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October 16, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-16

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3wle iryzgn BIIZ:I
Eighty-three years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan


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420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

News Phone: 764-0552


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Another Richard Nixon

"HE IS A RICHARD Nixon. If you like
Richard Nixon, you'll like Jerry Ford."
That commentary on the new Vice
Presidential nominee, made Saturday by
Grand Rapids Democratic Chairman Rob-
ert Kleiner, is perhaps the most apt that
has yet been made on Rep. Ford.
The almost robot-like Nixonism of
House Republican leader Ford led him to
support even the nominations of Clement
Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell to
the Supreme Court, as well as the ad-
ministration's Indochina policy.
Amnong the measures Ford sponsored
last year was one which would have per-
mitted youths to work at wages below the
applicable adult minimum wage, which
fortunately failed.
IN FACT, the highlight of Ford's Con-
gressional activities in the past few
years came when he spearheaded an at-
tempt to impeach Supreme Court justice
William Douglas.
Among the reasons he cited for im-
peaching the liberal justice was the pub-
lication of a Douglas article in Evergreen
magazine, which Ford labeled a "porno-

graphic" sheet.
Taken in sum, Ford's record is one of
lackluster party loyalty, and it was ob-
viously just that quality which appealed
to President Nixon when he made his
selection of the Vice Presidential nomi-
The almost euphoric Congressional re-
action to Ford's nomination is just one
more indication of the depths in which
that organization flounders.
PERHAPS the greatest distinction Ford
can claims is his lack of distinction.
And it is that mark which will make him
a shoo-in once perfunctory Congressional
hearings on his nomination are held.
Whether Ford will prove to be a highly
verbal and visible figure, like his prede-
cessor, remains to be seen. But it seems
assured that there will be very little that
is iconoclastic about the Vice Presidential
Ford represents more of a new face
than a break with customary adminis-
tration policy. And so far, his appoint-
ment has served more as a diversion than
as a breath of fresh air.

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TFs ask more rights,

Limiting. war powers

(Editor's note: The following article
was written by the Executive Commit-
tee of the Organization of Teaching
* * *
"The teaching fellow role is very
important to the University and worth
supporting at a very high level."
-Vice President Allan Smith,
Oct. 12
THESE WERE THE words of Vic'e Presi-
dent Smith at a meeting last Friday
with representatives from the University
Organization of Teaching Fellows. The Ad-
ministration thus seems to agree with
teaching fellows that we, as teachers, are
an integral and necessary part of the func-
tioning of this university. A difference of
opinion arises, however, when we com-
pare TF salaries with the University's in-
terpretation of "support at a very high
The basic stance of the administration
seems to be that teaching fellows are first
and foremost graduate students, and that
our paychecks represent "student aid" ra-
ther than wages for a job done. We reject
this notion. We feel that as employes, we
are entitled to be paid on the basis of
our work in the classroom, our status as
graduate students being irrelevant to this
UNTIL SEPTEMBER of this year the
compensation for teaching fellows at the

University consisted of a salary, a waiver
of the difference between in-state and out-
of-state tuition, and staff benefits such as
in-state tuition for spouses and medical in-
surance. This year, a number of separate
decisions came together.to make the fin-
ancial situation of teaching fellows unten-
able. These were: -
* Tuition increases,
* Cost of living increases,
* A freeze in salary,
* Loss of certain benefits such as in-
state tuition for spouses and the privilege
of paying in-state tuition in a third semes-
ter after having taught two semesters in
that year,
" Loss of in-state tuition benefits for
teaching fellows, and
* Obscure residency requirements mak-
ing the attainment of in-state status dub-
ious at best.
It is true that the administration h a s
softened the blow of these decisions for this
current school year. The difference be-
tween in-state and out-of-state tuition is
being granted for one year only 'to teach-
ing fellows in the form of a scholarship.
No promises are being made for the fu-
ture, and there is no way a teaching fel-
low can survive on current pay given the
levels of out-of-state tuition and the in-
crease in the cost of living.
Secondly, the administration has granted
TF's a 5.5 per cent salary increase effec-
tive in January, with the assurance that
TF's pay increases will be forever tied to

faculty salar
spread overl
per cent, wh
creases in tl
increases fo:
TF pay is1
than faculty
of hours of
further behin
to faculty sa
enable us to
We should
in disagreem
TF has less
and should b
with the noti
tional benef
iencs and s
something fo
that we feel
wage for th
enough is b
In the me
emphasized t
supply of m
able that if
people will h
is not accept
an effective
$2,000; that'
same cost
awarded the
is; that ben
at the time,
dismissed ou

end to. inequit
'y increases. We find this ob- While we sympathize with all persons or
on two counts: 5.5 per cent organizations with monetary difficulties, we
the entire year amounts to 2.75 reject the suggestion that we cannot rea-
iich is not in keeping with in- sonably ask for money that is not there.
he cost of living or even with The University has left us no choice but to
r faculty. Furthermore, .ince demand more money; where they get that
proportionally so much lower money becomes their problem.
pay for the same number
work, we are starting much IT IS CLEAR that something must give.
id. Tying our salary increases The arbitrariness of singling out TF sal-
lary increases does not even aries for downgrading can only be viewed
catch up. as evolving from the assumption that the
emphasize that we are not teaching fellows are helpless in the face of
ent with the rationale that the an anonymous bureaucracy. The fact that
experience in the classroom Mr. Smith refused to discuss the question
e paid less on that account, nor of what will happen next year, or even
on that we are deriving educa- to set up a meeting to respondto our
it from our teaching exper- demands for the present school year is also
hould be willing to sacrifice an indication of the view that we can be
r that. What we are saying is dealt with unfairly, and with no reprisals.
e we are not being paid a fair The response of the administration on
eo job we are doing, and 'not these issues is far from satisfactory, and
eing done about it. should be a clear call to action for us all.
eting last Friday, Mr. Smith We urge that all TF's concerned with
the fact that there is a limited
oney. It is eminently reason- their welfare become directly involved with
money is in short supply, some the Teaching Fellows Organization by con-
zave to receive less of it. What tacting their departmental representatives.
table is that TFis should suffer
cut in pay amounting to over
TF's should fail to receive the Members of the Organization of Teaching
of living increase that w a s Fellows' Executive Committee are Lionel
faculty, inadequate though that Biron, Michael Conte, Laurie Effron, Joe
efits which were agreed upoi,
of our appointments should be McKenna, Marlene Palmer, Gina Sapiro,
it of hand. and Merton Shill.

IN THE NEXT week or so, the Congress
will probably be presented with an-
other chance to assert its autonomy from
the executive branch of the government.
Last Friday the House of Representa-
tives sent to the President the so-called
war powers bill which would effectively
limit the President's ability to wage war
w i t h o u t Congressional approval to
90 days.
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In the past, Presidential actions in
emergency situations have resulted in
American interference in the internal af-
fairs of foreign countries by force, rang-
ing from the landing of Marines in the
Dominican Republic to the Vietnam war.
This bill would not stop such actions
from taking place, unfortunately, but
. they would not drag on for years, building
into atrocities such as that'in Indochina.
The legislation would require the
President to withdraw troops committeed
abroad after 60 days. The President
would be allowed 30 extra days if he cer-
tified to Congress that additional time
was needed to "withdraw troops safely."
A total of 90 days, we believe, is certainly
ample time for the President to act in
emergencies. If after 60 or 90 days Con-
gress does not see fit to declare War, the
status of the situations as an "emergency"
would be questionable.
HOWEVER, Nixon feels differently, and
has previously asserted that he wouldc
veto any bill with such "dangerous and
unconstitutional" provisions.
Thus the Congress will probably soon
be faced with the task decision of whe-
ther to override the veto.
Various Congressional leaders have
recently called for the Congress to reas-
sert the power which has gradually
drifted into the hands of the President in
the last decade or two, especially in the
field of foreign and military affairs.
If the Congress follows its general pat-
tern and sustains the expected Presiden-
tial veto of the war powers bill, it will
once again be obvious that Congress has
only itself to blame for any such lack of
power and input.

Economic conflict resurrects
racism for perfect minority'

sensitized barometer, t i m e-
tested for accuracy, of relations
between Japan and the United
States. Incarcerated as an "enemy
race" during World War II, tout-
ed as a 'model minority" during
the heyday of U.S.-Japanese "co-
operation", Japanese - Americans
today are beginning to feel that a
new change is in the wind.
The economic competition and
diplomatic tensions that increas-
ingly characterize relations be-
tween the two countries, Japanese-
Americans feel, spell trouble f o r
them. "Anytime relations between
Japan and the United States deter-
iorate," explains San Francisco
attorney Victor Abe, "we catch the
brunt-of it in our everyday deal-
ings with white America."
At this point, the change is sub-
tle and difficult to isolate, a feel-
ing rather than a statistic. But a
Japanese-American housewife, a
professor, a longshoreman, an edi-
tor, a student, a lawyer, and a
shopkeeper all told this reporter
they feel an upswing in prejudice
is in the offing.
WITH THE economic crisis of the
past few years, Japan has sudden-
ly been revealed as therival giant
who is draining the dollar, flood-
ing U.S. markets, buying up our
raw materials and stealing Amer-
ican jobs. Now Japanese-Ameri-
cans find that in the eyes of many
fellow-citizens, they suddenly are
appearing as "Japs".
Thousands of New York subway
riders stare up at an International
Ladies' Garment Workers' Union
(ILGWU) poster: an eyecatching
American flag labelled "Made in
Japan". It warns workers: "If
your job hasn't been exported to
Japan yet, it soon may well be."
In a leading San Francisco news-
paper a picture of a shipping lot of
Toyotas is titled, "A Japanese In-
vasion." In Arizona a car deal:r
warns in ads "Remember Pearl
Harbor and Buy American".
anese and Japanese-American agi-
tation, to many, is scarcely per-

Japanese-American salesman or
small businessman approaching a
white business. A white woman
went up to a Japanese girl under
one of the UGWU subway posters,
and said "You dirty Jap!" A San
Francisco newspaper cites several
instances of vandalism directed at
As before World War II, many
Japanese-Americans point out, the
agitation is missing its mark.
Again, they are taking the rap for
decisions made in Washington and
Tokyo and deals between General
Motors and Mitsubishi Heavy In-
Americans here point out that
while they are attacked for Jap-
an's successes, their community is
being destroyed by Japanese big
business. Dominating the landscape
in San Francisco's Japan-Town is
the Japan Trade Center, a black
and white concrete superstructure
that sprawls over four blocks.
The lion's share of the Trade
Center, where displays of Kikko-
man soy sauce; Datsun cars, and
Sony tape recorders have replaced
the former dwellings of Japanese-
Americans, is owned by Japan's
Kintetsu Enterprises. So is the
adjacent Miyako Hotel, and the
empty lots across the street where
Japanese - American businesses,
homes, and a church were recent-
ly razed to make way for another
10-story hotel and a 40-lane bowl-
ing alley.
"It might as well be Kintetsu-
Town," says longshoreman Charles
Toyooka. "We've been bulldozed
out of our community without a
chance to develop it ourselves,"
objects attorney Victor Abe.
CAUGHT IN A no-man's land
between two super-powers, an in-
creasing number of Japanese-
Americans today are working to
carve out a territory of their own.
The reappearance of old-fashioned
racism has prompted many to re-
examine the "model minority"
These Japanese-Americans f e e 1
that their postwar image of "the
silent Americans," "the race that
could assimilate", is as hollow and

tent to carry out orders, Jananese-
Americans are disproportioivvely
under-represented in decision-m k-
ing positions. Sociologist Harry Ki-
tano points out that much of the
economic "success" has actually
been through business, professions,
and services within the Japanese-
American community.
"'WHEN WE WERE kids, be-
cause of the prejudice we faced,
we wanted to assimilate. But the
more we tried, the more we found
that we couldn't,'" one Japanese-
American holding a responsible
position in the San F rancisco
branch of a large Japanese cor-
poration told me.
"Today," he continued, "I wear
two hats. At work I act. like the
Japanese who hire me, but when
I walk out into the street,' I'm
as American as you. And still, my
little grand-daughter, a century re-
moved from her immigrant ances-
tors - if we walk into a Japanese-
American store, she goes right
over and pulls down a certain kind
of pickle that all Japanese child-
ren adore."
To the third and fourth genera-
tion of Japanese-Americans, now
in their teens and twenties, build-
ing an identity means unearthing
cultural roots. Many learn Japan-
ese, and communicate for the first
time with their non-English speak-
ing grandparents. They take cours-
es in Japanese-American studies
that they demanded and sometimes
staged strikes for, and discover
ignored aspects of their history:
strikes by sugarbeet workers in
1903, rebellions in the concentra-
tion camps. They write books and
publish newspapers to preserve
their heritage: New Dawn in San
Francisco, and Gidra in Los An-
Americans, writes Evelyn Yoshi-
mura, athird-generation reporter
for Gidra, "Los Angeles' Little
Tokyo represents a living link with
the history of Japanese in Amer-
ica - a history that Japanese-
American young people are just
begining to realize and be proud
of. This is very important to many
sansei (third generation) who grew
un onfue. even s.amedo nf b-

Talis, not weapons
can calm Mideast

THE CURRENT war in the Mid-
dle East has deeply affected us
all, most profoundly those of us
who live in and love the Middle
East, with its wildness and with
its beauty. The peoples of the Mid-
dle East, however, are now de-
stroying our beautiful region, by
fostering and creating lies and by
wasting our energy in useless
Up until the last 50 years, the
Jew and Arab dwelt together in
peace. Both Jews and Arabs par-
ticipated in the Golden Age of Is-
lam. The Islamic Empire served
as a tolerant refuge for Jews flee-
ing from their less-tolerant neigh-
bors in Christian Europe of the
Middle Ages.
The Arab world is today wasting
its energy by uselessly trying to
drive away another wave of Jew-
ish immigration from the less tol-
erant Christiag Europe, a wave of
people who can again work with
them to build a progessive Middle
ONE CAN ARGUE for hours the
relative merits of the "right" of
Jews, Israelis, Palestinians, Mos-
lems, and Christians to the geo-
graphical area now occupied by the
politicad state of Israel. Each side
bases its view on history - Is-
raelis looking to Bible days and
to recent economic progress for

napalm. Both sides are developing
needless bitter feelings towards
each other. The once tolerant Mid-
dle East is being turned into a
military arsenal.
THERE IS NO need for this
waste. This activity deeply pairs
anyone who truly loves our region.
It is a tragic waste, because both
Israelis and Palestinians a r e
pawns in the larger game of world
power struggle. Our lives are post,
while both world powers supply the
arms. Palestinians believe that a
Palestine conquered by Egypt or
Syria will be given to them. They
believe that they will be given a
political state once this land is
conquered. We fear this will not
happen. One has only to look at
the refugee camps left standing by
Egypt for twenty years as proof of
their willingness to utilize the P1l-
estinians for their own propaganda
Our views are shared by tie
vast majority of Israeli,. We hon-
estly desire only peace. We do ot
want large areas of extra terri-
tory, except as buffer zones. Is-
raelis would much prefer a lasting
peace than an extra piece of desert
or hill.
However, we are also unwilling
to die without a fight. Our peo-
ple all too well remember: the
promises of Sadat and Khadaffi to
annihilate us all. The dilemma of
the Middle East is that everyone

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