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March 29, 1974 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1974-03-29

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Page Nine


in accused

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of unfair tactics

Fleming speaks out on etucs

(Continued from Page 1) reactions, but with so little time
and HRP council members as a before election day, "the Demo-
"form of political payoff" before crats would criticize anything I
they left office in 1973; do."
-that the city's 1.2 million debt Harris further charged that
was caused by the "fiscal irre-|Stephenson's claim of Democratic
snonsibility" of the outgoing coun- council members' participation in
cil; a demonstration, staged by gay ac-
-that the future. of Ann Arbor tivists during the March 4 council
"hangs on" defeating the two bal- meeting, 'was "an absolute lie."
lot proposals. | An observer at the session con-
While emphasizing the "distorted , firmed Harris' description of the
nature" of the mayor's allegations, I circumstances surrounding t h e
Harris further slammed Stephen- demonstration.
son for releasing his newsletter IN ANOTHER section of the
four days before the election - newsletter, Stephenson points outi
thereby "denying time for an ade- that a special police unit designed
quate response." to combat breakings and enterings
Stephenson denied there was any became' operational in January,
particular reason the letter was and an immediate drop in the
distributed yesterday. Although break-in rate was noticed.
this is the first such memo the However, the newsletter fails to
mayor has sent out, he said last mention that the unit had been
night he would have liked to is- authorized by Democratic-Repub-
sue newsletters shortly after tak- lican coalition on the outgoing
ing office. He was elected a year council, not by the GOP adminis-
ago. tration which took office in April
THE LEAFLET was apparently 1973. -
not sent out directly under the aus- "That is an example of oppor-
pices of the Republican Party. tunism, if not worse," Harris said
GOP city chairman Robert Fos- in reference to that statement.
ter said last night he knew about ACCORDING TO several politi-
the literature but that "Jim did it cal observers, the leaflet seems to
himself," and the party did not be aimed at Republican and inde-
subsidize the printing or distribu- pendent voters.
tion costs. After viewing the entire leaflet,I
Harris indicated he felt the Harris commented "this is the
charges had been aimed directly sleazy type of campaign tactic that
at the Democratic Party because Watergate is all about." The let-
the Republicans "are running ter might have an adverse influ-
scared," particularly in the tight ence on the voters, headded.
Fourth Ward contest. Stephenson commented that he
"This is a last ditch Republi- had received "a generally good
can effort," Harris said. reaction to" the literature which
COUNTERING those claims, he attributed to "the straight for-
Stephenson laughed that he ward way it explains what the
"wouldn't want to provoke" such situation is."
SGC Wants Students
University Committees
Union Board of Directors
Commission for Women'
Student Relations
Research Policies
Paper Conservation Task Force
U. Cellar Board of Directors
Director of Public Relations


(Continued from Page 1)
students to their own point of
view, and questioned the ethics of
some University professors-includ-
ing one who authored an allegedly}
sexist textbook for class reading,
and another who advocated con-
troversial treatment for persons
deemed to be "criminals."
Fleming replied that it was in-:
deed difficult to "draw a line,"
and said that the anti-war mate-'
rial was found to be "not rele-!
vant" and reiterated that Green,

sion by defining ethics as "honesty reporting," Fleming continued.
in behavior, fairness, humaneness "Our campus newspaper is en-
and integrtiy." He offered several tirely self-supporting. But on most
examples of ethical dilemmas he and you have to face the question
had encountered. campuses the paper is subsidized
Fleming used the case of cam- of how to balance the views of
pus newspapers as one such ex- irate legislators who say 'Do some-
ample. thing about that newspaper, or
"On every campus with a news- else we'll reduce your entire
paper there's a tension," said budget.'"
Fleming. "A campus paper will When asked if displeased Mich-
print almost anything. C a m p u s I igan legislators had threatened to
papers will tend to take a view lessen appropriations at the Uni-
which tends to be radical and not versity, Fleming answered "not
representative of the rest of the this year," but said the lawmakers
students." I had done so in the past.
"They tend to use obscenities Fleming refused to be more spe-
and sometimes engage in unfair cific or give details.


March 29
6 p.m.-12 midnite
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Your Address, Phone Number, etc., to


had used lab time.
The refusal of the University to
release salary lists also came un-
der fire.


- - - ~ - ~ ~ ~



"THERE ARE conflicting
rights," said Fleming. "There is
the value to the public to know
the salaries, and the right of the
faculty member to privacy," he
"You as students would be bit-
terly opposed to the records of
students being opened. Yet you
want the records of the faculty re-
leased. I don't see much differ-
ence between the two," he added.
According to Fleming, the only
valid request for release of indi-
vidual faculty members' salaries
is news media curiousity. He cited
the availability of more general
salary data as sufficienet for the
FLEMING OPENED his discus-

BENEFIT DANCE-Project Outreach
Ypsi State Hospital Division
FRIDAY, March 29-9:00 p.m.
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in Africa

For five years now, in the Central African Republic, C h a d, Ethiopians, Gambia,
Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Upper Volta, the rains have failed. Overlooked
by a world more vociferous troubles, draught has silently crept into the lives of at
least 50 million Africans. 13-15 million people face death from hunger, thousands
in the remote areas of the region have already died. Millions of livestock have per-
ished. Rivers are low and water holes and wells are dry.
Please support the BUCKET DRIVE by the
African Famine Relief Project
of the African Students Assoc. . .
to raise reief funds for 15 million people
(7-8 million children) faced with starvation

Even in this late stage in the school year, these committees need
people starting NOW (esp. the Paper Task Force). and extend-
ing through next school year--good idea to plan next year's
activities now.
Interviews for all positions will be Thurs., Mon. and Tues.
(March 28, April 1 & 2). Stop by the SGC offices, third floor
of the Union, to sign up for an interview and pick up on appli-
cation form, or if you need more information.

This ad sponsored by:


or clip coupon and mail with contribution to:
c/o ECC, 921 Church St.
I Ann Arbor, 48104
Make checks payable to Ecumenical Campus 1
Center( indicate Famine Relief)
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It's st il not too late to comedown to the Doily
and help us out. The Business Department
NEEDS PEOPLE who want to:
" work preparing ads and learning the
operations of a daily paper
" meet other good, f rustrated people
" party down once in a while
" drink 5c Cokes
* after the first month, make a LITTLE bit,
of money
Yni j Ann'i- ool nx/crmn-rinI c-I 1Ic i ic ,c+. el"ri mr



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