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March 23, 1974 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1974-03-23

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TL5~ kAtr~LatfAki Z'~AII V

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Saturday, March 23, 1974

Landlord contributions to rent KEY ELECTION ISSUE
control opposition said illegal Rent control generates intense

% 3-A t.

(Continued from Page 2)
pany time.
CGH HAS launched a massive
campaign aimed at defeating the
rent control proposal, which would
rollback rents to '72-'73 levels and
set a 14 per cent ceiling on land-
lord profits based on their invest-
CGH contends that the rent con-
trol proposal is a "bad bill" that

"will hurt the people it is designed,
to protect."
The anti-rent control campaign
is being handled by the Simons-
Michelson advertising company,
which is being paid an alleged
Minutes from a March 5 CGH
meeting reveal that landlords fear
that he massive media campaign
might make them look "very rich."

Suit reactions vary

One advertising angle allegedly'
discussed at the meeting was to
associate "queers"-homosexuals-
with the supporters of rent control.
THE CGH IS presently running
what appears to be a "Dear Neigh-
bor" campaign which stresses that
landlords would lose profits, and
that homeowners will be assessed
higher taxes to compensate for the
lower assessed valuations on the
city's 17,000 rental units.
A wide-variety of anti-rent con-
trol hand-outs have been distri-
buted throughout the city, especial-
ly in the Republican-dominated
Third and Fifth wards.
Meanwhile, an HRP spokesper-
son has charged that one of the
maintenance men from a local
management company w a s in-
structed to remove and destroy
HRP rent control literature when-
ever found in a rental unit.

(Continued from Page 1)
Ball proclaimed himself "uncer-
tain" about the fate of the pro-
posal, saying "if tenants and if
students vote we'll win. If not we'll
lose. We face a powerful enemy."

difficult and if rent control doesn't The Democrats, neutral as a: control, and is opposed to
work as planned the city will be party, supported "enactment of a last statement supporting;
stuck with it. practical, fair, and effective ordi- -Mary Richman, Secon
nance eliminating rent gouging and has supported, although wi
REPUBLICANS are also opposed encouraging maintenance" - sup- vations;
to the proposal. William Colburn posedly what the rent control pro- -Dan Burke, Third War
(R-Third Ward). currently running posal would do-but declined to i osed:

(Oontlnued from Page 1)
funds between June and December
The specific allegations against
Gill listed in the complaint include
creation of an illicit SGC account
in an Ypsilanti bank, using a fal-
sified signature on a bank author-I
ization statement, channeling of1
more than $5,000 for personal use
through both channels, and un-
authorized charging of $500 in long
distance phone calls to an SGC
tredit card.
Yesterday was the third straight
day that SGC officials were unable
to find Gill. But Bentley insists!
that it would "not be Lee's style

pros, cons
it, with posal is poorly designed. In addi-
tion, supporting rent control would
d Ward, be a political liability in the more
th reser- conservative parts, of the city.
Most political observers of the
d, is op- city scene expect rent, control to ''e
-defnated but the .intiekdr f h

to escape the civil charges.
SGC's investigation of Gill's fi-
nancial actions moved into full
swing only six weeks ago, when
Mullin made the accidental dis-
covery of her own signature-in an-
other person's handwriting-on an
SGC bank statement.

States' death penalty
laws'face Court test

/t'AV +nl^Af" P 04

. ergo avtrarna tnrn rnrs tiAri to tt, m

h s
le Conmunity of'God.
Make ityourway
w a.wen ...o.+t .Awar+

(continue*rro Pag se1) was extreme pVOaw11U LU Am.UM-
rape. mit the crime, and whether he was
When the Court issued its land- under duress at the time.
mark decision in 1972, it did not Aggravating f a c t o r s typically
outlaw punishment. d cited are having committed a
Instead, it attacked defective le- crime for pay, having displayed
gal procedure, specifically t h e unusual cruelty to a victim, or
roulette wheel manner in which having acted in cold blood rather
death sentences were dispensed. than on impulse.
As difficult as the 243 pages of I In some states a single mitigat-
the decision were to decipher, it facor istesu t rle ota:-
was clear the lawmakers were get- ng factor is enough to rule out a
ting a second chance. The chal- death sentence, so long as there,
lenge was to write new laws that are no aggravating factors.
took some of the element of chance This new approach and others'
out of sentencing. will be subjected to Supreme Court
Several of the new laws contain scrutiny, assuming the Court will
checklists of mitigating circum- content itself on the next round
stances that might weigh in a con- with another decision limited to
victed defendant's favor and ag- procedure.
gravating factors that would in- The justices instead could go to"
crease his chances of being sen-: the harder question-whether tak-
tenced to death. ing a defendant's life is unconsti-#
Mitigating factors often include tutional. Sooner or later, that is
a defendant's youth, whether there the one they must answer.
Phone 764-0558

, p1tu ;YQ t/ L 1 G1{1V L l-11 u l VV UU UP-U ~+11U l 'JlSl U;Z LV ,y t'U L1 1je 1 ui ne
OPPOSED TO passage of rent for re-election in the Fourth Ward, take a formal party stand on the - -Jamie Kenworthy, F o u r t h e m o t i o n surrounding the issue
control is an organization called is typical of Republican candidates. issue at a meeting in February. I Ward, favors, although he says the makes all predictions tentative.
Citizens for Good Housing. This Colburn commented, "I'm definite- The position of Democratic can- ( proposal "is an administrative The combination of lack of strong
group, first called Citizens Opposed ly opposed to rent control. It will didates is difficult to ascertain. nightmare"; and Democratic support; the massive
to Rent Control, has spearheaded lower assessed property values, Some are opposed, some favor, but --Paul Brown, Fifth Ward, op- media campaign oppo'ing rent
the drive to defeat the proposed and will have a devastating effect all have strong reservations. The poses. control, and a strong gat out the
charter amendment. on taxes for homeowners. It wil. positions are: The general mood of the party vote campaign by landlords seems
When they were still known as cut maintenance and dry up the -Colleen McGee, First Ward, seems to be that rent control is to have the strength to beat the
Citizens Opposed to Rent Control, supply of rental units." has said she both supports rent necessary but that the HRP pro- proposal.
they began to solicit funds from - - -_________ _____ _______ ___ ______
city landlords to help defeat the,
proposal. In a letter sent out to
landlords which was later leaked
to the press, they asked a cunt -i- §o lbivrnz to run for mayor
bution of five dollars for every
rental unit owned or managed per
landlord. (Continued from Page 1) conservative views. plans, Colburn said yesterday that: Even with another council win
Had they received that amount,' he does not want to "lose touch" under his belt, Colburn is by no
the fund would have amounted to DESPITE COLBURN'S apparent ELECTED LAST year, Stephen- with the University and that means a sure bet to cop the may-
$85,000, since the 1970 census re- reluctance, his fellow Councilman, son is known to be unhappy with "many unknowns still remain un- or's chair.. a year from now. If
vealed there were 17,000 rental John McCormick (R-Fifth Ward) his position and almost certainly resolved." nearly all the registered voters in
units in the city. The most rcent says, that Colburn "would like to will not seek a second term. As a The Democrats hope to quash the city cast ballots, the constitu-
set of figures, obtained by the Ann run" for mayor and not surpris- self-employed attorney Stephenson Colburn at the polls next month- ency is overwhelmingly non-Repub-
Arbor Sun, revealed that the lad- ingly would get full party support. and his practice have suffered be- resolving most of those unknowns. lican leaving the GOP candidate an
lords had obtained $34,000 as of A loss in the April contest, how-, cause of the minimal time he puts;< Several months ago Kenworthy uphill battle.
March 1, and had to cut back on ever, will seriously impede a Col- in as mayor. tried to talk the HRP fprces into
their advertising campaign. burn - for - mayor juggernaut by Even now other council mem- accepting a Dem-HRP compro- Stephenson won last year with a
dropping the 34-ear-old Univer- bers describe Colburn as "the mise candidate in the Fourth Ward. on-existent in stdent areas
LANDLORDS base their opposi- sity speech professor from public brains behind the Republicans" The deal fell through. HRP is that was fueled by emotionalism
tion to rent control on the following view for a year and saddling him and he, often wields a good deal running Margo Nichols, perhaps rather than concrete stands on
points: with a loser's image. of power on the council floor by the party's best candidate. This pressing issues. That type of race
-Rent control will lower assessed The Republicans have carefully apparently outlining strategy for factor will split the liberal-radicalp
property values, raising property groomed Colburn for the mayor- his cohorts during the meetings. vote in the ward - greatly im- coupled with a low turnout among
taxes for homeowners; ship. As soon as the GOP took con-- Democratic and HRP observers proving Colburn's chances for vic- the students will also be Colburn's
-Services will allegedly deter;> trol of council Colburn was voted have been carefully eyeing the;tory. key to victory.
rate; mayor pro-tempore - a position
-A black market will arise fore- usually reserved for the control-' prospect of a Colburn mayoral
ing tenants to pay fees for apart- ling party's senior member. campaign and further contend his
ments; The Rpuselected C olitical sites are set much higher. A fro cen ter troule
-Rent control will provide a disIbrn over Lloyd Fairbanks (R-' Colburn "the bright star of the Re-I
incentive for building new housing Fifth Ward) who has spent two publican party," adding that his
in the city; i more years on council. Moreover potential campaign has proved to (continued from Page 1) Jacques.
-Rent control makes no ah!ow- present Mayor James Stephenson be a major topic of Democratic "different ways of going about
ance for iflation; often defers to Colburn on issues party conversation. achieving them." EDWARDS is reluctant to dis-
-Rent control will become an which help improve the council Ron Jaques, one of Owens' as-' cuss his position in the matter,
ungovernable bureaucracy; and man s image as somewhat re- CHIEFS IN both opposition par- sistants is more vocal in his de- sa g on "I don't think y
-Amending the City Charter is 3 moved from the other Republicans' ties argue that Colburn has ac- fense of the ex-director. "I will comments by me at this time will
tually drawn a scenario culminat- never forget this. We are being be nrodyctive - I can't get in.
ing in a successful Congressional fucked over by some honky admin-' volved in that kind of conflict."
C ai naillenationyrace in the Second District which istrators and t h e i r lackeys," Rhodes calls Edwards "a sociolo-
agoRepublican Marvin Esch now rep- Jacques says. ; gist of considerable professional
resents. The plan - riddled with When asked who is the more achievement. His studies of urban
(Continued from Page 1) Nichols later criticized Colburn ifs - is pegged on an Esch victory qualified of the two men, Jacques' problems, with special emphasis
about the alleged transaction. for calling the $5 pot fine ballot this fall and a subsequent attempt i responds "Les has more brains in "non the nlace of black people in
Colburn denied the $1 million proposal "unconstitutional," and to win Senator Philip Hart's seat' his ass than Edwards has in his' these problems, have marked Dr.
figure and said Kenworthy "re. insisted that the proposal, drafted in 1976. whole body. Edwards can't relate Edwards as a sensitive, imagina-
fused" to read a city fact sheet on by HRP, is within the law. Colburn having won Ann Arbor's to black students," he declares. J tive and thoroliah investigator."
tersdepartmental fundig.d"Co-mayorship becomes very hot po-1 "Some black faculty members Edwards taught at the Univer-
EWHEsd C litical property and thus the heir walked on our backs when the heat sitv of Illinois (Chicago) before
THE INCUMBENT Republican j burn has promised a park in the apparent to Esch's Congressional was on - they should be ashamed coming to Ann Arbor in 1970.
then branded Kenworthy and HRP Scarlett-Mitchell woods area," and position. to look at themselves in the mirror A
Fourth W a r d candidate Margo wanted to know why there was "no Commenting on his long range e v e r y morning!" exclaims s FOR the flture of CAAS,
Nichols as "our friends of the park in that southeast area." Owens says bitterly, "I don't wish
cunning coalition"-the HRP-Dem- Colburn said that the reason why Edwards any lck, but I do wish
ocratic v o t i n g combinationonthesp had been buit in thesout
cuclon no ark hNdYbtnheuienterthesouthk." Owens, feels that
coni.east area was because there "al- N V etnaln-ese, r f s o the Center will survive, if the bud-
"The HRP-Democratic coalition ready are so many parks there." I get is increased and if students are
tried/* t daid ol, Paso, - , r1lowed to be on the Center's
Texas," declared LColburn, refer-- The federal government is the lectures on leducationlike to see a Black literature






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The Maison Francaise (French House), Max Kade Deutsches Haus (Ger-
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ring to a resolution asking support largest source of The University's I
of the Farah clothing workers' research funds. In 1972-73, $47.4' By BRIAN COLGAN
strike in Texas. He claimed the million, or 71.9 per cent, of the North Vietnamese math professor
two parties have meanwhile ig- University's total research funds Le Dung Trang, the first citizen of
nored local needs. I came from federal agencies. the Democratic Republic of Viet
- nam to visit the U.S., spoke yes
terday about his country's educa
I l r "''" I1 'I *I /"3'tional system.




7:30 p.m., Wed., March 27
170 P.A.
First 30 to sign up can participate
($5 fee for non-air cond. car)
($6 fee for air cond. car)
8-5:00-Sat., March 30

Addressing a gathering at Angel
Hall, Trang described the prob
lems of the past, ranging from low~
student enrollment and French and
Soviet control of the educational
system to the effects U.S. forces
stationed in Vietnam produced up-
on his country's efforts to improve
and expand their educational pro
According to Trang, "90 to 95
per cent of the people'couldn't
read," when the Democratic Re
public was established in 1945. He
added, "There were only 1500 stu-
dents in higher education."
When one-tenth of the population

.. .,.
' - 1
! M ~
j M1
* ~(,

or history course be made manda-
died from "starvation and cholera" tory - much like the freshman
r between 1945 and 1947, he said, it combosition requirement.
f became evident that the country's Dollaherty says students will not
- hopes for'-future development lay be allowed to be on the Committee
in educating the people. and there will be no increase in
- Trang cited agriculture as the the budget.
area where education had possibly Efwards is hesitant to discuss
l made its greatest contribution. tha fiit'ire of the program, saying
"Science was very important to only. "See me after May 1V"
Vietnam agriculture," he stressed. McKeachie is very optimistic
[ According to Trang, "In 1954 one about the future of the Center.
' rice harvest yielded only 15 tons 1 "Hopefully more black faculty
of rice compared t(Y the present members going to participate," he
~ s5-60 ton yield." says. The Black literature course
By 1964, s t u d en t enrollment requirement which Owens pro-
- reached two and half million as posed "may not be as far-fetched
the educational system rapidly ex- as it may seem," added McKea-
Spanded. he
"Many schools were built in cINE.matm, wn a
1956, but mst were destroye by TN THE meantime, Owens has
,aidmade big plans for CAAS. An arts
wa," Tra e wssymposium has filled this week,
"In 1972 education was slowedwtableanfokr- ofi
with a blues and folklore benefit
down when the States bombed show at the Ark coffeehouse set
Hanoi and Haiphong," Trang said. for April 1 and an appearance
He stressed, "We didn't give up. here by Congressman Charles
We tried to go over it. Diggs (D-Detroit) on April 5.
1970's four and a half million Owens also plans to go on a book-
student enrollment dropped to buying spree for the Afro Library
three million in 1973, undoubtedly -ust before his May departure.
as a result of continued U.S. in- Asked if he is glad to be leav-
volvement, he added.ngte nt wensrort, o
According to Trang, North Viet- JngsthrelCenerOen.etrs,"o
nam is presently suffering from' e
overpopulation.'s Jacques adds, "Michigan is not
IHe added, "Education should the end of the world for me, and
help slow this down . . . For pea- wherever I go, I'll be talking about
sants who haven't had it so good this.
for a thousand years, the first: Owens will stay on as an un-
thing they think is to have more tenured professor in the History
children." department.

Looking for New Entertainment?

We're a new band and want people to hear us. We just
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Come hear us and have a good time-we're available
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Part H



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MARCH 25-31

Mon.-Thurs., 7:15 &





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