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November 16, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-11-16

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See Editorial Page

itr itaL
Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom

A &
:43 a t 149

For details, see Today

Vol. LXXXIV, No. 62

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 16, 1973

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

592 aid 086...
are the winning numbers in this week's Michi-
gan State Lottery drawing. The winning numbers in
the special "second chance" drawing are 569 and 538.
Suden tuition protest backed
The Organization of Teaching Fellows (OTF) last
night voted its "common interest" with other students
in their fight against the tuition hike. That common
interest was called into question last week when Uni-
versity President Robben Fleming announced that $2
million of a $3.75 million surplus generated, according
to Fleming, by excess tuition revenues, would be allo-
cated to meet, TF's financial demands. The TF vote
followed the arrival of half a dozen Student Action Com-
mittee (SAC) members at an OTF meeting in the Rack-
ham Building. SAC members, organizers of the now-
dead tuition strike, at first accused the TFs of "taking
the money and running." Confrontation was ultimately
averted, however, by agreement that both groups and
their constituencies were being "manipulated" by the
University into opposing one another.
SAC slates rally
The Student Action Committee (SAC) has called for
a demonstration today at 11 a.m. at the Administration
Bldg. The protest is aimed at the Regents, who will be
meeting this morning to divvy up the University's giant
surplus generated by the massive 24 per cent tuition
Impeachment support
The local Impeach Nixon Committee has scheduled
a town meeting in support of the impeachment of Presi-
dent Nixon for tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Rackham Aud.
Speakers include County Commissioner Kathleen Fotjik,
State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor), and former
state NAACP Chairman Albert Wheeler, among others.
Also, the committee is circulating petitions to be sent
to U.S. Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) to urge him
to vote "yes" on impeachment. The petitions are avail-
able for signing or distribution at the committee's head-
quarters, Rm 3X of the Union.
Teaching machines doomed
Most of us will remember teaching machines as just
another fad from the sixties: They were supposed to
"revolutionize" education by providing a "scientific"
method of teaching above and beyond the talents of us
poor humans; and they eventually faded away like Silly
Putty and Etch-A-Sketches. Noted University psychology
Prof. Wilbert McKeachie predicted yesterday that com-
puterized teaching will remain out of the picture per-
manently, because of the innate inability of a ma-
chine to recognize such importanteducational factors as
motivation and reinforcement. McKeachie said their
current worth, in his opinion, is "less than hula hoops."
City gets U.S. lab
Ann Arbor has been selected as the site for a
proposed National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administra-
tion regional center, it was announced yesterday. The
center would include a fisheries office, data service
facility and research laboratory, and would provide
about 250 jobs for area residents. The center is still in
planning stages, however, and construction will not start
until federal funding is finally approved and a definite
site for the facility is selected.
Happenings.. .
. . . are relatively few. The Tenants Union will be
putting together a statement on rent control today at
5 p.m. in Rm 4110 of the Union. The public is invited
to give input . . . The Ark presents singer-songwriter
Paul Geremia tonight and tomorrow night at 8:30 p.m.
... The Farah Strike Support Committee of the Attica
Brigade will be picketing in support of the Farah pants

boycott in front of Marty's on State St. near Liberty,
from noon to 1 p.m. . . . Arthur Court, an authority on
fossils and minerals, will exhibit some of his findings
at Jacobson's today from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. . . . and
last but certainly not least, the Black Students' Arts,
Culture Festival opens at 4 p.m. at E. Quad.
Greek students revolt
Thousands of students barricaded themselves inside
the Polytechnic School in Athens yesterday in a massive
anti-government demonstration. The students, who be-
gan the protest Wednesday at 2 p.m., vowed to con-
tinue until their demards for more autonomy were
Ont the inside .. .
- - .Cinema Weekend provides a full listing and
capsule reviews of the weekend's movies on the Arts
Page . . . Guest Writer Anne Chase speaks out o the
irrelevance of a college education on the Editorial
Page . . . and Marcia Merker discusses Athletic Direct-
or Don Canham's refusal to fund a trip to the national
championships by the University's cross-country team on
the Sports Page.






dent Nixon claims former
Atty. Gen. Elliot Richardson
lied in sworn testimony about
Richardson's role in the oust-
er of special Watergate Pro-
secutor Archibald Cox, several
Republican senators said yes-
The White House denied
that the President had called
Richardson a liar, said the
senators had misunderstood
his remarks and added that
Nixon had only told the GOP
leaders that the former attor-
ney general had given one of
several versions of events' sur-
rounding the Cox ouster.
NIXON MADE the claim, and
raised a question of whether the
Senate Judiciary Committee would
seek action against the former at-
torney general, during a session
with 15 Republican senators
Wednesday night, the senators said.
The White House said it was un-
trueethat Nixon hadcalled for a
Senate investigation of possible
perjury and contended that matter
was raised first by one of the sen-
ators in response to the conflict be-
tween the White House and Rich-
ardson versions.
Richardson said in a statement
he stands on his testimony before
the committee and added there is
"no basis at all" for a White House
claim he had oroginated the move
to restrict Cox.
THE SENATORS who quoted
Nixon as saying Richardson had
lied declined to be identified.
They said the President did not
expand on his statement that the
former, attorney general had lied
before the committee but turned
the explanation of his contention
over to the White House chief of
staff, Alexander Haig.
According to three senators at
the White House meeting, Haig
disputed Richardson's committee
testimony that Richardson opposed
a White House order for Cox to
cease efforts in federal court to ob-
tai tapes and documents in Water-
gate-related probes.
HAIG SAID that, in fact, Rich-
ardson had been an originator of
a proposal to limit Cox's probe, the
senators reported.
Meanwhile, Nixon pushed his
Watergate counter-attack in public
and private yesterday and drew
standing cheers from his largest
audience in three months when he
vowed anew to remain in office.
Appearing before an overflow
crowd of several thousand at the
National Association- of Realtors
convention in Washington, Nixon
accentuated the happy develop-
ments of the year, from his stand-
point, and soft-pedaled discussion
of the Watergate scandals, which
he referred to simply as "the prob-
lem of the campaign of 1972."
See SENATORS, Page 3

AP Photo
Moonrise over Anchorage
A Nike missile site near Anchorage, Alaska, is bathed in moonshine at sundown recently. The installation
is perched atop the Chugach Mountains overlooking the city.
Idpnetpolice unit

for campus area


ISRAELI SOLDIERS and members of the United Nations
ing force scuffle Wednesday near, Suez City, Egypt, at
checkpoint. The dispute began when U.N. troops tried to

AP Photo
a disputed
raise their

Middle East POW
exchange underway

An outside research agency has
recommended that the University
establish an independent campus
police force.
The proposal is part of a report
solicited by the University Council,
a student-faculty advisory body
that President Robben Fleming
consults on such issues as Univer-
sity security.
THE $17,000 STUDY, prepared
by the International Association of
Chiefs of Police (IAPC), proposes
that the University Department of
Safety beenlarged to include 164
security and police officers who
would hold legal police authority.
The expansion would cost the
University an additional $700,000 in
security funding and would abolish
present contracts with the city
police department and the Burns
International Security Service for
campus patrol operations.
Under the plan's specifications,
the director of safety would report
directly to the University's presi-
dent and chief financial officer, in
an attempt to consolidate and clari-
fy lines of authority.
stress that no decision hasbeen
made on the recommendations.
"The University Council will con-
sult widely with individuals and
groups in the University commun-
ity about the report," says newly-
elected council Chairman Charles
Morris, psychology professor and
associate dean of the literary col-
The groups plans to gather re-
sponses from such organizations as
the Student Government Council,
and reconsider the proposal at its
Dec. 4 meeting. After consultations
are finished, the recommenda-
tions will be sent to Fleming and
eventually to the Board of Regents
for approval and funding.

after extensive interviewing of se-
curity personnel, students and Uni-
versity employes, concludes that
University security service is pre-
sently "fragmented" by unclear
lines of authority. In a 100-page
statement, IAPC investigators
claim they found widespread dis-
satisfaction with the present secur-
ity set-up in the University com-
Presently, the University's secur-
ity operation combines a special
campus unit of 24 city police of-
ficers with approximately 30 hous-

SGC budgets $200
to Jewish newsletter
after stormy debate

ing and hospital security guards,
and 65 part and full-time Burns
Fourteen employes of the De-
partment of Safety co-ordinate se-
curity forces. In total, security
costs the University $1.3 million
per year. Adopticn of the IAPC pro-
posal would increase the cost to
more than $2 million.
IN RECENT YEARS, c r i m e
rates have risen sharply on cam-
pus. Crimes such as aggravated
assault and auto theft increased by
See 'U', Page 7

By Reuter
Wounded Egyptian and Israeli
war prisoners were flown home
yesterday atsthestartfofwa mas-
sive prisoner exchange airlift be-
tween Cairo and Tel Aviv as the
Middle East ceasefire agreement
began taking hold.
At the same time, the United
Nations peacekeeping command in
Cairo reported that Israeli troops
had handed over their checkpoints
on the Cairo-Suez road to UN
THE PRISONER exchange - ex-
pected to continue for about a
week in a series of two-way mercy
airlifts-and the handing over of
the checkpoints at Kilometer 101
and 119, removed major obstacles
blocking the way to implementa-
tion of the six-point Middle East
casefire agreement signed bye Is-
rael and Egypt last Sunday.
Agreement to start the exchange
of prisoners captured during last
month's war was reached Wednes-
day at a meeting between military
representatives from Egypt and
Israel at Kilometer 101.
The International Red Cross,
which is handling the air lift, flew
45 wounded Egyptians from Tel
Aviv while another plane took 26
Israelis from Cairo to Tel Aviv.
LATER IN the day, a Red Cross
spokesperson reported that a sec-
ond planeload of more than 250
Egyptian prisoners-including some
wounded-had been flownfrom Tel
Aviv 'to Cairo's military airport.
A third planeload of freed prison-
ers was due in Cairo later yester-
day. But the spokesperson said
that the Egyptians had decided
that the next airlift of Israeli pris-
oners home would not be until to-
morrow when about 30 were due
to be flown to Tel Aviv.
A UN spokesperson, Rudoif Staj-
duhar, told a press conference in

were carried on stretchers aboard
the Red Cross plane.
The Israelis all wore bright
striped pajamas and had their
heads cropped-possibly for hos-
pital hygiene purposes.
STAJDUHAR SAID that arrange-
ments were also under way to start
evacuating E g y p t i a n civilians
wounded from Suez town yester-
A spokesperson reported that a
convoy of 24 trucks had left check-
point 101 for Suez town carrying
food, water and medical supplies.
He said that Maj. Gen. Ensio
Silvasuo, commander of the UN
emergency force, yesterday attend-
ed an informal meeting between
See MIDDLE, Page 3

Student Government C o u n c i 1
appropriated $200 last night for the
establishment of a Jewish student
newsletter after more than an hour
of heated debate that frequently
degenerated into: personal attacks
on members.
Later, the meeting was halted
when several SGC members left
the council chambers in order to
prevent a vote on a resolution
voicing opposition to the Univer-
sity's affirmative action policy.
proposed by council member Matt
Debate on the newsletter center-
ed on two points-whether Jews
represent a minority on this cam-
pus, and therefore whether SGC
should appropriate money from its
Minority Affairs Budget.
Henry Clay, SGC's vice-president
for minority affairs appeared last
week at the Council meeting and
said that in his opinion Jews did
not constitute a minority according
to HEW guidelines. HEW guide-
lines, Clay explained, recognize
blacks, Chicanos, and Asian-born
students as minorities.
HOFFMAN, a member of' the
Screw SGC party, maintained that
Jews are a legitimate minority on
campus, even though he admitted
that there "may be as many as
6,000 Jews on campus," out of a
total of 38,000 students.

Ted Liu, director of Asian af-
fairs, voiced concern at the pro-
cedure SGC was following iri cir-
cumventing the existing structures
of the council.
In other action, SGC heard re-
ports from a number of its various
committees and officers. Rose-
mary Mullin, the SGC treasurer
issued a'report on the state of SGC
Her report stated that SGC is
currently in the red to the tune of
between $5900 to $7200. The margin
involved is due to a disputed bill
which SGC has not paid.
The meeting broke up early as a
number of members left, and the
council lacked a quorum. The room
was emptying, and quorum was
called once. When it was discover-
ed that a quorum still existed SGC
member Dan Fishman left to make
sure that a quorum no longer
COUNCIL HAD been considering
whether to go on record opposing
the University's affirmative action
policy. Apparently the Fishmans
left to make sure the council would
not take a vote on this issue.
"I feel really bad about resort-
ing to such tactics, but they were
necessary," said Marcia Fishman
after the meeting.
"I had to go to the bathroom,"
quipped Dan Fishman.

City cuts Christmas lights

You may be dreaming of a white
Christmas this year, but in one
respect it definitely won't be a
bright one-the city has decided to
dispense with Christmas lights.
The c i t y business associations
decided in a joint meeting recently
to eliminate the outdoor Christmas
lights that in the past have deco-
rated the city in an effort to help
fight the energy crisis.
SO YOU WILL not see the usual
30-foot Christmas trees strung with
lights studding Main Street and
other citydthoroughfares.
Paul Kizer, president ofthe
Downtown Business and Develop-
ment Association, said that al-
though his group had alreadycom-
mitted itself to $1,000 worth of
Christmas light replnaments. thev

ilar cutbacks on outdoor lighting.
Arborland plans to eliminate out-
door Christmas lighting and dim
outdoor parking lights.
Briarwood plans no outdoor deco-
rations, according to promotion di-
rector Dorris Sorensen. The shop-
ping center will only operate its
normal parking lot lights.
SORENSEN SAID t h a t since
Briarwood store fronts are all in-
side under one roof, the mall could
have decorations with the existing
store lights.
She said that the center would
cut the number of indoor Christ-
mas lights in half or simply oper-
ate them half the amount of time
as usual.
Generally, the merchants do not
think the lack of lights will affect
Cristmas husinaes

ping during the day, rather than
at night.
"But if anything stops people
from buying this year, it will be
inflation and not the lights," she

Lone gunman robs local bank
in dramatic morning hold-up

A lone gunman robbed the Broadway branch of
the National Bank & Trust Company of Ann Arbor
yesterday morning during a dramatic hold-up.
Although the bank-located near the intersection
of Plymouth Rd. and Broadway-refused to disclose
the amoint stolen, unofficial estimates place the

Fowler added that the gun'an told the bank man-
ager, whose name was not disclosed, he would not be
hurt if he followed instructions.
HE THEN FORCED the manager to go into the
the bank and open a small safe.
According to Fowler, he took an undetermined

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