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February 15, 1974 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1974-02-15

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Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan



by dorm crime

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


Student input: Au uphill fight

student - faculty Housing Policy
Committee (HPC) and the University
Housing Office over a proposed dorm
rate increase has reignited the long-
smoldering controversy over the role of
students in administrative policy-mak-
The Housing Office has cited the ris-
ing cost of dorm maintenance and serv-
ices in proposing an eight per cent, or
$100, rate increase for 1974-75.
HPC stands opposed to rate increases.
They strongly advocate cutbacks on low-
priority funding (such as the SAB
building or professional dormitory main-
tenance), as a better way to combat ris-
ing costs.
As the student voice on housing policy
matters, HPC has been entrusted with
the proper and effective representation
of student interests in university policy-
making. Section 7.05.1 of the Regents by-,
laws states: ""Student participation in
University decision-making' is important
to the quality of student life at the Uni-
versity, and shall be encouraged. The
Vice-President for student Services shall
assist students in providing effective
mechanisms for such student participa-

ARE UNIVERSITY administrators will-
ing to acknowledge the importance
of "effective mechanisms for student
participation" only when they find it
expedient to their own rigid stratagems?
Why has Student Services Vice-Presi-
dent Henry Johnson, in rejecting HPC's
proposed alternatives to dorm rate in-
creases, labelled HPC as "merely an ad-
visory body?
As long as the administrative hier-
archy chooses to regard HPC and other
student policy boards in such a subser-
vient light, the policy-making input
guaranteed the student in the Regential
bylaws will be threatened.
The student community has made
great efforts to assure themselves a
meaningful voice in non-academic policy
matters. As the strength of past achieve-
ments continues to wilt before the pres-
ent administration, the need for reaf-
firming the student's right to determine
bis or her own destiny can no longer
be ignored.
Now is the time to reopen the issue
o1 student jurisdiction in policy matters
by serving notice to University adminis-
trators that their isolationist stance in
this area will not be idly tolerated.

SOUTH QUAD Building Director, wanderii
Ken Moon: "Security is only Akho
as good as residents make it." Markley
many la
West Quad Building Director, there ha
Leon West: "99 per cent of your robberie
own security is your own respon- points o
sibility." ledge, w
Mosher-Jordan Building Direc- ing with
tor, Sharon Gensler: "Housing can it's happ
only do so much. The rest has to mg us a
be the students' responsibility." LeonI
Markley Building Director, Le- basically
roy Williams: "This system would be very
be as efficient as any with 100 pression
per cent cooperation." problem
No, these building directors are it's my
not speaking from the same script. have th
Despite the enormous differences had."
among the dorms that they repre- Kenne-
sent, their security experiences ple who
have been remarkably similar. be awar
South Quad's security problems rip-offs
seem to have been among he
most serious: two attempted rapes, SHAR(
three or four peeping Toms, one even str
major forcible entry, and several buying o
petty thefts. like this
Director Moon comments: "W're could be
not the best; we're not the worst. Each(
Statistically we're in the middle. security.
We installed a second set of lozk- least one
ed doors to cut down on heavy each one
traffic at night and accessibility p.m., atr
to living areas. Our biggest prab- a system
lem is with residents blocking open one way
doors or indiscriminately opening after the
them for people whether or not sher-Jor
they're residents." brief acc
the staff
LEROY WILLIAMS of Markley out the
cites the same problem as the other sti
greatest security difficulty. "Our an Oper
biggest security problem is mali.> er at th
ious destruction of property; and can labe
that, he said, is caused by "peo- gister th

ing in off the street and
ng through the building."
gh petty theft occurs at
, there have not been as
arcenies as last year, and
ave not been any armed
s. One reason, Williams
ut, is that "to my know-
ve don't have anyone deal-
drugs in this building. if
pening, it hasn't been caus-
ny trouble."'
West of West Quad savs
y the same thing: I may
naive, but it's my im-
that we don't have drug
s we had in the past, and
impression that we don't
e drug dealers we once
th Moon warns that "Peo-
traffic in drugs ought to
e that they're accessible to
and strong arm activity."
DN GENSLER'S warning is
ronger: "It's stupid to be
or selling in in atmosphere
S. . .Innocent bystanders
e hurt."
dorm has its own style of
All the buildings have at
e guard in the evening, and
e locks all entrances by 10
the latest. Every dorni hs
n of reminding residents, in
or another, about looking
eir own security. In Mo-
dan, theft victims w r i t e
:counts of the incidents, and
distributes copies through-
building as a warning to
udents. The form also has
ation Identification engrav-
he desk so that residents
el their valuables and re-
em with the city.

"The only way to increase the efficiency of build-
ing security would be to lock all entrances and
post an armed guard at each one to check identi-
f ication; but,;.. "The students don't want an
armed camp."
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The security guards themselves
elicit nothing but prais2 from build-
ing directors. Leon West com-
ments: "Our security men are con-
scientious, but they carry no wea-
pons, they have no arrest pmver '
"Their main emphasis is on be-
ing visible and on mo."mg through
the building as rapidly as possible,"
Kenneth Moon adds.

"Lack of imp -s nalty may he.
one reason we'v,. e:>:.aped some of
these problems."
Kenneth Moon of South Quad
acknowledges: "Physically wO have
problem s. In a big dorm where
there's impersonality, t'3 impos-
sible to know everyone . . . liigh
rises have problems." He says,
however, "Residents need to have
an overall consciousness of strng-:

ACCORDING to all four build-
ing directors interviewed, the only
way to increase the efficiency of
building security would be to lock
all entrances and past an armed
guard at each one to check iden-
tification; but as Sliaron Gensler
puts it, "The sr',ents don't wa' t
an armed camp.'
Security problems seem to follow
a definite pattern relatel to dorm
size and atmosphe-e. Mosher-.ord-
an, the smallest of Eh: dorms sur-
veyed, has had the fewest cr-me
problems, with only one majir
theft and a fex minor thefts in
this year's rec)r1. Director Gens-
ler says that becaise the darm has
only 500 reident3, 'studenti re-
cognize strange '. They definiiely
know who's otn tue hall, nd they
recognize fazes in th- dorm " West
Quad's dire+. , to feels that

ers. They should be aware of
what's going on in the area. If
someone is wandering down the
hall checking doors and sticking his
head into open . rooms, residents
should call security. At the very
least they should approacn him
and- let him know they're aware of
his presence."
THE BURDEN of securit -clear-
ly rests upon residents.
Each building director has con-
crete suggestions . for increasing
students' security, and their advice
is nearly the same:
First, do not prop open a locked
door or let any strangers in after
the outside doors have been lock-
ed. One person can subvert secur-
ity for an entire building.
Second, lock the door when you

leave the room, whether it is for
thirty seconds or for thirty days.
Third, do not bring valuables to
school and leave them in the dorm.
They only invite theft.
Fourth, do not automatically say
"Come in" to anyone who knocks.
The result is sometimes extreme-
ly unpleasant, if not dangerous.
Fifth, be aware of what is going
on around you. Even if you can-
not tell a resident from a non-resi-
dent, you can often tell if some-
one is acting rather suspicitously.
No one is asking you to apprehend
or even challenge anyone. Just let
an RA, RD, or security guard
know that somthing unusul is oc-
curring. If the people involved are
innocent, then an unfortunate, per-
haps even tragic incident will have
been avoided. No one has anything
to lose by calling security, b u t
everyone stands to lose a lot by
doing nothing.
LEON WEST attributes W e s t
Quad's success to the fact that
"Students are extraordinarily con-
scious of security. They lock doors
far mnore than they used :to. Of
course, it restricts their freedom
of movement."
Good security precautions are
bound to restrict freedom of move-
ment to somee. etent. It seemis ,a
small price to pay, however, for
personal safety, not only from
theft, which is common, but also
from rape or armed robbery.
Asked if he had anything more
to add, West replied, "Only th it I
wish it weren't happening." So do
Patricia Tepper is a staff writer
for The Daily.
final vote, "I just pity those with
good ideas but no money.''
The First Amendment does not
grant the right to buy elections.
IN THE INTEREST of fair com-
ment, the council Repubjicans did
agree to some progressive alteia-
tions in the bill between the first
and second reading votes.
A change, moving up the dates
for prior disclosure of campaign
statements to between the tenth
to seventh day before an election
was agreed to.
However, in the main the ord-
inance must be considered less than


law reform

TF's charge U with racism

ONE OF THE demands approved at
last weeks mass meeting of GEO-
OTF (Graduate Employes Organization-
Organization of Teaching Fellows) calls
for "an end to discrimination" and the
establishment of a quota system in the
hiring of blacks and other minorities as
teaching fellows.
An amendment was passed substitut-
ing the word "quota" for "goal" after
discussion of the university's history of
tokenism and repeated failure to meet
previous "goals" in hiring, admissions
and recruitment.
A committee, appointed by OTF to re-
search discriminatory p ra ct ic e s in
in teaching fellow appointments,, was
only able to confirm appointments of 11
blacks and one Chicano out of a total
News: Dan Biddle, Dan Blugerman, Della
DiPietro, Mike Duweck, Jeff Sorenson,
Becky Warner
Editorial Page: Brian Colgan, Paul Has-
kins, Marnie Heyn, Cindy Hll, A I a n

number of 1,600 TF's.
The committee reported consistent
lack of cooperation on the part of the
university in making its statistics avail- .
Officials at the university told an OTF
representative that no records are kept
which even estimate the number of mi-'
norities hired as teaching fellows and
claimed that no report is given to Af-
firmative Action.
SUBSEQUENTLY OTF representatives
were forced to compile their own
statistics. Although not yet complete,
the OTF survey provides strong evidence
of discrimination, and is the basis for the
organization's accusation of racist hir-
ing practices on :the- part of the univer-
Given the University's laxity in insti-
tuting reforms after charges of' racism
from other groups, a quota seems neces-
sary to force the university in a post-
tive direction.
The GEO-OTF has set a deadline for
the completion of bargaining over this
demand and its long list of other griev-
ances for midnight February 17 and
states that without satisfaction a strike
vote will be taken on February 18th and
Daily Guest Writer

gate political spin-off, voter disen-
chantment with the Republican
cause, just might . . . perhaps, af-
fect Republican electoral chances
at the local level this spring.
The skydarkens with a note of
foreboding as storm clouds move
in from the east on the obscure
bleak October day, but the may-
or's political cerebral juices con-
tinue to bubble.
THEN, nerve sparking synapse
in a lightening-like reaction of grey
matter, an idea is conceived.
To allay the fears of those ever
so temperamental voters and bring
good Republicans back into t h e
foil, why not propose passing Ann
Arbor's very own .. . ELECTION
Of course, this election law does
not necessarily have to regulate
anything to accomplish its purpose,
that of placating the voters. It
merely has to be mentioned in the
And that, once upon a time right
here in the "Big Apple of the Mid-
west," is exactly what happened.
Ann Arbor's finalized Election
Control Ordinance contains no lim-
itations on the total amount that
can be spent in an election cam-
paign or the amount an individual
voter can contribute. At most it
merely requires detailed disclos-
ure of campaign finances prior to
an election.
AS SUCH the ordinance is little
stricter than existing state or fed-
eral lection laws, and much le3ss
so than federal bills currently be-
ing considered.
Striking a white knight-like pose
against the possibility of corrup-
tion in local elections, the mayor

first announced his proposal for the
bill at a City Council meeting on
October 29. -
An initial draft of the proposed
bill was then prepared with the
help of City Attorney Edwin Pear
and was voted on on January 7.
Ordinances must formally be ap-
proved twice by council before
becoming law.
The initial bill required candid-
ates or their campaign treasurers
to file detailed campaign finance
statements between the fifth and
second day prior to a city election,
and flatly prohibited contributions
from businesses and corporations,
and contained penalties for viota.-
ors as well.
THE FINANCIAL statements re-
quired must list the name and ad-
dress of every contributor, t h e
amount contributed, and must re-
cord and provide receipts for all
campaign expenditures over $23.
The premier version of the ball
also did contain a limitation on
individual campaign contributions
- a ceiling of $100 per candidate
from each voter. However, t h a t
provision was actually dropped i.1
the process or "revision' that took
place between first and second
reading votes.
The final vote was held 1 a s t
Monday, when the current inefec-
tual version of an election "con-
trol" ordinance was voted in by
council Republicans in the usual
7-4 tally.
An alternative ordinance propos-
al by council Oamo :rats that would
have effectively plugged many of
the loopholes in the current lawv
was ignored.
Limitations on contriyution
amounts and on campaign spend-

ing are iinperativ if an election
control law is to have any mean-
ing. A difference in the amount
of finnces available to opposing
candidates in a closely contested
race (which is not uncommon to
Ann Arbor politics) can mean a
crucial edge for one of the can-
didates in terms of publicity.
WHEN THIS occurs, the result
is not an expression of the will of
the people but of the buying pow-
er of money.
A ceiling on individual contrihu-
tion amounts is desirable in that
it provides for some limitation on

"First of all it should be remembered that this
ordinance is not a response to any local corrup-
tion that is to be eliminated due to excess money
in political campaigns.... The single purpose of
this ordinance is to reinforce public confidence
in the local political. process."~
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Arts Page: Ken Fink, Sara
Photo Technician: Ken Fink

Rimer, Doug




THE SETTING IS early evening
sometime last October, a n d
our illustrious Mayor James Step-
henson is putting aside the awe-
some responsibility of the Ann Ar-
bor mayorship at the close of ano-
ther gueling day of administrative
He stands, regarding the west-
side Ann Arbor skyline at sunset
through the third floor City Hall
windows (in the direction of city
Republicans), as he ponders t h e
state of the local political scene.
1973, to understate it a bit, has
not exactly been a good year for
Republicans generally.
And as our honorable mayor so
astutely observes, that ugly Water-
N HIS RECENT whirlwind visit
to Panama, Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger pledged that the
United States was now in favor of
"restoring Panama's territorial
sovereignty" over the C a n a 1
Zone, the 530 square-mile U.S.
controlled strip of land bordering
the canal. Observers here note,
however, that Kissinger carefilly
skirted the issue of continued U.S.
military presence in the Zone.
United States military activities in
the Zone, which have been stepped-
up under the Nixon Administra-
tion, are likely to be the major
stumbling block in ongoing U.S.-
Panama negotiations. A high gov-
ernment official who accompanied
Kissinger to Panama commented
that it is "quite possible" that
agreement on the new plan to re-
write the 1903 treaty, which gave
the United States permanent sov-
ereignty over the canal, will hinge
on whether the United States is
willing to cease its large-s : a 1 e
Canal Zone-based counterinsurgen-
cy program.
ALTHOUGH THE United St.ltes

the total amount spent, although
not as effectively as a formal
spending ceiling.
Mayor Stephenson has argued
that the First Amendment guaran-
tees of freedom of exp ession,
which implies the right to dawhat
one wants with one's earnings, ap-
plies to campaign contributions. He
added that "the worth of any idea
is determined by whether or not it
is good enough to motivate peorle
to put money into it."
But as council member Jerry
DeGrieck (HRP-First Ward) suc-
cinctly put it on the night of the

army schools threaten Panama

Perhaps Mayor Stephenson re-
vealed his true intentions- in a re-
mark last Monday to demean the
importance of the bill.
"First of all," he said, "it should
be remembered that this ordin-
ance - is not a response to any
local corruption that is to be ediu-
inated due to excess money in
political campaigns . . . The single
purpose of this ordinance is to re-
inforce public confidence Li the
local political process."




nel and police have graduated from
the U.S.-run Army School of the
Americas (ARSA) and the Inter-
American Air Force Acaderny.
Many of these counterinsurgency
school graduates have isen to top
positions in their governmens. As
of October, 1973, more than 170
graduates of ARSA were heads of
governments, cabinet min+.>ters,
commanding generals or directors
of intelligence in their nations. The
current head of Chile's military
junta, as well as the new director
of intelligence, are graduates (if
Documents recently made avail-
able to the North American Con-
gress on Latin America describe
the activities of ARSA. According
to the documents, the major pur-
pose of the program is to train se-
lect Latin Americans to carry out
counter-operations and interroga-
tion techniques.
AS A RESULT of the recent rash
of kidnappings of prominent offic-
ials in various Latin nation,, new
courses have been added on "ur-
ban guerrilla warfare," and soph-
isticated "criminal investigation
techniques." Classroom exercises
range from the selection of labor

(SOUTHCOM), under whose juris-
diction these schools fall, was ori-
ginally created to defend the Pan-
ama Canal itself, but through the
years its function has expanded
to include the defense of American
interests in all of Latin America.
The administrative apparatus of
SOUTHCOM itself is slated to be
deactivated next year but pro-
grams now under its control will
REMAINING will be 1,100 Green
Berets stationed at Fort Gulick in
the Zone, who travel throughout
Latin America providing intensive
training programs for troops Irom
nations friendly to the U.S. They
also carry out covert onerations,
including participation in the cap-
ture of Cuban revolutionary Che
There is even a model Vietnam-
ese village in the Canal Zone which
has served as a realistic traiinng
site for Indochina-bound Green
Berts and continues in use today
for refresher training purposes.
These various facets of SOUTH-
COM'S program have directly or
indirectly allow the U.S. to inte -
vene in the internal affairs of Lat-
in American nations. Because of

training since it took power in
1968, wants these programs ended
too. Kissinger's recent day-long
visit was marked by protests, an
indication that relations between
the U.S. and Panama have now de-
teriorated to the lowest point since
major anti-American riots rocked
the country in January, 1964
The Kissinger trip was an at-
tempt to do some qutick f e n c e
mending between the two govern-
ments. But as one more skeptical
member of the U.S. Congress puts
it, "the final sav-so on any new
agreement rests with us 'the Con-
gress). Probably the nta rity of
us hope the negotiitions will drag
on until there is a more l ro-Amer-
ican regime in powe-"
Panamanian officiols fear, Mnw-
ever, that the U S. will <take part
in new efforts to bring about a
coup. John Dean s Senate testi-
monv inplicated Watergate plumb-
er E. Howard Jiunt in plans 1o
assassinate Panama's President
Omar Torrijos just afte- th, !972
U.S. Presidential elveion. T h e,
mission was called off but Par-
amanian officials to)! it seriously
enough to interrupt he canal nego-
TT C ARMV 1 P.,ntc

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/ .


Omar Torijos
hide from government dragnets.
If negotiations do not go smooth-
ly, it is possible the U.S. may at-
tempt to stage a coup. Panaman-
ians are already preparing for this
eventuality. In the last two weeks


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