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November 11, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-11-11

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See Today' for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 58 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, November 11, 1973 Ten Cents

Eight Pages


'U' economist speaks
Prof. Phillip Wernette of the University's School of
Business Administration has compared the recent rise
in gold prices to the "tulip bulb mania of 1634," when
speculators in western European countries pushed the
prices of tulip bulbs to high levels only to see the
market collapse. Wernette said it is possible that the
surge in the price of gold "is the greatest international
speculative move" since the tulip bulb incident. "This
phenomenon does not represent loss of confidence in the
dollar," he said . . . "The strength of the American
economy justifies confidence."
Happenings .. .
... if you're planning on taking the UAC charter flight
to Nassau and you haven't yet applied at the UAC Travel
office on the 2nd floor of the Union, you better hurry,
today is the final deadline . . . then you can relax and
enjoy the Musical Society's "The Little Angels" at 3
p.m. at the Power Center . . . or perhaps you'd rather
take in the Faculty Chamber Concert at 4 p.m. in Rack-
ham Aud. . . . if you're'feeling political, Monday at 8
p.m. the Women's Political Committee is meeting at the
Feminist House, 225 E. Liberty . . . and for a slight fee
the Ann Arbor Film Co-op is presenting Nichols' "Carnal
Knowledge" in Aud. A, Angell Hall at 7, 8:45 and 10:30
1974 Pres. election sought
Pierre Salinger, former aide to President Kennedy,
yesterday called on President Nixon to ask the Supreme
Court to advance the date of the next presidential elec-
tion to April, 1974. In an open letter published in the
weekly news magazine in Paris L'Express, Salinger
said: "You could thereby stress that in your opinion
the best remedy would be to give the American people
a chance to be heard - by their votes. "No party would
have an advantage over the other. The Democrats today
are as unprepared as the Republicans for an election."
"If you choose to stand again you could, in all honor,
call on the American people to confirm the support that
you think you still merit."
Groucho grouchy
Comedian Groucho Marx has obtained a court order
holding up publication of a new book because the au-
thor failed to clean up his pungent quotes. The book,
"The Marx Bros. Scrapbook", was written by Richard
Anobile from hours of taped conversations with the
83-year-old comedian over several months. In the suit
Marx said the tapes contained a number of "colloquial-
isms . . . inappropriate for transcription." He said he
had assumed that Anobile would substitute other words
each time he used the Anglo-Saxon verb and participle
for sexual intercourse. The book is also liberally sprink-
led with references to people as "S.O.B.'s" and "fags."
Dope note
Police arrested three men and recovered illicit drugs
with a street value of over one million dollars yesterday
when they raided a Bronx apartment on a landlord's
tip. Two officers, summoned to the building by the land-
lord who said "he thought something funny was going
on," burst into the apartment and found eight pounds of
cocaine, police said. Police put the total value of the
drugs at 1.75 million dollars.
Agnew to be disbarred?
Norman Ramsey, president of the Maryland State Bar
Association, refused to comment yesterday in Baltimore
on a published report that the group intends to seek dis-
barment of former Vice President Spiro Agnew. The Bal-
timore News American quoted a source within the as-
sociation as saying that the group would file disbar-
ment proceedings against Agnew within a few days.
"I have absolutely no comment," Ramsey said. Evi-
dence presented by the Justice Department against
Agnew listed overt acts allegedly committed in Balti-
more County, where Agnew was county executive. Ag-
new is registered to vote in that county and owns a home
Turkey lovers beware
All you turkey lovers out there had better get your
order for the traditional Thanksgiving fowl in right
away, or else the main attraction of your holiday feast
may end up a "cooked goose." Scott Frear, the man in

charge of feeding 5,800 Central Michigan University
students every day, says there's a growing shortage of
the holiday bird.
No Sunday Driving
The Dutch prepared yesterday for their second suc-
cessive Sunday without the family car - and this Sun-
day foreign motorists are included in the ban on pleasure
driving in Hague. The government axed Sunday driving
toall but special permit holders in a bid to save gaso-
line after' an oil boycott of Holland by Arab countries.
Last Sunday people brought -out their bicycles, horses
and carriages, motorbikes, and even roller-skates. Now,
police said, they were extending the ban to foreign mo-
torists because children tended to regard the empty
highways as natural playgrounds for roller-skating,
games and even picknicking.
O the insi de .. .
The Sunday MWgizine features a description of
the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat in women's
orofessional football - as seen through the manic eyes




It wasn't convincing, it wasn't impressive, and it certainly
wasn't "cute", but Michigan's 21-6 bludgeoning of Illinois yes-
terday in Michigan Stadium was one very important thing--
a win.
And with it, Schembechler's Wolverines kept their record
unsullied in their relentless bid for a Big Ten championship
and a national title.
MICHIGAN STAYED even with despised Ohio State, a 35-0
victor over Michigan State, despite the fact that it fumbled
the football away four times and was never really able to
dominate a Fighting Illini team that entered the fray with a

200 rally
0 .
in1 Lansing
to impeach
LANSING (UPI) - More than
200 protesters, including two Demo-
cratic state representatives and a
Unitarian minister, staged an "Im-
peach Nixon" rally yesterday on
the steps of the state Capitol.
Most of those participating in
the event were young persons, pri-
marily students from nearby Mich-
igan State University. However,
there were some middle-aged and
elderly demonstrators as well.
"I WANT HIM out of here. I
don't care how it's done," said
Harold Rundell, a 71-year-old re-
tiree from suburban Haslett.
Keynote speaker was the Rev.
Robert Green, pastor of an East
Lansing Unitarian church. Others
who took the podium included
State Representatives Perry Bul-
lard (D-Ann Arbor) and L y n n
Johndahl (D-East Lansing) and Al
Dutzy of the local United A u t o
Workers Community Action Pro-
All the speakers accused Nixon
of committing impeachable crim-
es and "sabotaging the democratic
"RICHARD NIXON is guilty,
period," Johndahl declared after
reciting a list of the President's
alleged offenses.
"There are many things we
can do to bring about his impeach-
ment, now that we have started,"
said Bullard. "The king must go."
Organizers distributed petitions
calling for Nixon's impeachment
and said that when signed they will
be sent to U.S. Rep. Charles Cham-
berlain (R-Mich.) whose district
includes the Lansing area.
See 200, Page 2

modest 5-3 slate.
In fact, the fourth - ranked
Maize and Blue had to come from
behind for the first time in their
nine starts to stamp out the up-
set dreams of the stubborn visitors.
BUT COME from behind they
did, however halting and impre-
cise their efforts may have been.
"Remember one thing, guys," a
relieved Schembechler told report-
ers afterward, "we won the foot-
ball game, and they didn't. That's
all that really counts."
Many felt that the Illini would
prove to be the same stiffs much
of the Big Ten has grown to be,
but Schembechler's traditional
storm warnings were, for once, on
IN THE end Michigan needed a
fluke 20-yard ramble by tight end
Paul Seal with a Dennis Franklin
fumble to cinch the verdict, and
that didn't come until midway into
the fourth period.
Until then Coach Bob Black-
man's crew was very much in the
ball game, a fact the proud Black-
man was quick to point out.
"The last score by Seal took the
heart out of my team," he offered,
"but we were in it until then.
We're awfully disappointed, be-
cause a lot of our guys played
great games."
AFTER A scoreless first quar-
ter in which a runaway Irish Set-
ter pranced up and down the grid-
iron for a full three minutes to
merit the loudest roar of the frig-
id afternoon, the Illini began the
game's first sustained drive.
Mixing the quick-opening bolts
of halfbacks George Uremovich
and Lonnie Perrin and a delay-
ing pass to fullback Steve Greene,
junior quarterback Jeff Hollenbach
marched his team 57 yards in ten
Two third down passes to tight
end Doug Kleber went awry, so
soccer - style placekicker Dan Bea-
ver drilled a 41-yard field goal,
putting the Wolverines on the short
end for the initial time this au-
MICHIGAN'S sluggish offense
again failed to mount any kind of
attack and Illinois took over on
its own 38.
Not many in the throng of 76,461
seemed to be too anxious after the
See WHEW!, Page 8

WOLVERINE QUARTERBACK pitches out to tailback Chuck Heater in the third quarter of yesterday's game against the Fighting Illini. The
Wolverines finally won, 21-6, despite a lackluster performance.

Rule change


Meir O-s

Democrats ' new'

image truce plan,

Yoglurt sales soar:
Age-old gfood product
earns modern profits

Proposed changes in nationwide
rules may jeopardize the image of
the Democratic Party-the party
that in 1972 proclaimed itself
"new" and "grass roots" and "of
the people."
The Democratic National Com-
mittee is driving to abolish the
"quota system" of delegate renre-
sentationaat its conventions. This
system last year insured propor-
tional representation of minorities,
and was a major contributing force
to the emergence of the "new
coalition" of women and blacks
that nominated Sen. George Mc-
Govern for president.
THE QUOTA system was based'
on the makeup of party member-
ship-i.e. 11 per cent black mem-
bership would mean 11 per cent
black delegates. Under the pro-
posed changes the party will en-
courage minority representation
through an affirmative action pro-
gram, with each state and local
delegation being required to pro-
duce evidence that its delegate
selection process was open.
Explains Delegate Selection Com-
mission staff member Doris Hard-
esty: "Last year the quota was
suggested. This time we'll say (to
state party chapters), 'Did you
implement a plan to give an op-
portunity for everyone?' If the
method is fair, then the results
will stand on themselves."
Another change being considered
by the DNC is elimination of win-
ner-take-all primaries, replacing
them with proportional allocation

of delegates based on candidate
preference--providing a candidate
secures at least 10 per cent of the
A THIRD proposed change is
abolition of "automatic delegates"
accompanying a state delegation
to the national convention. This
will eliminate governors, state
legislatorsand other office holders
who in the past have been ad-
mitted into the national conven-
tion as ex officio delegates.
The new rules will be adopted or
rejected when the DNC meets in
February or March of next year.
LAST YEAR was the first time
the party operated under a quota
system for minority representa-
tion. The quota resulted in the
inclusion of an unprecedented
number of women and blacks in
the national convention, and cul-
minated in McGovern's nomina-
After the McGovern forces' re-
sounding defeat at the polls last
Noveniber, however, the party is

". they copped out
on real representation .of
-City Councilwoman
Carol Jones

up for grabs - with traditional
Democrats struggling to regain
Reaction of local politicians to
the proposed rule changes was
generally favorable, though some
voiced reservations.
LAIRD HARRIS, city Democratic
Party chairman, said he had fear-
ed the proposed rules would be
"a much larger step backward"
than they actually are. "There is
not much difference between the
wording of the new rules and old
rules," said Harris.
Harris expressed confidence that
the new rules would not counter-
act changes made in the party over
the past few years.
"Even if all the McGovern re-
forms were wiped out," he said,
"we would never have gone back
to the '68 situation. I'll make a
prediction: Quotas and other things
will not remain an issue. The party
will find other things to fight
Jones (D-Second Ward) disagreed.
"The problem with the changes is
that they copped out on real rep-
resentation of minorities," she said.
"They tried to make changes
that are a kind of backlash ef-
fect," said Jones. She said she
fears a return by the party to pre-
1972 practices.
She called the party's progress
toward wider representation of
blacks and women "a snail's pace,"
and said she was on the whole
"disappointed" with the proposed
new rules.
See NEW, Page 2

noes ior
long eae
By The Associated Press
Premier Golda Meir, after hesi-
tating for a day to clear up Israeli
misgivings, accepted U.S. Secre-
tary of State Henry Kissinger's
truce plan yesterday. She s a i d
Israel will sign it today in t h e
hope the plan will lead t9 per-
manent peace in the Middle East.
With Egyptian acceptance al-
ready disclosed in Cairo's semi-of-
ficial press, Meir's final okay low-
ered the last apparent barrier to
a formal signing ceremony by Is-
raeli and Egyptian representatives.
SYRIA, THE third major coin-
batant in the war that started Oct.
6, had not accepted the p an,
which goes farther than UN cease-
fire resolutions.
A UN spokesperson in Cairo said
the signing ceremony was sched-
uled for 3 p.m. today - 8 a.m.
EST - on the Cairo-Suez high-1
way about 60 miles from the Egyp-
tian capital. Meir said Israel will
be represented by Maj. Gen. Aha-
ron Yariv, one of her top aide:.
The Egyptian representative was
not immediately announced.
THE PLACE where the plan is
to be signed is along a war-scorch-
ed swath of desert on the road to
Cairo, an area of miles of brown,
gravelly sand and rolls of barbed
See MEIR, Page 2

NEW YORK (AP) - rhe mere
mention of the word used to pro-
voke snickers, but food retailers
report that yoghurt now is becom-
ingtone of the most popular items
in the dairy section.
Even though half the people in
this country still have never tasted
yoghurt, it has been accorded the
ultimate sign of acceptance by the
giants of mass merchandising. They
are offering their private label
brands to compete with the better-
known advertised brands such as
Danon and Light & Lively.
SAFEWAY, THE largest super-
market chain. on the West Coast,
reports that yoghurt is "the fast-
est growing item on the dairy
shelf." And A&P says sales are
growing by 10 per cent a year.
The tart, custard-like produc:
made from fermented milk orig-
inated in the Mideast and has teen
known to man for thousands of
years. Its devotees have claimed
that yoghurt can do everythimg
from curing baldness to making
men fathers at ages when they
should be bouncing great-grand-
children on their knees.
The Federal TraeCommi 5s"n

hurt caused little commotion. But
in the mid-1950s, Dannon M i I k
Products masked the slightly sour
taste by adding fruit pre erves, cut
out some calories by halving the
butterfat contentand begai to mer-
chandise yoghurt as a diet food.
Sales have been soaring ever
since. The dairy associatioq re-
ports that last year Americans
See YOGHURT, Page 2

Hanoi says U.S.,
violated cease -fire

TOKYO (P - Hanoi a.ccused the
United States yesterday of illegally
shipping arms to South Viet-num.
illegRlly sending recannaissance
flights over North Vietaam a n d
threatening to resume nombing in
the north.
The charges, in a sts mnen is-
sed h the rgovrnment and hrod-

Saigon administration in the 1973
1974 fiscal year.
"In the meantime, the U n i t e d
States has brazenly sent recon-
naissance planes to in' uL;_ into
the territory of the Democratic Re-
public of Vietnam, rep rtedly
threatened to resume the bomb-
ing of North Vietnam and refused

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