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Vol- LXXXIV, No. 41
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 23, 1973
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Impeach now
State Representative Ferry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor)
has announced his support for impeachment proceed-
ings against the president. In a telegram to all Michi-
gan Congressmen as well as the state's two senators,
he urges quick and decisive action. "Nixon's firing of
Cox to prevent continued prosecution of the tapes case is
an outrageous sabotage of justice and an unforgiveable
attempt to stop prosecution of Watergate crimes," he
stated. "Nixon should be impeached-now."
More ward boundaries
A local resident has filed a complaint in Circuit
Court. asking that the city be temporarily restrained
from enacting alterations in its ward boundaries. City
Council approved changes in the ward plan two weeks
ago, but Democratic and Human Rights Party council
members claim the move was merely a gerrymander
designed to aid GOP, interests. The alterations move
some 700 voters from the predominately- Republican
Third Ward and a similar number, including Gwen Ny-
stuen who filed the action, from the pivotal Fourth to the
Third. Nystuen claims she has been denied equal pro-
tection under the law because council's right to change
the boundaries is currently under legal challenge at the
State Supreme Court level. "Because of the present liti-
gation" Nystuen is presently unsure of -her legal voting
status, the complaint argues.
'U' prof. makes good
Law prof. Joseph Sax has been appointed to the
newly created Environmental Review Board. Sax will
join 14 others on the panel, designed to advise Gov. Wil-
liam Milliken on ecology-related issues. The board will
hold hearings to try and get public feedback on assort-
ed legislation related to the environment.
there will be an LSA coffee hour at 3:00 p.m. in
the Residential College Blue Room . . . the Community
Center-Project announces the start of its fall classes and
workshops in the creative arts. Courses in crafts, water-
color, etching and jewelry-making will be among the
many offered. A mass meeting .for those interested will
be held today at 7:30 p.m. on the third floor of 621 E.
William . . . A women's Studies Film "It Happens to
Us; Nobody's Victim" will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in
the UGLI Multipurpose Room . . . there will be a Gay
.Liberation Front meeting, S. Wing Union, third floor
conference room 8 . . . the Slovak Chamber Orchestra
will perform at Rackham Aud. 8:30 p.m. . . . the Kelsey
Museum will sponsor a lecture entitled "Stratographical
Excavations in the House of Sallust in Pompeii" at 4:10
p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Motown mayoral race
Former Detroit police commissioner John Nichols
lashed out at his black mayoral rival Coleman Young
yesterday calling him a man vho abused his state legis-
lative office to obtain special favors. Nichols claimed
Young had improperly obtained a Small Business Ad-
ministration loan to rebuild and expand a bar and res-
taurant. Young vehemently denied the allegation. The
race, already one of the most vitriolic in recent memory,
is likely to get even hotter in its closing weeks as
Nichols struggles to overcome the lead Young has
established in the polls.
Strike imminent
The United Auto Workers (UAW) yesterday' set a
10:00 a.m. Friday strike deadline at the Ford Motor Co.,
the nation's second largest automaker. The union and
company then imposed a news blackout on their con-
tract talks which govern some 185,000 auto workers.
According to union spokesmen, the key issue of over-
time and early retirement for foundry workers are the
major stumbling blocks to agreement.
Hijacking over
Four guerrillas who,-hijacked an Argentine jetliner
in an attempt to get to Cuba surrendered to Bolivian
authorities yesterday and released their five hostages,
a radio station reported. The report coming out of La
Paz, the Bolivian capital did not mention the condition
of the hijackers or the hostages. The guerillas were
members of the Tupamaros, a radical organization fea-
tured in the film "State of Siege."
On the inside .. .
. . . the Arts Page features an interview with
Judy Collins by Diane Levick . . . a call for the im-
peachment of Richard Nixon appears on the Editorial
Page . . . Dan Borus writes about the Wolverine's
weekend victory on the Sports Page.
Battles persist
on both fronts
or resignation
Nixon's action incites
congressional criticism
WASHINGTON (P)-Demands for impeachment of President Nixon
or his resignation mounted yesterday in Washington as a scientific poll
showed a thin plurality of Americans favoring, impeachment.
NBC News said the poll showed 44 per cent in favor of impeachment,
43 per cent opposed and 13 per cent undecided. The Oliver Quayle
organization contacted nearly 1,000 persons for the poll,
THE POLL was initiated after Nixon fired special Watergate
prosecutor Archibald Cox. It showed 75 per cent of those questioned
opposed to that action, 16 per cent approved and 9 per cent undecided,
NBC said.
Israel claims
Israeli move
pact violations called 'pretext'
ROBERT BORK: "I retain ulti-
mate authority and responsi-
bility" (for the Watergate in-
fight tax
" "
During a lengthy and often
heated session last night, City
Council moved to join an expectod
lawsuit against a State Tax Com-
mission ruling that municipal
property taxes should be increased.
In a report released last week
the commission recommended that
city taxes be raised five per cent
next year to offset alleged under-
assessment of real estate made
this year.
THE COMMISSION investigated
assessments a c r o s s Washtenaw
County at the request of Ypsilanti
Township. The findings show prop-
erty tax levels to be consistently
underestimated county wide.
Apparently several townships are
preparing to contest the ruling via
a lawsuit which must be filed with
the state Court of Appeals within
the next two weeks.
Council mandated the city attor-
ney to join any such suit if it is
filed. Couincil, however, imnpiictly.
ordered the attorney not to in-
itiate any legal proceedings.
THE CITY would probably con-
test the commission's action on
the grounds that the group follow-
ed questionable practices in arriv-
ing at its'-decision.
Addressing council last night,
City Assessor Wayne Johnson said
he had found over 100 errors made
by the commission. Furthermore,
he claimed increasing 1974 taxes
to cover inadequate taxation dur-
ing the previous year may be un-
The commission took action un-
der a state law enacted late last
year, consequently little preuedent
The network said that 48 per cent
of those questioned since Saturday
night believe Nixon should step
aside "and let someone else run
the country," while 43 per cent
said he should not resign and 9
per cent were undecided.
MEANWHILE, the new acting
attorney general pledged vigorous
pursuit of the Watergate investiga-
House Speaker Carl Albert and
other congressional, leaders worked
on plans for how to proceed with
impeachment resolutions promised
by angry members in the wake of
Nixon's firing Saturday night of
special Watergate prosecutor Arch-
ibald Cox.-
Nixon, first at the White House
and then at his Camp David, Md.,
retreat, considered using a tele-
vised speech to present his side of
the case to the nation.
U.S. SOLICITOR General Robert
Bork said the staff and evidence
assembled by Cox would be used
to pursue the Watergate probe.
Bork became acting attorney gen-
eral when Atty. Gen. Elliot Rich-
ardson quit and Deputy Atty. Gen.
William Ruckelshaus was dismissed
Saturday night over Cox's firing.
He put the investigation under
the supervision of Henry Petersen,
the assistant attorney general in
charge of the criminal division.
Bork said he retains "ultimate
authorityand responsibility" for
the investigation. When Nixon fired
Cox, he also abolished the office
of special prosecutor, which had
handled the case since May.
sought to mollify critical senators
and congressmen with explanations
of Nixon's action, criticism of the
move continued to pile up-a sig-
nificant amount of it from Repub-
The AFL-CIO's national conven-
tion in Miami Beach, Fla., shouted
approval to a resolution calling for
Nixon to resign or be impeached
if he didn't.
Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii),
a member of the Senate Water-
gate committee, told the convention
Nixon should resign because Amer-
icans "have suffered enough" and
"must be spared this new pain and
See TV, Page 2
By Reuter
TEL AVIV - More than
three hours after yesterday's
deadline for a ceasefire be-
tween Israel and Egypt, a
military communique here
said Egyptian forces had vio-
lated the truce by firing at
several points along the front
Both Israel and Egypt accepted
the United Nations Security Coun-
cil's ceasefire call, made early
yesterday, and ordered their troops
to halt the fighting.
THE TRUCE that followed the
intervention of, the United States
and the Soviet Union - sponsors
of the U. N. call for peace - ap-
peared both fragile and slow in
taking effect.
Both governments accepted 12:52
p.m. EDT as the deadline for halt-
ing the war. Front line reports ear-
lier indicated that the fierce des-
ert fighting died down in the cen-
tral front, although a military
spokesman here reported some
shelling of Israeli forces in the
Isamailia region and sporadic, fir-
ing along the lines.
A senior Israeli staff officer,
Maj. Gen. Shlomo Gazit, earlier
told correspondents that the cease-
fire applied only to the Egyptian
front and not to the Syrian one
since Syria has not so far accepted
the Security Council's call.
of Egyptian tanks destroyed in
last-minute battles today as at
least 100, bringing the total of
Egyptian losses in armor to more
than 1,000 tanks in the war.
During that period, Israel also
See MODEST, Page 7
By Reuter
CAIRO - An Egyptian mili-
tary spokesman last night de-
nied Israeli claims that firing
was continuing along the
Egyptian front line three
hours after yesterday's cease-
fire deadline set by the U. N.
Security Council.
The spokesman quoted by the
Middle East News Agency yester-
day said the Egyptian forces were
observing the ceasefire and added:
"With- these false claims, Israel
aims at finding a pretext to break
the ceasefire."
Commander-in-Chief, Gen. Ahmed
Ismail, has told his troops: "Be
ready for resuming the fighting
immediately and at any time if the
enemy starts fighting." .
Ismail also ordered "all precau-
tionary measures for the safety
of troops in the face of the enemy
should be taken and that all units
reorganize themselves in their
The General's orders were con-
tained in a message to all forma-
tions of the Egyptian .forces re-
laying President Sadat's instruc-
tion to stop firing at 12:52 p.m.
EDT yesterday . "if the enemy
abided by a ceasefire at that
Sadat had accepted the, United
Nations Security Council resolution
calling for a ceasefire, came on the
ordinary Cairo radio newscast
early yesterday afternoon.
Some Cairo residents were elat-
ed, but others were more cautious.
"Now is the dangerous time
See CAIRO, Page 10 -
AP Photo
AN ISRAELI SOLDIER rests on a mile stone in the Sinai Desert as
the Cease-fire in the Middle East approached yesterday. The uneasy
truce came on the 17th day of the latest Arab-Israeli war, the fourth
in three decades.
War brings Arab states together;
peace threatens
to destroy unity
Associated Press Writer
BEIRUT, Lebanon-War brought
the Arabs together. Peace might
pull them apart.
The Arab unity which emerged
in the first 16 days of the Middle
East war seemed to be coming
apart yesterday, the 17th day,
within hours of a U.N. Security
Council call for a cease-fire. Allies
in arms against Israel, they found
themselves at odds over peace
IRAQ, A combatant on the Syrian
front, rejected any cease-fire or
negotiations with the Jewish state.
Syria was "studying" the cea-,e-
fire proposal. Egypt accepted it
and Jordan was expected to follow
suit, apparently hoping the super-
powers might force an Israeli
withdrawal from Arab lands occu-
pied since 1967.
Palestinian refugees and their
guerrilla fighting arm, who have
been a main cause of Arab-Israeli
friction for the last quarter cen-
tury, were not consulted. But the
executive committee of the Pales-
tine Liberation Organization made
it clear that it would not accept a
cease-fire abrogating the 25-year
struggle to recapture the Pa es-
tinian homeland.
"The revolution is not affected
by the U.N. Security Council reso-
lution," the group said. "It will
carry' on the armed struggle to
complete the liberation of the oc-
cupied land without any condition."
A CEASE-FIRE in place appar-
ently leaves Egypt in the most
favorable position of all the Arab
fighting states. Although Israel re-
portedly captured 475 square miles
of Egyptian territory on the west
bank of the Suez Canal, Egyptian
forces claimed to have seized a
bigger chunk of the Sinai desert
and occupied the east bank of the
If President Anwar Sadat can
hold on to this and reopen the Suez
Canal to international shipping, he
would enhance the prestige he won
in the Sinai campaign and 3ffset
any domestic criticism of his de-
cision not to follow through with his
initial military success.
A cease-fire in place poses more
problems for P r e s i d e n t Hafez
Assad of Syria, who might have to
explain to his countrymen why he
decided to stop fighting.
DESPITE I N I T I A L successes
early in the war, Syrian forces
have largely been pushed out of
the Golan Heights by Israeli; re-
inforcements and only a small area
on Mt. Hermon was still contested
Regent investigation splits SGC
SGC is facing another volatile
issue that may wreak havoc on an.
already chaotic Council: the Re-
gents recently approved a student-
faculty committee that is to in-
vestigate SGC and propose alter-
native student government system
by December.
While it is said that pohtics
makes strange bedfellows, perhaps
the strangest pair in recent SGC
history are Lee Gill and moderate
SGC member David Faye (Campus
"You can only fight among yourselves for so
long before the slavemaster comes in and starts
running things." -Lee Gill
SGC President
Regents' move.
"THEY DON'T realize they're
the cause with all these cutthroats
and pretty party games. You can
only fight among yourselves for
so long before the slavemaster
comes in and starts running
things," said Gill.
Gill called the entire plan an
"attempt to control student gov-
"It reeks of something," said
Gill, "and I don't know what it
"WE HAVE to see tis efor what
Not only have the Syrians failed
to recapture the Golan Heights,
they have also retreated on the
road between Al Qunaytirah-also
known as Kunaitra-and Damas-
cus, and lost an extra 300 square
miles of territory, according, to
Israeli claims.
Assad faces the added problem
of what to do with 18,000 Iraqi
troops, 100 tanks and two squad-
rons of jet planes, whose govern-
ment in Baghdad rejected the
or lose, Iraq can afford to take its
usual militant stand. Baghdad's
Socialist Baath party regime meas-
ures its prestige in the Arab world
by the virulence of its anti-Israeli
On the economic front, splits are
expected between conservative oil
producers like Saudi Arabia and
Kuwait and militants like Libya
nnrd AaParin_
has become justifiably famous.
THE REGENTS authorized the
establishment of the committee
without prior discussion of any
sort with SGC.
1 e a f I e t s distributed throughout
WATERS SAID the measure was
something of a compromise be-
tween their former policy of ignor-
ing student government and talk