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March 23, 1974 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page

47 4'
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See Today, for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 137.

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 23, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages




Firefighters settle

The Ann Arbor Firefighters Association has reached
an agreement with the city that averts the closing of
Fire Station Number Five, the station covering northern
Ann Arbor and North Campus. City Administrator Mur-
ray agreed not to layoff eight firemen when city fire-
fighters promised to forego vacation pay they were
slated to receive in June.
Faith sinks
American distrust of government has risen dramatic-
ally in recent years, but people condemn the executive
branch more than other government divisions, accord-
ing to recent studies by the University's Institute for
Social Research (ISR). Congress and the Supreme Court
still have substantial public support, the ISR studies
indicate. In a survey of 1,444 Americans conducted by
social psychologists Willard Rodgers, Lloyd Johnston
and Jerald Bachman, the public rated President Nixon
and his administration worst of 15 government institu-
tions, but rated Supreme Court Justices as the most
honest and moral of all groups studied.
Tune-up clinic
The student chapter of the Society of Automotive
Engineers is sponsoring a free auto emission tune-up
clinic next Wednesday night in the Physics-Astronomy
Building, and a workshop on the following Saturday for
the first 30 persons showing up on Wed. night. The goal
of the clinic is to provide participants with enough
technical know-how to perform routine maintenance on
their cars. The classes will be conducted by an engineer
from General Motors; student engineers will be on
hand to assist workshop participants with engine com-
ponent analyzing machines.
Fuel solution
Coal could be the key to U. S. energy independence,
chemical engineering Prof. Dale Briggs told the an-
nual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts
and Letters in East Lansing yesterday. However, our
present annual coaf production of about 600 million tons
would have to double in the next few years, Briggs
said, to bring coal use up to necessary levels. "The big-
gest problem in becoming energy self-sufficient is re-
placing foreign crude oil with synthetic crude oil do-
mestically -produced from coal or oil shale," he con-
Gown rentals,
Students who plan to participate in University com-
mencement exercises May 4 must place their orders for
cap and gown rentals before March 30 at Moe's Sport
Shop, 711 N. University. So rush right down, or your
parents will have made their reservations at Webers
for nothing.
Happenings ..
. today are topped by Chicano Awareness Week
events. Chicano and Mexican food will be served in
Bursley's E. Cafteeria from 8-10 p.m., and the cafeteria
will host a dance from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m.. . . the Univer-
sity's Phi Beta Kappa organization holds its 66th An-
nual Initiation Banquet in the. League Ballroom, 6:30
p.m. .. . and the Washtenaw County Stroke Club of the
Michigan Heart Association hosts a panel discussion on
"Team Approach to Stroke" at Burns Park Center, 3
Spending defended
Claiming a House subcommittee's report that $17 mil-
lion in taxpayer's money has been spent on PresidentA
Nixon's homes is "pot in perspective," White House
Deputy Press Secretary Gerald Warren denounced the
group's findings yesterday. The government activities
subcommittee report, released Thursday, says some of
the money was spent on items "far in excess of secur-
ity needs." Warren explained, "I think the American
people would not expect the President to make a prison-
er of himself in the White House."
The birds
Officials hope a blitz of aerial bombs, smoke and high
frequency sound will frighten off an estimated 10 mil-
lion blackbirds that are roosting without a license in
Graceham, Md. Maryland health officials made their
first attack on the birds at sunset yesterday, and the
performance will be repeated today and tomorrow if
necessary. The blackbirds arrived last November and

set up camp in a thick stand of pine on a farm about
seven miles from the presidential retreat of Camp Da-
vid. The infestation of birds has been termed divine
retribution for Watergate crimes by many observers.
On the inside . . .
. The Editorial Page features Sue Wilhelm writing
on American journalists in Israel . . . WABX Airwaves
bedecks the Arts Page . . . and John Kahler and Clarke
Cogsdill preview the NCAA basketball semifinals on the
Sports Page..

A Daily News Analysis
Last of Two Parts
Rent control-the hottest issue of this year's election-has already
generated campaigns of ferocious intensity from both backers and
opponents. The forecast is for even more of the same in the remaining
days before the April 1 election.
"Look for a massive media scare campaign next week," predicted
one Human Rights Party (HRP) worker. "The landlords will try to
link marijuana and rent control in one red-baiting, hippie-baiting
LINED UP IN support of rent control are HRP and Tenants Union.
Tenants Union, formerly an apolitical organization, broke that tradi-
tion Thursday by endorsing candidates for City Council on the basis
vary over
SGC suit
Reactions were mixed yesterday
to the news that Student Govern
ment Council's (SGC) president
and treasurer are suing controver-....... ... .;
sial ex-president Lee Gill for near
ly $8,000 in misused and unreturned
SGC funds.
While most SGC members would
not comment on the likelihood of
Gill's involvement in the alleged
misdeeds while president of SGC
last year, feelings toward the for-
mer president were as mixed as
member who bas always been
critical of Gill and on several oc-
casions sought hisrecall,edeclared
yesterday, "Gill did a miserable Pe eL 73
j o b f o r t h e s t u d e n t s . I f S G C d o e s neshrli led
not press charges, I will."
But the complainants - SGC j iLte
President Carl Sandberg a n d
Treasurer Rosemary Mullin - Rescue workers pull fatally in-
urged that their suit is civil and jured Peter Revson from his
does not call for criminal action shattered car at Kyalami Circuit,
against Gill, who abruptly resigned near Johannesburg, South Africa,
his post as SGC chief in January. yesterday after his Formula One,
"The action is only punitive in racer traveling at more than 110
that it gives Gill bad publicityand 'miles per hour shot off the track
the hassle of going through court and crashed. The 35-year-old Rev-
proceedings," SGC lawyer Thomas son, who had been making a test
Bentley noted yesterday. run in preparation for the South
Mullin said, "This is not a per- African Gran Prix, died en route
sonal, vindictive suit against Le. to the hospital. The well-known
All I want is the money back." driver is shown above in a re-
SGC Administrative Vice Presi- cent photo. (See story on page 7).
dent Rettix Allen offered the
strongest words of support for Gill,
saying "he could have been one of
the greatest presidents SGC ever
had . . . I hope he has a fair trial."
The suit, filed Thursday after-
noon in 15th District Court,
charges Gill with misusing or fail-
ing to account for $7909.72 in SGC
See SUIT, Page 2 AP Photos




of their support for rent control.
HRP has supported rent control all along. They placed it on the
ballot, all of their candidates back it, and they have been spearheading
the efforts to pass the charter amendment.
Lined up in opposition to rent control are the Republicans, and a
group calling itself Citizens for Good Housing (CGH). Diametrically
opposite to HRP, all of the Republican candidates are urging deFeat
of rent control.
The Democratic Party is not taking a definite stand on the issue,
allowing each candidate to make their own positions known. In the
meantime they have merely said that housing in the city is a problem,
without advocating any solutions.
HRP, backing the proposal all the way, is "very up," right now, on
the possibility of the proposal passing according to David Goodman, a

nt proposal
party spokesman. "Originally we thought it was an uphill fight, but no
longer. It could pass with a massive turnout in the student wards,"
he said.
TENANTS UNION, also supporting the proposal, Thursday night
endorsed a slate of City Council candidates, using rent control positions
as criteria. The Tenants Union supported the HRP candidates in all
wards except four, where Jamie Kenworthy, the Democrat, was backed.
Bob Ball, a spokesman for Tenants Union, explained their position.
"Legislation is the only solution in Ann Arbor to cool down rents," he
said. "From this point on we intend to endorse candidates. If anyone
wants to win in this town, they're going to have to recognize and act
upon tenant problems."
See RENT, Page 2
Aniti-rent fund



Sources close to some of the city's major rental agencies
have leaked documents showing the firms have made illegal
contributions to Citizens for Good Housing (CGH) in an ef-
fort to crush the rent control proposal on the April 1 ballot.
The documents, which were released yesterday by the
Ann Arbor Sun, show McKinley Associates lead the big-name
contributors with an alleged $7,045 donation to CGH (formerly
Citizens Opposed to Rent Control).
UNDER MICHIGAN state law, such contributions-by a corporation
for the payment of political expenses - are strictly prohibited.
The Human Rights Party notified the police department yesterday
of the allegedly illegal activities of CGH and plan to present their evi-
dence condemning the landlord-dominated group to the county prosecu-
tor's office Monday.
The sources also contend that the contributions were primarily col-
lected before the city campaign finance ordinance went into effect at
the end of February - to avoid public disclosure of the cash's sources.
By the end of February, CGH had allegedly collected only $34,000,
forcing them to cutback from their reported original budget of $57,920.
The original budget had alloted $33,000 for mailing costs and a hand-out

Afro-Am., African Studies Center


campaign and advertising costs.
OTHER ALLEGED large con-
tributors to the anti-rent control
campaign are Standard . Realty,
University Towers, Tower Plaza,
Village Green, Ann Arbor Trust,
Wilson-White, Maize and Blue, Is-
land Drive Apartments, Nob Hill
and Campus Management.
Ron Williams, treasurer of CGH,
refused to comment yesterday on
the allegations and documents.
An investigation of McKinley As-
sociates also disclosed that their
offices appear to serve as CGHl
headquarters,rand that their office
personnel are busy spearheading
the anti-rent control drive.
USING COMPANY time for po-
liticalNpurposes is also prohibited
by state law.
Witnesses claim that at a CGH
meeting Wednesday, Ron Wizer,
executive director for McKinley
associates, said, "If you ever for-
get where our headquarters are,
just look at any of the McKinley
signs posted on our rental units."
A Daily s e a r c h revealed that
boxes filled with anti-rent control
literature were stacked in the cor-
ner of the McKinley office and
witnesses report that secretaries
twere busily folding letters to prop-
erty owners yesterday urging them
to vote "no" on the rent control
proposal and to offer their support
to CGH.
A McKinley employe admitted
that "secretaries sometimes type
CGH letters on company time, but
then stay after work to make up
the time."
Witnesses also allege that local
rental corporations are using their
employes to do telephone surveys
and distribute literature on com-
See LANDLORD, Page 2

Alleg ati ons
fly at 4th
Democratic Fourth Ward City
Council hopeful Jamie Kenworthy
last night challenged his incum-
bent GOP opponent William Col-
burn on past campaign promises,
and the Republican responded with
a verbal blast of what he called
the "cunning coalition" of Demo-
crats and Human Rights Party
(HRP) Council members.
At a Fourth Ward "Candidates'
Night" meeting, attended by some
40 people, Kenworthy charged that
the city's GOP had opposed con-
struction of large shopping cen-
ters during last year's council
campaign, but voted in the con-
troversial Packard-Platt shopping
plaza plan in January.
Colburn answered, "Those (1973
campaign) promises were based on
all the available information at
that time," and added that the
facts of the Packard-Platt situation
had "changed" in the past year.
KENWORTHY further alleged at
last night's session, held in the
Public Library, that the GOP ad-
ministration misused over $1 mil-
lion in monies slated for city parks
improvement, and that "$12,000
of this went into building an air-
port hangar." He chided Colburn
for failing to inform the public

suffers from
The way Dr. Leslie Owens describes it, the Center
can and African Studies (CAAS) was on a collision cour
before Owens took over as director in July 1973.
According to the 29-year old history professor, the Ce
ing on every front: funds were being spent on unnece
over the country," other departments in the Literary
were refusing to grant full credit for some of the Center's
and the office operation malfunctioned beneath incompe
States' restorato
of dath enalty
face test in court,

j uggled leadership
Owens and his three young assistants stepped in and tried to turn
for Afro-Ameri- the Center into something they believed would make black students
se with disaster proud. New staffers were hired, publicity increased, and enrollment in
Center courses nearly doubled by the beginning of this semester. CAAS'
nter was suffer- upstairs offices on South University scheduled numerous unique activi-
ssary "trips all ties, including Black History Week.
ssaryg (LrSA) al
College (LSA) BUT ON MAY 1, Owens and his three assistants, by order of the
t70-dd courses, LSA Executive Board, will be replaced by Sociology Prof. Ozzie Edwards.
The college's main rationale for the move is that CAAS needs a
tenured professor as chairman before it formally qualifies as an aca-
demic department.
in The soft spoken but bitter Owens now says, "I don't know why
they're getting rid of me - (LSA Dean Frank) Rhodes decided to do
it last October, but dragged it out until now."
Owens claims that he was the
to last person to find out about the
decisions made concerning him. GOP HOPEF UL


WASHINGTON (Reuter) - Less
than two years after the Supreme
Court struck down the nation's
capital punishment. I a w s, nearly
half the states have hopefully en-
acted new ones.
Whether these statutes, or the
one Congress is working on, will
be accepted as constitutional by
the High Court remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, death rows in prisons
are beginning to fill up once more.
The old laws were overturned by
the Supreme Court on June 29,
1972. In the intervening months, 22
states have passed substitutes and

always favored capital punishment
and was resentful when the court
swept it away.
And, on occasion, the deAte
produces an unvarnished call for
"The criminal must be made to
realize that he is going to die him-
self if he chooses to murderously
deprive someone else of his life,"'
Sen. John McClellan (D-Ark.) said
as the Senate passed a restoration
bill on March 13.
The measure, covering various
federal offenses such as treason
and presidential assassination, is

RHODES' assistant, Edward
Dougherty, contends, "Both men
(Edwards and Owens) are well
qualified, but Owens' contract spe-
cified him to be the interim direc-
tor. He was considered along with
Edwards, but we wanted a tenured
faculty member, instead of one
without tenure, to direct the Cen-
Dougherty, however, admitted in
February that the leadership
changeover left something to be
desired. Owens was apparently
never officially informed of his
"interim" status.
"It's fairly obvious," Dougherty
said last month, "that this thing
wasn't handled quite properly."

Colburn: Mayoral bid ii' 75?

Daily News Analysis
To City Councilman William
Colburn (R-Third Ward) there is
more at stake in the upcoming
municipal election than simply re-
taining his seat. His re-election
will lay the groundwork for a
mayoral bid next year, according
to many political observers.
Although Colburn admits- "not
completely ruling out" running
for mayor in 1975, several other
leading Republicans speak of his
candidanev as avirtual certainty.

cently adopted ward plan he must
now run in the relatively liberal
Fourth Ward.
Projecting a moderate - voice
of reason - image, Colburn has
the best chance of any Republican
to win the mayor's contest in a
town with a liberal-radical ma-
"If Colburn wins this year, there
is no question that he will be our
mayoral candidate," one promi-
nent Republican says. Colburn has
nonetheless down played his in-
terest in the city's top elective

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