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February 26, 1974 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-26

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See editorial page



See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXI V, No. 123

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 26, 1974

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages



Boycott decision delayed
The University Housing Council has postponed its
decision for a dorm-wide grape boycott for two weeks
to allow those persons opposing the boycott to bring in
Teamster and other speakers. Although United Farm
Workers (UFW) boycott supporters have over 2500 sig-
natures of dorm residents who support the boycott, they
say, "We welcome the opportunity for the opposition
to speak and in the interests of the full truth coming
out, we have agreed to the delay," according to Barry
Bennett, one dorm boycott coordinator. UFW supporters
intend to use the two weeks to continue their dorm-wide
organizing efforts and anyone interested in joining in
the effort are asked to contact Bennett at 764-5948.
Prof. profits OKd
The faculty's Instructional Material Royalties Com-
mittee yesterday reported to the Senate Assembly
Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) that in the
investigative group's view there is not enough concern
among students or faculty to justify a University-wide
policy obligating professors who assign. their own texts
to return royalties to their students. In submitting its
conclusion, the group cited a survey of faculty members
which showed that a majority feel there is no conflict
of interest involved when teachers profit from assign-
ing their own books. SACUA, the executive committee
of. the faculty governing body, accepted the report with
thanks but made no decision on the recommendation.
Task force named
Vice President for University Relations and Develop-
ment Michael Radock yesterday announced that a
Paper Conservation Task Force has been appointed to
handle implications of the University's paper shortage.
Radock said the task force was formed as a result of
a two-month survey conducted by the University's print-
ing and purchasing departments and publications office.
The group will analyze the paper problem and seek ways
to adjustypaper consumption through budget manage-
ment, recycling, and setting of priorities for paper use
and printing, Radock said.
Happenings ...
today are light. The Future Worlds lecture series
presents Jonathan Ward, editor of CBS radio's "Future
Files." Ward will speak on the history of the future at
2 p.m. in Hill Aud., admission free . . . the University
Symphony Orchestra plays pieces by Mozart and Rich-
ar Strauss at Hill Aud. at p.m. . . . Prof. David
Thompson of the University of Georgia is giving a lec-
ture entitled, "Antinoos and Antinoopolis" at 4:10 p.m.,
Angell Hall Aud. A . . . and the Parks and Recreation
Department has postponed its Saline cross-country ski
clinic due to lack of snow. The program has been re-
scheduled for March 6 at 7 p.m. on Henne field in
Meany hits oil firms
AFL-CIO President George Meany confirmed yester-
day that the federation's 35-member executive council
is considering calling for the nationalization of the U.S.
oil industry. Speaking at a news conference after the
council ended its week-long midwinter meeting in Bal
Harbour, Fla., Meany criticized the oil companies for
"inordinate greed" and said the council may call a
special meeting on the subject, depending on "develop-
ments in the next month or so."
Farah settles
Farah Manufacturing Co. and clothing workers have
settled a 21-month strike, ending a nationwide consumer
boycott of the firm's Texas-based products. Willie
Farah, president of the clothing company, and Murray
Finley, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers
of America, announced the settlement at a joint news
conference in New York Sunday. The bitter strike, which
has been characterized by ruthless anti-union actions
against the firm's predominantly Chicano, female em-
ployes, ended when Farah agreed to recognize the
Amalgamated as the workers' bargaining agent.
Painting hunted
British police clamped tight security on air and sea
terminals yesterday to prevent thieves from smuggling
the Jan Vermeer painting, "Guitar Player," out of the

country. Scotland Yard said it expected a ransom de-
mand for the 17th century Dutch masterpiece which is
considered too famous to be sold on the open market.
Douglas upheld
Shell Oil Co. yesterday sought and failed to dislodge
Supreme Court Justice William Douglas from a case
concerning natural gas regulation. Shell asked Douglas
to drop out of the case, and if he refused, for his col-
leagues to take the unprecedented stop of forcing him
to disqualify himself. This was brought on because of a
speech Douglas made, reportedly criticizing oil and gas
corporations. The plea was. rejected by the court in a
brief, routine order.
On the inside . ..
The Arts Page features three reviews of week
end musical events . . . Paul O'Donnell interviews
Jacques Bollardiere, a French general turned pacifist,
on the Editorial Page . . . and the Sports Page offers
George Hastings' coverage of the Michigan-Wisconsin
basketball game along with a lot of neat stuff on
hockey, gymnastics, and wrestling.

says '



off impeachment;
offense' required
Claims gas rationing can be
avoided; economy will improve

By AP and Reuter
President Nixon said last night that "a
criminal offense on the part of the President is
the requirement for impeachment."
Indicating his stance on the issue of the pro-
per grounds for impeachment, Nixon said at a
nationally televised White House press confer-
ence last night that the Constitution "is very
precise in defining what is an impeachable
Nixon also added. "I do not expect to be impeached."
ON THE ENERGY crisis, the President maintained
that "there is a better than even chance" that the
United States can weather the energy crisis without
gasoline rationing.
In an opening statement at his first White House
press conference since last October, Nixon spoke op-
timistically of progress being made in dealing with
the current oil shortage.
He cited the cooperation of the American people in
voluntarily conserving gasoline as the chief reason
why he thought rationing could be avoided.
As a result of this cooperation and the government's
gasoline allocation program Nixon
said, "I now believe confidently
that there is a much better thannW
even chance that there will be no IKjMII1
need for gas rationing in the Unit-
ed States." -

HERBERT KALMBACH, former personal attor-
ney to President Nixon, leaves U.S. District
Court yesterday after he p l e a d e d guilty to
charges steming from his activities as a Repub-
lican political fund raiser.
bach pead
o tovoltons
,m ait IaU

AP Photo
DURING LAST NIGHT'S news conference, Nixon tells reporters "there is much better than an even
chance" the United States can weather the energy crisis without gasoline rationing.
Special commission



A special commission which has
just completed a study on the
graduation requirements of the lit-
erary college has recommended,
among other things, to change the
graduation requirement of 120
credit hours to 128 credit hours.
The report on the year long study,
which was conducted by tne Com-
mission on Graduation Require-

ments, was submitted to the LSA
faculty members yesterday. The
entire text of the report will be
published by LSA tomorrow in a
four-page supplement to The Daily.
ACCORDING TO Edward Dough-
erty, assistant to the dean, the
fate of the recommendations "is
in the hands of the governing fac-
ulty of LSA."

I study
Approval of the proposals must
be made by the faculty members
of LSA. If the entire document of
recommendations is approved, the
earliest it could take effect would
be fall of 1975. "However," Dough-
erty added, "individual sections of
the document could be implement-
ed sooner."
Dougherty, who was a member
of the Commission, doubts that all
the proposals will be approved. He
feels the recommendations "pro-
vide a groundwork for basic
changes in LSA."
According to Frank Rhodes, dean
of LSA, one of the reasons for es-
tablishing the Commission on Grad-
uation.Requirements was because
"the time was ripe for a compre-
hensive and cooperative review of

Nixon also warned he would veto
the Emergency Energy Bill cur-
rently before Congress if it is ap-
proved and sent to him for signa-
ture. The bill, he said, deals with
managing the oil shortage rather
than seeking to eliminate it.
ON THE impeachment issue Nix-
on said that the administration's
formal position would be presented
to the House Judiciary Committee
by his chief Watergate lawyer,
James St. Clair.
The committee staff said in a
report last week that a criminal
offense was not necessarily a re-
quirement for impeachment of a
In answer to earlier questions,
Nixon repeated that he will co-
operate with the Judiciary Com-
mittee's impeachment investiga-
tion "in any way consistent with
my constitutional responsibilities,
to defend the office of the Presi-
dent against any action which
would weaken that office . .."
AS HE DID in his State of the
Union message, Nixon said this
cooperation would not extend to
any action that would undercut the
prerogatives of the presidency.
Nixon added that his attorney,
James St. Clair, now is negotiat-
ing with committee counsel John
Doar. "Whatever eventually is ar-
ranged which will win prompt
resolution of this matter I will co-
operate with," Nixon said.
But responding to another ques-
tion, Nixon cited other guidelines
that he would necessitate: the ar-
rangements must protect the confi-
dentiality of White House docu-
ments, must not jeopardize the
rights of any defendants and must
not impair the prosecution.
he does not expect to be impeach-
ed and will not resign because "I
want the presidency to survive."
He said the presidency cannot
become hostage to the popularity
of the man who holds the office.
". . . We have a lot of work to
do, more than three years left to
do and I'm going to stay here til
I get it done," he vowed.

of ca

WASHINGTON (Reuter) -Presi-
dent Nixon's former lawyer Her-
bert Kalmbach pleaded guilty yes-
terday to election law violations in
1970 and 1972 in what is expected
to be the first of several indict-
ments arising out of the Watergate
The indictment against Kalm-
bach, a top Republican party fund-
raiser, alleges that he collected
and distribution $3,900,000 to party
congressional candidates in 1970
through an improperly formed com-
HE IS ALSO charged with prom-
ising to a contributor an ambas-
sador's post in Europe in return
for a campaign pledge of $100,000.
The felony charge of handling
funds through a dummy political
committee carries a maximum
penalty of two years in prison and
a $10,000 fine.
On the second charge-a misde-
meanor-Kalmbach faces a $1,000
fine and one year in prison.
Kalmbach on personal bond pend-
ing a pre-sentence report.
Kalmbach's counsel, James 0'-

Connor, said sentence would prob-
ably be passed in six to eight
The c h a r g e s were brought
against Kalmbach by Watergate
Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski
and apparently followed- several
weeks of questioning by the in-
vestigating force.
IN A LETTER to O'Connor that
was submitted yesterday in court,
Jaworski said he accepted the
guilty pleas on the understanding
that Kalmbach would continue to
cooperate with the investigations
into the Watergate case and other
scandals associated with the Nixon
Jaworski also said Kalmbach
might be called as a witness in
other court action and could be
named as an unindicted co-conspir-
ator in other charges brought by
the special prosecutor's office.
The White House declined com-
ment on Kalmbach's guilty plea.
Presidential spokesman Gerald
Warren said in answer to questions
that Kalmbach's law firm still
conducted some work on Nixon's
tax affairs.

Dems set voluntary
limits on campaigning

City Democrats announced yes-
terday they will set voluntary
overall limits on campaign expen-
ditures for the upcoming April
election and they invited the Re-
publicans and Human Rights Party
(HRP) to join them in setting the
upper limits.
In a joint statement read by
three of the party's five candidates
for City Council, the Democrats
said they would maintain such
limits whether the HRP and the
Republicans joined them or not.
THE DEMOCRATS set a limit of
$100 as the total they would accept
from any single contributor and
loans, including the candidates
themselves. The city's original
campaign reform ordinance con-
tained an identical $100 limit, but
this was dropped in the final ver-
sion passed by City Council earlier
this month.
Laird Harris, city Democratic
chairman, said full controls on all
monetary contributions was a de-
sirable goal, and the party will
take any steps necessary to im-
plement such measures. But he

practical limit, we're not trying to the philosophy a
hamstring candidates." baccalaureate de
In the event that the other par- "The general
ties refuse to set limits, Harris present gradua
said the Democratic Party would has existed sin
release their own limits within a dean states in th
THE ACTION taken by the Dem- classes is sche
ocratic Party was in response to break to encou
See DEMS, Page 7 See COMMI
Dept. chana
U' -minoritj
Discontent is brewing among the University's mi-
nority advocates who claim that a proposed revision
of their department is a possible threat to their exist-
The proposed revision would dismantle the advo-
cates office as it now exists. The Chicano, Native
American and Black advocates would become part of

nd structure of the
framework of our
tion requirements
ce the 1940's," the
he document.
IUM of afternoon
duled aft r spring
rage student par-
SSION, Page 7

concern over
Viet prisoners
Four years ago, Don Luce, with the aid of a map drawn by a
friend just released from a South Vietnamese prison, crawled
down between the prison walls in Con Son and guided two U. S.
congressmen to the now famous tiger cases.
"My own reaction, as I looked down on the people below the
bars, was 'I'm not to blame"', Luce told a gathering of some 50
people at the First United Methodist Church last night.
Luce, an agriculturalist-turned writer who has spent 12
years in Indochina, continued, "I had a candy bar that one of the
senators had given me. I wanted to throw it down to one of the
people in the cages, to somehow show I wasn't a part of it all."
LUCE SPOKE as part of his nation-wide tour to urge public
support for the release of South Vietnamese political prisoners,
which he estimates to number 200,000.
The tiger cages, which the Saigon government uses to house
political prisoners and "suspected Communist sympathizers" still
exist with the help of U. S. offic-
"In January of 1971, 394 new
isolation cells were built two
square feet smaller than the old
ones. The contract was for $400,-
;; s*000 and went to a firm owned par-
=4 tially by Lady Bird Johnson, and
~~5lflrmr,T T CQ 'P.0nn lra.-Tnhn (nn-




fined division to OSSP known as constituency serv-
According to the proposed revision, the advocates
would still be under the auspices of the OSSP. How-
ever, they would be relegated to different depart-
ments within the OSSP and would no longer consti-
tute a separate division.
THIS HAS BEEN viewed by some of the advo-

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