Page Two
Tuesday, October 9, 1971
Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday1 October 9, 197
Are you interested in helping fellow students, lost in
the academic jungle?
Or are you just looking for something fun, even ful-
filling to do between classes?
O1: A potential ace
up the Arabs' sleeve
student staffed, peer counseling center needs volunteers.
COURSE MART COMMITTEE, operating through
the same office, also needs volunteers.
Check us out in 1018 Angell Hall anytime: talk to Seth,
Patty, Mary, or Penny. OR come to pur Counselor orien-
tation meeting WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11, 7:30 p.m.-
1018 ANGELL HALL. 763-1552.
By FRED COLEMAN said they thought unified Arab use
co n tin u es An AP News Analysis of the oil weapon was unlikely
LONDON-The new war in the "short of another Middle East
Middle East could well determine war.
whether oil isureally an important The war has arrived and these
die East. weapon in the Arab arsenal. experts believe the situation is now
"THERE WAS no word on the Experts in London agree that if fundamentally different than it was
Soviet leader's response, but Mos- the weapon is used the result would during the June 1967 Arab-Israeli
cow has so far issued no call for likely be oil shortages in Western conflict when the oil weapon was
a ceasefire. Europe, Japan and to some degree used to little effect.
At the start of the 1967 war, the United States. Higher fuel The Arabs then accused the West
M o s c o w immediately branded prices and perhaps rationing could of aiding Israel's war effort. They
Israel the aggressor and called for result. cut off oil supplies to key Western
the withdrawal of Israeli forces THERE ARE strong pressures nations. But within three months
from occupied Arab lands. This on the Arabs to tread carefully they realized they needed the oil
time, however, Soviet leaders have before unleashing the oil weapon. income more than the West needed
simply warned the conflict could By the third day of the war, there fuel supplies. So they turned the
jeopardize the growing East-West was still no sign of any plan by the tap back on.
detente and have called for a set- major Middle East producers to
tlement which would guarantee the cut off oil altogether as they did IN THOSE DAYS the West had
rights of all states and peoples in for three months following the 1967 access to more oil supplies than it
the area. war. could use. Western governments
The 200-mile-long ceasefire line It remained to be seen whether could laugh off a threatened Mid-
between Israel and Jordan remain- some Arab states may yet decide die East oil boycott by saying of
ed quiet with no indication that to cut back oil supplies in an at- the Arabs, "Let them drink oil."
King Hussein would take the prom- tempt to pressure the United States Ey
inent battle role his country as- and others to drop support of Expetsee s the ol mr
sumed in the 1967 war. Israel. There was much talk cf gin between world oil producing
AS A RESULT of the 1967 can- such a cutback in Arab capitals capacity and current demand is
flict, Jordan lost the West Bank even before the outbreak of hos- between two and three per cent o
of the Jordan and was pl ngel' in- tilities.Ibewntoadtheprcntf
to a virtual civil war Detween the The clearest point to emerge so current supplies. In effect this
Jordanian army andPaetnn far was that the new war probably means that if only one radical
commandos. would change the politics of oil. Arab oil producer, like Libya, were
-- - MOST E X P ER T S here w h o to cut off its supplies there would
argued that the West had time, be a shortage that could lead to
People! Music!Food! left themselves a loophole. They some rationing.
tantalizing tidbits by" " """
performed by
Emily TUPPER flute o " "
Laura SHETLER, flute
Ken MILLER, cello"
Beth GILBERT, piano'
Cheryl FABA, pianoO
Thurs., Oct. 11, 8 p.m.
E. Quad Greene Lounge
No musical knowledge needed i
tonsil tantalizing
served afterward
further info:
761-0102 or 665-6265
AP Photo
ARROWS INDICATE counterattacks by Israel against Egyptians
and Syrians yesterday, sending armor and warplanes-into action
on twin fronts. Israel said it had destroyed all Egyptian bridges
over the Suez Canal, trapping thousands of Egyptian soldiers and
tanks in the Sinai Peninsula without an avenue of retreat.
UN split on how to
halt Mideast war
(Continued from Page 1) tions .
forts" in a futile attempt to half BRITAIN'S SIR Donald Maitland
the impending conflict he said. told the council its first objective
THE U.S. ENVOY asked the "must be to secure the earliest
council in the coming days to "re- possible end to the fighting . . .
store in some measure its historic We should not allow ourselves to
role of constructive ameliorator be deflected from it by engaging
peacemaker in the most critical now in attempts to apportion
explosive area in the world." blame."
Scali asked the council to apply In the General Assembly, Israel
three principles: referred to reports of the UN mil-
-Halt military operations "so ilitary observers in accusing the
that additional human suffering Arabs of a "treacherous Pearl Har-
may be avoided and the search bor attack."
for peace may proceed;" The outbreak proved Israel cor-
-"Have the parties concerned rect in refusing to withdraw from
return to the positions before hos- occupied Arab territory without a
tilities broke out" because this peace agreement, Israeli Foreign
would be "the last damaging way" Minister Abba Eban said.
to work from confrontation to ne- SYRIA AND EGYPT said their
gotiation; and, armies crossed the Middle East
-Adhere to principles already armistice 1 i n e s in self-defense
accepted as the way to peace in against an Israeli attack.
the Middle East and avoid destroy- aat a Israel c striking
aing the foundations so laboriously first with the intention of "par-
__heed__th_ pat r g titioning Egypt, Syria and Jor-
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But he added, "Egyptian forces
have now crossed to the eastern
bank of the Suez canal where they
hoisted Egypt's flag on Egypt's
Zayyat said, Egypt's "act of self-
defense is not an act of madness
as it was described by Meir," pre-
mier of Israel.
"It is madness to expect the
Arabs to suffer in silence the con-
tinued occupation of our lands?".
he said.
SGC polls
open today
(Continued from Page 1)
Tower/MLB, Business Administra-
tion, Dental School, Nursing School,
Music School, Architecture and De-
sign, and between the Chemistry
and the Natural Resources Bldg.
For those up for ballot stuffing,
sniching or other illegal vting
acts, SGC is attempting to thwart
any fraudalent acts.
A UNINFORMED, professional
security guard will be at each poll-
ing place to check I.D. numbers
and to make s'ire no one runs off
with an armful of ballots. Giuards
will be stationed at the poillag
places "from the time the ba]!cts
are cast until they are counted.
THERE WILL BE an estimated
4,000 people at the polls toclay,
although SGC members would like
to see 10,000.
Volume LXXXIV, No. 29
Tuesday, October 9, 1973
is edited and managed by students a1
the University of Michigan. News phonf
764-0562. Second class postage, paid at
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 May-
nard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (cam-
pus area); $11 local mail (Michigan and
Ohio); $12 non-local mail (other statee
and foreign).
Summer session published Tuesda:
through Saturday morning. Subscrip
tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campu
area): $6.50 local mail (Michigan anc
Ohio); $7.00 non-local mail (othe
states and fo, eign).
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