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February 16, 1974 - Image 1

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41t igan

:43 a t tis

See Today for details.

See editorial page

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 115

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 16, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

np" a


e rages

Amnesty conference
The Interfaith Council for Peace and the Wesley Foun-
dation are sponsoring a conference today on amnesty
for men who refused to fight in the Vietnam war. The
conference will feature talks by Louise and Robert Ran-
son, Gold Star parents and leaders of Americans for
Amnesty. Workshops on a variety of veterans' issues
will also be held. The conference takes place from
1:15 to 5:30 p.m. at the Wesley+Foundation Lounge of the
First United Methodist Church at Huron and State.
Traffic report
Traffic on the state's highway system in January was
nine per cent below that of January, 1973, with Sunday
traffic this January down by 31.4 per cent from last
year, the Department of State Highways and Transpor-
tation has reported. Research on driving speed also
showed an overall reduction of 6.3 per cent during
January this year. "Michigan motorists are to be com-
plimented for voluntarily reducing driving speeds and
for being energy conscious in other ways," says E. V.
Erickson, chairman of the State Highway Commission.
Vocational funding
State Sen. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) has intro-
duced legislation to increase state appreciation for vo-
cational and technical education by $2.5 million over the
$17.5 million allocated for 1973-74. Bursley, who is chair-
man of the Senate Education Committee, comments,
"In light of the recent millage defeat, I sense a strong
desire on the part of (Ann Arbor) officials to face a
realistic local share of responsibility in this area.
Happenings.. ..
. are varied. The Farmworkers Support Commit-
tee is meeting at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. at the north
door of the Union before picketing Wrigley's. . . . East
Wind, an Eastern and Asian students organization is
meeting at 2 p.m. in the SGC chambers in the Union ...
the Interfaith Council for Peace is sponsoring an amnesty
conference at 1 p.m. in the Wesley Foundation Lounge
at 602 E. Huron . . . the Ark presents Jean Carrignan,
French Canadian fiddler tonight at 8:30 . . . and Tae
Kwan Do enthusiasts are gathering at the Trotter House
at noon.
Agnew loses agents
The General Accounting Office notified the Treasury
Department yesterday that it would not allow any more
payments for Secret Service agents assigned to former
Vice President Spiro Agnew after tomorrow. In a letter
to Treasury Secretary George Shultz, Comptroller Gen-
eral Elmer Staats said the payments for the agents
were not authorized under any law. Agnew left for a
vacation in Palm Springs, Calif., earlier in the week
with an escort of agents estimated at between 12 and
21 by a congressional critic of the practice, Rep. John
Moss, (D-Calif.). Moss has been asking Staats for sev-
eral weeks to take action against the continued pay-
ment of government funds for Agnew's agents.
Ford won't run
Vice President Gerald Ford said yesterday "I don't
intend to be a candidate for any public office" in 1976.
Ford made the comment at a news conference in Oma-
ha, Neb. when asked about his political plans. He said
he would continue to campaign for the GOP and its can-
didates. Ford also said, "Congress has a bigger credi-
bility problem than the White House and the President.
They don't seem to have the kind of action in this Con-
gress that the American people want."
Moslem rebellion
More than 10,000 people in the island town of Jolo in
the southern Philippines are dead or missing in fighting
between government forces and Moslem rebels, the De-
partment of Social Welfare said yesterday. More than
two-thirds of the city has been razed in the fighting, the
department said. There was no figure on how many per-
sons had been killed. The Moslems are seeking more
Hunger strike
Three prominent Moscow Jews yesterday began a hun-
ger-strike to protest against the authorities' refusal to
grant them exit visas for Israel. Staging the hunger-
strike in a suburban apartment, they had eaten their
last meal Thursday night and would now only drink
water. They are Prof. David Abzel, a retired chemistry

lecturer who spent 16 years in Stalin-era labor camps,
Dr. Vitaly Runin, an expert on Chinese affairs, and
Vladimir Galatsky, an artist. All three said they had
been refused permission to emigrate to Israel and had
been subjected to "jeers" and "humiliations" by the
On the inside . .
.on the Arts Page, Beth Nissen casts a critical eye
on the MUSKET production of Gypsy, and David Blom-
quist reviews Beggar's Opera as performed by the N.Y.
City Center Acting Company . . . Gorgeous George
Hastings previews the Indiana-Michigan basketball game
. . . and Editorial Page writer Jef Feldman takes a
long look at the need for a teaching fellows' union.

By The UPI and Reuter
WASHINGTON - President Nixon's chief Watergate ac-
cuser, John Dean, became the center yesterday of a court-
room battle over whether he should be allowed to testify
against a former White House colleague.
Dean, dismissed as White House counsel on April 30 last
year because of Watergate, was due to make his first court-
room appearance as a witness at a pre-trial hearing here into
charges against Dwight Chapin.
BUT U.S. DISTRICT Judge Gerhard Gesell cleared his court to

No loneliness for these long distance rimners
A motley array of joggers pound the track of decrepit Waterman gym. Many troop down to the ancient structure to meet friends forc
run and to get in shape.
IN117TN T-IF N 0


By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-Wholesale prices
climbed a near record 3.1 per cent
last month bringing increased
pressure to bear on the already
spiraling cost of living.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics,
reporting the price jump yester-
day, said about 70 per cent of the
gain in the wholesale price index
was a result of price increases for
food and fuel.
While the gain in wholesale
prices, adjusted for seasonal vari-
ations, was only half that of the
massive 6.2 per cent rise of
August last year, it is the second
highest jump since records began
in January 1947.
LED BY soaring fuel and food
prices, wholesale prices over the
past three months have risen at
the fastest yearly rate ever re-
corded-37.2 per cent.
Today's gloomier - than - ever re-
port follows a warning issued by
the Department of Agriculture
Thursday that retail food prices
could rise 12 per cent this year
and may be even hit the record
16 per cent jump of 1973.
Over the past year, the whole-
sale price index has risen 20.8 per
cent-the second highest gain ever.
There was a 22 per cent rise in
the period September, 1946 to Sep-
tember, 1947. January's i n d e x
measured the price change of 2,686
items compared with the slightly
smaller number for the same
month of last year.
Food prices jumped 5.1 per cent
during the month compared with
only 1.4 per cent gain seen in De-
cember. Increased prices of live-.
Bac k
eek set
This Monday, February 18,
marks the beginning of Black His-
tory Week at the University. Plan-
ned for the week is a wide array
of lectures, films, and workshops,
culminating with a dinner and en-
tertainment at Trotter House on
The events, all free, are spon-
sored by the Center for Afro-
American and African Studies.
History Prof. Leslie Owens, di-
rector of the center, says thatthe
purpose of the week "is not only
to bring about awareness among
blacks, but also among other rac-.
ial groups." Owens says he hopes
that everyone will participate in
the scheduled events.
celebrated around the country last
week. Explaining why he post-
mnnp.d e nnuseveonts until this

stock, meats, grains and fri
duce pushed wholes al
President Nixon's Council
nomic Advisers, noted that
sale prices of industrial p
other than fuels have bee
more rapidly in recent mo
"To a substantial but

prices so,
esh pro- ured extent this result from higher
e costs costs of fuel used in industrial pro-
duction," he said.
'man of But Stein conceded there is
of Eco- strong inflationary pressure still
whole- at work outside the- food and uel
products sectors. He said it called for ciu-
n rising tioning in considering moves to
nths. stimulate the economy and create
unmeas- jobs.

Over the past three months,
annual rate of price increases
all sectors of the index makes
gloomy predictions about the
ture cost of living. Industrial cc
modities jumped 37.3 per ce
consumer foods 15.7 per cent, c
sumer finished goods 44.1 per c
and farm products, processed fo
and feeds 21.4 per cent.

hear arguments aimed at prevent-
ing Dean from testifying against
Chapin, former presidential ap-
pointments secretary, on the
grounds the two former White
House staffers had established an
attorney-client relationship.
When Judge Gesell reopened
the court after one and a half
hours of secret testimony he said
only Chapin had been heard. He
said he would not rule until "some
time next week" on whether Dean
will be permitted to testify when
Chapin goes on trial on April 1
on charges of lying to a grand
The attorney - client privilege
dispute raised before Gesell by
Chapin's lawyers could be crucial
in any othertrials in coming
months involving Watergate and
related scandals.
IF CHARGES are b r o u g h t
against any other former White
House officials they also could no
doubt establish they had had con-
tact with Dean when he was presi-
tile dential counsel and received legal
for advice from him.
for Prosecutors in the Chapin case
fu- are faced with the problem of con-
m- vincing the judge that Dean could
mt, have useful criminal evidence to
on- offer that was not a product of his
ent White House job. Chapin says Dean
ds gave him legal advice.
Lawyer Richard Davis of the
special Watergate prosecutor's of-
fice urged Gesell.to view any con-
versations Dean might have had
with Chapin on legal matters from
the standpoint of whether they
were properly connected to his po-
sition at White House counsel.
"totally separate from his offic-
ial business," Davis said. He ar-
gued that as White House counsel
Dean could properly only give
legal advice to the President.
Before reporters and spectators
were ushered from court at the or-
der of Gesell, he denied a motion
by Chapin for a dismissal of the
charges against him on the basis
of unfair pre-trial publicity.
This was in connection with a
television interview by special
Watergate prosecutor Leon Jawor-
ski on Feb. 3 reaffirming a state-
ment a few days earlier by one of
his aides that he had no reason to
believe Dean had committed per-
jury in any proceedings.
ate Watergate committee last year
that President Nixon knew before
March 21, 1973 of the cover-up of
the break-in at the Democratic
party headquarters in the Water-
-gate office complex in June 1972.
le Nixon has strongly denied these
s' charges and said he only learned
See LEGALITY, Page 8

o tuition
hike' Vow
TF chiefs
The Graduate Employes Organ-
zation (GEO) Executive Committee
yesterday announced it will formal-
ly recommend that a statement of
ozposition to any tuition increases
be added to the demands the group
is uresenting to the University.
The committee made the an-
nouncement following a meeting
with undergraduate students who
urged GEO adopt a stung "no-
tuition-hike" stand. A mass meet-
ing of teaching fellows on Monday
will decide whether the position
will be adopted.
AT THE MEETING the teaching
fellows will also begin a vote to
strike against- the University for
the administration's failure to ne-
gotiate with GEO.
The strike will take place if a
majority of teaching fellows en-
dorse the action by Tuesday at
8 p m.
Research and staff assistants will
also participate in the strike vote,
but as separate constituencies.
The votes will be tabulated by an
independent group Tuesday night.
ERWIN GAEDE, minister for
the First Unitarian Church has
agreed to count the strike ballots
under the auspices of Guild House.
All graduate employes may vote
anytime following the mass meet-
ing until the Tuesday deadline at
the following locations:
-Modern Languages Building;
-North Campus Commons; and
-Medical Center Library lobby.
The GEO committee emphasized
the need for undergraduate sup-
port to carry on a successful
strike. The additional demand con-
cerning the tuition issue is to allay
fears that the teaching fellow fle-
mands might result in a tuition
Whether the mass meeting will
accept the demand remains unre-
solved. At a similar gathering Pat
week, a number of speakers felt
the TFs should vigorously pursue
their requests regardless of any
potential fee increase.
However, the executive commit-
tee said it hopes the meeting will
approve the statement declaring
"the unacceptability of any rise
in tuition" and the willingness of
GEO to oppose such an increase.

Regents approve funding for
women's intercollegiate sports

The Board of Regents yesterday
tentatively approved a proposal to
administer and fund the women's
interocllegiate sports p r o g r a m
through the present intercollegiate
athletics department.
Under the proposal, which is still
subject to minor modifications, a
new division for recreational, in-
tramural and club sports will be
handled by the physical education
department, instead of being run
directly through the athletic pro-
BOTH NEW programs will be
headed by associate directors ap-
pointed by the athletic department
and who will be responsible to Don
Canham, the University's athletic
Since Canham heads both the
athletic department and the physi-
cal education department, the pro-
posal approved by the Regents
acts mainly to switch funding
sources of the women's and rec-
reational sports programs.
A budget of $80,000 w11l be allo-
cated by the athletic departmert
to fund the women's intercollegiate
sports program. Recreation, mntra-
murals, and club sports will be
funded'out of the University's Gen-
eral Fund in an amount not to
exceed the cost of the new women's
intercollegiate program.
THE PROPOSAL was based on
the recommendations of an ad
hoc committee headed by Eunice
Burns, assistant to the dean of the
education school.
The Regents will offibially ap-
prove the proposal after some de-
tails are slightly modified, accord-
ing to Richard Kennedy, secretary
of the University. The new pro-
grams will be drafted into the Re-
gental Bylaws to become operative
in the 1974-75 fiscal year.
In other business yesterday, the
Regents postponed a vote on the
plan to make Stockwell Hall ca-ed.
Tho R--nn mmrri- rirri Mwat iini

UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Robben Fleming and Regent Gertrud
Huebner (R-Bloomfield Hills) hear discussion at yesterday's Regent


Rowdy is 16 and she lives in foster home.
She hasn't always lived there though. For a
while she lived with her mother, who is di-
vorced, but she couldn't hack it and ran away.
"She was giving me all this weird emotional
crap," Rowdy explains.
WHEN ROWDY returned home, she and her
mother went to Ozone House, a youth advo-
cacy center Rowdy was familiar with, for
counseling. Rowdy claimed her mother was
incapable of improving her attitude toward
Thinking of moving out again, Rowdy went
to an Ozone staffer who helped her find a
foster home to live in. She's still there, now
living contentedly.
Rowdy's plight is by no means unusual to
the staff of Ozone House. The center was
founded four vaars ago by citizens who recog-

hassled at Ozone

volunteers offer services that include a foster
care program, an educational program, and
referrals to other agencies. Still, runaways
comprise a large segment of those Ozone
Ozone House's primary goal is to deal with
the immediate crisis confronting a person,
group spokespersons say. Trouble a young
person encounters from his p a r e n t s over
drugs, friends, or general values often sparks
a sudden departure from home.
When Ozone House takes in a runaway,
what he needs is someone to understand his,
reasons for leaving home.
THE WORKERS at the agency listen to the
troubled person, making him aware that some-
one is willing to hear his problem. This em-
pathetic approach constitutes Ozone House's
policy of crisis intervention.
When a runaway-by state law anyone under

ONCE THE RUNAWAY feels comfortable in
his new situation, the Ozone worker tries to
contact the person's parents, with his ap-
proval. About half consent to the phone call.
For those who tagree, a family counseling
session, in which the runaway and his parents
atttempt to resolve their conflict, is arranged.
Temporary housing arrangements for the run-
away are made if the appointment must wait
For those who do not consent, workers try
to find foster homes. Few such homes, exist,
and they must be licensed to house runaways.
LESS HIGHLY emphasized are Ozone's edu-
cational programs and referral service. The
educational program utilizes film and cable
TV to make the public more aware of the
problems facing runaways.
Ozone's referral service contacts agencies
which might be more suited to the needs of
a person than those of Ozone House.
Ozone House badly needs funds and spokes-

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