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February 27, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-27

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See editorial page


Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


For details, see Today.

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 124

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 27, 1974

Twelve Pages

Ten Cents




Summer sublet
This Friday is the final deadl(ne for placing an ad in
the Daily's Summer Sublet Supplement, the fast easy
way to unload an unwanted apartment this summer.
Seven dollars will buy a one column by four inch ad,
perfect for describing your luxurious mansion. Hurry
now while the offer still lasts.
Voter registration
Voter registration starts today for the upcoming city
elections in April. Register today, tomorrow and Friday
at any of the following locations: The A&P at the Ply-
mouth Mall from 4-8 p.m., Public Library 5-9 p.m.,
Maple Village 4-8 p.m., Stone School 12-4 p.m., Com-
munity Center on N. Main 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the
Michigan Union 12 -4 p.m. Registration will continue at
City Hall in the clerk's office March 2, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
and March 4, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The Human Rights Party
(HRP) will provide shuttle service to and from registra-
tion locations, today from 5-7 p.m. at South and West
Quad and Xanadu and Lenny Bruce Co-ops, tomorrow
from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. at Markley, Mosher-
Jordan, and Alice Lloyd and Friday from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. at East Quad, Couzens and Stockwell.
Still more registration
The HRP suit against the city's voter registration plan
will be heard before Federal Judge Damon Keith in De-
troit Friday. According to a party spokesperson, HRP
will press for an extension of the registration cut-off
date for the April 1 election past the time when stu-
dents return to town from spring break. HRP has been
joined in the suit by two Democratic candidates for City
Council and by the Student Government Council.
Dope notes
A South Quad resident lost $120 late Monday night
when he attempted to buy five dollars worth of hashish
from a pair of pushers. When the victim took out his
money to buy the dope, the pair pulled guns, took all of
his money and ran. Police believe the pair have been
responsible for a recent rash of robberies in the dorms.
Ja y Cees award
George Goodman, director of the University's Oppor-
tunity Program for minority and disadvantaged stu-
dents, was selected as one of five "Outstanding Young
Men of Michigan" by the Michigan Jay Cees last week.
The award is given on the basis of service and activities
in state and local affairs. In addition to being the direc-
tor of the, Opportunity Program, Goodman is also the
mayor of Ypsilanti.
...cover a wide range of activities today. The Bach
Club presents trumpet and viola music at 8 p.m. in
Greene Lounge of East . Quad . . . Socialist Workers
Party candidate for governor, Robin Maisel, speaks at
the Michigan Union, Rm. 4304 at noon . . . the Women's
Intercollegiate Field Hockey Team will hold an organiz-
ational meeting for all those interested in playing next
fall at 7:30 p.m. in Barbour Gym . . . the Revolutionary
Communist Youth winter class series on "Marxism and
the Class Struggle" continues tonight with class No. 3:
"The lessons of the October Revolution" in the Union,
Rm. 4202, at 7:30 p.m. . .. and the Stilyagi Air Corps is
sponsoring a meeting to discuss last year's science fic-
tion at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Government Council of-
fices on the third floor of the Union.
Gold prices soar
Gold reached an "unbelievable" $181.50 an ounce on
the London market yesterday in an unchecked splurge
of\ speculation. Gold prices on the big London bullion
exchange opened $5 higher and quickly rose to $181.50
an ounce before stabilizing at the opening rate of $175
in mid-afternoon.
Pay raise
Rebel Ethiopian army units have developed a new tac-
tic for backing their demands for a pay increase. Unof-
ficial sources say that the units yesterday took over
the country's second largest city, Asmara. The city of
250,000 is about 450 miles north of Addis Ababa, the larg-
est city and capital.

Protective reaction
The tense state of police-community relations tool a
bizarre twist in Chicago yesterday, but one cop re-
sponded to the incident in fine form. Patrolman Carl
Brader was putting a parking ticket on the windshield
of a car when two massive, wolflike dogs startled him
with a barrage of barking from inside the car. React-
ing instantly to the loud noise, Brader pulled out his
service revolver and opened fire. According to police,
he shot himself in his right leg.
On the insidesr E .
... The Arts Page presents notes on the Experimental
Theatre Festival by Michele Becker on page 3 . . . an
analysis of University Hospital's Health Maintenance
Organization plan by the Medical Committee for Human
Rights appears on the Editorial Page . . . and the Sports
Page featynws a look at the Conferences' Association
basketball tournament by Jim Ecker .. . and'the com-
plete text of a report on graduation requirements sub-
mitted to the LSA faculty Monday is reproduced on
pages 5, 6, 7 and 8. .






hopes for
By AP and Reuter
DAMASCUS-Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger arrived here last
night hopeful of getting a list of
Israeli war prisoners and generat-
ing movement toward Syrian-Is-
raeli troop disengagement.
Israel has demanded a list of
the some 100 prisoners held in
Syria as a precondition to par-
ticipation introop withdrawal talks
on the Golan Heights-the objec-
tive of Kissinger's current Middle
East peace mission.
Late last night, Israeli Foreign
Minister Abba Eban made clear
thatmmuch depends on the answers
Kissinger brings with him from
Damascus on the possibility of
opening negotiations between the
two nations.
"WE SHALL expect to hear if
Syria has overcome the obstacles
to negotiation represented by its
attitude to the prisoners of war
and toward the provisions of the
Geneva Convention," Eban told a
conference of the American Jewish
Syrian officials have stated that
they would be willing to hand over
the list if Israel agreed to with-
draw to pre-1973 ceasefire lines
andto let more than 20,000 refu-
gees return to homes on the Golan
Besides these 20,000 who fled
during the fighting four- months
ago, Syria estimates there are
about 15,000 refugees who left the
Heights during the 1967 war.
FEW DETAILS emerged from
Kissinger's talks in London with
P r i m e Minister Edward Heath,
Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Doug-
las-Home a n d Energy Secretary
Secretary Lord Carrington during
his stopover yesterday. However,
Kissinger indicated he had some
advance notice that Syria may be
ready to meet Israel's demand for
the list of Israeli prisoners.
"I hope that in Damascus we
can begin progress toward getting
peace started and the disengage-
ment of troops between Syria and
Israel," Kissinger said. "We con-
sider this the key problem in the
Middle East right now."
IT IS UNCLEAR whether De-
fense Minister Moshe Dayan, who
played a key role in the Israeli-
Egyptian disengagement t a 1 k s,
would figure in the team to meet
The uncertainty stems from Da-
yan's announcement last week that
he would not join the minority
government being set up by Prime
Minister Golda Meir.
A statement from a source close
to the defense minister appeared
to indicate that he would in fact
be willing to take part if approach-
ed by the prime minister.

White House hardens
WASHINGTON (A) - The special prosecutor's staff has
decided that any evidence of presidential involvement in the
Watergate scandal should go to the House impeachment in-
quiry rather than a grand jury, it was learned yesterday.
The decision, reached after months of study and debate,
was disclosed after President Nixon said Monday night that he
had rejected a grand jury request for his testimony.
Meanwhile, lawyers for the President said yesterday that no state

AP Photo

Acid imd j festion?
Federal energy "czar" William Simon seems to be suffering from gas pains as he prepares to testify
before the Senate subcommittee on reorganization yesterday in Washington.

court can command the president of
its bench.
was outlined in a brief filed in
D.C. Superior Court. The court is
considering whether the President
must testify in a case now pending
in Los Angeles against former
White House adviser John Ehrlich-
Also yesterday, the Washington
Post said Herbert Kalmbach, for-
mer personal attorney to Presi-
dent Nixon, has given Watergate
prosecutors an accounting of
about $6 million in secret 1970 and
1972 campaign contributions and
The Post quoted reliable sources
as saying the money came from
two secret funds. One of the funds,
nearly $2 million, was used during
the 1972 Nixon campaign to fin-
ance undercover political work,
the Post said.
quest that he appear before the
grand jury, Nixon said, "I didyof-
fer, of course, to respond to any
interrogatories that the special
prosecutor might want to submit
or to meet with him personally
and to answer questions and he
indicated that he did not want to
proceed in that way."
Sources close to the investiga-
tion said the request for presi-
dential testimony at the Water-
gate grand jury probe was made
at the insistence of the grand jur-
ors and that unless they continue
to insist, no effort will be made to
force Nixon to testify.
The apparent reason, the sources
added, was that Special Prosecu-
tor Leon Jaworski finally had con-
cluded that the proper forum for
evidence pertaining directly to the
President was the House Judiciary
Committee rather than a grand
jury. The sources gave no indica-
tion whether any evidence against
the President exists.
WHITE HOUSE lawyers rejected
the California subpoena on the
basis of precedent "In the 187
years since our Constitution was
adopted no court, federal or state,
has held that the President of the
United States can be compelled to
See WHITE, Page 12

the United States to appear before
Area iman
dies in
park ing lot
An elderly local man was ar-
raigned in District Court yesterday
on an unspecified charge stem-
ming from the stabbling death of
35-year-old William Ketts in a su-
permarket parking lot Monday eve-
Seventy - two - year- old Herschel'
Lee of Henry St. demanded a pre-
trial examination before facing
charges to be determined later by
a grand jury.
POLICE SAID Lee became in-
volved in a violent argument with
Ketts in the -parking lot of the
A&P store on So. Industrial High-
way at dusk Monday. Lee said
Ketts threatened, p u s h e d, and
kicked the older man.
Then, according to -police, ac-..
counts, Ketts exclaimed, "I'll blow
a hole in you," but Lee pulled a'
pocket knife and stabbed Ketts
once in the right side of the chest.
Police found Ketts lying: in West:
Stadium Blvd. and attempted to
question, him about the incident.
Ketts, they said, refus-ed to answer
but complained of chest pains and
died 45 minutes after arrival at
University Hospital.
DOCTORS SAID the death re-
sulted from internal bleeding of a
major chest artery. Ketts, unmar-
ried, lived on Granger St. and is,
survived by his father, a Jackson
Lee yesterday demanded a court-
appointed -attorney and was re-
leased on personal cognizance to
await a March 6 pre-trial examina-

The University's execu
cers will consider a propo
which would impose new
restrictions on the accoun
dent organizations.
Vice President for Stud
ices Henry Johnson willI
proposal to the Univers
administrators which wil
all recognized student+
tions who use University
to deposit their funds wit
fice of the Student Auditc
According to Johnson
pose of the proposal, whi
go into effect July 1, is t
the interests of the Unive
ested in making a profit,"
tained last night,. "but it
keep student organization
debt. It is to keep the U
out of a libelous position.
If passed, the propos<
make certain that the
organizations have suffici
to cover their events and
University facilities.
But according to Ellio



Y sky, chairman of the St
tive offi- Organizations Board, the pro
sal today could cause student organiza
stringent particularly film groups, ace
ts of stu- ing difficulties.
ent Serv- offices have a month to a m
present a and-a-half time lag," he said,
ity's top the film groups need a quick
1 require of cas-h."
organiza- Included in the proposal
facilities provision for the formation
h the Of- faculty and student reviewt
r (OSA). which would mediate compl
the pur- and grievances. But it woul
ch would have the power to make polic
o protect Chikofsky maintained that
rsity. the funds of the student group
not inter- kept within the OSA, the U
he main- sity will have control of
wants to accounts.
is out of "The groups will have to fi
Jniversity a form, in effect asking for f
which can be delayed or denie
al would the Student Auditor, as the
student ent situation exists in that of
ent funds Chikofsky claimed.
rental of AS OF YET, no system fc
emption is included in tL1
t Chikof- rangement, and "it also raise:
r s'S':% v .... nn..rr... ir:;5v"w::r"v.:i:^?S:.Srv.-:{v:::4rr:Yra f iri

ident question of whether the Univer-
)posal sity is responsible for the actions
tions, of organizations," said Chikofsky.
count- The same proposal, according to
Tom Easthope, assistant to the
unting vice president for student services,
nonth- has been "kicking around for sev-
"and 1 eral months." It has been brought
flow before the executive officers pre-
viously in the past year, but was
not passed.
is a Sue Young, a UAC-Daystar offic-
of a ial, which keeps its account in the
board OSA, said of the proposal, "It pro-
laints vides good auditing service, and
d not they can serve an advisory func-
if y tion."

Clothiers sell wolf fur
despite probable illegality

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ward speaks on 'futuring'

"I'm just a mild-mannered reporter for a great
"metropolitan broadcasting system, said Jonathan
eWard, introducing himself to a sparse Future
Worlds lecture crowd in Hill Auditorium yesterday.
i Ward is a futurist, known for his week-day "Fu-
ture File" radio program on CBS. The program
rfeatures interviews with people involved in and
interested in the future.
"I TALK to weirdos," Ward said. "It's bemuse-
ment five times a week. I love the show because
. there are no answersand you're never wrong. If
Syou predict something is going to happen in six
million years, you're not going to be around to be
rproven wrong."
"Maybe the future shouldn't be considered a
}noun. Maybe it should be a verb," suggested Ward. J
*c"We have been 'futuring' for. a long time."
"Futuring is a process of anticipating, or try-
Sigto build and understand possibilities and work ;r>':
"rtowards them, defined Ward.
There are different methods of "futuring" ac-
cording to Ward. "There is guessing and expertr:
-uessin- and Delnhi" he said.

Despite protests by local environ-
mentalists, city c lo t h i n g stores
presently sell winter coats and
jackets lined or trimmed with the
fur of North American wolves, in
probable violation of state law.
An undercover survey conducted
last month by volunteers for the
local F u n d for Animals office
found the disputed garments on
the racks of several clothing
stores around the city including
two stores doing a heavy student
business, The Bivouac and Sam's
A FOLLOW-UP inspection by
The Daily last week showed a
large n u m b e r of wolf-trimmed
coats remainingon the racks in
The Bivouac, and a half dozen re-
mainingin Sam's.
According to Lee Kvarnberg of
the Washtenaw County Humane
Society, Jacobson's pulled its wolf
fur items off the racks after he
registered a protest.
In the other stores implicated by
the Fund for Animals check, only
two remaining wolf items were
found. However, the wolf fur short-
age may be more indicative of the
end of the winter sale season than
of store response to environmen-
talists' pressure.
A STATE LAW enacted last year
expressly 'forbids the sale within

as modacrylics, may "freeze" at
40 degrees below zero.
None of the retailers interviewed,
however, say they plan to continue
dealing in wolf fur items. The pro-
prietor of Sam's Store maintains
that only synthetic furs will be
sold there in the future.
ED DAVIDSON, owner of Bi-
vouac, the city store with the most
extensive collection of the furred

garments on the racks, says his
manufacturer and wholesaler, I.
Speiwak and Sons of New York,
has specifically informed him that
he is in volation of no law in
selling their wolf fur. But David-
son claims he will stop selling the
coats if the state attorney gen-
eral's office informs him to the
See LOCAL, Page 10

Revealing the facts,'
about Joan College'
Joan College, typical University student, graduated in the ninety-
second percentile of her high school class and received 1160 on her
Her father earns $22,500 per annum and will pay for her educa-
tion. She lives in Markley Hall, takes 16 credits per term and is en-
rolled in the literary college (LSA).
And while observers differ as to Joan's characteristics, they agree
that she is a wealthier, less active person than the average University
student of five years ago.
ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR Clifford Sjogren says nearly one-third of
the University's students are from Detroit's middle class Oakland Coun-
ty suburbs of Southfield, Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, and Oak Park.
Sjogren says there are several reasons for the Oakland County


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