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September 08, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-09-08

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Fig hty-T hree Years of Editorial Freedom



Vol. LXXXIV, No. 3 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 8, 1973 Free Issue

Eight Pages


Something tor nothing
There's just one more day of free Dailies and then you
have to pay. Look us over, and if you like what you see,
why not subscribe? It's only $10.00 for both semesters.
One of the few real bargains left. Just call 764-0558 to
get home delivery of your Daily started.
Help on the way
Director of Housing Information John Finn assures
homeless students on the waiting list for University
housing that efforts are still being made to place
them. After noon Monday, his office will have finished
compiling the list of cancellations and no-shows for hous-
ing and will start assigning people on the list. Fresh-
men desiring a place to live should drop by the Uni-
versity Housing Office at 1011 Students Activities Building
starting Monday night. Upperclassmen should come start-
ing Tuesday. English Language Institute students, many
of whom are temporarily assigned to the University Mo-
tel and the Michigan Union, will be taken care of after-
wards, according to Finn.
Ann Arbor-Dearborn bus
Commuting to the University's Dearborn campus from
Ann Arbor is about to be made easier with the addition
of a new stop on the Ann Arbor-Dearborn commuter bus
run. The service, sponsored by the Southeastern Michigan
Transportation Authority, has been expanded to include
a drop-off and pick-up point at the circular drive north
of theDearborn library. Starting Monday, buses leave
the Hilton Inn in Ann Arbor weekdays at 7:00 and 7:30
AM, arriving in Dearborn about an hour later. Buses
depart the Dearborn library for Ann Arbor at 4:37 and
5:07 PM. Price of a single one-way ticket is $2, but if
monthly passes are purchased the cost works out to
approximately $1 a ride.
..the great Ray Charles will top the bill at the
second day of the three-day Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz
Festival at Otis Spann Memorial Field . . . Bogart's
"The Maltese Falcon" is featured at the Cinema Guild
Bogart Festival at Arch Aud. 7, 9 p.m. . . . the Friends
of Newsreel present "Easy Rider" and Chaplin's "Mod-
ern Times" at the Modern Languages Bldg at 7:15 and
9:30 p.m. . .. R. C. Summer Theater is doing Mrozek's
"Tango" at the Residential College (East Quad) Audi-
torium at 8 p.m. . . . and last but not least Huron Valley
Youth for Christ presents Nicky Cruz, author of "Run
Baby, Run" at Crisler, 7:30 p.m.
"I'm innocent..."
Former White House aide David Young pleaded
innocent to burglary-conspiracy charges yesterday and
told newsmen, "I am confident . . . about my own in-
nocence." Young was indicted with John Ehrlichman,
Egil Krogh and G. Gordon Liddy in the 1971 burglary of
the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist. Krogh already
has surrendered in Los Angeles and pleaded innocent,
and Ehrlichman flew to the coast yesterday to do like-
We been had!
Treasury Secretary George Shultz conceded yesterday
that the United States got burned in the Soviet wheat
deal, but promised it won't happen again. "I think it's a
fair statement to say that they were very sharp in their
buying practices," Shultz said of the 1972 Russian wheat
purchases which resulted in massive increases in U. S.
food prices.
Sun burst
Skylab 2 astronauts photographed a sun explosion so
massive officials said it may cause temporary power
blackouts in earth's northern latitudes. Scientists esti-
mate the solar flare was 10 times the size of the earth
and called it "the brightest and biggest this year." Astro-
nauts Alan Bean, Dr. Owen Garriott and Jack Lousma
captured the flare on film using a powerful array of tele-
scope cameras.

Elephant pinched
The Munich police thought they had a real crank on
their hands when a man called to report an elephant
standing in front of a local tavern. But instead of asking
if it was pink, they went to the scene to investigate and
found that the elephant did indeed exist. Inside the bar,
they found the owner-the caretaker of a local univer-
sity's animal research center. He explained he was tak-
ing the elephant for a walk and just dropped in for a
cup of coffee - the man not the elephant-that is.
On the inside . *
Marcia Merker previews the intramural sports
scene on the Sports Page . . . Marcia Zoslaw reflects on
the differences between Cambridge, Mass.-home of Har-





Largest monthly gain
since World War 11
By UPI and Reuter
WASHINGTON -- Wholesale prices, unleashed from a two-
month freeze and fueled by a 23 per cent boost in raw agri.
cultural products, scored their biggest monthly advance in
August since the summer of 1946, the government reported
Grains alone jumped by 70 per cent last month, and hay,
soybeans and other such livestock feeds shot up by 57 per cent.
BUT TREASURY SECRETARY George Shultz said he thought food
prices would "ease off" because of sharp declines in soybean, corn,

PERFORMERS AT THE Blues and Jazz Festival look out at the large crowd that jammed into Otis Spann Memorial Field yesterday for
the opening session of the three day concert.

cattle, hog and broiler prices since
the Labor Department's figures
were 'gathered before mid-August.
"My instinct is that we have
seen the worst of the food price
problem," Shultz told a White
house news conference.
Other economists also cast doubt
on the inevitability of a sharp up-
surge in retail beef prices when
ceilings are removed Sunday. They
noted that producers who had been
withholding cattle from the market
in anticipation of higher post-ceil-
ing returns might glut the market
and actually push retail prices
THE LABOR Department said
wholesale prices rose by 5.8 per
cent in August, the worst on record
since the postwar inflationary boom
in July, 1946, when they advanced
10.7 per cent.
When statistically adjusted to
account for the weather and other
seasonal factors, the August in-
crease was 6.2 per cent-the big-
gest since the government began
making seasonal calculations 30'
years ago.
By contrast, wholesale prices
dropped by 1.3 per cent in July
during the freeze.
rose to 142.7 last month, meaning
it cost $14.27 in August to buy the
same wholesale goods that sold
for $10 in 1967.
In a separate report, the govern-
ment said unemployment was es-
sentially unchanged last month at
4.8 per cent of the labor force, up
from 4.7 per cent in July but still
well below the 6 per cent level
that prevailed throughout most of
Shultz said the rise in cost of
living was only temporary. He
urged wage earners to "be a little
patient" and resist the temptation
to demand big pay increases in
contract negotiations to catch up.

Local food
prices up
as. usual,
Along with the rest of the nation,
,there seems to be little .or no re-
lief in sight from swollen food
prices for the Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti
area consumer.
Customers at local grocery stores
and markets will continue to be
faced with rising costs of meat,
poultry, fish, dairy products, and
other staples despite efforts of na-
tional price freezing to curtail
MEAT SALES managers from
the chains say they,. are not yet
experiencing a n y shortages or
scarcities of any kind due to hoard-
ing, even though the price freeze
on beef will be lifted next Sunday.
"Sales are pretty normal this
week in area stores -- I guess ev-
eryone already has their freezers
full;" comments A&P's main De-
troit office meat manager.
"Pork and chicken continue to
be good values, even at their re-
cent increasing prices, relative to
beef prices," says Wrigley's De-
troit division manager.
"I CAN'T really predict what
will happen to beef next week. This
week we are selling beef in special
at twenty percent off the ceiling
prices - because more beef is
available this week. We are pass-
ing this advantage on to the people
as quickly as we can."
Despite such comments, sales
managers predict that pork prices
See LOCAL, Page 2


Batewelcomes crowd

' 0
Seventy-year old Count Basie
stepped up to the mike, smiled a
beneficent smile and welcomed
14,000 cheering young folks: "Hello
there . . . it's so nice to see you
all so happy."
And a sea of faces floating in the
pink floodlit twilight on Otis Spann
Memorial Field smiled back to the
Count like children to a pleased
THE SECOND Annual Ann Ar-
bor Blues and Jazz Festival last
night smiled its way past technical
foul-ups and fear of police action
rilled on
By AP, UPI and Reuter
Foreign Relations Committee gril-
led Henry Kissinger, President
Nixon's nominee to be secretary of
state, for four hours yesterday and
threatened to delay his confirma-
tion because of past wiretaps on his
Sitting under television lights in
the ornate Senate caucus room,the
same room used in the Watergate
hearings, Kissinger defended t h e
wiretapping of several aides as
painful but necessary to protect na-
tional security.
COMMITTEE members s a i d
they could not act on Kissinger's
nomination before receiving an
FBI report on the wiretapping of
Kissinger's White House aides in
The wiretap controversy, a spin-
off from Senate Watergate testi-
mony about President Nixon's ef-
forts to stop news leaks of classi-
fied information marred Kissim,-

night of
against drug use, to a fine and al-
most flawless opening show.
As some 20 uniformed police
looked on quietly from the audi-
ence's perimeter, the classic jazz
man Basie, the more progressive
Leon Thomas and bombastic blues
man Freddie King led the crowd
through a satisfying blend of some
of the best in blues and jazz music,
from "ancient"-the 1920's origins
of Basie and blues pianist Roose-
velt Sykes - to the modern Afri-
can rooted sound of Thomas.
Problems arose briefly as a vi-
deo system, used to transmit a TV

Blues Festival

image of the performers onto a
mammoth projection screen for the
benefit of the people in the back,
failed to function at the outset.
THE SYSTEM was quickly re-
paired, but organizers faced an-
other snafu as J. B. Hutto and his
Hawks, an electric blues band,
lost the balance of their equipment
in a car accident shortly before the
show. Hutto's band arrived late
and intact but was unable to play
-his act was quickly replaced by
a local group, the Mojo Boogie
If that wasn't enough, the phone

system on the festival grounds
went dead for a brief period after
10 p.m.
But the performers pressed
ahead unhampered through a ser-
ies of crowd pleasing sets, and the
anticipated source of trouble-fear
of drug a r r e s t prompted by
statements from Ann Arbor Police
chief Walter Krasny and Mayor
James Stephenson earlier this week
-failed to materialize.
THE CONCERT opened with an
old fashioned piano blues session
from Roosevelt Sykes, whose white
Stetson hat matched his white pia-
no. The smooth Mr. Sykes, a man
of Basie's musical generation,
played often with one hand held
high, leading his youthful listeners
delicately through "The St. James
Infirmary Blues" with the finesse
of a Leon Russell and the time-
honed expertise of a Mississippi
Fred McDowall.
The Chicago Revolutionary En-
semble followed with a progressive
jazz set led by a fine electric vio-
lin but the young musicians were
no match for the classic Basie,
whose 16 piece orchestra and acro-
batic drummer blew 14,000 newly
gained swing music fans straight
back to the forties.
It took the introspective sound
of Leon Thomas and the electricity
of Freddie King's blues to bring
the crowd back into the seventies.
11:30 and is headlined by John Lee
Hooker and the Ray Charles show.

HIIP seeks to have
marijuana question
placed on city ballot

The Human Rights Party (HRP)
has begun a petition drive aimed
at placing the city's recently re-
pealed $5 marijuana fine on next
April's municipal election ballot as
an amendment to the city charter.
To get the controversial law on
the ballot, HRP must collect the
signatures of 3,500 registered city
voters before the end of Decem-
ber. HRP started the campaign

Diag demonstration
dra wssmall crowd

Wednesday but shortly plans to in-
tensify their efforts particularly
during the Blues and Jazz Festival.
IN A RELATED move the Wo-
men's Political Committee, a non-
partisan group, will circulate pe-
titions for a charter amendment es-
tablishing the right of initiative and
If successful, initiative and refer-
endum would allow private citi-
zens to place city ordinances on a
municipal election ballot by col-
lecting signatures. Presently, City
Council has the sole power to put
city laws on the ballot.
HRP originally undertook the
initiative and referendum cam-
paign but by mutual consent turned
the drive over to the Women's Po-
litical Committee.
BESIDES THE petition drive on
marijuana, HRP is also trying to
place pay for council members on
the April ballot. Currently council
members receive no monetary
compensation for their time. But
ifTJa rn th r nra ints

Some 150 people gathered in the
sun-soaked Diag yesterday after-
noon to kick off the semester with
an "anti-Nixon rally" that even-
tually took more potshots at the
Universitv's record tuition hike

BOTH GILL and DeGrieck urged
the revival of "mass movement"
fervor resembling the high level
of campus political activity in the
late 1960's. DeGrieck sounded a
familiar note as he took aim on the
Dower structure: "The University


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