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October 18, 1973 - Image 1

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See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 37 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 18, 1973 Ten Cents

Ten Pages



Regents meet
The Board of Regents is in town again today and
tomorrow facing a rather sedate agenda for their month-
ly collection of meetings. Today at 2:30 they will hear
two reports - one on the University's Affirmative Ac-
tion Program, and another on the Chicano Studies Pro-
gram at U-M Flint. Following the discussion will be
the p~ublic comment session at 4. Tomorrow at 11:00
a.m. the Regents will vote on a proposed revision of
the University patent policy for inventions created by
staff 'personnel. Both meetings will be held in the
Regent's Room, on the first floor of the Administration
Intercepted messages dept.
This rather quaint message from the bowels of the
bureaucracy originates with the University Housing
Bulletin - a publication of the Housing Office. The
topic is the alleged existence of co-ed bathrooms in
East Quad. The mesage reads as follows: "With regard
to enforcement this (rule against co-ed bathrooms) and
other University policies can be a problem. Staff, how-
ever, must not let themselves be compromised on this
or similar issues. As we work for broad University ac-
ceptance of new and existing housing policies, an issue
like co-ed bathrooms could be' quite destructive."
It's gonna be alright
Apparently Prof. Paul McCracken doesn't talk much
with the folks over at ISR. The University's august
research institution announced early this week that re-
cession is just around the corner. That's not the way
McCracken sees it. Yesterday Nixon's former econom-
ics wizard said the prospects for the economy are better
than anybody thinks. "It still might be possible to get
a recession," McCracken said; leaving his options open.
But, he said, "the U.S. economy in 1974 will employ
more people and generate more real purchasing power
and output than in 1973."
Happenings .. .
are topped by a Rally of Solidarity with Jews
of Israel and the Soviet Union - a candlelight procession
from Hillel to the Diag at 8 p.m. . . . it's International
Night at the League Cafeteria, this week featuring
Italian food from 5-7:15 p.m. . . . and the UAC Home-
coming Square Dance will be held at Waterman Gym
from 7-11 p.m.
UFO news
UFO reports kept flooding into this office from all
parts of the nation . . . the most distinguished UFO ob-
server yet is Ohio's Governor Gilligan. Remember that
UFO you saw buzzing Ann Arbor Saturday night? Well,
he saw it too as he and his wife were driving by the
city . . . similar reports come from Vermont and Ten-
nessee .. hundreds of people in the San Francisco area
say they saw UFOs overhead around midnight Tuesday
night ... and two fishermen from Pasagaoua say they
were taken o board a UFO . . . don't panic . . . stay
Nobel news
It seems that the people of Norway - home of the
Nobel Prize - are -less than thrilled with this year's
choice. Most Norwegian newspapers yesterday expressed
bewilderment at the naming of Henry Kissinger as this
year's peace prize winner in view of the fact that his
negotiations have not brought peace to Indochina. Sev-
eral newspapers and politicians said they saw the award
as condoning America's Vietnam policies . . . and over
on the other side of the world, it was reported that the
other winner - Hanoi's Le Duc Tho - may not accept
his prize. An unnamed source in North Vietnam's Polit-
buro said he would be surprised if Tho accepted the
award because "This is not a moment at which Mr.
Tho would want to be seen on the same platform with
the secretary of state pf the United States."
Rep. James Stanton (D-Ohio) wants the S p i r o
Agnew case settled once and for all. After hearing Ag-
new proclaim his innocence on TV the other night, Stan-
ton asked the judge in the case to set aside the former
veep's no contest plea and order him to trial. In a letter

to U.S. District Judge Walter Hoffman, Stanton said,
"Mr. Agnew would have us believe that his plea of nolo
contendre, which you describe at the time as fully equi-
valent to a plea of guilty, has been coerced." Stanton
added that "any questions that the American people
might have ought to be answered fully in a courtroom
rather than in a television studio."
Hippie Haldeman?
It may be just another manifestation of that "post-
Watergate morality" we've been hearing so much
about, but when former Nixon ,::ronie H. R. "Bob" Halde-
man showed up for his day in court yesterday those in
attendance noticed he had forsaken his famous bristle-
top crew cut for more mod style. Haldeman's new look
consists of hair two to three inches long and parted.
On the inside .. .
. ,. .Bruce Shlain takes a look at Jesus Christ Super-
star on the Arts Page . . . John Kahler analyzes the
Badger offense on the Sports Page . . . and the Ecitorial
Page features a column by Chris Parks on Police Chief
Walter Krasny and the Ann Arbor cops.






Rig Id fuel
bill passed
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON - The House of
Representatives yesterday over-
whelmingly passed an across-the-
board mandatory fuel allocation
bill that would go beyond the Nixon
Administration's own, more limited
Both supporters and opponents
of the legislationragreed it "would
not provide one additional barrel
of oil," only ensure that all sec-
tions of the country share the bur-
den of fuel shortages equally.
THE BILL introduced by Rep.
T o r b e r t Macdonald (D-Mass.)
would restore allocation of crude
oil and all refined petroleum pro-
ducts, including home heating oil
and gasoline.
The administration's fuel oil
program, scheduled to take effect
Nov. 1, would allocate home heat-
ing oil, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel
fuel and certain other distillates,
but does not include crude oil or
The House bill also would allow
service stations automatically to
pass any* rise in the wholesale
price of fuel on to the consumer-
something they are prohibited from
doing under Phase 4 regulations.,
The Cost of Living Council has
proposed giving gasoline retailers
this authority, but it has not yet
gone into effect in most cases.
THE BILL, which is opposed by
the administration, would require
President Nixon to carry out man-
datory allocation within 25 days
of its enactment. The measure
must first go to conference with
the Senate, which has passed a
similar bill.
The bill would direct.the Presi-
dent to give top priority to sueh
essential services as hospitals,
utilities, mass transit, food ,pro-
duction and mail delivery in draw-
ing up the distribution plans.

Israeli drive against
Syrian capital stalled
By AP and Reuter
Egyptian and Israeli tanks clashed in a crucial desert bat-
tle along the Suez Canal yesterday as Syrian artillery blasted
Israeli forces stalled on the road to Damascus.
The Israeli state radio termed the Suez confrontation "the
biggest armored clash in our military history." The Tel Aviv
military command claimed destruction of at least 90 Egyptian
tanks and declared "we are now calling the tune."
THE EGYPTIANS reported "fierce battles" along the central and
southern Sinai front and claimed the Israeli forces suffered "heavy
losses in tanks and armored cars."
A military statement reported by Cairo radio said battles had been
in progress since *arly morning in the central sector of Sinai and that
21 Israeli aircraft and a large number of tanks and armored vehicles
had been knocked out.
The statement said Egyptian troops "pressed enemy troops facing
them in the southern sector of the fr'ont and scored success in the bat-
tles they fought throughout the day."
IN PROCLAIMING a major victory in the Suez area, Israeli Gen.
David Elazar said that Israeli forces were initiating attacks on both
sides of the canal and added "this is not Israel's major offensive."
Ending the war will take time he said, but "our superiority is clear
and things are going well."
There was no indication in Tel Aviv that a task force the Israelis
said crossed the canal into Egypt on Tuesday was involved in the big
tank battle.
ELAZAR SAID the Israelis now were concentrating their efforts on
the Egyptians in the Sinai while forces on the northern front were fight-
ing a holding action against the Syrians.
The long, drawn-out battle for the Damascus Road went into its
fifth day with no sign of a decisive breakthrough yesterday.
The tempo seemed to be slackening but the Syrian Army appeared
to be far from what Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan three days
See MASSIVE, Page 2
Arab nation S to
I1 1 curtailolo-utput

AP Photo
WALKING THE PICKET LINES for the last time yesterday, members of the D e t r o i t Federation of
Teachers hear the news by radio that the 44-day-old school strike has been settled. Today, 330 public
schools will open for the first time since summer vacation. The 10,500 striking teachers ratified a new
one-year contract after both the union and the school board agreed to withdraw damage claims against
each other.


HRP pushes local rent

control for

April ballot

The Human Rights Party (HRP)
is currently preparing an exten-
sive rentcontrol amendmentto
the city charter, hoping to place
the measure before the voters in
next April's general election.
If placed on the ballot and ap-
proved, the proposal will roll back
rents and establish an elected
board of citizens to authorize any
rent increase.
THE ROLLBACK would return
rents immediately to the level set
prior to Aug. 1 of this year. Land-
lords, would submit proposed rent
hikes to a "rent control board"
which w o u 1 d regulate landlord
profit to between 6 and 16 per cent

of the total financial investment
made by the property's owner.
The proposal would affect some
13,000 rentalyunits and 40,000 peo-
ple in the city, according to Frank
Shoichet, an HRP member who
helped draft the amendment. The
plan does not, however, cover Uni-
versity and government - operated
housing, which cannot legally be
placed under rent controls.
The party intends to approve a
final version of the rent control
plan at a mass meeting tonight,
but the proposal faces several
hurdles after that.
BEFORE THE proposal can be
placed on the city's ballot, HRP
must collect 3500 signatures of sup-

Future Worlds hurt
in U' budget squeeze

port by Jan. 1, 1974. Shoichet sees
no problem in gathering the need-
ed names but suggests that legal
challenges mounted by landlords
will prove the largestbobstacle.
"Everywhere people have tried
to enact rent control the landlords
have fought against it tooth and
nail," says Shoichet. "We do not
expect anything different here."
Shoichet notes that many recent
court decisions have upheld the
right to impose municipal rent
controls, but adds that the rulings
are "by no means ironclad."
THE RENT control board, as en-
visioned by HRP, must have sub-
poena powers and its own legal and
research staff. These operations
would be financed primarily
through an annual tax paid by the
landlords on each rent unit they
HRP has not reached agreement
on how the board members should
be elected. Consideration has been
given to holding at-large elections
and to whether the races should
be on a partisan or non-partisan
Although the amendment, if en-
acted, will greatly increase tenant
bargaining power and bring rents
into line with national averages,
Shoichet admits the measure would
only be the first step toward solv-
ing the city's housing problems.
HE EMPHASIZES the need for
additional low and medium cost
dwellings in the area but says
"that is not likely to come from
the private housing sector."
Shoichet, however, adds that the
amendment "will help insure the

Motoer city
sign pact,
end strike
DETROIT (UPI)-The 44-day-old
school strike here which has idled
270,000 students came to an end
yesterday when both the school
board and teacher's union agreed
to dismiss damage claims against
each other so classrooms could
open for the first time this year.
On a 7-5 vote in a special three-
hour session, the school board vot-
ed to drop its demand that the
Detroit Federation of Teachers
(DFT) pay $100,000-a-day adminis-
trative costs which have mounted
to an estimated $2.5 million since
teachers walked out Sept. 4 in the
See TEACHERS, Page 7

By AP and Reuter
A group of Arab oil producing
countries announced yesterday they
would cut oil production by a min-
imum ;of five per cent immediately
and an additional five per cent
each succeeding month until Israel
withdraws from occupied Arab
territory and restores Palestinian
refugees' rights.
Oil production c u t b a c k s also
were an underlying concern as
President Nixon met in Washing-
ton with the foreign, ministers of
Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and
NIXON SAID afterward that
while there were differences be-
tween the Arabs and the United
States he believes ''a fair and just
and peaceful settlement" can be
reached in the war.
When a representative of Saudi
Arabia was asked if they had dis-
cussed oil, Nixon stepped in before
he could reply and said, "it
wouldn't be fair to ask him ques-
tions" becausehe speaks for 18
Nixon conferred with ' the for-
eign ministers after they had
spent 45 minutes with Henry Kis-
singer and prior to their trip to
the State Deprtment to continue
discussions with the secretary of
SAUDI ARABIA, Iraq, Kuwait,
Abu Dhabi, Qatar and Iran,, the
only non-Arab state on the Persian
Gulf, announced Tuesday that they
were raising the market price for
their crude oil by 17 per cent.
Although the United States im-

Pres. Nixon

ports only -about 6 per cent of its
oil from the Arab countries, ad-
ministration planners are count-
ing on imports of refined heating
oil from Europe to avert a short-
age this winter.
Most of the Persian Gulf crude
goes to Western Europe and Ja-
pan. If there was a shortage there
would be little chance of getting
the refined products that the
planners anticipate importing.
ANY ARAB cutoff in crude oil
production would create serious
problems for the major interna-
tional oil companies such as
Texaco, Exxon, M o b i 1, Royal
Dutch Shell, Gulf and Standard
See MIDEAST, Page 7

Divorcees seek communal life

Success may be sweet, but work-
ers for the Future Worlds program
have found their luck was better
before the class-and-lecture series
became one of the most popular
programs on campus last year..
Future Worlds, whose lecture
program drew record crowds at
the University and whose classes
enrolled 500 students, is suffering
the campus-wide financial pinch
that has been terminal for some
programs and organizations this

cash, the program has little to
keep it going beyond wholehearted
student support.
FUTURE WORLDS operated on
an $18,000 budget last year, and
Grimes says they'll need at least
$15,000 this year. "I wouldn't be
surprised if that figure reaches
$25,000, says Grimes.
Last year, however, they also
had access to the presidential slush
fund, and revenues from the var-
ious colleges of the University, in-
cluding the Literature, Science and

Not content to live alone with
her three children after her mar-
riage of nine years ended in di-
vorce, Mary Davalos, 34, founded
a unique commune.
"After my divorce," explained
Davalos, "I was thinking about
how I could have a set up with
men, women and children in-
volved without going back to the
old days."
WHAT SHE came up with was
a commune exclusively for di-

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