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February 09, 1974 - Image 1

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it i gau
Eight y-Thiree Years of Editorial Freedomz


See Today for details

See editorial page

Vol. LXXXIV No. 109 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 9, 1974 Ten Cents

Eight Pages










Flemin speaks
University President Robben Fleming yesterday pop-
ped up again at an off-campus ceremonial event when he
addressed participants at the groundbreaking ceremony
for the new Education and Research Building at De-
troit's Henry Ford Hospital. Fleming told his audience,
"I do not beleve we can settle, whether in the class-
room or in the operating room, for anything less than
excellence. "For my part, and for the part of my
family, I prefer the dangers of elitism to the dangers
of rationalization in matters of life or death," he ex-
911 line discussed
Congressman Marvin Esch yesterday sponsored a
meeting between local fire, police and government of-
ficials to discuss the possibility of establishing an emer-
gency 911 phone line in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. The
representatives heard an analysis of the emergency
line's pros and cons from a Michigan Bell spokesperson.
The 911 line would connect callers automatically to a
switchboard co-ordinating fire, police and ambulance
services, eliminating time lost because of cross-bound-
ary jurisdictional separations, an Esch staff member
Happenings .
. ..today combine politics and pleasure. State Rep.
Perry Bullard invites public attendance at the Grand
Opening of his new Constituents' Office from noon to
3 p.m., upstairs at 225 E. Liberty . . . the Human
Rights Party is holding its Platform Convention from
1: to 5:30 p.m. in E. Quad's Rm. 124 . . a protest
against Vice President Gerald Ford will be led by the
Center for United Labor action at Cobo Hall at 5:30
p.m. Ford will be in Detroit to make a speech at Cobo
and attend a $1,000 a couple Republican fund-raising
dinner ... The' Spartacist League is sponsoring a forum
entitled "Near East: Proletarian Revolution or National
Genocide" at 7:30 p.m. in Rm. 4302 Michigan Union
WCBN-FM presents live folk-rock music beginning at
midnight . . . works by University music school faculty
members will be presented in a concert called "Music
from Michigan" in Rackham Aud., 8 p.m. . . . the Al-
pha Epsilon Phi. sorority invites you to a rock 'n roll
Valentine's party at 8:30 p.m., 1205 Hill St. . . . the
"Women in the Reel World" film festival continues at
noon in Aud. E-170, Physics and Astronomy Bldg. . . .
a meeting will be held later for women interested in
architecture in Rm. 346 AD Bldg. at 2 p.m. . . . and
people interested in picketing Wrigley's with the United
Farm Workers Support Committee can get rides from
the north door of the Union at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Probe begins
State Attorney General Frank Kelley yesterday an-
nounced that he would launch a "full scale" statewide
antitrust investigation of the nation's major oil com-
panies. The first phase of the investigation, set to begin
next week, will attempt to determine whether there has
been collusive bidding by the oil companies in supplying
oil and gasoline to local units of government, Kelley
n apology
Portions of a story and accompanying headline in
yesterday's Daily on an SGC meeting may have contain-
ed misleading references to Council member Matt Hoff-
man. The errors were committed under deadline pres-
sure, and The Daily regrets them.
Deal investigated
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday
began investigating a charge that the Nixon administra-
tion violated the law by making a secret agreement to
lend the Soviet Union up to $500 million at six per cent
interest without notifying Congress. Sen. Clifford Case
(R-N.J.), a member of the committee, told the Senate
that a trade agreement between the U.S. and the USSR
last year paving the way for the loans had not been
transmitted to Congress. In other action yesterday, the
Senate confirmed the nomination of Joseph Sisco, the
State Department's top Middle East specialist, to be
Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs.
Guerrillas land
Nine pro-Palestinian guerrillas who launched ter-

rorist operations in Singapore and Kuwait met up in
Kuwait yesterday and flew to Aden in South Yemen for
sanctuary. Senior officials of South Yemen's Marxist
government were at the airport as the Japanese DC-8
jetliner touched down. The gunmen were taken away
to an unknown destination.
Hearst kidnaping
The price of freedom for kidnaped Patricia Hearst
may be the release of two imprisoned "soldiers" of the
terrorist group that claims to hold the heiress captive,
police and her father said yesterday. There had been no
ransom demand by midday yesterday, the fourth day
after the commando-like abduction of Hearst from her
Berkeley apartment.
On the inside .*.
Sara Rimer comments on an exhibition by the
Ann Arbor Handweavers Guild on the Arts Page . . . a
representative of the Spartacist League writes on the
Middle East war on the Editorial Page . . . and on the
Sports Page, Clarke Cogsdill covers yesterday's wrestling
match between unbeotens Michigan and Michigan State.

Second of two parts
Like any other neighborhood in
any other American city, the North
Maple section of Ann Arbor has a
crime problem.
Unlike other neighborhoods, how-
ever, the area has a low-income
housing project, and many ob-
servers are quick to conclude that
the presence of the North Maple
Park project is the chief reason
for the vicinity's high crime rate.
ter Krasny submitted a report to
the city administrator's office de-
lineating crime statistics for the
North Maple area. But Krasny and

City Administrator Sylvester Mur-
ray have refused to make the re-
port's contents public.
"People might draw the conclu-
sion," explains Murray, "that it is
North Maple Park residents who
are responsible, something for
which there is no clear proof."
Some of the area's residents
seem to have already drawn that
conclusion. P o 11 y Helmke, who
voiced her opinions on North
Maple's situation at a December
City Council meeting, described "a
marked pickup of undesirable in-
cidents in our area . . . including
muggings, purse snatchings, and
terrorizing of individuals."
HELMKE SAID she and her

neighbors had met to discuss their
mutual safety problems and "tri-
vial to very frightening" experi-
ences in the area.
"In nearly every incident," Hel-
mke declared to the council, "the
assailant could be seen taking
refuge in North Maple Park."
While Helmke and her neighbors
could not state that the alleged
"assailants" were actual residents
of the housing project, she and her
friends were clearly convinced that
North Maple Park is the root of

their crime problems.
For Krasny, one of the road-
blocks is jurisdictional: the hous-
ing project and its surroundings
are located virtually on the town-
ship border between Scio and Ann
Arbor. Police calls in Scio are the
business of the Washtenaw County
sheriff's office, but many North
Maple Park incidents have in-
volved suspects who flee into Ann
Arbor proper.
A PLETHORA of solutions have

been offered for North Maple
Park's problems of isolation, crime
and drab living conditions.
The suggestions range from City
Council. Republicans' call for evic-
tion of "troublemaker" families,
to the Human Rights Party's con-
tention that the housing project's
troubles stem from deeper eco-
nomic forces in the society, and
will not be alleviated until the
society is changed.
BETWEEN THE two extremes
lies a spate of proposals all
emphasizing the role of social
In December, the council applied
for a state grant to finance four

"youth counselors." to work with
teenagers from the housing pro-
ject. If the grant is approved, the
Model Cities Youth Development
Team will provide personnel at a
total expense of $52,000 for the
The city's plan would also fea-
ture recreation supervision, tutor-
ing, and cultural activities at North
Maple Park, with emphasis on
"altering the underlying pressures
that influence youth toward delin-
quent behavior."
But the state's money, like every-
body else's, is tight this year, and
allocation of the full request is not
considered likely.
See PROJECT, Page 8








Drivers hold out for
lower diesel prices
By The Associated Press
Groups of angry truckers rejected yesterday a deal worked
out with government officials and said they would continue
their protest shutdown until their demand for lower fuel
prices was met.
Some increase in truck traffic was noted on the ninth day
of the shutdown, and automakers said they would begin to
recall a few of the more than 100,000 persons laid off because
of the strike.
But violence continued and drivers meeting in truck stops and

AP Photo
INDEPENDENT TRUCK DRIVERS meeting at a Kansas City, Kan., truck stop yesterd'-y voted overwhelmingly against terms of a tentative
agreement reached in Washington in an effort to settle their nationwide shutdown. The truckers' strike enters its tenth day today.

elsewhere accused negotiators of
"selling out" in Washington.
tinue as long as it takes," declared
Tommy Thompson, who said 300
of his fellow drivers met in Atlanta
and voted unanimously to reject
the agreement struck Thursday.
A similar vote was reported by
400 drivers in Michigan, where
Gov. William Milliken ordered the
National Guard placed on alert to
head off any possible highway
violence during the weekend.
Gov. George Wallace of Alabama
called out National Guard Military
Police. Gov. Wendell Anderson of
Minnesota placed his state police
force on 12-hour shifts and Florida
Gov. Reubin Askew pledged the use
of police to escort moving convoys
of trucks.-


Court dismisses Senate

By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President Nixon
won a victory in court yesterday
when a U.S. judge ruled he should
not be forced to hand over secret
White House tape recordings to
the Senate Watergate committee.
U.S. District Judge Gerhard Ge-
sell threw out a subpoena by the
committee for tapes of crucial con-
versations Nixon had with former
White House counsel John Dean,
his principal accuser in the Water-
gate scandal.
"The public interest does not re-
quire that the President should be
forced to provide evidence . . .
to a Senate committee in order to
furnish fuel for further hearings,"
Judge Gesell said in dismissing
the committee's suit.
Gesell said a factor "of critical
importance" in his decision was
"the need to safeguard pending
criminal prosecution from the pos-
sibly prejudicial effect of pre-trial
Secretary Gerald Warren said the
White House was "pleased to note
that the Senate petition has been
dismissed without prejudice. Judge
Gesell's decision is in accordance
with the President's view that the
judicial process should be allowed

to continue without undue pub-
Samuel Dash, chief counsel of the
Watergate committee, issued this
statement: "With regard to Judge
Gesell's decision, ,the committee is
making no comment but consider-
ing what action the committee
might wish to take."
GESELL'S RULING was issued
hours after S p e c i a l Watergate
Prosecutor L e o n Jaworski and
James St. Clair, President Nixon's
Watergate lawyer, met to discuss

Jaworski's demands for continued
access to White House files.
Neither side would say whether
any progress was made at the
Last Oct. 17, U.S. District Judge
John Sirica dismissed the Water-
gate committee's suit on the
grounds it failed to demonstrate
the court had jurisdiction.
The suit was revived when Con-
gress passed a special bill resolv-
ing the jurisdictional problem. The
case then was referred to Gesell.

ape suit
dent'g contention that the co
have no power to decide disp
between a President and a c
mittee of Congress. He said
Court of Appeals ruling direc
Nixon to give tapes to Sirica
come down "squarely to the
trary" of Nixon's contention.
He also rejected the Preside
argument that he can asser
blanket, unreviewable claim
confidentiality for all preside
But, he said, "It has not b
See COURT, Page 8


state goes,
By The Associated Press
New Jersey introduced a limited
gasoline rationing plan yesterday,
becoming the seventh state in the
country to do so.
Gov. Brendan Byrne said the
plan would start Monday and would
be mandatory. The only other state
to make such a plan mandatory is
THE NEW JERSEY plan, like
six others, will be an Oregon-style
plan, geared to a system of alter-
nating fuel sales days based on
odd- and even-numbered license
All of the seven states, and a
growing number of local communi-
ties, have introduced the plans on
their own.
The Federal Energy Office said
this week that it cannot order ra-
tioning on a regional basis and
recommended that states with se-
vere shortages adopt plans on their

I-M reorganization proposed

Expanded varsity athletics for
women and improvements in the
intramural and recreation pro-
gram may result from a proposal
now under consideration by the
THE PROPOSAL, drawn up by
President Robben Fleming's office,
offers a women's intercollegiate
budget of $80,000 and a quasi-
independent intramural administra-
Under the proposal, two new as-
sistant athletic directors would be

appointed. One would administer
the women's program and be paid
by the Athletic department. The
other new assistant director would
be paid from the general fund.
He/she would be responsible for
coordinating all aspects of the I-M
The women's varsity program
would be funded entirely by the
Athletic department, which would
subsequently be relieved of a like
amount of money in intramural
The Physical Education depart-

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Iullard, gets a car,
care of the people

ment would, under the prop
return the $190,000 they curre
spend on intramurals and the'
Pool to the General Fund.
money would then be alloc
directly to the new intramural
of the University, said the
posed plan would give the I-Ml
gram more visibility and inde
dence from departments wh
main interest lies elsewhere.
The change, if approved, will
more weight on the general ft
Kennedy added, however, "It's
conceivable that any additional
would be added to student tui
to fund women's inter-colleg
The proposal has won quali
accentance from the Athletic
Physical Education departme
The Advisory Committee on I
reation Intramurals and C
Snorts (ACRICS) was gener
favorable to the proposal at
Tuesday's meeting.
DR. PAUL Hiinsicker, assoc
director of Physical Education
chairman of ACRICS supported
pronosed change.
Athletic Director Donald Cant
also hailed the planned reorgan
tion. "Tntranurals are the fas
Qrowin thing on campus," (

nom- IN DETROIT, American Motors
the announced the recall of 7,100 work-
ting ers at two plants and General
had Motors said it was recalling 2,200
con- persons at a Dayton, Ohio, plant.
The automakers said the recalls
t a were possible because delivery of
of needed parts by truck had resumed.
tial But there were still at least 100,-
000 out-of-work people because of
been the strike, and there were new
A New York steel plant laid off
1,500 wotkers because it was not
getting materials, and Westing-
house said it was furloughing 1,700
employes at four plants in Ohio
and one in Kentucky.
osal, Food suppliers in the South and
ntly Midwest said food shortages had
Bell not yet shown up, but could next
The week if the strike continues. There
sated were scattered shortages reported
pro- in the Northeast.
tary traffic up 20 per cent, and Atty.
pro- Gen. William Saxbe said the Justice
pro- Department was investigating pos-
pen- sible, antitrust violations in con-
ose nection with the strike.
In Cleveland, Ohio, Leonard
put Fleet, one of the negotiators who
und. hammered out the Washington
in- settlement on behalf of the truck-
fees ers, arrived to meet with truckers
ition who said they intended to keep
;iate their rigs parked until diesel fuel
prices are rolled back.
fied Fleet said that would not be pos-
and sible, and then headed. down
nts. through the state to explain the
Rec- agreement to driv ers.
Club See TRUCKERS, Page 8

VIRGINIA appeared headed -in
the same direction. Gov. Mills
Godwin announced yesterday that
he has directed the state secretary
to develop an Oregon-style plan to
be used on a voluntary basis
wherever needed in the state.
In West Virginia, Gov. Arch
Moore said yesterday he had re-
ceived federal assurance that addi-
tional gasoline supplies would be
made available in five hard-hit
northern counties, and asked 29
closed service stations'in the Mor-
gantown section of the region to
Moore said he will order National
See NEW, Page 8.

Federal energy chief
Simon said at the time
thought problems with
supply were 'of a "spotty
confined to "six or seven

that he

"I would've been better off
hitchhiking," said State Rep. Perry
Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) in response
to charges of taking a "free ride"
on taxpayers' money.
Bullard, who has been driving a
state-owned car for the past four
weeks because his foreign-made
compact car needed an engine
overhaul, repeatedly affirmed that

cents per mile normally paid for
driving while on official business."
However, Bullard was quoted in
the Detroit Free Press yesterday
as saying, "It's great, I'm going
to keep it until they come and get
it." Bullard made the remark to
two Republican legislators when
they jokingly asked how he had ob-
tained the state - owned maroon
193 Dodge Coronet sedan.


A U~niversitv n'cin1n2p rofessr


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