of psoriasis
No flaking and itching for University biomedical in-
vestigators John Voorhees and Elizabeth Duell. The
pair, both professors in the Department of Dermatology,
received the International Taub Award for Psoriasis Re-
search. The award carries a $1,000 honorarium and is
given periodically when it is determined that a signifi-
cant advance has been made in the understanding
of psoriasis. Voorhees and Duell are conducting a
long-term investigation on the molecular pathology of
abnormal cell growth which results in psoriasis and
skin cancer.
In the reel world
Patrons at Thursday night's 11 o'clock showing of the
skin flick "The Devil in Miss Jones" were treated to an
exhibition of real skin when a streaker leaped down
the steps of the Natural Science Aud. and hopped across
the lab table with arms outstretched in the infamous
victory sign. He returned for an encore to a standing
ovation by the crowd, and then leaped back up the
steps to join a clothed confederate.
In yesterday's Daily we mistakenly reported Martha.
Petit as a candidate for Congress on the Socialist Labor
Party ticket. She is in fact a candidate on the Socialist
Worker. Party line. Also in yesterday's paper was a
mistake in the Graduation Graduate Employes Or-
ganization (GEO). Next year's officers will be elected
by the total membership of GEO in Sept., not by the
steward's council as reported. The interim summer
officers will be elected by the council on April 18.
Happenings . .
are slim today. The African Famine Relief Fund
is holding a bucket drive today. Volunteers are needed
to stand at several locations in town. For more informa-
tion call 763-4692 or 662-5529 . . . at 1 p.m. this after-
noon there will be an elimination tournament to select
men and women for the University billard team. The
competition will be held in the billiard room of the
Union . . . There will be a Full Moon Meditation at
8 p.m. in the Arb. It's part of the Festival of Life:
Celebration of Consciousness and Spiritual Sharing
.. and there'll be a "Zenta thanksgiving bash" to cele-
brate the passage of the $5 dope laws here and in Ypsi-
lanti from 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. at Carpenter Hall, 5300
W. Michigan Ave. in Ypsi. Music will be by the Rockets
and Vipers. Admission is $3.00 which includes all the
beer you can drink. Dope is strictly BYO, however.
Illegal contributions
A federal grand jury yesterday indicted the American
Ship Building Co. and its board chairman, accusing
them of making illegal contributions to the campaigns of
President Nixon and influential members of Congress,
the Watergate special prosecutor announced. The com-
pany was charged with one count of conspiracy and
one cunt of illegal contributions. The company's board
chairman, George Steinbrenner, was charged with one
count of conspiracy, five counts of violating campaign
contributions laws, two counts of helping individuals give
false statements to the FBI,four counts of obstruction
of justice and two counts of obstructing a criminal in-
vesigation. Conviction on all counts could subject Stein-
brenner to a maximum sentence of 55 years in prison and
a fine of $85,000, the prosecutor's office said. The com-
pany could face a maximum fine of $20,000.
Batter up
The executive board of Little League Baseball, Inc.,

unanimously voted yesterday to appeal to the New Jersey
Supreme Court an order that girls be allowed to com-
pete with boys this year on the baseball diamond. Af-
ter a day-long meeting, the board directed its ,ttorneys,
to proceed immediately with its appeal of a civil rights
order concerning the use of girls by a tittle League
in Hoboken, N.J. The order directed that if there is
any Little League competition in the Garden State this
year, girls must be allowed to participate. The Little
League board, while taking no further stand on whe-
ther girls should play, simply issued the brief state-
ment that the civil rights order would be appealed. How-
ever, a spokesperson for the league indizated he did
not feel girls would compete with boys in any sanctioned
leagues this year in the United States.
On the inside . .
. . Cindy Hill relives her first expedition to Chi-
cago on today's Editorial page . . . . Arts page fea-
tures Rob Meachum's review of Chris Christians' Killers
from E-1 . . . and Roger Rossister gives a first hand
account of Hammerin' Hanks 714th on the Sports Page.





AP Photo
Redeemin gsocial value
"The Virgin," a painting by American artist Andrew Wyeth, draws attention in Tokyo's National Mu-
seum of Modern Art following a censorship controversy over its display. The painting had also drawn
considerable attention from Japanese censors, who allowed its inclusion in Wyeth's exhibition that opened
yesterday only after an accompaying catalogue depiction was changed.

Indians sue

Rege nts

2 counts
Chapin, President Nixon's ap-
pointments secretary, w a s
convicted yesterday on two
counts of lying to a grand
jury investigating political
sabotage in the 1972 presi-
dential campaign.
Sentencing of the 33-year-
old Chapin, now an airline
vice president on leave, .was
set by U. S. District Judge
Gerhard Gesell for May 15.
Chapin will remain free with-
out bond.
"I'm going to continue to fight
for my innocence," Chapin told re-
porters afterwards.. "On the day
I was indicted I went out on my
front lawn and said I was inno-
cent. I intend to fight this thing
all the way through."
He also said "obviously I am
very disappointed. The judge threw
out one count of the indictment,
the jury threw out one count and
on a portion of another I was found
not guilty."
He said he and his wife will re-
tvrn to their home in Winnetka,
Ill., a suburb of Chicago by Mon-
day vhen he must report to a pro-
bation officer.
verdict, delivered by a jury that
deliberated nearly 11% hours,
Chapin walked over to his weeping
wife and kissed her.
He was the eighth former White
House aide convicted either by
guilty plea or trial.
After the jury had deliberated
about 8 hours Thursday and yes-
terday its foreman, Charles Wes-
lev sent a note to Judge Gesell:
"Request legal definition of be-
yond reasonable doubt."
Judge Gesell repeated that por-
tion of instructions which he had
given before sending the three-
count perjury charge against
President Nixon's former White
House secretary to the jury a day
"It is a doubt based on reason,"
Judge Gesell said-not fanciful or
whimsical and not to a point of
See CHAPIN, Page 2
Nixon's coning!
President Nixon yesterday de-
cided to campaign for Repub-
lican candidate John Sparling
in Michigan next week and
face a risky test of public reac-
tion to his own Watergate and
tax problems. As party leaders
there squabbled over whether
Nixon's presence would help or
hurt, the White House an-
nounced he would fly to Michi-
gan April 10 to campaign for
John Sparling, who is hoping
to win a House of Representa-
tives' seat that has been Re-
publican for the past 42 years.

AP Photo
DWIGHT CHAPIN, President Nixon's former appointments secre-
tary, leaves U. S. District Court Friday in Washington. Chapin was
convicted by a federal district court jury of lying to a federal grand
Nixon loverS h1



"We have won our day in court against the Re-
gents", a jubilant Elmer White, attorney for the Chip-
pewa, Ottowa and Potawatomy Tribe said.
The controversial case initially stems from the
Treaty of Fort Meigs, drafted and signed in 1817. Most
of the articles of the Treaty dealt with cash sale of
Indian lands; however in Article 16 the tribes con-
veyed 4,000 acres of land to the University.
No money was paid for this land, but in exchange
the University agreed to educate the children of the
tribes signing the treaty.
"The University put a promise in writing to edu-
cate Indian children - the question is simply whe-
ther or not this is going to be enforced," White ex-
"Judge Edward Deake rendered a very scholarly
and tightly reasoned opinion in denying an immediate
ruling to the Regents. Now we have won the right
to have a trial," he noted.
WASHTENAW CIRCUIT Court Judge Deake denied
UFW suppor
'ki~cks off' G,
By STEPHEN HERSH cialist Workers
Seventy five people rallied on for governor R
the Diag at noon in what local John Farley rep
United Farm Workers (UFW) sup- Arbor boycott.
port Committee members termed After the rall'
a "rally to kick off the Gallo cam- including Bullar
paign," yesterday, "We went to South University
get the word to people not to buy an's, the Village
Gallo wine," explained committee Mart and Villa
member John Farley. result of negotia
Speakers included Rabbi Bruce testers, Village
Warshal, City. Councilwoman-elect Mart refused ft
Kathy Kozachenko (HRP-Second Gallo, Village Ap
Ward), State Rep. Perry Bullard would clean out
(D-Ann Arbor), Director of the allow UFW pec
Michigan boycott Sam Baca, So- store for it regu

a move by the Regents last Monday to dismiss the
In the suit, the Regents had claimed that Article
16 of the treaty did not create an obligation as a
matter of law.
Deake believes that article 16 is ambiguous in
meaning and depending upon the evidence presented
at the trial, it could be interpreted to support either
the plaintiffs' claim or the defendant's.
"SOME SAY THAT even at this point we have
been in court too long," Attorney White commented,
"but those who learn of this case generally agree
with me that the complexity and power of the ideas
and forces joined here require that the court move
slowly but surely toward its responsibility of insur-
ing that justice is done."
At the time of the initial filing of this class action
lawsuit, August 1971, less than 20 native American
students were enrolled in the University.
See INDIANS, Page 8

"I think he's the greatest Presi-
dent we've ever had or ever will
have," gushed Mabel Johnson of
Pittsfield Township at the Wash-
tenaw County "Support 'the Presi-
dent" Committee's petition drive
held yesterday in Briarwood Mall
from 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
By 2:00 p.m. only 50 people had
signed' the petition, echoing John-
son's administration, but George
Rinderspacher of Southfield re-
mained expectant. He said, "It's
terrific. At Westland shopping cen-
ter we got 1500 signatures in two
days. Our goal is 22,000."
The drive's bleak headquarters,
set apart from Briarwood's main
crush of shoppers in a bare ob-
scure room, and its sparse turn-
out were in marked contrast to
Wednesday's D i a g impeachment
rally that drew 400 protesters, but
several people traveled to the mall
for the express purpose of signing
the petition.
Johnson, who owns Whitehall Con-
valescent Homes, remarked, "I
told. the manager we're going to
charge him for all the people we're
bringing in."
Johnson celebrated his birthday
yesterday ocmmenting, "I can't

think of a nicer way of spending
His wife Mabel explained her
support of Nixon, "There's a con-
spiracy against him. He's com-
pletely helpless. He can't stand up
for himself."
Commenting on his connection
with Watergate, she continued,
"He's absolutely not guilty. There's
no man more sincere and honest."
A woman from Saline agreed
saying, "It's all drummed up.
Nixon's too brilliantdto have been
Mabel Johnson concluded her
support of Nixon with, "Even Kis-
singer takes orders from him."
RINDRSPACHER expressed his
admiration saying, "We think he's
done wonderful things. Imagine
what he could do if people would
ever let him."
The day's Nixon supporters con-
demned the press for what one
man termed, "trying, judging, and
practically hanging him (Nixon)."
Another man singled out The
Michigan Daily charging, "I think
The Michigan Daily is terrible.
You're so biased you shouldn't be
allowed to publish."
One woman who noticed The
Daily's r e p o r t e r commented,
See LOCAL, Page 2

't committee

Party candidate
obbin Maisel and
presenting the Ann
ly, 10-15 boycotters
rd, set off down
y to picket Steph-
Agothecary, Food
ge Corner. As a
tions with the pro-
Corner and Food
at out to boycott
pothecary said they
t Gallo stock and
ople to check the
larly. Stephan said

he was afraid he would get in
trouble for discriminating against
Gallo wine, but would boycott if
they checked into it for him.
A Village Corner employe re-
portedly told Bullard, "It's more
fun to smoke dope with you on the
Diag than to talk to you about
MEANWHILE, the UFW's pro-
gram of regularly picketing Wrig-
ley supermarkets in Michigan was
threatened by a temporary re-
straining order by Oakland County
Circuit Judge John O'Brien.
O'Brien ordered a curtailment of
the UFW demonstrations by per-
mitting only two people at a time
to picket at any one store.
The judge further specified that
the union must stop interference
with the movement of people and
goods at the stores, and must stop
displaying signs and distributing
leaflets urging a boycott of the
THE EX PARTE restraining or-
der was issued on the basis of a
complaint by Allied Supermarkets,
Inc., which operates Wrigley
stores. It is a temporary order
that will remain in effect until
O'Brien rules on the company's
lawsuit requesting a total ban on
picketing. Both Teamster and UFW
representatives will be present at
the hearing.

Eseli's opinion on impeachment

hinges on House

SGC elections set
for preregistration

Congressman Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) said he
was delaying his decision on impeachment of Presi-
dent Nixon until all the facts - notably those of the
House Judiciary Committee .- are in, during a meet-
ing here yesterday.
"I will reserve judgment until the house Judiciary
Committee completes its findings," Esch announced
yesterday at a meeting organized by the Ann Arbor
Committee to Impeach Nixon.
"This particular vote is not based on popularity
or lack of popularity," Esch explained, "Or even if
most people want him impeached, but on the facts
turned up by the House Judiciary Committee."
LIKEWISE, IT will be the Committee's definition
of a "high crime or misdemeanor" that Esch will use
to judge those findings. But if the President should
refuse to comply with a Committee subpoena, Esch
said he would consider this an impeachable offense.
Asked why Nixon has refused to fully co-operate
thus far with the Watergate investigators, Esch re-
fused to give an opinion, saying that as an elected

Student Government C o u n c i I
(SGC) decided Thursday night to
hold new elections during spring
preregistration of classes. In an
economy move, SGC elections will
be run by an outgoing council
member for less than one-fifth of
last year's $5000 cost.
Despite this action, which it is
hoped will solve the financial prob.

council member Jim Glickman re-
snonsible for the elections. Glick-
man, who will be paid $750 for the
job in October, has agreed not to
seek re-election.
meeting, SGC President Carl Sand-
berg said he was unsure if the
elections would actually take place.
According to Sandberg, there
are possible legal difficulties in

:. L
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