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April 04, 1974 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1974-04-04

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officers resign in Israel

JERUSALEM (RP) - Israel fac-
ed a new political crisis yester-
day as top military officers re-
signed+ or were suspended from
duty for failing to be prepared
for the October Mideast war.
The opposition also called for
the ouster of Premier Golda Meir

and her defense minister, Moshe
Lt. Gen. David Elazar, 49, a
hero of the 1967 Middle East
war, quit as Chief of Staff, and a
few hours later Maj. Gen. Eliahu
Zeira resigned as chief of intelli-


Daily Photo by KEN FINK
Nutrition on a stick
Jerry Poquette, campus Good Humor man, began his 12th year of service to the University community
yesterday. He believes he should get an honorary degree from the University for "keeping the kids
healthy all these years." Prices are up a nickel over last year's prices. "I don't think it's Good Hu-
mor's fault. You better take that up with Mr. Nixon."
Court acquits federal agents
of instaken drug related raids

DURBAN, South Africa W) -
The minister completed the mar-
riage ceremony which made Miss
Jeanette Cunningham-Brown, 20,
the wife of Michael Murphy.
The new Ms. Murphy missed
some of the wedding reception,
however. She stood well apart
from others outside St. Alphege's
Church last month while guests
shouted chamipaigne toasts.
Four days before her wedding
on February 4 she and three men
were served with five y e a r
banning orders under the Sup-
pression of Communism Act.
HER ORDER affected her wed-
ding by limiting the number of
people she could directly social-
ize with. It controls where she
may work and where she may
Immediately after the cere-
mony the newlyweds launched a
successful legal fight to live to-
gether. Part of the banning order
stipulated that she had to reside
at the home of her parents at
Pietermaritzburg. The Murphys
wanted to set up housekeeping at
Durban, 40 miles away, w h e r e
her husband is a high s c h o o l
teacher. The justice ministry

granted their appeal.
Ms. Murphy shares her ban
with an estimated 200 other
white, brown and black South Af-
THERE IS seldom an official
explanation for the crackdown,
not even to those restricted. The
only hint comes from their activi-
ties before the Suppression of
Communism Act is invoked.
In the month before she mar-
ried, Ms. Murphy and the three
men banned with her were ac-
tive as white trade unionists in
helping black laborers organize
and strike for better wages in.
the Durban area.
Black and white clergymen
who hve condemned the official
race policy of apartheid have
been banned. Politically active
mulatto journalists and Asian
civil rights leaders have been
THE.COMMON denominator
seems to be that those most like-
ly to be banned are outspoken
critics of government policy, par-
ticularly in the area of race re-
Justice Minister Petrus Pelser
told parliament recently that 67

ISRAEL'S ONCE proud high
command was rocked by the re-
port of an inquiry committee,
published Tuesday, which accus-
ed Elazar and Zeira of making
light of Arab war preparations.
Another high general, Shmuel
Gonen, lost his job as command-
v'ins suiti
persons were banned last year
Unofficial statistics indicate
that since the mid-1950s about
2,000 South Africans of all races
have been banned, some under
the Riotous Assemblies Act, but
most under the Suppression of
Communism Act.
Banning orders can be lifted or
extended, again with no official
volume LXXXIV, Number 147
Thursday, April 4, 1974'
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. News pnne
764-0562. Second class postage paid at
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Published
ldaily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 May-
nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.
Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (cam.
pus area); $11 local mail (Michigan and
Ohio); $12 non-local mail (other states,
and foreign).
Summer session publishea Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip.
tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus
area). $6.50 local mail (Mitigan and
Ohio); $7.00 non-local mail other
states and foreign).

er of the southern Sinai, a post
to which he had been transferred
after he was sacked as Egyptian
front commander during the war.
The right - wing opposition
Likud -promised "a relentless
struggle" to oust Dayan because
he was Elazar's superior.
Likud's Shmuel Tamair con-
tended Meir also should quit,
along with her Cabinet, which he
said was closest to developments
preceding the war. Leftists with-
in Meir's Labor party also cla-
mored for Cabinet resignations.
THE INQUIRY committee of
two supreme court:judges, two
former chiefs of staff and the
state ombudsman wrote in its
report that it could pin no "di-
rect responsibility" on Dayan
and Meir, and praised some as-
pects of their conduct.
But it added it was not quali-
fied to rule on whether they
should quit because of their ov-
erall responsibility.
In streets and cafes, Elazar's
dismissal replaced mounting ten-
sion on the Israeli - Syrian front
as the key topic of conversation.
Many Israelis sympathized with
the general.


* President. & Vice-President
# Executive Council Seats
Filing forms for candidacy may be obtained at
the LS&A Student Government Office, Room
3M, Michigan Union.

"I HAVE BEEN done an in-
justice," Elazar charged in his
letter of resignation.
Labor party official Yitzhak
Ben - Aharon, a Dayan oppon-
ent, branded Elazar's resignation
as "a miscarriage of justice.'
Ben - Aharon told reporters it
was intolerable that only army
officers, and not Cabinet minis-
ters, were being penalized .
Likud demanded an unusually
long 10-hour parliamentary de-
bate on the affair. The debate is
set for next week.
ISRAELI newspapers also sid-
ed with Elazar. Maariv jeered at
the Cabinet, and said in an edi-
torial, "When everything goes
well in the army, it is to the
credit of the government. But
when failures are discovered,
then the army becomes an inde-
pendent body, and it alone bears
The report deals only with
Israel's state of alertness before
the war. The committee is to
convene again to probe Israel's
conduct of the fighting up to the
point that it stopped the Egyp-
tian and Syrian advances, and
eventually reversed them.

adopting rigid rules, the federal
drug agency has avoided mis-
taken raids like the 1973 sweep
into a Collinsville, Ill., home.
The new rules, which went in-
to effect nine months ago, 'came
after the furor over a series of
mistaken raids.
Seven federal drug agents
were acquitted Tuesday of vio-
lating the civil rights of 11 per-
sons in the raids which were con-
ducted without warrants in the
Collinsville area.
agents admitted they made a
mistake'in raiding the home ,of
Herbert Giglotto and his wife in
Collinsville. The victims of the
raids testified that the agents
mistreated and terrorized them.
Only one of the agents, Dennis
Moriarity, was acquitted of all

charges against him. Three ag-
ents still face charges of ob-
structing justice and the other
three of perjury.
Some of the agents claimed
they were maliciously prosecut-
ed by the Justice Department un-
der pressure from Sen. Charles
Percy, (R-Ill.)
raids.were instituted by John
Bartels, administrator of the'
Drug Enforcement Administra-
tion, after he was confirmed as,
head of the agency.
His changes included restric-
tions on the use of no-knock au-
thority, forced entry and limited
the use of firearms.
In commenting on the jury's
finding, Percy said the verdict
"must not give impetus to any
future actions which would vio-
late the constitutional rights, cw-

pecially the right to privacy, of
our citizens.
are not a proud event in law en-
forcement history. For that fea-
son, I am pleased that the DEA
has now established strict pro-
cedures which will provide max-
imum assurance that homes will
not be broken into and innocent
citizens harassed."

Rackham Student Government
is now taking applications to fill positions on:
* LSA Search Committee for Dean Rhodes'
* Dean Sussman's Grad Grievance Committee
* Long Range Planning Committee Task
Forces on:
-Decision Making Processes
-Size of the Student Body
To apply come to Room 2006 Rackham Building
or call 763-0109 weekday afternoons

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