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October 17, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-17

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Wednesday, October 17, 1973


Page Three

Wednesday, October 17, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY



hints at


Milliken asks for reforms in
opening address to legislature

to end Mideast war

AP Special Correspondent
In spite of some rhetorical-
sounding belligerence, the speech
of Egypt's President Anwar Sa-
dat on yesterday hints of an out-
side chance to end the Middle
East shooting before it escalates
into something even bigger.
Sadat appealed directly to
President Nixon to help bring
about a lasting peace. To Egypt,
that means recovery of the ter-
ritory it lost in the 1967 six-day

SADAT WARNED he had the
missiles to lob into the heart of
Israel, and if that happened it
could foretoken uncontrollable es-
calation. At the same time he
seemed to suggest international
intervention to prevent just such
a development.
The fact that the Egyptian
leader appealed at all to the U.S.
President at a time when Ameri-
can military equipment is being
rushed to Israel is in itself wor-
thy of particular note. It might
even cause eyebrow - raising

New govt. forms in
Thailand as troops
battle with students

By AP and Reuter
BANGKOK - Sanya Tham-
masak, appointed Thailand's
Prime Minister in the midst of
violent clashes between troops,
police and students, yesterday
formed a new government as
peace returned to Bangkok.
While jubiliant students re-
turned to their homes following
the resignation of former Prem-
ier Thanom Kittikachorn a n d
two other military leaders, Sanya
named 14 ministers in a govern-
ment which has promised to re-
store constitutional rule within
six months.
ALL BUT TWO important posts
in Prime Minister Sanya Tham-
masak's cabinet went to civil-
ians, about half of them acade-
The ministers were chosen in
consultation with student leaders
and were widely hailed among
the thousands of youths w h o
took to the streets to confront
police and troops at height of
the revolt.
The overthrow of Thailand's
three military strongmen n o t.
only returns the country to civil-
ian rule but greatly increases the
influence of King Bhumibol
Adulyadej. Prime M i n i s t e r
Sanya, a respected university
rector, is regarded as a king's
THE KING'S role in the turbu-
lent events is getting wide pub-
licity that likely will enhance his
considerable prestige.
According to palace sources,
the king persuaded army strong-
men to leave the country. LHe

warned they would turn Bangkok
into a slaughterhouse if they
brought troops into the capital to
crush the revolt.
.As it is, more than 283 civil-
ians are known to have been
killed and several hundreds
wounded. Radio Thailand appeal-
ed throughout the day for blood
former Prime Minister, Deputy
Premier Praphas Charosathien
and Col. Narong Kittikachorn,
Field-Marshal Thanoms Son,
was the students' last demand as
they demonstrated, for a return
to democratic rule.
Thanom, Prime Minister since
1969, led the military in intro-
ducing rule by decree in 1971.
The new cabinet contained 11
civilians, including two univer-
sity rectors, a hospital director
and some professional civil serv-
THE RATIO of civilians to
military men in the new cabinet
roughly reverses the ratio under
the former premier.
The new government was an-
nounced soon after student lead-
ers called off the demonstrations,
in which troops and police back-
ed by tanks opened fire on the,
students and several government
offices were set alight.
Student leaders called for a
halt after it was announced that
Thanom, his son and former de-
puty had left the country. The
last two were officially reported
to be in Taipei, but the where-
abouts of the marshal remained
a mystery.

among ardent Arab nationalists.
The question is whether there
is a takeoff point in what Sadat
had to say. Possibly the very
danger of wider disaster generat-
ed by this war, the danger of
superpower confrontation, in it-
self could spur an urgent search
for ways to cool it down.
SADAT says Egypt is ready to
accept a cease-fire on the princi-
ple of Israeli withdrawal "from
all occupied territories" to posi-
tions held before the 1967 war,
whereupon he would be prepared
to urge other Arabs, including
Palestinians, to join him in at-
tending an international confer-
ence under U. N. sponsorship.
In November, 1967, the U. N.
Security members, including the
United States, approved Resolu-
tion 242. It said conquest of ter-
ritory by war was inadmissible
and directed Israel to withdraw
from occupied territories. It
didn't specify "all" territories.
There seems little chance even
now that Israel would willingly
surrender control of such points
as Syria's strategic G o 1 a n
Heights, or the former Arab sec-
tor of Jerusalem.
Thus, Sadat's proposal might,
at first look, seem hard-line.
Cairo ever since Resolution 242
has been demanding Israeli with-
drawal from all occupied areas.
The statemate lay in the fact
that Israel refused to makefany
move at all without prior face-
to-face negotiation with the Arabs
and the Arabs refused to con-
sider negotiation at all without
prior Israeli withdrawal from oc-
cupied territories.
cease-fire now, Israel would pos-
sess a good deal less Egyptian
territory than before. Sadat
would have provided a victory to
assuage long - bruised Egyptian
and Arab feelings. He would be
in a good bargaining position, a
position to quit while he was
ahead. Syriaqwas much worse
off, but Sadat was more con-
cerned about Egypt.
' Sadat knows Israel will reject
a cease-fire requiring immediate
withdrawal from all occupied
territories, but perhaps there was
the germ of a proposal in what
the Egyptian said. The alterna-
tives looked ugly. The superpow-
ers are becoming more involved
each day and confrontation more
a possibility. At the least it
would destroy their fledgling de-
tente. The worst is unthinkable.

UNDER MILLIKEN'S PRO- priority on his legislative agenda beforeathe ourta puc
POSAL, at the end of each term because of the "shock waves ion -_the most supreme of all
in office the judges would be re- sweeping all levels of govern- courts in our land."
F mediatrics presents
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LANSING (UPI) - Gov. Wil-
liam Milliken said yesterday he
will recommend legislation re-
quiring full accountability and
disclosure of campaign contrib-
utions and expenditures and
placing restrictions on campaign
In a "Mini State-of-the- State"
address to the opening fall ses-
sion of the legislature, Milliken
said he also will push for a
constitutional amendment. pro-
viding for the appointment of
judges to the Supreme Court
and Court of Appeals. Jurors at
both levels are elected under ex-
isting law.

quired to submit to a "vote of
confidence" by the people. If vot-
ers cast their ballot against a
judge, thegovernor would ap-
point a new judge to replace him.
Milliken said he also will rec-
ommend the establishment of a
Department of Human Services,
abolition of the controversial
Michigan Consumers Council to
be replaced by a new Consum-
ers Advisory Commission, the
placing of a Vietnam era veter-
an's bonus on the election ballot
and improvements in land use
planning and management.
Milliken said campaign and
election reform will take a high

meat because of abuses of power
at the national level."
"NEVER BEFORE in the his-
tory of this country has there
been such a crucial need for pro-
gress and reform in government
and politics," the governor said.
Milliken abhored the fact that,
"for too many people, politics
has become a dirty word and
government the enemy.
"It is more than a former vice
president and more than a presi-
dential campaign apparatus that
stand indicted in the public
mind," he said. "In the minds
of many, government and poll-
LIL cpa WI nn VlIr n l WIU otj I

AP Photo
Gene Krupa dead
Gene Krupa, shown here in a 1971 photograph, died yesterday at
his home near New York. He had been fighting leukemia for the
last ten years before succumbing at the age of 64. Krupa was one
of the world's best drummers and it was he who had elevated the
drums to the status of a solo instrument. Krupa achieved most of
his fame when he formed his own band in 1938. With the band, he
toured the world, popularizing such songs as "Sing, Sing, Sing,"
"Drum Boogie," "Dark Eyes," and "Let Me Off Uptown." The
illness that Krupa died from had curtailed his schedule in recent
11e 1l nix cis'Sity of .Michigan
Professionial Theatre Programu
3 Distinguished Rcpertory Conpanies
presenting Flideau's "wndertiily fumeyarc
October 25-27
nnQl hii'YCrrQlal l ti VwrY ePO
October 27-28
thi premiere cengagenuwn
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December 6-9
preseitifg ohnCo s "n -tilledsaire
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_ _d slakeapeare s came of , jsensui

University of Michigan Symphony Orchestra
University of Michigan Chamber Choir
WEDNESDAY, October 17, 1973 8 P.M.
Igor Stravinsky Requiem Canticles
Carl Ruggles Organum for Orchestra
Peter Maxwell Davies Veni Sancte Spiritus (American premiere)
Presented by the University of Michigan School of Music


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Artist Guitarist
Consummate artist of the guitar and lute, the unforgettable Julian Bream
returns to Hill Auditorum for another masterful recial. On the lute,
Mr. Bream will perform music of Dalza, Johnson, Molinaro,
and Dowland; for the guitar, he interprets sonatas by Scarlatti
and Sor, and Benjamin Britten's "Nocturnal," written especially
for Mr. Bream.
Recital this Sunday afternoon, October 21, at 2:30; limited
tickets available from $3.50 to $7.50.

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