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December 01, 1973 - Image 1

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Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 71

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, December 1, 1973

Ten Cents

Six Pages


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Fojtik to head committee
Washtenaw County Commissioner Kathleen Fojtik (D-
Ann Arbor) has been elected chairperson of the county's
Comprehensive Health Planning Committee, which is
developing a health plan for the area. The committee
will also analyze health data and compile a report to be
used by local health-related groups. Fifty persons repre-
senting various Washtenaw County health and social
agencies attended Thursday night's first annual meet-
ing of the committee. In addition to electing Fojtik, two
task forces were named at the meeting to gather in-
formation on area health needs.
Happenings .. .
are topped by today's basketball home opener
at Crisler Arena, 2:05 p.m. . . . and a plethora of flicks,
including Sinha's Phir Bhi at Aud E of the P&A Bldg.,
4:30 and 6:30 p.m., Menzel's Closely Watched Trains
at Aud A at 7 and 9 p.m., Mizoguchi's Taira Clan Saga
at Arch. Aud. at 7 and 9:05 p.m., and Peckinpah's Straw
Dogs at Bursley, 9 p.m.
U.S. studies war bill
Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger disclosed
yesterday that defense officials are pondering whether
the new war powers bill would permit the United States
to resume bombing if the North Vietnamese often a new
major offensive. However, Schlesinger told a news
conference, "I think the intent of Congress is quite
clear." Schlesinger said the question is "being looked
into" by experts at the State Department. Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger acknowledged such a study was
under way.
Coal called no energy answer
Coal, the nation's most abundant energy resource,
will not be able to either solve or alleviate energy short-
ages this winter or in the immediate future, coal execu-
tives in Charleston, W. Va., said yesterday. "If the
Eastern utilities receive coal this winter, it will mean
that someone else won't get it,," said L. B. Gray, gen-
eral manager for coal of Bethlehem Steel Corp.
Golda still popular
Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir and Defense Min-
ister Moshe Dayan still remain the most popular choices
for their posts, but have lost a lot of support since the
October war, according to a public opinion poll publish-
ed in Tel Aviv yesterday. The poll, carried out by
Hebrew University in Jerusalem for the newspaper
Yediot Ahronot, asked 1,000 people whether following
the war, they had changed their minds as to which
party they would vote for in the December elections.
Fifty-four per cent answered in the negative, 33 per
cent replied affirmatively, and the remainder were un-
500 Cambodians reported dead
A rebel rout of Vihear Suor village near Phnoir.
Penh, Cambodia, left more than 500 government soldiers
and civilians dead or missing, the military command
said yesterday. lut it added that almost 200 government
troops escaped to friendly lines. Many troops reportedly
were still in the marshes south of Vihear Suor, 'which
lies 12 miles northeast of the Cambodian capital, making
their way four miles south of Khnor Kar. Soldiers who
escaped from the garrison said the Khmer Rouge, us-
ing mortars, rockets and tear gas, began their attack on
the village late Thursday night after weeks of siege.
Two hundred soldiers and 150 civilians were killed in
the first surge, the garrison's assistant commander said.
Till death do us part
Police in Concord, N.H., battered their way into a
locked house yesterday and discovered the reclining
bodies of three elderly people who died at various
intervals over the past year. The skeleton of 84-year-old
Cecilia Kenney lay in final repose before the living room
television set; police said her brother Roland, 72, and
sister Grace, 76, put Cecilia there so she could remain
"part of the family. Grace and Roland continued living
a normal life," reported Detective Sgt. Bruce Russell.
"Roland died around a month ago and was asleep in his
bed at the time. Grace left him there, and tried to
continue her normal life, but could not." Police found
the pair lying side by side in nightclothes on a white

iron bed upstairs. On the kitchen table sat a bag of
unopened groceries.
Woman tries 'lock jar' diet
Hefty housewife Shirley Turner of Carlton, Eng-
land has got her teeth into a rather unorthodox diet.
Jealous of the wolf whistles her bikini-clad daughters re-
ceived at the beach, the 35-year old housewife, who
weighs in at 238 pounds, had surgeons cement her jaws
together to stop her from eating. Doctors applied cement
to her upper and lower teeth and screwed a silver splint
in the cement on each side of her mouth. "It was pain-
ful at first, but now it feels better and gnawing hunger
pangs have gone," she said. "I've lostt15rpoundsin two
weeks and my teeth will be locked together until I'm
down to 124 pounds," she said through clenched teeth.
At this weight loss rate, she won't be able to open
her mouth until next June.
On the iiside . .
Gordon Atcheson profiles former top city finance
officer Kenneth Sheehan on the Editorial Page . . . on
the Arts Page, Bruce Shlain reviews American Grafitti

By United Press International
Egyptian troops backed by mor-
tar and artillery fire yesterday
tried to punch their way through
Israeli position on the West Bank
of the Suez Canal, but were driven
back by counter-attacking Israeli
forces, the Tel Aviv military com-
mand said.
In Cairo, Egypt charged that
Israel sabotaged the cease-fire
talks along the Cairo-Suez high-
way. Egypt said it might withdraw
from the forthcoming Middle East
peace conference because of Is-
rael's stand on troop withdrawals.
Both sides warned of war and the
United Nations reported more




Cease-fire violations reach new peak

THE STEPPED UP battlefield
activity came one day after both
sides clashed within earshot of
Egyptian and Israeli negotiators at
Kilometer 101 on the Cairo-Suez
highway. The talks broke down
indefinitely Thursday.
In Cairo the U. N. spokesper-
son reported 20 cease-fire viola-
tions, including four air incidents.
It was highest number since the
37-day-old cease-fire went into ef-
fect. An Israeli spokesperson said

both sides were "warming up" on
the Suez front.
The Israeli command in Tel Aviv
said its battle-ready forces on the
West Bank of the canal came un-
der fire five times Friday, includ-
ing Egyptian attempts to advance
to new positions around the Great
Bitter Lake.
THE COMMAND said the Egyp-
tians using automatic weapon fire,
mortars and heavy artillery, were
met by Israeli counterattacks and

repulsed. One Israeli soldier was
reported wounded at Kilometer 62
along the Cairo-Suez road.
Egypt broke off the cease-fire
talks at Kilometer 101 on the
Cairo-Suez road Thursday because
of what it called Israel's refusal to
return to the Oct. 22 cease-fire lines
as called for by a U. N. resolution.
Israel has said the lines never ex-_
isted and the negotiators have been
discussing the general disengage-
ment of troops.
Egyptian officials said it was now

up to Washington and Moscow as
co-authors of the cease-fire resolu-
tion to salvage the situation. They
said the superpowers should pres-
sure Israel to change its "intran-
sigent" position on the troop with-
IN CAIRO, the semi - official
Middle East News Agency said
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ismail
Fahmi met separately with Soviet
Ambassador Vladimir Vinogradov
and U. S. Ambassador Herman

Eilts. The agency did not say how
long each meeting lasted.
Secretary of'State Henry Kis-
singer, who authored the agree-
ment was expected to visit the
Middle East in the near future,
Kissinger said Thursday in Wash-
ington the United States is fully
committed to the peace confer-
Since the signing of Nov. 11 aq-
cord both sides held 10 meetings
at Kilometer 101, the majority of
them dealt with the disengage-
ment of troops along the Suez
front. Other aspects of the accord,
including POW exchanges and
mercy missions to Suez City, were

t Jawoski

AP Photo
McGov for in peachment
A smiling Sen. George McGovern autographs an "Impeach Nixon Now" placard for a University of
Oklahoma student in Norman yesterday. Sen. McGovern has called for Nixon's impeachment.

Supreme Co
hearings on

Following a state Supreme Court
ruling Thursday, the heated, parti-
san struggle over the city's ward
boundaries r e m a i n s unresolved,
leaving officials unsure of what
those boundaries actually are.
Thursday's decision orders the
Washtenaw County Circuit Court to
probe the merits of Ann Arbor's
ward boundary plan. The action
also voids a previous Circuit
Court ruling under which City

Council recently amer
The high court, h
clined to rule on the o
sparked a year-long
fraught with strong p
has two ward bound
and the controversy w
which is the legal on
cember plan" - adop

nded the plan. cember by a Democratic - Human
however, de- Rights Party (HRP) council coali-
original plan's tion; or "the October plan"-an
issue that has amended version enacted in Octo-
legal battle ber by the Republican majority
political over- now controlling council.
Democrats contend the state Su-
preme Court action implicity nulli-
city currenty fies the amended plan. But GOP
ary schemes interests have indicated they will
will center on attempt to implement the amend-
ne: "the De- ed boundaries in time for next
ted last De- April's city elections. They claim
the Supreme Court decision was
politically motivated.
The court voided ,an Aug. 29 Cir-
cuit Court order remanding the
ward boundaries to council "for
further consideration or action."
Under that mandate, the Republi-
cans approved changes in the
original ward configuration t) cor-
rect "errors" that allegedly ren-
dered the plan illegal.
the ruling is
boycotts. Lit- THE ALTERATIONS clearly aid-
e dispute and ed GOP chances for winning the
still permis- pivotal. Fourth Ward and stirred
can describe cries of gerrymander in opposition
'FW's dispute camps.
Iexplain that Although admitting "it could be
grapes and argued that the amended plan is
ources. They void," City Attorney Edwin Pear
s to not buy See SUPREME, Page 3

By Reuter
WASHINGTON - President Nix-
on yesterday prepared a purge of
his own lawyers as part of efforts
to prove his innocence in the Wat-
ergate bugging scandal following
a bitter White House attack on the
staff of special Watergate prosecu-
tor Leon Jaworski.
Major changes in the White
I;ouse legal staff, including possi-
ble replacement of Fred Buzhardt
as chief, appeared imminent to
avoid a repetition of what Presi-
dential Press Secretary -Ronald
Ziegler Thursdayetermed "mis-
takes" caused by overwork.
DEPUTY PRESS secretary Ger-
ald Warren yesterday strongly in-
dicated that a re-shuffle was im-
minent, saying an announcement
would be made when changes and
new titles had been decided on.
The re-shuffle, involving addi-
tions to the hard-pressed White
House legal staff, was brought on
by Watergate disclosures gener-
ally viewed as damaging to oper-
ation "candor" the President's
campaign to restore his tarnished
credibility and to ward off pres-
sures for his resignation or im-
peachment by Congress and re-
moval from office.
Among them was the belated ac-
knowledgment by Rose Mary
Woods, the President'sapersonal
secretary, that she accidently
erased an 18-minute portion of a
tape recording of a conversation
Nixon held about the Watergate af-
fair on June 20, 1972, three days
after the Watergate break-in and
statements that the erasure was
not detected until last Nov. 14 and
that Watergate Judge John Sirica
was not told about it until Nov. 23
because the President incorrectly
assumed that the tape was not
among those subpoenaed for the
grand jury.
The decision to - re-shuffle the
White House legal staff was seen
as evidence that the President was
on the defensive on his home
ground as well as in his relations
with the Watergate prosecutor.
Jaworski was chosen to succeed
Archibald Cox, who was fired in
the "Saturday Night Massacre" of
Oct. 20, when Attorney General
Elliot Richardson resigned rather
than dismiss Cox and Deputy At-
torney General William Ruckels-
haus was dismissed for following
THERE WERE no signs that the
President was about to order an-
other "massacre" or try to get rid
of Jaworski, an aggressive Texas
trial lawyer-who has said he would
carry out his investigation no mat-
ter where it led.
But another crisis was in the
making as a result of Ziegler's
charge that Jaworski's staff -


many of them liberal Democrats
with no brief for the President's
Republican Party - had "an in-
grained suspicion and visceral dis-.
like for this president and this ad-
Ziegler, who has emerged as one
of the President's closest advisers,
carefully exempted Jaworski from
his remarks. The prosecutor was
"a very respected man, a very fair
man," he said.

staff, saying that "I have special
doubts about the staff of the spe-
cial prosecutors office . . . in
political terms."
Told that Jaworski had spoken
kindly about his staff, Ziegler said:
"Well, I speak unkindly of them."
It was the second time this week
that the White House had attacked
the special prosecutors office. On
Monday, Deputy Spokesman War-
ren had complained about alleged
leaks from it to the effect that
White House lawyers had approach-
See NIXON, Page 3

BUT AT THE very least
seemed to criticize Jaworski
purportedly not controlling


despite court ruli

Students and other members of
the Ann Arbor community are plan-
ning to continue their picketing of
the A&P food store on Huron St.
this morning, despite an injunction
issued earlier this week in Oak-
land County Circuit Court.
The ruling enjoins the United
Farmworkers (UFW) and any af-
filiated citizens from action -
whether oral or written - which
might "encourage or suggest that
persons not do business with the
THE INJUNCTION further pro-
hibits any more than two protesters
being within 50 feet of the door
unless they are on a public walk-
Seeking to shelter the A&P from
"grave and serious injury to (their)

UFW attorney.
Another aspect oft
its ban on secondaryt
erature describing the
giving information is
sible; the protesters+
the nature of the U]
with the growersand
the A&P buys their
lettuce from other s
can even ask shopper
such goods if they we
by the UFW.
BUT THIS ceases t
mational picketing" if
or the store namei
and becomes a "sec
cott" instead.
Whether or not thist
nicketers in Washte
however, is a questi
divided everyone-eve
nartinintd in the cou

AP Photo
Going home
Edward Kennedy Jr. is on his way home with his parents Sen.
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and wife Jane after his leg opera-
tion on Nov. 17. Sen. Kennedy carries Redskin Coach George
Allen's gift to Edward Jr., a football.

re not picked
to be "infor-
trade names
is mentioned
condary boy-
ruling affects
naw county,
ion that has
en those who
irt case.


Sunday drivers
By AP and UPI
Sunday drivers will have a hard time finding gasoline this weekend,
an Associated Press survey shows.
The AP checked trade nociatinns arn the ncontry inanre-

beware-no gas
Officials in 26 of 35 states surveyed said at least 75 per cent of the
service stations would not sell gas tomorrow, although many said the
facilities would remain open to provide repairs and other emergency

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