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October 13, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-10-13

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See Editorial Page


it i au


See Today for details

Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXIV, No. 33 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 13, 1973 Ten Cents

Six Pages






Agnew remembered
Though perhaps not the former vice President's most
famous target, our own President Robben Fleming did
come in for some violently vicious verbal vituperation
at the hands of Spiro Agnew. The attack was in con-
nection with the 1970 Black Action Movement strike as
Agnew blasted Fleming for agreeing to students' de-
mands. Looking back on the incident yesterday Fleming
recalled a news conference held the day after to respond
to the charge. At that conference Fleming described the
Vice President as "not too well-informed on the issue."
For his troubles Fleming got several letters castigating
him for his remarks. Still Fleming claims to take no
pleasure in Mr. Agnew's demise. "It's -a depressing
business," commented the President. "One can never
take any joy in what amounts to a national and per-
sonal tragedy."
Sheehan departs
Asst. City' Administrator of Finance, Kenneth, Shee-
han, yesterday announced his resignation effective Nov.
23 to assume a similar position in St. Petersburg, Fla.
Recently Sheehan has come under fire from several
City Council members, particularlyi Jerry DeGrieck
(HRP-First Ward) who charged him with incompetence
and negligence. Sheehan said the allegations in no way
influenced his decision to resign.
A correction
In yesterday's Daily we quoted Laurie Artz as say-
ing that her desk at SGC had been stolen by President
Lee Gill. Artz maintains that while the desk was indeed
stolen, she did not accuse Gill or anyone else of' the
Happenings .
today is a good day to renew your friendship
with that\person you know with a cable television. Those
with cable can view today's gridiron clash between
Michigan and Michigan State at 1:30 p.m. on Channel
23 . . . at 3 p.m., the undefeated Undergraduate Soccer
Club is welcoming spectators for their game at Fuller
Field against the Detroit Institute of Technology . . .
Drug Help, Ozone House and Community Center Project
are sponsoring a benefit concert with Bonnie Raitt as
the feature attraction. The concert is set for 8:00
p.m. at Hill Auditorium . . . there will be a Three
Stooges Festival at Bursley Hall, West Cafeteria at
9:00 p.m. . . . Looking ahead to tomorrow there will be
a day-long Festival of Life held in the Arb, or at Alice
Lloyd in case of rain. A pot luck lunch plus workshops
in such things as the occult, meditation and metaphysics
as well as some dancing and good old time fun are on
the agenda.
Agnew memorabilia
Brennan's Restaurant in New Orleans says it has
no intention of removing its "Shrimp Creole Agnew" now
that the former Vice President has fallen. The dish,
which consists of boiled shrimp in a spicy thick tomato
sauce on mountains of boiled rice, received its name
because Agnew was so fond of it. According to the
manager of the restaurant, Mr. Agnew often ordered
seconds of the culinary treat. Asked about changing
the name the shrewd manager replied, "Oh, no, it's
a collector's item now. We might even raise the pric."
Tea time
A South Vietnamese negotiator at the ceasefire talks
in Saigon said yesterday he has begun approaching Viet
Cong delegates during coffee breaks because their pre-
pared statements prevent progress during the formal
sessions. Brigadier-General Phan Hoa Hiep, deputy chief
delegate to the Joint Military commission, saidthe Viet
Cong delegates invariably eat cream cakes and dough-
nuts. He added that although there seemed little hope
of breakthrough in the formal talks, he planned to con-
tinue discussing ceasefire issues in the breaks.

Peron returns
Juan Peron took the oath of office as president of
Argentina yesterday, 18 years after he was chased from
the country by a military coup. His wife Isabel was
sworn in as vice president, making her the first woman
vice president in the Americas. The ceremony took place
before a joint session of the country's congress with
Peron dressed in the uniform of an army lieutenant
On the inside .. .
. . Diane Levick reviews Bartok on the. Arts Page
the Editorial Page looks back at former Vice Pres-
ident Spiro Agnew . . . Marc Feldman gives up a pre-
,v , ia axx ftrn ' nt nl - al xit nrh ivl w ia n

Long-time Rep.


Michigan gets the nod-

By Reuten
WASHINGTON - President
Nixon last night nominated
Gerald Ford, the long-time
R e p u b 1 i c a n Congress-
man from Michigan and the
GOP leader in the House of
Representatives, as vice pres-
If confirmed by a majority of
both the Senate and the House,
Ford will succeed Spiro Agnew,
who resigned and was convicted of
tax evasion Wednesday.
Ford, 60, attended the University
from 1932 to 1935, and was a star
center. for the Michigan football
teams of 1932, '33, and '34. Ford,
from Grand Rapids, has been a
member of the House of Rere-
sentatives continuously since 1948.
The President disclosed his
choice in a nationally televised
speech delivered before his Cabi-
net, Supreme Court justices, Ad-
ministration leaders and foreign
diplomats assembled in the East
Room of the White House.
AS SOON AS Nixon started to
list the qualifications of the. yet un-
announced nominee, the guests in
the East Room burst into applause
See related story, Page 3
and turned towards Ford.
Nixon claimed the leadership of
the United States would be in good
hands if Mr. Ford was called to
the presidency.
Ford and his family kept the
choice a closely guarded secret,
although he met Nixon yesterday
After that session, he told re-
porters he had not been told by
the President one way or the other.
His wife told a reporter by tele-
phone during the dinnerhour that
she had no indication who had been
Ford; apparently highly regarded
in Congress, is expected to win
rapid approval from his colleagues
in the House and Senate.
THE PRESIDENT said Ford had
served in Congress for 25 years
with great distinction and had giv-
en the President unwavering sup-
When Nixon ended his remarks,
the smiling Ford walked up to him,
shook his hand and declared:
"I am deeplydhonored, extreme-
ly grateful and terribly humble,
but I pledge to you, Mr. President,
and I pledge to my colleagues in
Congress that. . , if confirmed by
my colleagues I will do my ut-
most . . to serve this country and
to perform those duties that will be
my new assignment as effectively
and as efficiently and with as
much accomplishment as possi-
UNIVERSITY President Robben
Fleming said last night: "Rep.
Ford is a distinguished University
of Michigan alumnus of the class
of 1935 and is a man of integrity.
The University and the State of
Michigan are honored to have this
respected public servant nominat-
ed for the position. We are partic-
ularly proud that Rep. Ford's pa-
pers have been given to the Michi-
gan Historical Collections on our
campus since 1963."

University band director George
Cavender announced last night that
the traditional "M Fanfare" at to-
day's Michigan - Michigan State
game will be. dedicated to Ford.
Ford has backed Nixon continu-
ously on foreign and domestic poli-
cy issues.
The atmosphere surrounding the
President's announcement was one
of fellowship with Agnew's resigna-
tion apparently forgotten.
Nixon expressed confidence that
the country would meet the chal-

lenges ahead, but said it could be
successful only with the support
of millions of Americans, biparti-
san support in Congress, and
strong leadership.
Agnew resigned in the midst of a
grand jury investigation into, al-
legations that while governor of
Maryland, before becoming vice-
president in 1969, he accepted il-
legal payments in return for state
contracts and that these payments
continued when he was vice presi-

Soviets charge
Israelis attacked



THE MAN PRESIDENT NIXON nominated to be the next vice president, U.S. Rep. Gerald Ford (R-
Mich.), strikes a classic football pose in this picture taken when Ford trod the gridiron for the Michigan
Wolverines. Ford played for the University in 1932, '33 and '34.

So Ia tion

to city.budget

woes. remains

Last of a two-part series
City officials have yet to de-
velop any definitiveremedies for
the city's critical financial woes
and readily predict even more
problems in the near future.
Saddled with a debt topping $1
million, the city is operating un-
der the most severe fiscal condi-
tions in its history. However, nei-
ther the mayor nor the city ad-
ministrator has designed a plan
for reducing that deficit.
Personnel reductions look like a
real possibility by the end of fis-
cal 1974 next June. City Council
has been alerted that municipal

employes could face "payless pay
days" when spring arrives.
MOREOVER,dcity services.
which steadily declined as the de-
ficit grew, will probably not im-
prove and some social programs
may get axed completely for lack
of funds.
Meanwhile, this year's budget,
originally drafted to balance at
about $16 million, may well wind
up in the red, despite tough watch-
dog policies instituted last month
to prevent departmental overex-
The grim financial picture rose
out of the inflationary trends in

Record low turnout
marks SGC election

the late 60's. Basic governmental
operating costs, particulary wages,
increased much faster than the
city's revenue sources..
Council moved to cut back ex-
penses, but stopped short of firing
permanent city workers - a factor
which, contributed heavily to the
deficit spending over the last five
The administration further ag-
gravated the volatile situation by
submitting budgets containing ov-
erly optimistic revenue estimates.
Basically the debt can only be
reduced by increasing revenues or
cutting back expenditures - hence
personnel and quality of service.
Thecity has reached the maximum
revenue level it can legitimately
SOME OFFICIALS cling to the
hope of instituting a city income
tax. But in the past, voters have
expressed overwhelming disap-'
proval of such a measure. Like-
wise federal revenue sharing can-
not provide the additional income.
All the federal funds are currently
being used to balance the present
City Administrator Sylvester
Murray concedes that "revenues
have about reached the maxi-
mum," but he refuses to flatly en-
dorse personnel cutbacks.
Murray says; however, if "an
acceptable quality and quantity"
of work can be done with fewer em-
ployes, that avenue "should be
taken." Council holds the responsi-
bility for defining acceptable serv-
ice levels, he claims.
MAYOR JAMES Stephenson con-
tends that before council can es-
tablish priority programs the ad-
ministration must supply budget

By Reuter
The Soviet Union last night ac-
cused Israel of causing Soviet cas-
ualties in both Syria and Egypt
and of sinking a Soviet merchant
ship .in a Syrian port, while U. S.
officials said that the United States
has begun flying artillery and anti-
tank ammunition to Israel.
War curb
bill sent
to Nixon
WASHINGTON (A') - Congress
forced a showdown with President
Nixon over his war powers yester-
day as the House overwhelmingly
approved limits on a president's
power to commit combat forces ov-
The House sent the measure to
President Nixon's near-certain veto
by a vote of 238 to 123, which
would have been only three votes
short of the two-thirds vote needed
to override a veto.
the vote as a true test of whether
Congress could override a veto.
But House Foreign Affairs Chair-
man Thomas Morgan, (D-Pa.),
said it encouraged him to believe
Congress could.
The Senate approved the bill
Wednesday by 75 to 20, well over
the two-thirds. First, a conference
committee ironed out differences
in Senate and House bills, which
originated from discontent over the
Vietnam war.
President Nixon has already said
he would veto any bill containing
curbs he called "dangerous and un-
constitutional" which remain in the
bill sent to him.
Republican Leader Gerald Ford
told the House he reads the bill as
being as unacceptable to the Presi-
See HOUSE, Page 3

Meanwhile, 12 Israeli jets and
three helicopters were shot down
by Egyptian missiles during raids
yesterday on the Egyptian town of
Port Said and along the Suez Cana
f r o n t, according to Egyptian
The Washington officials refused
to give details of the amount of
munitions being flown in, but they
said earlier they could be sent
from U. S. bases in Europe to re-
duce flying time.
THEY SAID the United States
was also supplying Israel ,with
sidewinder leat-seeking missiles
and Sparrow air-to-air missiles,
but would not say how these were
being provided.
In Moscow, a statement from the
official Soviet Agency Tass said:
"The Soviet Union demands an
immediate stop to the bombings of
peaceful towns in Syria and Egypt
and the strict observance by Israel
of the norms of international law,
including those regarding the free-
dom of navigation.
"The continuation by Israel. of
its criminal acts will lead to grave
consequences for Israel itself.
"Today, as a result of shelling
by Israeli missile launches of the
Syrian Port of Tartous, the Soviet
merchant ship Ilya Mechnikov,
which arrived at Tartous with
equipment for the hydropower com-
plex now under construction on the
Euphrates, was sunk."
THE STATEMENT did not make
clear whether the Soviet victims
had died or only been injured.
An Egyptian communique said
seven Israeli aircraft were shot
down over Fort Said and five
planes and three helicopters were
shot down- over the canal front.
Earlier, the Egyptians said that
tanks supported by fighter bomb-
ers knocked out 13 Israeli tanks
and 19 armored vehicles in a battle
yesterday in the Sinai desert.
Egypt claimed that 200 Israelis
were killed or wounded in the bat-
tle, in Sinai's central sector.
The Israeli air raids on Port
Said, the second this week, follow-
ed heavy Israeli attacks on air-
fields in the Nile delta region
Thursday in which at least one ci-
vilian target was hit.

A record low turnout, a compli-
cated ballot and ensuing complica-
tions from the new 10-10-10 con-
stitution plagued this week's all-
campus election.
While the new constitution -
calling for a greatly expanded
number of Student Government
Council seats - was prompting
some SGC members to claim that
"the barbarians are at the gates,"
the election was suffering from a
new low in voters.
elections was estimated at an un-
precedented low of about 3000 by
Elections Director Ron Strauss.
Three thousand is less than 12
per cent of the University's stu-
dent population of 35,000. That 12

Strauss backed down from that
warning Thursday, explaining, "I
had meant that if there was a
turnout of only about 1000, and
there were other complications, we
would have to think up a different
Despite the fact that so few peo-
ple voted, it seems most students
knew that an election was taking
'Most students interviewed in an
informal Daily poll knew about the
elections but did not vote.
interviewed likened SGC to "high
school student government."
Another non-voter complained
about what they viewed as SGC's
leftist . orientation, decrying its
"radical railings.'

Court of Appeals rules Nixon
must release Watergate tapes

WASHINGTON (Reuter) - The
U. S. Court of Appeals ruled yes-
terday that President Nixon must
surrender the Watergate tapes,
thus setting the stage for an his-
toric confrontation on the issue
in the Supreme Court.
The appeals court upheld, with
certain modifications, the Aug. 28
ruling of U. S. District Judge John
Sirica that Nixon must permit the
judge to hear the tapes privately

The court's order sets up a pro-
cedure under which any 'such
claims by the President can be de-
bated in a special District Court
If Judge Sirica is convinced the
cited portions of the tapes are in-
deed too sensitive for examination
beyond the walls of the White
House, he may even rule out his
own examination of those sections.

A balancing of interests must be
undertaken to determine whether
the national interest would be bet-
ter served by disclosure of the con-
versations or by recognizing Nix-
on's claim that the doctrine of
"executive privilege" permits him
to keep them secret, the unsigned
opinion of the five judges in the
majority said.
THE JUDGES said there 'had

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